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This paper studies the event‐triggered output consensus problem of heterogeneous linear multiagent systems characterized via fixed and switching directed graphs. With proper state‐dependent triggering functions, two new event‐triggered output consensus control schemes are proposed for each agent to achieve consensus. Notably, under the proposed control protocols, continuous communication among agents is not required in both controllers updating and triggering threshold detection, which means being completely continuous communication free. The communication instances are reduced significantly, and the periodic or high‐frequency communication is restrained. It is also ensured that events cannot be triggered infinitely in finite time (ie, the Zeno behavior is elegantly avoided). Meanwhile, the simulation examples are given to illustrate the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the cooperative output regulation problem of multiagent systems with fixed and switching topologies. Each agent is a heterogeneous linear system, and the output of the exosystem can be available to only a subset of agents. For the agents that can directly access the exosystem, a common observer based on an event‐triggered strategy is constructed to estimate the exogenous signal for feedback control design. For the rest of the agents, estimators based on an event‐triggered mechanism to acquire the estimation value of the exogenous signal are designed under some essential assumptions. A decentralized event‐triggered formulation is considered first by applying a Lyapunov function for a fixed topology. Furthermore, a topology‐dependent triggering condition and the average dwell‐time switching law are deduced simultaneously by using multiple Lyapunov functions for switching topologies. Under communication constraints, we propose observer‐based and estimator‐based feedback controllers to solve the cooperative output regulation problem using available local information among agents. Two examples are finally provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper considers the leader‐follower consensus tracking problem for nonlinear multiagent systems with external disturbances and switching topologies. A distributed disturbance observer is constructed to estimate the disturbances suffered by the followers. Then, a distributed consensus protocol is proposed for the consensus tracking problem with disturbance rejection under a fixed directed topology based on the disturbance observer. Next, this result is extended to the case in which the switching communication topology only frequently but not always contains a directed spanning tree. By selecting the parameters appropriately such that the communication time satisfies various preset conditions, it is theoretically proven that the consensus tracking with disturbance rejection can also be achieved by the multiagent systems. Finally, a simulation example is presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

The leader–following consensus of linear heterogeneous multiagent systems is investigated in this paper. To comply with the most practical scenario, the communicating topologies among agents are assumed to switch stochastically and driven by a continuous-time discrete-state Markov process, whose state space corresponds to all the possible topologies. A novel distributed adaptive compensator is designed for the followers to reconstruct the exogenous signals without knowing the Laplacian matrix who is regarded as a global information, and sufficient conditions are given to ensure the compensator converges to the dynamic of the leader asymptotically in the mean square sense. Then, based on the compensator, we solved the consensus problem both by distributed state and measurement output feedback control schemes under output regulation framework, which allow followers to have nonidentical state dimensions. Finally, the theoretical results are demonstrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a control architecture that employs event‐triggered control techniques to achieve output synchronization of a group of heterogeneous linear time‐invariant agents. We associate with each agent an event‐triggered output regulation controller and an event‐triggered reference generator. The event‐triggered output regulation controller is designed such that the regulated output of the agent approximately tracks a reference signal provided by the reference generator in the presence of unknown disturbances. The event‐triggered reference generator is responsible for synchronizing its internal state across all agents by exchanging information through a communication network linking the agents. We first address the output regulation problem for a single agent where we analyze two event‐triggered scenarios. In the first one, the output and input event detectors operate synchronously, meaning that resets are made at the same time instants, while in the second one, they operate asynchronously and independently of each other. It is shown that the tracking error is globally bounded for all bounded reference trajectories and all bounded disturbances. We then merge the results on event‐triggered output regulation with previous results on event‐triggered communication protocols for synchronization of the reference generators to demonstrate that the regulated output of each agent converges to and remains in a neighborhood of the desired reference trajectory and that the closed‐loop system does not exhibit Zeno solutions. Several examples are provided to illustrate the advantages and issues of every component of the proposed control architecture. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, the target controllability of multiagent systems under fixed and switching topologies is investigated, respectively. In the fixed topology setting, some necessary and/or sufficient algebraic and graph‐theoretic conditions are proposed, and the target controllable subspace is quantitatively studied by virtue of almost equitable graph vertex partitions. In the switching topology setting, based on the concepts of the invariant subspace and the target controllable state set, some necessary and sufficient algebraic conditions are obtained. Moreover, the target controllability is studied from the union graph perspective. The results show that when the union graph of all the possible topologies is target controllable, the multiagent system would be target controllable even if each of its subsystems is not. Numerical simulations are provided finally to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This study investigates the fully distributed bipartite output consensus issue of heterogeneous linear multiagent systems (HLMASs) based on event‐triggered transmission mechanism. Both the cooperative interaction and the antagonistic interaction between neighbor agents are considered. A fully distributed bipartite compensator consisting of time‐varying coupling gain and dynamic event‐triggered mechanism is first proposed to estimate the leader's states. Different from the existing schemes, the proposed compensator is independent of any global information of the network topology, is capable of achieving intermittent communication between neighbors, and is applicable for the signed communication topology. Then the distributed output feedback control protocol is developed such that the fully distributed bipartite event‐triggered output consensus problem can be achieved. Moreover, we extend the results in HLMASs without external disturbances to HLMASs with disturbances, which is more challenging in three cases (a) the disturbances are not available for measurement, (b) the disturbances suffered by each agent are heterogeneous, and (c) the disturbances are not required to be stable or bounded. It is proven that the proposed controllers fulfill the exclusion of Zeno behavior in two consensus problems. Finally, two examples are provided to illustrate the feasibility of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the output consensus problem of heterogeneous continuous‐time multiagent systems under randomly switching communication topologies. The switching mechanism is governed by a time‐homogeneous Markov process, whose states correspond to all possible communication topologies among agents. A novel dynamic consensus controller is proposed. The controller gains are designed based on the information of the expectation graph and the solutions to regulator equations. Furthermore, a necessary and sufficient condition is presented for output consensus of the controlled multiagent system in mean square sense. Finally, a simulation example is provided to corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

The current theoretical investigation on the controllability of switched multiagent systems mainly focuses on fixed connected topology or union graph without nonaccessible nodes. However, for discrete‐time multiagent systems with switching topology, it is still unknown whether the existing results are valid or not under the condition of arbitrary topology. Based on graph distance partitions and Wonham's geometric approach, we provide the lower and upper bounds for the dimension of controllable subspaces of discrete‐time multiagent systems. Unlike the existing results of controllability with switching topology, the proposed results have the advantage of being applicable to multiagent systems with arbitrary graphic topologies, union graph (strongly connected or not), and coupling weights. We also provide 2 algorithms for computing the lower and upper bounds for the dimension of controllable subspaces, respectively. Furthermore, as a remarkable application, we present how the proposed lower bound can be utilized for achieving the targeted controllability if the dimension of the controllable subspace of the switched system satisfies certain conditions.  相似文献   

This paper studies containment control with communication delays and switching topologies. Firstly, a containment control algorithm for first‐order discrete‐time followers is proposed. Then, it is extended to handle double‐integrator dynamics. The main approach is to use the convexity of the convex hull spanned by multiple stationary leaders to verify the nonincreasing monotonicity of the largest distance from the followers to the convex hull. It is shown that both algorithms are robust to arbitrarily bounded communication delays as long as each follower jointly has a path from some leaders to itself. Finally, a numerical example is implemented to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

We propose a novel event‐triggered optimal tracking control algorithm for nonlinear systems with an infinite horizon discounted cost. The problem is formulated by appropriately augmenting the system and the reference dynamics and then using ideas from reinforcement learning to provide a solution. Namely, a critic network is used to estimate the optimal cost while an actor network is used to approximate the optimal event‐triggered controller. Because the actor network updates only when an event occurs, we shall use a zero‐order hold along with appropriate tuning laws to encounter for this behavior. Because we have dynamics that evolve in continuous and discrete time, we write the closed‐loop system as an impulsive model and prove asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point and Zeno behavior exclusion. Simulation results of a helicopter, a one‐link rigid robot under gravitation field, and a controlled Van‐der‐Pol oscillator are presented to show the efficacy of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of guaranteed‐performance consensus tracking of continuous‐time singular multiagent systems with Lipschitz nonlinearities and switching topologies is investigated. Consideration is that the interaction of the concerned agent network is described by a set of directed graphs with the union graph having a directed spanning tree rooted at the leader. To establish the guaranteed‐performance criterion, a quadratic performance function is constructed by utilizing the consensus errors among all agents. Then, a consensus protocol that collects the local information from neighboring agents is proposed to achieve consensus tracking and to guarantee the consensus regulation performance of the multiagent systems. On the basis of nonsingular transformation approach, singular systems theory, and Lyapunov stability analysis, the concerned guaranteed‐performance consensus tracking problem is cast into the admissibility analysis for an equivalent kind of switched singular consensus error system. Furthermore, sufficient conditions on the guaranteed‐performance consensus tracking protocol design are formulated in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, numerical examples are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of fixed‐time consensus tracking control for a class of second‐order multiagent systems under an undirected communication graph. A distributed output‐feedback fixed‐time consensus tracking control scheme is proposed to make the states of all individual agents simultaneously track a time‐varying reference state even when the reference state is available only to a subset of the group members and only output measurements are available for feedback. Homogeneous Lyapunov function and homogeneity property are employed to show that the control scheme can guarantee the consensus tracking errors converging the origin in finite time which is bounded by a fixed constant independent of initial conditions. Numerical simulations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control law.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the problem of distributed H containment control for multiagent systems over switching communication topologies. There exists a constant time‐delay and the energy‐bounded communication disturbances in the information transmission process, which are considered. Using the relative output, we develop an observer‐based containment control scheme such that the followers asymptotically converge to the convex hull formed by the leaders with a guaranteed H performance level. By constructing a Lyapunov functional and using the inequality technique, sufficient conditions for the existence of such dynamic controllers are obtained in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, a numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control protocol.  相似文献   

This paper investigates output sign‐consensus of multiagent systems over directed signed graphs. In signed graphs, the sign of each edge stands for either hostile interaction (associated with positive sign) or antagonistic interactions (associated with negative sign) among agents. Agent dynamics are heterogeneous, allowing coexistence of distinct agent dynamics in one group. Heterogeneity in this paper also implies that the states of different agents may have different dimensions, but their outputs should have the same dimension. Distributed control laws are designed for both fixed and switching graph topologies. For fixed topology, the graph is assumed to be eventually positive. For switching topology, the graph needs to be jointly eventually positive, which extends the well‐known concept of joint connectivity by taking dwell time into consideration.  相似文献   

In this paper, the adaptive tracking control problem is investigated for the multiagent systems with event-triggered (ET) communication and asymmetric input saturation. By adopting an auxiliary system, the problem of asymmetric input saturation is successfully handled. Two ET mechanisms are employed in the controller-to-actuator channel and communication channel respectively to economize the limited communication resources. The update frequency of the controller can be reduced by devising a novel switching ET mechanism, which can unify the three existing ET schemes. Based on a backstepping technique, a distributed ET controller is devised, which only requires the sampled value of neighboring states. Due to the discontinuity of the ET state signals, the repetitive differentiation of virtual control laws will not be computed. To solve this problem, the predesigned differentiable partial derivatives of virtual control laws are used to construct the ET virtual control laws. By applying the Lyapunov stability method, it is proved that the desired tracking performance and the stability of the closed-loop system can be guaranteed. Finally, a simulation example demonstrates that the proposed control strategy is effective.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the consensus issue of multiagent systems with data transmission time delay. The state measurement of each local agent is directly sent to a private event‐trigger and further authorized to be broadcasted to its neighbors via communication network only when the threshold of the event‐trigger is violated. Since the controller always receives discrete‐time neighbor information with data transmission time delay, a predictor is employed to estimate the continuous‐time neighbor state. Based on the estimated state, a novel consensus protocol is mainly proposed for achieving the bounded consensus of the multiagent systems. By the proposed method, the asynchronous neighbor information is allowed and the margin of data transmission time delay is also given. Furthermore, it has been proved that the unwanted Zeno phenomena can be naturally excluded. Numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the consensus tracking problem for general linear multiagent systems on directed graph containing a spanning tree. For the considered linear systems, the consensus tracking aim cannot be achieved by using only memoryless static relative output feedbacks. Of particular interest is that both current and delayed relative output information of agents are required to achieve consensus. For the case of continuous communication among agents, an artificial delay output feedback control method is proposed. By utilizing the Taylor representation for the delayed signal with the remainder in the integral form, a delay‐dependent sufficient condition is presented to guarantee the exponential convergence of the global tracking error systems. For the intermittent case, the consensus tracking performance can still be guaranteed based on a multiple graph‐dependent Lyapunov functionals method. It is theoretically revealed that the time delay plays a key role in the exponential convergence of the closed‐loop systems, and the definite relationships among the time delay, network structure, communication rate, and consensus convergence rate are also provided. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is confirmed by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This paper studies the time‐varying output formation tracking (OFT) problems for linear heterogeneous multiagent systems with multiple leaders, where both the followers and the leaders can have nonidentical dynamics and dimensions. The existing results on formation tracking with multiple leaders depend on the assumption that each follower is well‐informed or uninformed, where the well‐informed follower has all the leaders as its neighbor. To remove this assumption, a novel OFT approach is presented using a distributed observer scheme. Firstly, based on the local estimation and the interaction with neighboring followers, a fully distributed observer is designed for each follower to estimate the dynamical matrices and the states of multiple leaders without requiring the well‐informed follower assumption. The convergence of the distributed observer is proved by using Lyapunov theory. Then, an adaptive algorithm is proposed to solve the regulator equations in finite time based on the estimation of the leaders' dynamical matrices. Furthermore, the desired time‐varying output formation of each follower is generated by a local active exosystem. A time‐varying OFT protocol is presented using the estimated states of multiple leaders, the online solutions of the regulator equations, and the desired formation vector generated by the local exosystem. It is proved that the outputs of the followers can not only realize the expected formation shape but also track the predefined convex combination of multiple leaders. Finally, a simulation example is given to verify the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The containment control of stochastic multiagent systems with semi‐Markov switching topologies is investigated in this paper. The general case that the distribution function of the sojourn time is dependent on both the current system mode and the target mode is considered. Taking state multiplicative noise into account and using stochastic techniques, sufficient conditions to achieve the containment control in the asymptotic mean square sense are obtained in a form of linear matrix inequalities and the controller design condition is given. Finally, a simulation is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the obtained theoretical results.  相似文献   

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