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由于现行的优化算法在解决模具车间调度问题上存在局限性,目前大部分模具车间由人工编制车间作业计划,导致生产效率较低、物料供应不能同步化等问题.为此,介绍了采用基于组合规则的启发式算法,选择加工时间最短和最小等待时间等规则,解决了现行的优化调度算法在车间调度问题中所遇到的难点.经实例验证获得了较为理想的结果.  相似文献   

In traditional approaches, process planning and scheduling are carried out sequentially, where scheduling is done separately after the process plan has been generated. However, the functions of these two systems are usually complementary. The traditional approach has become an obstacle to improve the productivity and responsiveness of the manufacturing system. If the two systems can be integrated more tightly, greater performance and higher productivity of a manufacturing system can be achieved. Therefore, the research on the integrated process planning and scheduling (IPPS) problem is necessary. In this paper, a new active learning genetic algorithm based method has been developed to facilitate the integration and optimization of these two systems. Experimental studies have been used to test the approach, and the comparisons have been made between this approach and some previous approaches to indicate the adaptability and superiority of the proposed approach. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is a promising and very effective method on the research of the IPPS problem.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) is modeled as a static and deterministic problem and is solved with the objective of makespan minimization. However, many uncertainties, such as unpredictable increases in processing times caused by rework or supplier delays, random transportation and/or setup, may render the proposed solution obsolete. In this paper, we present a two-stage algorithm for robust resource-constrained project scheduling. The first stage of the algorithm solves the RCPSP for minimizing the makespan only using a priority-rule-based heuristic, namely an enhanced multi-pass random-biased serial schedule generation scheme. The problem is then similarly solved for maximizing the schedule robustness while considering the makespan obtained in the first stage as an acceptance threshold. Selection of the best schedule in this phase is based on one out of 12 alternative robustness predictive indicators formulated for the maximization purpose. Extensive simulation testing of the generated schedules provides strong evidence of the benefits of considering robustness of the schedules in addition to their makespans. For illustration purposes, for 10 problems from the well-known standard set J30, both robust and non-robust schedules are executed with a 10% duration increase that is applied to the same randomly picked 20% of the project activities. Over 1000 iterations per instance problem, the robust schedules display a shorter makespan in 55% of the times while the non-robust schedules are shown to be the best performing ones in only 6% of the times.  相似文献   

柔性作业车间调度问题的一种启发式算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究多目标柔性作业车间调度问题,基于甘特图和搭积木经验进行了分析,提出了一种组合优先规则和基于此优先规则的启发式算法.组合优先规则面向完工时间、关键机床负荷和总负荷三个指标,改变规则中各数据项的比例可调整三个指标所占的比例;算法采用随机方式调整三个指标的比例,并微调最优解对应的比例.能随机产生多个高质量调度解.算法...  相似文献   

Current needs of industry required the development of advanced database models like active mobile database systems. An active mobile database system can be designed by incorporation of triggering rules into a mobile computing environment in which the users are able to access a collection of database services using mobile and non-mobile computers at any location. Fuzzy concepts are adapted to the field of databases in order to deal with ambiguous, uncertain data. Fuzziness comes into picture in active mobile databases especially with spatial queries on moving objects. Incorporating fuzziness into rules would also improve the effectiveness of active mobile databases as it provides much flexibility in defining rules for the supported application. In this paper we present some methods to adapt the concepts developed for fuzzy systems to active mobile databases.  相似文献   

We introduce a new formal semantics for active databases that relies on a transaction rewriting technique. A user-defined transaction, which is viewed here as a sequence of atomic database updates forming a semantic atomic unit, is translated by means of active rules into induced one(s). These transactions embody active rule semantics which can be either immediate or deferred. Rule semantics, confluence, equivalence and optimization are then formally investigated and characterized in a solid framework that naturally extends a known model for relational database transactions.  相似文献   

The bus vehicle scheduling problem addresses the task of assigning vehicles to cover the trips in a timetable. In this paper, a clonal selection algorithm based vehicle scheduling approach is proposed to quickly generate satisfactory solutions for large-scale bus scheduling problems. Firstly, a set of vehicle blocks (consecutive trips by one bus) is generated based on the maximal wait time between any two adjacent trips. Then a subset of blocks is constructed by the clonal selection algorithm to produce an initial vehicle scheduling solution. Finally, two heuristics adjust the departure times of vehicles to further improve the solution. The proposed approach is evaluated using a real-world vehicle scheduling problem from the bus company of Nanjing, China. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can generate satisfactory scheduling solutions within 1 min.  相似文献   

In this paper we present concepts of evolution scheduling, which will provide us with a better scheduling mechanism for competing processes in the ready-queue, the blocked-queue, the pc (priority control) queue, and the cs (client-and-server) queue. The evolution scheduling is acceptable for the soft real-time system and useful for its performance to achieve fair and effective scheduling. On the other hand, for those who pursue evolutionary computation, this is good news. It allows them to carry out natural competition in an easy way consistent with their operating system and programming language.  相似文献   

研究了以最大完工时间为目标的流水线调度问题,使用万有引力算法求解调度问题,提出了一种最大排序规则,利用物体间各个位置分量值存在的大小次序关系,并结合随机键编码的方法产生,将物体的连续位置转变成了一个可行的调度方案;提出了一种边界变异的策略使得越界的物体不再聚集在边界上,而是分布在边界附近的可行空间内,从而增加种群的多样性;结合交换算子和插入算子提出了一种新的局部搜索算法,有效地避免了算法陷入局部最优值,进一步提高了解的质量.最后证明了算法的收敛性,并且计算了算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,仿真实验说明了所得算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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