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The problem of quickly reducing operating errors during recovery from a feedback disruption is considered. The objective is to design controllers that reduce operating errors as quickly as possible, once feedback has been restored. It is shown that robust optimal feedback controllers that achieve this objective do exist. Furthermore, it is shown that the performance of optimal controllers can be approximated as closely as desired by controllers that generate bang–bang input signals for the controlled system. Controllers that generate bang–bang signals are relatively easy to derive and implement, since bang–bang signals are characterised by a finite list of scalars – their switching times.  相似文献   

The problem of reducing operating errors after a feedback disruption is considered for a class of nonlinear delay-differential systems. It is shown that there are optimal controllers that reduce such errors in minimal time, once feedback has been restored. It is further shown that optimal performance can be approximated by bang-bang controllers – controllers that are easy to design and implement.  相似文献   

The problem of maintaining low operating errors during feedback outages is considered for a class of nonlinear systems with time-delays in the input channel. It is shown that there are optimal controllers that keep operating errors below a specified bound for the longest time possible. Furthermore, it is shown that optimal performance can be approximated as closely as desired by using bang-bang controllers – controllers that are relatively easy to calculate and implement.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the global stabilization problem of a family of feedforward nonlinear time‐delay systems whose linearized system consists of multiple distinct oscillators. To fully utilize the delayed information and maintain the state decoupling property in the controller design, the considered nonlinear feedforward system is first transformed into a new system which contains time delays in both its input and states based on a novel model transformation containing time delays, and then the stabilizing saturated controller for the transformed system is designed based on the recursive design method. Meanwhile, explicit stability conditions are also provided. When the linearized system is a cascade of multiple oscillators and multiple integrators, a modified saturated feedback control utilizing not only the current state but also the delayed state is also established for the corresponding global stabilization problem. Two examples, including a practical one, are given to show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

The paper considers output feedback min-max controllers for non-square discrete time uncertain linear systems. Based on previous work, it is demonstrated that static output feedback min-max controllers are only realizable for a specific class of systems. To broaden this class, a compensator based framework is proposed to introduce additional degrees of freedom. The conditions for the existence of such dynamic output feedback min-max controllers are given and are shown to be relatively mild. Furthermore, a simple parameterization of the available design freedom is proposed. An explicit procedure is described which shows how a Lyapunov matrix, which satisfies both a discrete Riccati inequality and a structural constraint, can be obtained using Linear matrix inequality optimization. This Lyapunov matrix is used to calculate the robustness bounds associated with the closed-loop system. A simple aircraft example is provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the design approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust optimal control problem during feedback disruption is considered for a class of nonlinear systems which have been controlled by an observer-based output feedback controller. It is shown that during feedback disruption, there exists an optimal control input which keeps both system states and observer errors within a specified bound for the longest time. Then, it is shown that such an optimal control input can be practically implemented by using a bang-bang control input in terms of control performance. One numerical and one practical examples are given for clear illustration.  相似文献   

An eigenproblem-based technique is given for computing the stabilizing scalar static output feedback gain that minimizes the standard linear quadratic performance index in the presence of a Gaussian white-noise disturbance. The method adapts recent work on eigenproblem-based computation of -norms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of global attitude regulation control for a rigid spacecraft under input saturation. Based on the technique of finite-time control and the switching control method, a novel global bounded finite-time attitude regulation controller is proposed. Under the proposed controller, it is shown that the spacecraft attitude can reach the desired attitude in a finite time. In addition, the bound of a proposed attitude controller can be adjusted to any small level to accommodate the actuation bound in practical implementation.  相似文献   

In this short note we deal with the problem of trajectory tracking control of fully actuated Euler-Lagrange systems with unmeasurable velocities and bounded control inputs. In order to avoid the use of velocity measurements we introduce a nonlinear dynamic extension for the plant which renders the closed-loop system semi-globally asymptotically stable, hence, we prove that by increasing some of the dynamic extension parameters it is possible to enlarge the domain of attraction and to maintain the control inputs bounded.  相似文献   

研究线性时滞系统最优控制的前馈反馈近似设计问题.基于Taylor级数法,将系统的二次型最优控制问题转化为线性代数方程组的求解问题,给出了系统前馈反馈次优控制律的存在唯一性条件和Taylor级数表示形式.仿真算例验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In this work, a globally stabilizing output feedback scheme for the trajectory tracking of robot manipulators with bounded inputs is proposed. It achieves the motion control objective avoiding input saturation and excluding velocity measurements. Moreover, it is not defined using a specific sigmoidal function, but any one on a set of saturation functions. Consequently, the proposed scheme actually constitutes a family of globally stabilizing output feedback bounded controllers. Furthermore, the control gains are not tied to satisfy any saturation‐avoidance inequality and may consequently take any positive value, which may be considered beneficial for performance adjustment/improvement purposes. Further, a class of desired trajectories that may be globally tracked avoiding input saturation and excluding velocity measurements is completely characterized. Global asymptotic stabilization of the closed‐loop system solutions towards the pre‐specified desired trajectory is proved through a strict Lyapunov function. The efficiency of the proposed scheme is corroborated through experimental results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

This paper solves the problem of finding an optimal feedback control ensuring the maximal rate of convergence of system solutions to the origin for a general class of planar control systems including switched, bilinear systems and ones described by differential inclusions, etc. The prescribed control set is assumed to be compact but not necessarily convex. The developed approach is based on finding the minimal Lyapunov exponent of the system with an open loop control which provides an upper bound for the optimal convergence rate of the closed loop system. Then an optimal feedback controller is constructed for which the obtained bound is attained.  相似文献   

This paper visits the quadratic optimal control problem of decentralised control systems via static output feedback. A gradient flow approach is introduced as a tool to compute the optimal output feedback gain. Several nice properties are revealed concerning the convergence of the gain matrix along the trajectory of an ordinary differential equation obtained from the gradient of objective cost, i.e. the objective cost is decreasing along this trajectory. If the equilibrium points are isolated, the convergence can be guaranteed. A simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of this approach.  相似文献   

This paper considers the dynamic output feedback robust model predictive control (MPC) for a system with both polytopic model parametric uncertainty and bounded disturbance. For this topic, the techniques for handling the unknown true state are crucial, and the strict guarantee of the input/output/state constraints favors replacing the true state by its bound in the optimization problems. The previous utilized polyhedral bounds, constructed by virtue of the error signals which are some linear combinations of the true state, the estimated state and the output, are generalized, where a bias item is utilized. Based on this unified bounding approach, new techniques for handling the unknown true state are given for both the main and the auxiliary optimization problems. As before, the main optimization problem calculates the control law parameters conditionally, and the auxiliary optimization problem determines the time to refresh these parameters. By applying the proposed method, the augmented state of the closed‐loop system is guaranteed to converge to the neighborhood of the equilibrium point. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the new method.  相似文献   

针对输入受限的多自由度机械臂高精度位置控制问题,本文充分考虑驱动器饱和非线性的影响,提出了多自由度机械臂输出反馈饱和有限时间比例–微分(PD)+同步位置控制策略,应用Lyapunov稳定性理论和几何齐次性技术证明了闭环系统的全局有限时间稳定性.非线性饱和函数的恰当引入,使得所提出的控制器具有清晰明确的上界,可以通过预先选择满足特定条件的控制器参数有效避免驱动器饱和问题;同步控制项的恰当引入,使得所提出的控制器兼顾了多自由度机械臂各轴间的同步协调性,从而获得更快的收敛速度和更好的系统整体性能,满足工程实际对机械臂的高精度要求.本文的数值仿真结果验证了所提出的控制方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

This paper provides a time‐varying feedback alternative to control of finite‐time systems, which is referred to as “prescribed‐time control,” exhibiting several superior features: (i) such time‐varying gain–based prescribed‐time control is built upon regular state feedback rather than fractional‐power state feedback, thus resulting in smooth (Cm) control action everywhere during the entire operation of the system; (ii) the prescribed‐time control is characterized with uniformly prespecifiable convergence time that can be preassigned as needed within the physically allowable range, making it literally different from not only the traditional finite‐time control (where the finite settling time is determined by a system initial condition and a number of design parameters) but also the fixed‐time control (where the settling time is subject to certain constraints and thus can only be specified within the corresponding range); and (iii) the prescribed‐time control relies only on regular Lyapunov differential inequality instead of fractional Lyapunov differential inequality for stability analysis and thus avoids the difficulty in controller design and stability analysis encountered in the traditional finite‐time control for high‐order systems.  相似文献   

NBFI(基于网络的反馈连接)是一类基于网络反馈连接的系统。文中研究了此模型的数据包丢失的问题,将带有有界任意丢包问题的NBFI系统建模成一般的线性切换系统.并应用切换Lyapunov函数方法加以分析,进而给出了NBFI系统渐近稳定的充分条件.并将结果推广到单位时延的情况。最后给出仿真,从而验证了结论的正确性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a distributed output feedback model predictive control (OFMPC) algorithm is presented for the polytopic uncertain system subject to randomly occurring actuator saturation and packet loss. Compared with the intensively applied state feedback control in MPC, the OFMPC is more feasible to the real world because the system states are often unmeasurable. With taking both actuator saturation and packet loss into account, the presented OFMPC algorithm is more practical. Moreover, by splitting the controller inputs into two independent parts, the presented dynamic output feedback control (DOFC) strategy provides more freedom to the controller design. With the global system decomposed into some subsystems, the computation complexity is reduced, thus the online designing time can be saved. By defining the estimation error function and forming an augmented system to handle the DOFC and by transforming the nonlinear feedback law into a convex hull of linear feedback laws, the distributed controllers are obtained by solving a linear matrix inequality (LMI) optimization problem. Finally, some simulation examples are employed to show the effectiveness of the techniques proposed in this paper. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For the global stabilization of a family of feedforward nonlinear time‐delay systems whose linearized systems consist of a chain of identical oscillators, a saturated feedback control is established based on a special canonical form. The proposed control laws use not only the current states but also the delayed states for feedback, which helps maintain the decoupling property in the recursive design. Moreover, explicit conditions guaranteeing the stability of the closed‐loop system are provided. When the nonlinear terms vanish and even the oscillators are distinct, a modified saturated feedback control can still be established for the corresponding global stabilization problem. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

This paper develops sufficient conditions for a general nonlinear control system to be locally (resp. globally) asymptotically stabilizable via smooth state feedback. In particular, it is shown that as in the case of affine systems, this is possible if the unforced dynamic system of ∑1 is Lyapunov stable and appropriate controllability-like rank conditions are satisfied. Our results incorporate a series of well-known stabilization theorems proposed in the literature for affine control systems and extend them to nonaffine nonlinear control systems.  相似文献   

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