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提出了一个开放环境特性描述框架.该框架支持便捷地、形式化地描述异步环境的各种特性,包括那些既有技术不能处理的时序特性.该框架还引入了谓词检测技术,支持高效的环境特性感知机制的实现.开发了一个开放环境特性感知中间件平台,并通过详细的案例分析展示了如何基于所提出的环境特性描述框架与中间件平台,高效地感知环境特性,支持可信软件系统的构建.  相似文献   

当前,在OLTP数据库的应用场景中,事务通常由一些简单的查询构成,尤其是大量存在的基于主键的读写事务.在这种应用场景下,逻辑锁能够避免复杂的逻辑判定,通过基于简单比较的语义封锁来防止不可重复读、幻象读等问题,从而实现事务的串行化调度.为了提高事务读写的并发能力,针对当前OLTP应用的特点,在谓词锁的基础上进一步细分锁粒度,提出属性谓词锁的理论,并在给定的复杂度内讨论了该理论在上述应用场景下的可行性.此外,通过在国产神通数据库的事务线程框架下模拟TPC-C的事务并发,一个测试属性谓词锁与物理行锁性能差异的实验得以顺利进行.对比实验结果表明,属性谓词锁在相对固定的属性列上进行简单查询和更新的应用中,可以大幅度地减少加锁的数目,从而在CPU和内存开销等性能指标上占据优势.  相似文献   

陈雷  陈启军 《控制与决策》2012,27(9):1320-1324
在机器人场景识别问题中,将连续场景的相关性通过基于隐马尔可夫模型的上下文模型进行描述.采用不同于传统的使用生成模型方法学习上下文场景识别模型的方式,首先引入稀疏贝叶斯学习机对上下文模型中图像特征的后验概率进行建模,然后通过贝叶斯原理将稀疏贝叶斯模型与隐马尔可夫模型结合,提出一种能够实现上下文场景识别模型的判别学习方法.在真实场景数据库上的实验结果表明,由该方法得到的上下文场景识别系统具有很好的场景识别能力和泛化特性.  相似文献   

泛在网络环境下,业务提供必须根据网络和终端条件、用户偏好的变化而自适应地变化。因此,文中阐述了虚拟终端中的上下文感知功能,其为泛在多样性业务的开发提供了不可或缺的信息来源。提出一种应用于虚拟终端系统的上下文感知中间件体系结构,该中间件可以将各类应用场景中终端环境的特征参数进行抽象,形成可获知、可描述的上下文。提出应用该上下文感知技术的业务应用模型。最后通过一个多媒体业务接续场景对上述定义、抽象方法和业务模型进行验证。结果表明,该方法可以有效地为泛在多样性业务提取所需的上下文信息;通过该模型,业务平台和多构终端环境可以进行动态适配,为用户提供多样性和最佳体验的服务。  相似文献   

模型检测因其自动化程度高、能够提供反例路径等优势,被广泛应用于Web服务组合的兼容性验证。本文针对模型检测过程中存在的状态爆炸问题,在传统的模型检测方法中引入谓词抽象和精化技术,提出了一种针对Web服务组合的抽象精化验证框架。使用谓词抽象技术对原子Web服务抽象建模,将各Web服务抽象模型组合成组合抽象模型;将模型检测后得到的反例在各原子Web服务上做投影操作,对投影反例进行确认;对产生伪反例的Web服务抽象模型进行精化,生成新的组合抽象模型,再次对性质进行验证。最后通过实例分析说明基于抽象精化技术的Web服务组合验证框架在缓解状态爆炸问题上的可行性。  相似文献   

上下文感知是普适计算的核心技术之一,而描述和理解上下文信息是上下文感知的前提。由于上下文信息种类繁多、感知方式迥异,目前开发面向特定应用的上下文感知系统缺乏统一的机制和通用的架构,增加了系统开发的成本。引入语义Web技术,利用本体对上下文信息进行建模,采用本体描述语言描述上下文模型,提供了一个公共的上下文本体以实现多个独立开发的上下文感知系统对知识的共享和推理,构建了通用的上下文感知中间件框架,从而实现对域内上下文知识的共同理解。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究将谓词逻辑及公理化理论应用于关系数据库中表示数据子语言,应用谓词逻辑作为它的数学基础,使得对这些语言的研究成为对谓词逻辑的研究,优化数据子语言的表示成为对谓词逻辑的化简问题.  相似文献   

介绍了企业分布式对象计算(EDOC)规约的概念、机理。对EDOC规约的7个子规约组成关系以及应用特点进行了说明。总结了将EDOC规约应用于MDA建模过程的一般方法和具体步骤。指出了EDOC规约工程视点、技术视点是对侧重物理部署描述的开发分布处理参考模型(RM-ODP)工程视点、技术视点的逻辑视角的补充。  相似文献   

基于本体的上下文感知中间件框架   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
上下文感知是普适计算的核心技术之一,而描述和理解上下文信息是上下文感知的前提.由于上下文信息种类繁多、感知方式迥异,目前开发面向特定应用的上下文感知系统缺乏统一的机制和通用的架构,增加了系统开发的成本.引入语义Web技术,利用本体对上下文信息进行建模,采用本体描述语言描述上下文模型,提供了一个公共的上下文本体以实现多个独立开发的上下文感知系统对知识的共享和推理,构建了通用的上下文感知中间件框架,从而实现对域内上下文知识的共同理解.  相似文献   

面向源代码的软件模型检测及其实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
模型检测应用于检测软件可靠性具有重要意义.介绍了一种基于谓词抽象和反例引导抽象求精技术对源程序进行建模和验证的模型检测方法,并结合自行研发的Jchecker工具详细介绍了该软件模型检测技术的运作过程和关键算法.  相似文献   

This paper discusses efficient detection of global predicates in a distributed program. Previous work in this area required predicates to be specified as a conjunction of predicates defined on individual processes. Many properties in distributed systems, however, use the state of channels, such as “the channel is empty,” or “there is a token in the channel.” In this paper, we introduce the concept of alinearchannel predicate and provide efficient centralized and distributed algorithms to detect any conjunction of local and linear channel predicates. The class of linear predicates is fairly broad. For example, classic problems such as detection of termination and computation of global virtual time are instances of conjunctions of linear channel predicates. Linear predicates can be functions of the number of messages in the channel, or can be based upon the actual contents of the messages. The main application of our results are in debugging and testing of distributed programs. For these applications it is important to detect thefirststate where some predicate is true. We show that this first state is uniquely defined if and only if linear predicates are used.  相似文献   

Detection of weak unstable predicates in distributed programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses detection of global predicates in a distributed program. Earlier algorithms for detection of global predicates proposed by Chandy and Lamport (1985) work only for stable predicates. A predicate is stable if it does not turn false once it becomes true. Our algorithms detect even unstable predicates, without excessive overhead. In the past, such predicates have been regarded as too difficult to detect. The predicates are specified by using a logic described formally in this paper. We discuss detection of weak conjunctive predicates that are formed by conjunction of predicates local to processes in the system. Our detection methods will detect whether such a predicate is true for any interleaving of events in the system, regardless of whether the predicate is stable. Also, any predicate that can be reduced to a set of weak conjunctive predicates is detectable. This class of predicates captures many global predicates that are of interest to a programmer. The message complexity of our algorithm is bounded by the number of messages used by the program. The main applications of our results are in debugging and testing of distributed programs. Our algorithms have been incorporated in a distributed debugger that runs on a network of Sun workstations in UNIX  相似文献   

不透明谓词是一类轻量级的代码混淆方法,能以单向的执行复杂度对抗程序的逆向分析。广义不透明谓词扩展狭义不透明谓词的值恒定属性至逻辑恒定属性,已经应用于部分恶意代码中以提升抗查杀能力。为消除不透明谓词对程序恶意性判定的影响,以广义不透明谓词后趋依赖的属性为依据,结合逻辑恒定判定,提出了基于逻辑一致性的广义不透明谓词检测方法。通过静态分析提取谓词前置条件约束、后趋逻辑约束和谓词判定表达式,以相交基本块搜寻初筛谓词,并依据约束求解方法判定广义不透明谓词。构造原型系统并进行测试,结果表明该方法能精准高效地检测出恶意代码中的不透明谓词。  相似文献   

Detection of global predicates: Techniques and their limitations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. We show that the problem of predicate detection in distributed systems is NP-complete. In the past, efficient algorithms have been developed for special classes of predicates such as stable predicates, observer independent predicates, and conjunctive predicates. We introduce a class of predicates, semi-linear predicates, which properly contains all of the above classes. We first discuss stable, observer independent and semi-linear classes of predicates and their relationships with each other. We also study closure properties of these classes with respect to conjunction and disjunction. Finally, we discuss algorithms for detection of predicates in these classes. We provide a non-deterministic detection algorithm for each class of predicate. We show that each class can be equivalently characterized by the degree of non-determinism present in the algorithm. Stable predicates are defined as those that can be detected by an algorithm with the most non-determinism. All other classes can be derived by appropriately constraining the non-determinism in this algorithm.  相似文献   

基于概率和条件逻辑的PKI信任模型推理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于概率和条件谓词逻辑来表示和推导PKI信任模型的方法.该方法用3个二元条件谓词表示不同个体之间的关系,并给出了实体认证规则、信任规则和信任扩展规则,对信任度定义了一个概率模型,该模型能反映约束条件如何影响信任度.概率模型加条件谓词逻辑能够对一个PKI信任模型进行更精确的描述.  相似文献   

Fragmentation has been used to distribute the contents of a database across the sites of a distributed database system. During run time, the system must determine which fragments can be used to answer each query. This process requires solving the predicate implication problem. In order to speed processing, it is desirable to do as much preprocessing as possible on the prestored fragments, without knowledge of the run-time query. In this paper, performing preprocessing on database fragments to speed later run-time implication checking is investigated. The investigation is based on a new concept, separation among predicates. When two predicates are properly separated, their union cannot be implied by any other conjunctive predicate unless one of them is implied by the conjunctive predicate. A polynomial time algorithm for checking the pair-wise separation among a collection of fragment predicates is introduced and its complexity is theoretically analyzed. The separation checking algorithm is accompanied by a query processing algorithm which makes use of the result of the separation properties of the fragments to speed real time query processing. The two algorithms presented are scalable according to available preprocessing time in the sense that the preprocessing algorithm can be run for shorter periods to produce partial preprocessing that can still be used by the query processing algorithm.  相似文献   

基于谓词切片的字符串测试数据自动生成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
字符串谓词使用相当普遍,如何实现字符串测试数据的自动生成是一个有待解决的问题,针对字符串谓词,讨论了路径Path上给定谓词的谓词切片的动态生成算法,以及基于谓词切片的字符串测试数据自动生成方法,并给出了字符串间距离的定义,利用程序DUC(Definithon-Use-Control)表达式,构造谓词的谓词切片,对任意的输入,通过执行谓词切片,获取谓词中变量的当前值,进而对谓词中变量的每一字符进行分支函数极小化,动态生成给定字符串谓词边界的ON-OFF测试点,实验表明,该方法是行之有效的。  相似文献   

周强 《中文信息学报》2016,30(3):196-203

目前BWDSP104X编译器对程序中条件分支的处理是采用传统的谓词优化方法,及每条指令和一个谓词相关,只有当谓词为真时指令才被执行,但它存在的局限性是当涉及到多条件谓词时,并不能消除跳转分支,且多条件谓词之间可能存在控制依赖关系,不利于指令并行和指令流水. 因此在现有编译器框架下,针对传统谓词优化方法的不足之处,本文提出一种基于BWDSP104X体系结构下多条件谓词编译优化方法. 实验结果表明,与传统谓词优化方法相比,该优化算法在BWDSP104X编译器上能够取得平均5.62的加速比.  相似文献   

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