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在考虑剪切变形的影响基础上,研究了有初始缺陷复合材料梁在湿热状态下的混沌运动,并讨论分析了剪切变形、初始缺陷、温度、湿度等因素对混沌运动区域的影响,得到了以下结论:当温度升高时,非完善复合材料粱发生混沌运动区域增大;当初始缺陷程度增加,非完善复合材料梁的混沌运动区域越来越小;湿度升高时。非完善复合材料梁发生混沌运动区域增大;当考虑剪切变形影响时非完善复合材料梁的混沌运动区域变大;在湿热状态下理想复合材料梁的混沌运动区域要比非完善复合材料梁的混沌运动区域大。  相似文献   

在图像运动目标仿射模型和统计图像分析的基础上,建立了一种运动图像序列的初始化分割的方法,并对方法的理论基础进行了分析,最后给出了采用该方法的两个运动图像分割的算例,通过该算例说明了该方法可以得到比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

研究了非完整力学系统相对运动的稳定性.首先,建立了系统的受扰运动微分方程,进而推导了系统的能量变化方程;其次,基于能量变化方程,给出了非完整力学系统相对运动的稳定性的一个判据;最后,举例说明结果的应用.  相似文献   

视频图像跟踪算法中,手动核准目标初始参数困难、精度不高且易导致跟踪失效,针对以上问题,提出一种利用人眼视觉获取显著运动目标中心位置并提取尺寸的方法。该方法结合图像亮度及视频前后帧运动特征,可自适应获取人眼敏感运动目标最佳中心点及区域范围。仿真结果表明,该方法能准确定位显著运动目标,在背景运动或与目标差距较小时仍具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

完整力学系统的三类对称性与三类守恒量   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
研究完整力学系统的Noether对称性、Lie对称性和形式不变性,以及由它们导致的Noether守恒量、Hojman守恒量和一类新型守恒量。  相似文献   

基于NURBS自由变形的腿部运动建模方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何建立人体各部分的数字模型是生物医学和计算机工程界较为关心的研究课题。利用基于NURBS的自由变形方法模拟膝关节变曲和股肉变形,并在二阶B样条基函数的基础上,依据关节的解剖结构,推导出了符合膝关节运动特点和肌肉特性的计算公式。  相似文献   

高庆吉  武晓霞  刘芳  李万民 《控制工程》2011,18(3):470-473,478
飞机表面爬行机器人是一个复杂的离散事件和连续动态事件相结合的混成运动系统,为描述系统的静态特性和动态行为,提出一种分层可控混成Petri网模型.依据爬行运动机构定义了Petri网模型组成元素,建立了爬行机器人单轴和双轴分层可控混成Petri网,该模型可接收上层运动轨迹指令并输出爬行动作序列.实验表明,基于该模型实施的飞...  相似文献   

一维标定方法易于实现且标定效率高,为了克服现有一维标定方法的一些不足,本文提出一种用一维标定物标定多摄像机内外参数的方法,首先进行两两标定,在此过程中,假定主点坐标近似已知而仅考虑畸变、焦距、旋转和平移等参数,接着利用基本矩阵及一维标定物上特征点之间的几何约束,估计两摄像机的内外参数,两两标定完成后,采用Dijkstra最短路径法和捆绑调整对多摄像机系统进行全局标定(含主点坐标),仿真和真实实验表明本文的方法是切实有效的.  相似文献   

本文介绍了自由飘浮空间机器人的运动学特性;从避奇异点规划、姿态调整规划和协同控制规划三个方面总结了自由飘浮空间机器人的运动规划研究现状,并对现有方法的局限性进行了分析;最后给出了自由飘浮空间机器人运动规划下一步需要研究的问题与解决思路。  相似文献   

本文从基层检察信息系统自主可控的意义、存在问题以及如何做好自主可控等方面进行论述。  相似文献   

多轴运动控制器在转台控制系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种基于多轴运动控制器的转台控制系统的组成方案.给出了转台的基本组成,介绍了多轴运动控制卡功能及其硬软件的开放性。分析了控制系统的组成原理,详细介绍了控制系统总体设计方案和基本的硬件配置结构,以及此控制系统的软件设计方法和功能实现。通过此基于多轴运动控制卡的控制系统实现了转台的实时控制及伺服控制。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个基于多轴运动控制卡的运动控制系统。该系统以工控计算机、通用操作系统、PCI-8134多轴运动控制卡及其功能库函数为平台,采用VC++开发的人机界面,实现了三轴(X,Y,Z轴)独立运动、各个轴的连续直线运动以及梯形加减速运动等功能。  相似文献   

Dual-arm redundant robot systems are usually required to handle primary tasks, repetitively and synchronously in practical applications. In this paper, a jerk-level synchronous repetitive motion scheme is proposed to remedy the joint-angle drift phenomenon and achieve the synchronous control of a dual-arm redundant robot system. The proposed scheme is novelly resolved at jerk level, which makes the joint variables, i.e. joint angles, joint velocities and joint accelerations, smooth and bounded. In addition, two types of dynamics algorithms, i.e. gradient-type (G-type) and zeroing-type (Z-type) dynamics algorithms, for the design of repetitive motion variable vectors, are presented in detail with the corresponding circuit schematics. Subsequently, the proposed scheme is reformulated as two dynamical quadratic programs (DQPs) and further integrated into a unified DQP (UDQP) for the synchronous control of a dual-arm robot system. The optimal solution of the UDQP is found by the piecewise-linear projection equation neural network. Moreover, simulations and comparisons based on a six-degrees-of-freedom planar dual-arm redundant robot system substantiate the operation effectiveness and tracking accuracy of the robot system with the proposed scheme for repetitive motion and synchronous control.  相似文献   

摘 要: 针对有向通信拓扑下网络化多轴运动控制系统收到网络攻击威胁及未建模不确定性影响,其轨迹同步控制精度迅速下降,提出了一种基于分布式中间观测器的容侵同步控制方法。首先将非线性未建模不确定性分解成控制通道匹配分量和不匹配分量,进而将攻击、领航者的参考输入和非线性匹配部分合并成一个组合未知输入信号,通过设计分布式中间观测器对跟踪误差系统的状态、组合未知输入信号进行估计并设计容侵同步控制协议。利用李雅普诺夫函数证明跟踪误差系统稳定性。网络化多轴运动控制系统的实验结果表明所提方法能够保证系统具有良好的容侵同步控制性能,并且能够通过调节特定参数确保跟踪误差系统对于不匹配非线性不确定性的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Tracking sinusoidal references with high precision and rejection of sinusoidal disturbances is a challenging task in the motion control practice. In order to deal with this control problem, a new resonant extended state observer is proposed and introduced in the active disturbance rejection control concept. The frequency analysis shows that an appropriate selection of resonant frequency provides complete rejection of sinusoidal disturbance and ideal reference tracking in the steady state. Further, it is shown that the proposed structure achieves better performances than generalised extended state observer based system in the wide frequency range. Moreover, in order to improve the system performances in transient period, the optimal parameter tuning method is developed. The results demonstrate that the optimally tuned system achieves better performances than the conventionally tuned one by about 25%, with the same robustness and noise sensitivity. The experimental validation of the new controller is carried out on the laboratory model of the didactic three-axis radar platform in fast sinusoidal reference tracking mode.  相似文献   

This work proposes a redundant arm torque controller for reaching, guaranteeing desired completion time and accuracy requirements without the need for trajectory planning and prior knowledge of robot dynamics. The proposed controller is designed based on the prescribed performance control methodology and it is a reaching regulator in which the target pose for the hand acts as an attractor for the arm. It provides configuration consistency in return motions and hand and joint velocity smoothness. Its use in an admittance control scheme given measurements or estimates of external forces is also proposed providing active compliance capabilities in robot–environment interactions. Simulation studies for a 5dof human arm-like robot and experiments with a 7dof arm are performed to verify the approach and demonstrate the proposed controller’s performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give some new methods for synthesis of controllers of discrete event dynamical systems (DEDS) with partial event informations. Given a regular target language L, we construct some effective computable algorithms for computing the controllable and observable sublanguages of L. We show that any one of these controllable and observable sublanguages obtained by our algorithms is larger than the supremal controllable and normal sublanguage of L.  相似文献   

空间机器人(Space Robots,SR)机械手沿预定轨迹运动完成空间作业时会对卫星本体姿态产生干扰,影响正常通信和太阳能帆板定向,增加姿态控制燃料消耗。首先通过对SR非完整冗余(Nonholonomic Redundancy,NR)分析,求解不同作业任务SR逆运动学问题,提出对卫星本体不产生姿态干扰的固定姿态控制雅可比矩阵的灵活度准则;其次基于任务分层和NR控制方程,开发了最小姿态干扰运动控制算法;最后计算机仿真验证了算法的有效性。研究结果表明该算法可最小化机械手运动对卫星本体姿态干扰,可节省宝贵姿态控制燃料。  相似文献   

This paper proposes and investigates an online motion planning and feedback control (OMPFC) scheme for redundant manipulators via techniques of quadratic programming and rotary encoder. The proposed OMPFC scheme is performed on a planar six degrees-of-freedom (DOF) manipulator. This robotic scheme incorporates the feedback of task-space position error. The joint state is obtained in real time via rotary encoders equipped on the physical manipulator. The original scheme is finally reformulated as a unified quadratic program (QP). The QP is solved online during the joint motion by employing an efficient numerical algorithm. Simulation and experimental results validate the physical realizability, online property, and efficacy of the proposed OMPFC scheme (including the employed numerical algorithm).  相似文献   

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