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在不同的应用场合对视频信息有不同级别的安全性需求。分析了现有的两种可分级视频加密方案,进而基于视频的信源特征,提出了一种不改变码流格式的保密性可分级的视频加密方案。方案定义了视频码流中的几种关键信息作为加密的对象,然后通过选择加密信息类型的不同组合来实现不同的保密级别。试验结果表明该加密方案不改变视频码流格式、不影响视频的实时传输、不增加额外带宽,根据选用不同的密级可以适用不同安全性需求的应用场合。  相似文献   

针对协作式虚拟环境中,协作对象对数据报文的传送有着不同服务要求,提出了一种基于协作层次的动态层次式带宽分配方法。该方法通过带宽预留的方式,能根据协作服务等级和网络链路状况,在主动路由器上对网络带宽进行动态调整,为协作用户提供了高质量的带宽传输保证。仿真结果显示,H、M、L层次的用户由于级别不同而在网络负载变化时能得到适合自身层次的带宽。其分析表明,该方法在系统网络负载变化时能保证不同协作用户之间的数据信息传输的质量要求。  相似文献   

刘超  刘跃峰  马康玉 《计算机工程》2003,29(19):174-176
对法院信息化建设过程中涉及到的不同地区不同级别法院之间的业务协作环境进行了研究,分析了SOAP的协议规范、应用环境及其潜在的优势。针对以上情况,结合法院的具体状况提出了利用SOAP协议解决该问题的技术方案。  相似文献   

别玉霞  卜瑞杰  刘海燕 《计算机科学》2017,44(3):132-136, 144
为了解决终端接入卫星网络的信道分配问题,充分利用卫星网络有限的信道资源,在分析终端级别和业务级别多样性的基础上,加入优先级标识,建立多终端和多业务优先级模型,分析接入满意度与接入阻塞率、链路带宽和链路总时延的关系,建立接入满意度模型,提出信道竞争机制和带宽压缩机制,进而提出基于多终端和多业务优先级的信道分配算法。仿真结果表明,相比传统算法,该算法可以根据不同终端和不同业务级别分配卫星网络的信道资源,提高接入满意度,进而提高信道利用率。  相似文献   

现有的企业服务总线(ESB)系统在重载时会发生业务拥塞并导致服务质量下降。针对该问题,提出一种基于动态带宽分配的ESB模型。将总线上运行的各个业务流分为3种级别的业务类型。系统在运行时按业务类型优先级为业务流量动态分配带宽,以保证高优先级业务的带宽需求,减少拥塞的发生,提高系统的吞吐能力。实验结果证明了该模型的有效性。  相似文献   

Linux下区分服务逐跳行为的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高杰  沈军 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(22):4193-4196
区分服务为不同数据流提供了不同方式和级别的服务,可以为重要性不同的应用提供不同的带宽和优先级保证。Linux平台具备功能强大的带宽管理工具集,为应用的分类和带宽保证提供有效手段。通过结合区分服务规范定义的加速转发、保证转发,以及传统尽力而为的转发方式,在Linux平台上使用流量控制工具集TC,设计并实现了不同类数据流的区分和带宽保证,建立了区分服务逐跳行为在Linux下的映射模型。  相似文献   

一种保证时延的关键流路由调整算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网中流量分布的不均衡会导致网络拥塞、网络资源得不到有效利用.而为了负载均衡,现有算法调整路由又会造成新路径过长,服务质量降低.提出了一种路由调整算法LCBA(length-constrained most balanced algorithm),在保证时延的基础上降低网络最大带宽利用率.基于Abilene2 网络拓扑和真实流量的实验结果表明,LCBA 算法能够有效缓解骨干网拥塞,最多可以降低最大带宽利用率近50%.仿真实验结果显示:与现有算法相比,该算法能够同时满足关键流路径长度和最大带宽利用率两方面  相似文献   

区分服务网络中带宽利用的公平性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了解决DiffServ网络中带宽利用的不公平性 ,该文提出了一种自适应的数据包标记算法AFM(AdaptiveFairMarker) .与现有的标记算法相比 ,它有两个显著的不同 :( 1)增加了一种带宽估计机制 ,对网络中可使用的带宽进行动态估计 ,并将所估计的带宽以按比例的方式公平地分配给各个汇聚流 ;( 2 )对TCP协议作了一个微小而又非常有效的改进 ,在控制TCP拥塞窗口的同时尽量避免TCP协议的AIMD机制 .该文通过仿真试验对算法进行了验证 ,结果证实AFM算法比其它几种算法具有更好的公平性  相似文献   

提出了一种针对TD—CDMA系统的下行无线资源分配算法,该算法能够根据用户所处的不同服务优先级别和各级别的用户个数合理地分配系统资源,而且解决了系统资源的使用效率和不同无线环境用户带宽分配的均衡问题。测试结果表明该算法是可行且有效的。  相似文献   

孙大大  赵莹  郎波 《计算机工程与应用》2006,42(26):119-121,130
随着分布式服务的发展,服务提供者一方面总是期望提供尽可能通用的服务,而另一方面却期望能够细致地区分每个用户可以调用的服务,现有的RBAC模型很难解决这种矛盾。论文在研究现有RBAC访问控制模型的基础上,提出了基于RBAC的分布式服务两级访问控制模型,该模型将访问控制分为服务级别和属性级别两级,通过属性级别的访问控制将一个通用服务根据用户不同细致地区分成多个服务,从而满足了上述需求。  相似文献   

In this paper, ideas from iterative feedback tuning (IFT) are incorporated into relay auto-tuning of the proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative (PID) controller. The PID controller is auto-tuned to give specified phase margin and bandwidth. Good tuning performance according to the specified bandwidth and phase margin can be obtained and the limitation of the standard relay auto-tuning technique using a version of Ziegler-Nichols formula can be eliminated. Furthermore, by using common modelling assumptions for the relay system, some of the required derivatives in the IFT algorithm can be derived analytically. The algorithm was tested in the laboratory on a coupled tank and good tuning result was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Coded cooperative MIMO relaying schemes in which all successfully decoded signals from multiple sources are simultaneously forwarded by a multi-antenna relay to a common multi-antenna destination to increase bandwidth efficiency are proposed in this paper. These schemes facilitate the various retransmission strategies at relay and single-user and multi-user iterative decoding techniques at destination, suitable for trade-offs between performance, latency, and complexity. When channel state information (CSI) is available, pre-coding and power allocation at the relay can be exploited to enhance the information transmission reliability over the relay-destination channel, thus improving the overall system performance. Simulation result shows their superiority to direct transmission under the same transmit power and bandwidth efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a blind channel estimation and signal retrieving algorithm for two-hop multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay systems. This new algorithm integrates two blind source separation (BSS) methods to estimate the individual channel state information (CSI) of the source-relay and relay-destination links. In particular, a first-order Z-domain precoding technique is developed for the blind estimation of the relay-destination channel matrix, where the signals received at the relay node are pre-processed by a set of precoders before being transmitted to the destination node. With the estimated signals at the relay node, we propose an algorithm based on the constant modulus and signal mutual information properties to estimate the source-relay channel matrix. Compared with training-based MIMO relay channel estimation approaches, the proposed algorithm has a better bandwidth efficiency as no bandwidth is wasted for sending the training sequences. Numerical examples are shown to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Relay,which serves to enhance the performance of future communication networks,is one of the most promising techniques for IMT-Advanced systems.The potential performance improvement of relay is investigated in this work.Our investigation consists of two steps.In the first step,to obtain a better understanding of the fundamental properties of relay channels,we conducted outdoor measurements at 2.35 GHz with 50 MHz bandwidth in a typical urban area of China.Three links constituting the relay transmission,i.e....  相似文献   

Wireless mesh networks are being deployed to provide broadband wireless connectivity to city-wide hotspots. The typical architecture in these deployments thus far is a single-radio architecture: mesh nodes carry only one radio, which is used both to receive the traffic from the clients and to relay this traffic through the mesh to the wired Internet gateway.In this paper, we study the performance of a representative single-radio mesh network both in a live setup and in a laboratory environment. We characterize the performance of different applications (e.g. VoIP), and study some key challenges of mesh networks such as the fairness in bandwidth allocation and hidden node terminal. Finally, we compare the results of the study with traditional cellular networks, and discuss various options to enhance the performance of wireless mesh networks in the future.  相似文献   

景荣  孔令富  赵逢达  练秋生 《软件学报》2019,30(9):2718-2732
为了提高无线传感器网络(wireless sensor network,简称WSN)孤岛结盟方法对未知孤岛分布和中继带宽约束的适应性及效率,提出了基于搜索带宽感知的多机器人WSN孤岛结盟优化问题,并给出了求解该问题的近似算法.首先,在相关模型假设及符号定义的基础上,借鉴迭代局部搜索和流水作业调度思想,引入同步轮次流水迭代过程,建立该优化问题的公式化描述;然后,在连通重叠搜索算法基础上,结合层次分簇和网络流相关理论,设计基于搜索带宽感知的层次中继部署算法;最后,通过与现有方法进行对比实验的结果表明:提出的方法能够在满足未知孤岛分布和中继带宽约束的同时,有效地提高WSN孤岛结盟效率.  相似文献   

5G时代,车联网是最具发展潜力的应用,也是未来智能交通管理系统的重要组成部分。但是,车联网本身也存在局限性。车联网中的车辆节点移动迅速,网络拓扑变化快,道路环境复杂,这些问题都将导致通信链路不稳定,甚至产生中断。因此,选择可靠、高效的中继节点来保障车联网的有效通信连接极为重要。提出基于多参数决策的中继选择方案,综合考虑候选中继节点的带宽、时延、节点切换预测值以及用户节点的相应需求,利用简单的线性加权函数评估候选中继的性能,最终得到最优中继。仿真结果表明,该方案在系统吞吐量和中继切换次数方面比传统方案更具优越性。  相似文献   

在信息网络系统建设过程中,如果网络汇聚节点与核心节点受到距离与通道资源等客观条件限制,往往只能采用租用或自建的低带宽通道互联,这样势必会带来网络性能低、稳定性差等实际问题。为解决这一问题,选取合适的信息网络中继节点,利用交换机的Trunk功能进行VLAN透传中继,是一种经济可行的方法。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of ensuring the invariance property for a linear stationary system with relay controls. In the case of perfect relays, wide-class exogenous disturbances are compensated theoretically on the basis of sliding mode theory. Existing imperfections of relay elements make it impossible to implement a perfect sliding mode; thus, the closed-loop system has dynamics in a zero neighborhood of the given variety. This causes undesirable oscillations in a steady-state mode (“chattering”), leading to missed invariance with respect to exogenous and parametric disturbances. This paper solves the problem of ensuring invariance under imperfect relay elements and involves two approaches. The first one allows for making the relay characteristic close to that of the perfect counterpart (by means of increasing the feedback amplification coefficient); consequently, the chattering problem is eliminated. The second approach proceeds from the high-frequency modulation principle and performs regularization of relay switchings; using the linearization effect for the relay characteristics, the second approach guarantees the invariance property.  相似文献   

Existing live video streaming systems can be classified as server (cloud) based or as peer-to-peer (P2P). The client–server approach promises stability and (Quality of Service) QoS by incurring expensive bandwidth provision cost on the server. On the other hand, P2P architecture is scalable with low bandwidth and maintenance cost. Here we propose a cloud assisted P2P live streaming architecture which is scalable and stable. In order to achieve this we have developed: (i) a scalable gossip protocol that monitors dynamically the total available bandwidth resources of the participating peers, (ii) a control strategy that dynamically allocates the bandwidth that is required.The first step towards this direction is to create a theoretical model that captures the dynamic relationship between the total bandwidth surplus/deficit and peers’ bandwidth utilization in order to be able to apply a control theoretical approach. Moreover, we quantify the impact of monitoring inaccuracies and peers’ dynamic bandwidth changes and we calculate analytically, as a function of them, the minimum amount of bandwidth overprovision that ensures the undisturbed distribution of the stream. System is evaluated through a detailed simulator of a complete P2P live streaming system and testified the uninterrupted and complete stream delivery even in very adverse bandwidth changes.  相似文献   

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