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介绍了新冠肺炎疫情大数据可视化平台的搭建:以大量的新冠肺炎疫情数据为基础,借助Echarts技术以及交互组件,通过可视化图形与地图集成的方式对疫情数据进行可视化展示.实现从多个角度展示国内疫情发展趋势,丰富了疫情数据的展示内容,为广大人民群众了解新冠肺炎疫情提供了便利.  相似文献   

疫情期间,人工智能在众多场景中实现了落地应用。其中,依图医疗围绕新冠肺炎打造的智能评价系统,可以辅助医生分析疑似患者的CT影像,进而做出初步诊断。此外,依图医疗推出的小依医生、区域传染病智能防控解决方案同样为疫情防控提供了科技支撑。国内新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎(以下简称新冠肺炎)疫情爆发后,收治患者成为头等大事,尤其对于武汉市而言,提高收治能力迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,党中央、国务院高度重视疫情防控工作,中央领导多次发表重要讲话和作出指示批示,强调要充分运用大数据分析等方法支撑疫情防控工作。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,传播速度之快、影响范围之广前所未有,对我国突发公共卫生事件应急机制和疫情防控工作带来极大的考验。面对疫情,信息通信行业全面启动应急响应机制,全力保障通信网络和信息服务的高效畅通。我们看到,基础电信企业依靠创新技术应用,在最短时限实现了重点医院、疾控中心这些重要场所的通信畅达。  相似文献   

2020年新冠肺炎疫情对各行业产生了巨大的冲击,也加快了很多行业的信息化进程。高校作为重点防控区域,信息化成为学校疫情防控的主要手段,给信息化的发展带来了机遇与挑战。特别是疫情防控常态化的要求下,信息化更需要提供持续助力。本文结合实践经验,从疫情期间高校人员管理、在线教学实践、校园防疫防控等方面分析了高校信息化的几点问题,结合问题分析了高校信息化工作的启示,以期借助此次特殊形势让高校的教育信息化工作上一个新台阶。  相似文献   

在这场没有硝烟的新冠肺炎疫情防控阻击战中,社会各方面都在积极行动,为抗击疫情贡献力量。许多人工智能企业纷纷响应工业和信息化部关于充分发挥人工智能赋能效用、协力抗击疫情的倡议,以科技为武器,基于自身优势,短时间内研发、投放各类支持抗疫的AI系统、平台和产品,在疫情防控工作中发挥了不可替代的积极作用。  相似文献   

新年伊始,新冠肺炎在全国各地蔓延。本该阖家欢乐的春节,笼罩着一层阴云。一方有难,八方支援,各方力量全力以赴,展开了一场全国总动员的疫情防控阻击战。创新驱动,用科技抗击疫情。在这场战“疫”中,自动化、人工智能、工业互联网等技术发挥着重要作用。开展大数据分析,监测疫情,精准施策;AI多人体温快速检测,安全可靠且高效;5G远程会诊,减少医患直接接触;基于工业互联网平台,精准配置资源,让医院建设更加高效;巡逻机器人、消毒机器人、送餐机器人等自动化新技术也成为抗击疫情的重要“武器”。  相似文献   

面对突发的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,我院充分利用智慧医疗的远程、专业、便捷等特点,第一时间开通了互联网新冠肺炎咨询门诊、图文和视频咨询门诊、外延处方等功能。门诊筛查登记、物联网辅助发热筛查、医生站和护士站肺炎危急值提醒、新冠肺炎AI智能诊断系统等信息系统智能辅助登记和决策,实现了分诊筛查、智能提醒,从而提高了诊断效率。远程会诊和会议系统、全市新冠肺炎CT影像诊断云平台的使用大大提高了会诊效率、避免了交叉感染的风险。  相似文献   

在防控新冠肺炎期间,地铁、学校、医院等公共场所的入口经常有I对大密度人群进行体温测量及口罩佩戴检查的需求。本文为口罩佩戴识别提供了便于终端部署的系统化解决方案,将深度学习、嵌入式A等新兴技术运用到群防群控的防疫措施I当中,通过使用基于深度学习的轻量级目标检测模型实现人脸口罩佩戴识别、人脸识别等功能,使得疫情防控更加智能,借助于嵌入式A推理平台,把基于深度学习的轻量级目标检测模型部署到终端,以便于在各种场景中的快速部署和实施,帮助解决各种场景下的防控难题。  相似文献   

目的 新冠肺炎(COVID-19)已经成为全球大流行疾病,在全球范围数百万人确诊。基于计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)数据的影像学分析是临床诊断的重要手段。为了实现快速高效高精度地检测,提出了一种超级计算支撑的新冠肺炎CT影像综合分析辅助系统构建方法。方法 系统整个处理流程依次包括输入处理模块、预处理模块、影像学分析子系统和人工智能(artifiaial intelligence,AI)分析子系统4部分。其中影像学分析子系统通过分析肺实变、磨玻璃影和铺路石等影像学典型特征检测是否有肺炎和典型新冠肺炎特征,给出肺炎影像分析结论;AI分析子系统通过构建深度学习模型来区分普通病毒肺炎与新冠肺炎,增加肺炎的筛查甄别能力。结果 系统发布以来,持续稳定地为国内外超过三十家医院与一百多家科研机构提供了新冠肺炎辅助诊断服务和科研支撑,为抗击疫情提供重要支撑。结论 本文提出的超级计算支撑的新冠肺炎CT影像综合分析辅助系统构建方法,取得了应用效果,是一种有效实现快速部署服务、对突发疫情提供高效支撑的服务方式。  相似文献   

为了设计一种具有低成本、低功耗、易操作、功能强且可靠性高的煤矿井下安全分站,针对煤矿安全生产实际,文章提出了采用MCS-51系列单片机为核心、具有CAN总线通信接口的煤矿井下安全监控分站的设计方案;首先给出煤矿井下安全监控分站的整体构架设计,然后着重阐述模拟量输入信号处理系统的设计过程,最后说明单片机最小系统及其键盘、显示、报警、通信等各个组成部分的设计;为验证设计方案的可行性与有效性,使用Proteus软件对设计内容进行仿真验证,设计的煤矿井下安全监控分站具有瓦斯、温度等模拟量参数超标报警功能和电机开停、风门开闭等开关量指示功能;仿真结果表明:设计的煤矿井下安全监控分站具有一定的实际应用价值.  相似文献   

In modern service-oriented architectures, database access is done by a special type of services, the so-called data access services (DAS). Though, particularly in data-intensive applications, using and developing DAS are very common today, the link between the DAS and their implementation, e.g. a layer of data access objects (DAOs) encapsulating the database queries, still is not sufficiently elaborated, yet. As a result, as the number of DAS grows, finding the desired DAS for reuse and/or associated documentation can become an impossible task. In this paper we focus on bridging this gap between the DAS and their implementation by presenting a view-based, model-driven data access architecture (VMDA) managing models of the DAS, DAOs and database queries in a queryable manner. Our models support tailored views of different stakeholders and are scalable with all types of DAS implementations. In this paper we show that our view-based and model driven architecture approach can enhance software development productivity and maintainability by improving DAS documentation. Moreover, our VMDA opens a wide range of applications such as evaluating DAS usage for DAS performance optimization. Furthermore, we provide tool support and illustrate the applicability of our VMDA in a large-scale case study. Finally, we quantitatively prove that our approach performs with acceptable response times.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2016,53(6):787-802
Discrepant technological events or situations that entail a problem, a misunderstanding or a difficulty with the Information Technology (IT) being employed, are common in the workplace, and can lead to frustration and avoidance behaviors. Little is known, however, about how individuals cope with these events. This paper examines these events by using a multi-method pragmatic approach informed by coping theory. The results of two studies – a critical incident study and an experiment – serve to build and test, respectively, a theoretical model that posits that individuals use a variety of strategies when dealing with these events: they experience negative emotions, make external attributions, and adopt engagement coping strategies directed at solving the event, eventually switching to a disengagement coping strategy when they feel they have no control over the situation. Furthermore, users’ efforts may result in ‘accidental’ learning as they try to overcome the discrepant IT events through engagement coping. The paper ends with a discussion of the results in light of existing literature, future opportunities for research, and implications for practice.  相似文献   

Kim  K. H. 《Real-Time Systems》2004,26(1):9-28
Distributed real-time simulation is a young technology field but its practice is under increasing demands. In recent years the author and his collaborators have been establishing a new approach called the distributed time-triggered simulation (DTS) scheme which is conceptually simple and easy to use but widely applicable. The concept was initiated in the course of developing a new-generation object-oriented real-time programming scheme called the time-triggered message-triggered object (TMO) programming scheme. Some fundamental issues inherent in distributed real-time simulation that were learned during recent experimental studies are discussed along with some approaches for resolving the issues. An execution engine developed to support both the TMOs engaged in control computation and the TMOs engaged in DTS is also discussed along with its possible extensions that will enable significantly larger-scale DTSs.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit zunehmender Größe der Softwaresysteme verschärfen sich die für die Software-Herstellung typischen Probleme: Beherrschen großer Objektmengen, Erhalten der Systemkonsistenz, Kontrolle der ständigen Änderungseinflüsse und Gewährleisten einer langen Lebensdauer. Die Disziplin Konfigurationsmanagement bildet den methodischen Ansatz, diese Probleme besser zu beherrschen. Software-Konfigurationsmanagement faßt die Herstellung von Softwaresystemen als eine Abfolge von kontrollierten Änderungen an gesicherten Zwischen- und Endergebnissen auf. Dargestellt werden die Objekte und Funktionen des Software-Konfigurationsmanagements sowie die hierfür in großen Software-Projekten benötigten Methoden, Instanzen und Hilfsmittel.  相似文献   

正http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus http://www.springerlink.com Aim The Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE(A/B/C)are edited by the international board of distinguished Chinese and foreign scientists,and are aimed to present the latest developments and achievements in scientific research in China and  相似文献   

正Brain-machine interfaces(BMIs)aim at building a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device,and represent an area of research where significant progress has been made during the past decade.Based on BMIs,mind information can be read out by neural signals to control  相似文献   

正http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus http://www.springerlink.com Aim The Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE(A/B/C)are edited by the international board of distinguished Chinese and foreign scientists,and are aimed to present the latest developments and achievements in scientific research in China and overseas to the world’s scientific circles,especially to stimulate  相似文献   

正http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus http://www.springerlink.com Aim The Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE(A/B/C)are edited by the international board of distinguished Chinese and foreign scientists,and are aimed to present the latest developments and achievements in scientific research in China and overseas to the world’s scientific circles,especially to stimulate  相似文献   

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