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Wang-Ball基函数的对偶基及其应用   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
对于n次Wang-Ball曲线给出其对偶基,进而得到从Bernstein基到Wang-Ball基函数的显式转换公式.  相似文献   

利用任意偶数次Said—Ball基的对偶基,给出Said—Ball基函数下的Marsden恒等式,并实现Bezier曲线到Said—Ball曲线的转换.这些结果对Said—Ball曲线在CAGD中的应用及推广是极为有益的.  相似文献   

为了扩大自由型曲线曲面的选择范围,提出了一族介于Bézier曲线与Wang-Ball曲线之间的新型曲线,并在形式上将Bézier曲线与Wang-Ball曲线统一起来;同时给出了有关的升阶公式、递推算法以及将基函数用Bernstein多项式来表示的系数公式.  相似文献   

为了扩大自由型曲线曲面的选择范围,提出了一族介于Bézier曲线与Wang-Ball曲线之间的新型曲线,并在形式上将Bézier曲线与Wang-Ball曲线统一起来;同时给出了有关的升阶公式、递推算法以及将基函数用Bernstein多项式来表示的系数公式.  相似文献   

Wang-Said型广义Ball曲线的细分算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang-Said型广义Ball曲线(WSGB),以不同参数L统一表达了一批有用的曲线.利用对偶泛函,给出了此类曲线的一种新颖的显式细分算法.与传统的离散算法不同,该算法避免了烦琐的矩阵求逆及基转换,推导简捷;且其使用可归结为细分矩阵与顶点向量阵的乘积,绘图比较方便.作为特例,参数L取特殊值时验证了与Wang-Ball细分矩阵、Said-Ball细分矩阵表达式的统一性.  相似文献   

NURBS细分曲线算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从基于差商算子定义B样条的角度,在对B样条基函数进行细分基础上提出了一种NURBS细分曲线算法,应用在自由型曲线生成和形状控制上具有良好的实际效果,完全具备了参数NURBS曲线的重要性质。最后给出了细分曲线生成圆及圆弧的实例。  相似文献   

给出了一种由Bezier曲线生成分形曲线的细分叠加方法。将参数二周期化后的Bezier曲线进行递归细分,得到细分曲线序列,再依次将此细分曲线序列无限叠加,构造出处处连续而处处不可微的分形曲线,具有某种自相似性。此Bezier分形曲线可表示为原Bezier曲线控制顶点的线性组合,其调配函数由参数二周期化后的Bernstein基函数无限细分叠加生成,处处连续而处处不可微,且有某种自相似性。数值实验表明此细分叠加方法所生成的曲线具有分形特征。  相似文献   

为了构造具有良好性质的插值基函数用来构造插值曲线与曲面,引入一类具有精确的局部支撑和无穷次可微的函数;将其与sinc函数结合并优化,构造一类相似于插值细分基函数的新基函数,这类新基函数保持了以往基函数的良好性质,并具有以往基函数所不具有的精确局部支撑性的优点.实例结果表明,文中构造的新基函数有很好的效果;与传统的Akima方法相比,所构造的曲线总体上具有较好的光顺性.  相似文献   

给出了n次带形状参数λ的Wang-Ball曲线,它具有n次Wang-Ball曲线的类似性质.形状参数λ具有明显的几何意义:λ越大,曲线越逼近控制多边形.当λ=0时,曲线退化为一条线段;当λ=2时,曲线退化为Wang-Ball曲线.给出了曲线的递归求值,升阶和降阶逼近算法,用Bézier形式表达的系数公式及两段曲线G1,C1连续拼接的条件.  相似文献   

有关B样条曲线曲面的binary细分技巧及其应用的研究已经获得了许多成果,建立在B样条binary细分基础上的binary细分法收敛性连续性分析的生成多项式法就是其中之一。该文研究了B样条曲线的p-nary细分问题,给出并证明了B样条基函数的p尺度细分方程中细分系数的计算公式及其性质,讨论了用p-nary细分生成非有理及有理B样条曲线的细分规则。采用该文的方法可方便而快速地在计算机上绘制有理B样条曲线。文章的结果可用于对一般p-nary曲线细分法收敛性及连续性的分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new basis,the WSB basis,which unifies the Bernstein basis,Wang-Ball basis and Said-Ball basis,and therefore the Bézier curve,Wang-Ball curve and Said-Ball curve are the special cases of the WSB curve based on the WSB basis.In addition,the relative degree elevation formula,recursive algorithm and conversion formula between the WSB basis and the Bernstein basis are given.  相似文献   

莫尔信号细分是光栅传感器应用的必要环节,幅值分割法是实现莫尔信号细分的重要手段.为减小信号质量对细分结果造成的影响,误差补偿成为细分实现过程中必不可少的单元.本文针对数字式幅值细分方法开展研究,针对ADC参数对光栅莫尔信号误差补偿和细分效果的影响进行分析,建立ADC参数与莫尔信号直流补偿、幅值补偿和细分倍数之间的量化模型,设计并开展了直流和幅值补偿效果实验.研究结果表明:不同位宽的ADC对莫尔信号误差补偿和细分效果的影响不同,在本文模型的基础上,ADC位宽应提高1 bit~2 bit.研究成果对于莫尔信号数字式幅值分割细分系统的工程实现具有一定的指导意义和参考价值.  相似文献   

用C-C细分法和流形方法构造G2连续的自由型曲面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过改进Cotrina等利用流形方法构造n边曲面片的算法,以C-C细分网格奇异点的5一环作为控制网构造出了带有均匀三次B样条边界的n边曲面片,使得该曲面片和C-C细分曲面G^2拼接.在此基础上,讨论了C-C细分曲面中n边域的构造和填充,从而为基于任意拓扑网格构造低次G^2连续曲面的问题给出了一个有效的解决方案,实现了用流形方法构造的曲面和C-C细分曲面的融合.最后,给出了几个具体算例.  相似文献   

利用GPU的强大浮点数计算能力和并行处理能力,提出一种完全基于GPU的视点相关自适应细分内核进行快速细分计算的方法.在GPU中,依次实现视点相关的面片细分深度值计算、基于基函数表的细分表面顶点求值、细分表面绘制等核心步骤,无须与CPU端系统内存进行几何数据交换.视点相关的自适应细分准则在表面绘制精度保持不变的情况下,有效地降低了细分表面的细分深度和细分的计算量,在此基础上完全基于GPU的细分框架使得曲面细分具有快速高效的特点.该方法还可以在局部重要细节用较大深度值进行实时自适应细分,以逼近极限曲面.  相似文献   

Thin plate splines are a well known entity of geometric design. They are defined as the minimizer of a variational problem whose differential operators approximate a simple notion of bending energy. Therefore, thin plate splines approximate surfaces with minimal bending energy and they are widely considered as the standard "fair" surface model. Such surfaces are desired for many modeling and design applications.
Traditionally, the way to construct such surfaces is to solve the associated variational problem using finite elements or by using analytic solutions based on radial basis functions. This paper presents a novel approach for defining and computing thin plate splines using subdivision methods. We present two methods for the construction of thin plate splines based on subdivision: A globally supported subdivision scheme which exactly minimizes the energy functional as well as a family of strictly local subdivision schemes which only utilize a small, finite number of distinct subdivision rules and approximately solve the variational problem. A tradeoff between the accuracy of the approximation and the locality of the subdivision scheme is used to pick a particular member of this family of subdivision schemes.
Later, we show applications of these approximating subdivision schemes to scattered data interpolation and the design of fair surfaces. In particular we suggest an efficient methodology for finding control points for the local subdivision scheme that will lead to an interpolating limit surface and demonstrate how the schemes can be used for the effective and efficient design of fair surfaces.  相似文献   

We propose a novel approach for computing correspondences between subdivision surfaces with different control polygons. Our main observation is that the multi‐resolution spectral basis functions that are open used for computing a functional correspondence can be compactly represented on subdivision surfaces, and therefore can be efficiently computed. Furthermore, the reconstruction of a pointwise map from a functional correspondence also greatly benefits from the subdivision structure. Leveraging these observations, we suggest a hierarchical pipeline for functional map inference, allowing us to compute correspondences between surfaces at fine subdivision levels, with hundreds of thousands of polygons, an order of magnitude faster than existing correspondence methods. We demonstrate the applicability of our results by transferring high‐resolution sculpting displacement maps and textures between subdivision models.  相似文献   

The quad/triangular subdivision, whose control net and refined meshes consist of both quads and triangles, provides better visual quality of subdivision surfaces. While some theoretical results such as polynomial reproduction and smoothness analysis of quad/triangle schemes have been obtained in the literature, some issues such as the basis functions at quad/triangle vertices and design of interpolatory quad/triangle schemes need further study. In our study of quad/triangle schemes, we observe that a quad/triangle subdivision scheme can be derived from a nonhomogeneous refinement equation. Hence, the basis functions at quad/triangle vertices are shifts of the refinable function associated with a nonhomogeneous refinement equation. In this paper a quad/triangle subdivision surface is expressed analytically as the linear combination of these basis functions and the polynomial reproduction of matrix-valued quad/triangle schemes is studied. The result on polynomial reproduction achieved here is critical for the smoothness analysis and construction of matrix-valued quad/triangle schemes. Several new schemes are also constructed.  相似文献   

研究地质构造建模问题,为了能够真实反映三维地质体真实形态,针对传统的三维空间数据模型方法难以真实反映现实三维地质体的形态,提出了基于多尺度八叉树细分算法来真实构建三维地质体模型。基于八叉树细分算法的地学对象表达满足了数据多尺度组织和地质体及属性多尺度划分的需求,同时以空间体元建立起了各种地学对象之间的联系,为空间分析奠定了基础,且地质有了数字上的三维显示。经实验证明,本文提出的地质体建模是一种基于八叉树细分算的方法,这种方法可以应付各种复杂常见的地质条件,且准确度高。  相似文献   

Method for intersecting algebraic surfaces with rational polynomial patches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents a hybrid algorithm for the computation of the intersection of an algebraic surface and a rational polynomial parametric surface patch. This algorithm is based on analytic representation of the intersection as an algebraic curve expressed in the Bernstein basis; automatic computation of the significant points of the curve using numerical techniques, subdivision and convexity properties of the Bernstein basis; partitioning of the intersection domain at these points; and tracing of the resulting monotonic intersection segments using coarse subdivision and faceting methods coupled with Newton techniques. The algorithm described in the paper treats intersections of arbitrary order algebraic surfaces with rational biquadratic and bicubic patches and introduces efficiency enhancements in the partitioning and tracing parts of the solution process. The algorithm has been tested with up to degree four algebraics and bicubic patches.  相似文献   

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