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设计一款适用于高性能数字信号处理器的16位加法器。该加法器结合条件进位选择和条件“和”选择加法器的特点,支持可重构,可以进行2个16位数据或者4个8位数据的加法运算,同时对其进位链进行优化。相对于传统的条件进位选择加法器,在典型工作条件下,采用0.18μm工艺库标准单元,其延时降低46%,功耗降低5%。  相似文献   

为加快密码系统中大数加法的运算速度,提出并实现一种基于组间进位预测的快速进位加法器。将参与加法运算的大数进行分 组,每个分组采用改进的超前进位技术以减少组内进位延时,组间通过进位预测完成不同进位状态下的加法运算,通过每个组产生的进位状态判断最终结果。性能分析表明,该进位加法器实现1 024位大数加法运算的速度较快。  相似文献   

唐敏  许团辉  王玉艳 《计算机工程》2011,37(10):219-220
传统的加法器在有符号数相加时需将操作数转化为补码形式进行运算,运算结束将计算结果再转化为原码。为减少关键路径延迟,在标志前缀加法器的基础上,提出一种改进的反码加法器,将常用反码加法器中的加一单元合并到加法运算中。在SMIC 0.18 μm工艺下,将改进的64位反码加法器与常用的64位补码加法器进行比较,数据显示面积减少了39.1%,功耗降低了39.9%,关键路径延迟降低了5.1%。结果表明,改进的反码加法器性能较优。  相似文献   

针对浮点ALU中加减运算要求同时计算sum和sum+1的特点,综合考虑延时和面积,采用选择进位结构设计复合加法器。给出了选择进位加法器延迟时间与分组方式的关系,以及最优化分组方法,将其应用于复合加法器的设计中,并用HSPICE在0.187m CMOS工艺下的模拟结果进行验证。  相似文献   

为在现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)平台上更高效地实现祖冲之算法,提出一种新的硬件实现方法。利用祖冲之算法的迭代特性、并行特性以及模加的性质,减少加法器的使用数量,包括使用资源占用少、延时少的简单加法器替代资源占用多、延时长的进位保留加法器以及mod(231-1)加法器,实现祖冲之算法关键路径中多次mod(231-1)加法运算。使用QuartusⅡ与ISE软件进行了仿真验证,结果表明,该方法在芯片资源占用仅为305个slice的情况下达到了5.322 Gb/s的吞吐量,与目前已有的最优实现方法相比,芯片资源占用减少了近23%,单位面积的吞吐量提高了25.9%,可以在减少芯片硬件资源占用的同时快速实现ZUC算法。  相似文献   

现有的忆阻算术逻辑多采用单个忆阻器作为存储单元,在忆阻交叉阵列中易受到漏电流以及设计逻辑电路时逻辑综合复杂度高的影响,导致当前乘法器设计中串行化加法操作的延时和面积开销增加。互补电阻开关具有可重构逻辑电路的运算速度和抑制忆阻交叉阵列中漏电流的性能,是实现忆阻算术逻辑的关键器件。提出一种弱进位依赖的忆阻乘法器。为提升忆阻器的逻辑性能,基于互补电阻开关电路结构,设计两种加法器的优化方案,简化操作步骤。在此基础上,通过改进传统的乘法实现方式,并对进位数据进行拆解,降低运算过程中进位数据之间的依赖性,实现并行化的加法运算。将设计的乘法器映射到混合CMOS/crossbar结构中,乘法计算性能得到大幅提高。在Spice仿真环境下验证所提乘法器的可行性。仿真实验结果表明,与现有的乘法器相比,所提乘法器的延时开销从O(n2)降低为线性级别,同时面积开销降低约70%。  相似文献   

本文介绍了用原理图输入方法设计一款图象处理ASIC芯片中乘加单元的核心运算部件——32位超前进位加法器,出于速度(时延)和面积折衷优化考虑,它以四位超前进位加法器和四位超前进位产生器为基本设计单元级联而成,因此该电路具有速度和面积的折衷优势。选择原理图输入方法,是考虑到本电路复杂度不高,而原理图输入可控性好,效率高,可靠性强且直观,可以熟悉较底层的结构。文章先给出电路的设计实现,并且是先设计四位超前进位加法器,再提出32位超前进位加法器的设计思想和设计原理,然后再通过测试文件的逻辑验证正确。本设计的所有内容,都将在SUN工作站上Cadence工具Schematic Composer中完成。  相似文献   

加法运算是最基本的运算。随着运算数字长度的增加,级联加法器所产生的进位传播导致计算速度的严重下降,学者们提出多种多样的解决方法,其中使用光学方法解决加法进位问题因其并行性独具优势而受到肯定。文中对加法的实现方法进行了分析,并指出简单套用先行进位等算法思想对于三值光计算机不适合,探索适合三值光计算机的光学处理器的加法算法-MSD加法,结合处理器液晶阵列104以上的数据位数,找到更适合三值光计算机特点的加法算法。  相似文献   

针对16位乘法器运算速度慢、硬件逻辑资源消耗大的问题,采用华莱士树压缩结构,通过对二阶布思算法、4-2压缩器和保留进位加法器的优化组合使用及对符号数采用合理的添、补、删策略,实现16位符号数快速乘法器的优化设计。该乘法器采用SMIC 0.18 μm工艺标准数字单元库,使用Synopsys Design Compiler综合实现,在1.8 V, 25℃条件下,芯片最大路径延时为3.16 ns,内核面积为 50 452.75 μm2,功耗为5.17 mW。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于DNA自动机的串行二进制进位加法的实现方法。对于一位二进制的进位加法,通过预先设计的DNA自动机模型在一个试管中以自动机的方式完成。对于”位二进制的进位加法,通过将n个类似的试管按照从低位到高位的顺序组成串行网络;将低位加法操作产生的进位转移到高位试管,组成高位自动机的输入符号串,完成高位的加法操作。这种运算方式类似于电子计算机中加法运算系统,为DNA计算机实现算术运算提供了一种新颖的方法。  相似文献   

We design a 3-bit adder or a radix-8 full adder (FA) in quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA), where the 3-bit carry propagation path can be accommodated in one clock-zone. To achieve this, we introduce group majority signals similar to group propagate and generate signals in parallel prefix computations, use them to reformulate the carry expressions of a previous radix-4 FA, and as such we could extend it to higher radix FAs. Applying the aforementioned new interpretation of carry expressions (via group majority signals) on 3-bit adders, results in that only a single clock cycle is required for 12-bit (vs. the previous 8-bit) carry propagation, across four radix-8 FAs. Based on the proposed radix-8 QCA-FA, we realized 8-, 16-, 32-, 64, and 128-bit QCA adders via QCADesigner. Comparison of these adders with the previous radix-4 experiment, showed 9–41% speed up, and 57–76% area saving, for 16–128-bit adders, respectively. On the other hand, compared to the best previous radix-2 design, for the same bit widths, we experienced 57–172% speed up, but at the cost of 138–4% area increase, except for the 64 and 128-bit cases, where we also experienced 19% and 41% area saving, respectively.  相似文献   

Adders are one of the basic fundamental critical arithmetic circuits in a system and their performances affect the overall performance of the system. Traditional n-bit adders provide precise results, whereas the lower bound of their critical path delay of n bit adder is (log n). To achieve a minimum critical path delay lower than (log n), many inaccurate adders have been proposed. These inaccurate adders decrease the overall critical path delay and improve the speed of computation by sacrificing the accuracy or predicting the computation results. In this work, a fast reconfigurable approximate ripple carry adder has been proposed using GDI (Gate Diffusion Logic) passing cell. Here, GDI cell acts as a reconfigurable cell to be either connected with the previous carry value or approximated value in an adder chain. This adder has greater advantage and it can be configured as an accurate or inaccurate adder by selecting working mode in GDI cell. The implementation results show that, in the approximate working mode, the proposed 64-bit adder provides up to 23%, 34% and 95% reductions in area, power and delay, respectively compared to those of the existing adder.  相似文献   

VLSI designs are typically data-independent and as such, they must produce the correct result even for the worst-case inputs. Adders in particular assume that addition must be completed within prescribed number of clock cycles, independently of the operands. While the longest carry propagation of an n-bit adder is n bits, its expected length is only O(log2 n) bits. We present a novel dual-mode adder architecture that reduces the average energy consumption in up to 50%. In normal mode the adder targets the O(log2 n)-bit average worst-case carry propagation chains, while in extended mode it accommodates the less frequent O(n)-bit chain. We prove that minimum energy is achieved when the adder is designed for O(log2 n) carry propagation, and present a circuit implementation. Dual-mode adders enable voltage scaling of the entire system, potentially supporting further overall energy reduction. The energy-time tradeoff obtained when incorporating such adders in ordinary microprocessor’s pipeline and other architectures is discussed.  相似文献   

基于算术加法测试生成,提出了VLSI中加法器的一种自测试方案:加法器产生自身所需的所有测试矢量.通过优化测试矢量的初值改进这些测试矢量,提高了其故障侦查、定位能力.借助于测试矢量左移、逻辑与操作等方式对加法器自测试进行了设计.对8位、16位、32位行波、超前进位加法器的实验结果表明,该自测试能实现单、双固定型故障的完全测试,其单、双故障定位率分别达到了95.570%,72.656%以上.该自测试方案可实施真速测试且不会降低电路的原有性能,其测试时间与加法器长度无关.  相似文献   

吕晓兰 《测控技术》2014,33(2):127-129
针对目前存在的缩1码模2~n+1加法器的优缺点,设计出一个有效的基于进位选择的缩1码模2~n+1加法器。在模加法器的进位计算中,采用进位选择计算代替传统的进位计算,进位计算前缀运算量明显减少。分析和实验结果表明,对于比较大的n值,进位选择缩1码模2~n+1加法器在保持较高运算速度的前提下,有效地提高了集成度。  相似文献   

The performance and power of error resilient applications will rise with a decrease in designing complexness due to approximate computing. This paper includes the new method for the approximation of multipliers. Variable likelihood terms are produced by the alteration of partial products of the multiplier. Based on the probability statistics, the accumulation of altered partial products leads to the variation of logic complexity. Here the estimate is implemented in 2 variables of 16-bit multiplier and in the final stage with reverse carry propagate adder(RCPA). The reverse carry propagate adder have carry signal propagation from the most significant bit(MSB) to the least significant bit(LSB), which results in greater relevance to the input carry than the output carry. The technique of carry circulation in reverse order with delay variations increases the stability. Utilizing the RCPA in approximate multiplier provide 21% and 7% improvements in area and delay. On comparing, this structure is resilient to delay variations than the ideal approximate adder.  相似文献   

Most of the scientific and engineering applications require accurate computations. Double precision floating point computations are not enough for many applications like climate modelling, computational physics, etc. Efficient design of quadruple precision floating point adder is needed for these applications. The proposed multi-mode quadruple precision floating point adder architecture supports four single precision operations in parallel, as well as two double precision operations in parallel and also supports one quadruple precision operation. Compared to existing Quadruple precision floating point adders and Dual mode Quadruple precision floating point adder, the proposed architecture can perform more computations with less area because of resource sharing among different precision operands. The proposed Multi-mode quadruple precision adder supports both normal and subnormal operations and also the exceptional case handling such as infinity, Not a Number (NaN) and zero cases. The proposed adder has been designed and implemented in both ASIC and FPGA. During ASIC implementation with 90 nm technology using the synopsis tool, the proposed Multi-mode quadruple precision floating point adder has a 38.57% smaller area compared to the existing quadruple precision floating point adder. Similarly, the proposed design reduces the area by 29.28% and 35.68% when implemented on Virtex 4 and Virtex 5 FPGAs respectively.  相似文献   

Application of quantum-dot is a promising technology for implementing digital systems at nano-scale. QCA supports the new devices with nanotechnology architecture. This technique works based on electron interactions inside quantum-dots leading to emergence of quantum features and decreasing the problem of future integrated circuits in terms of size. In this paper, we will successfully design, implement and simulate a new full adder based on QCA with the minimum delay, area and complexities. Also, new XOR gates will be presented which are used in 8-bit controllable inverter in QCA. Furthermore, a new 8-bit full adder is designed based on the majority gate in the QCA, with the minimum number of cells and area which combines both designs to implement an 8-bit adder/subtractor in the QCA. This 8-bit adder/subtractor circuit has the minimum delay and complexity. Being potentially pipeline, the QCA technology calculates the maximum operating speed.  相似文献   

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