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最大散度差和大间距线性投影与支持向量机   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
首先对Fisher鉴别准则作了必要的修正,并基于新的鉴别准则设计了最大散度差分 类器;然后探讨了当参数C趋向无穷大时,最大散度差分类器的极限情况,得到了大间距线 性投影分类器;最后通过分析说明,大间距线性投影分类器实际上是在模式样本线性可分的条 件下,线性支持向量机的一种特殊情况.在ORL和NUST603人脸库上的测试结果表明,最 大散度差分类器和大间距线性投影分类器可以与线性支持向量机、不相关线性鉴别分析相媲 美,优于Foley-Sammon鉴别分析方法.  相似文献   

Minimum class variance support vector machine (MCVSVM) and large margin linear projection (LMLP) classifier, in contrast with traditional support vector machine (SVM), take the distribution information of the data into consideration and can obtain better performance. However, in the case of the singularity of the within-class scatter matrix, both MCVSVM and LMLP only exploit the discriminant information in a single subspace of the within-class scatter matrix and discard the discriminant information in the other subspace. In this paper, a so-called twin-space support vector machine (TSSVM) algorithm is proposed to deal with the high-dimensional data classification task where the within-class scatter matrix is singular. TSSVM is rooted in both the non-null space and the null space of the within-class scatter matrix, takes full advantage of the discriminant information in the two subspaces, and so can achieve better classification accuracy. In the paper, we first discuss the linear case of TSSVM, and then develop the nonlinear TSSVM. Experimental results on real datasets validate the effectiveness of TSSVM and indicate its superior performance over MCVSVM and LMLP.  相似文献   

主成分分析算法(PCA)和线性鉴别分析算法(LDA)被广泛用于人脸识别技术中,但是PCA由于其计算复杂度高,致使人脸识别的实时性达不到要求。线性鉴别分析算法存在“小样本”和“边缘类”问题,降低了人脸识别的准确性。针对上述问题,提出使用二维主成分分析法(2DPCA)与改进的线性鉴别分析法相融合的方法。二维主成分分析法提取的特征比一维主成分分析法更丰富,并且降低了计算复杂度。改进的线性鉴别分析算法重新定义了样本类间离散度矩阵和Fisher准则,克服了传统线性鉴别分析算法存在的问题,保留了最有辨别力的信息,提高了算法的识别率。实验结果表明,该算法比主成分分析算法和线性鉴别分析算法具有更高的识别率,可以较好地用于人脸识别任务。  相似文献   

一种基于双向2DMSD的人脸识别方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出一种基于双向二维最大散度差线性判别分析(Bidirectional 2DMSD)的人脸识别方法.该方法通过在水平和垂直2个方向上顺序执行2次二维最大散度差线性判别分析(2DMSD)运算,将判别特征信息压缩到图像的左上角,大大减少了图像特征的维数;选用二维最小近邻分类法进行分类,计算识别率.在ORL和Yale人脸数据库上的实验结果表明,该方法不仅在识别率上优于最大散度差线性判别分析(MSD),而且在与2DMSD具有相同识别率的情况下,特征维数比2DMSD大大减小,降低了计算复杂度,减少了识别时间,提高了人脸识别效率.  相似文献   

陈斌  张连海  牛铜  屈丹  李弼程 《自动化学报》2014,40(6):1208-1215
提出了一种基于最小分类错误(Minimum classification error,MCE)准则的线性判别分析方法(Linear discriminant analysis,LDA),并将其应用到连续语音识别中的特征变换.该方法采用非参数核密度估计方法进行数据概率分布估计;根据得到的概率分布,在最小分类错误准则下,采用基于梯度下降的线性搜索算法求解判别分析变换矩阵.利用判别分析变换矩阵对相邻帧梅尔滤波器组输出拼接的超矢量变换降维,得到时频特征.实验结果表明,与传统的MFCC特征相比,经过本文判别分析提取的时频特征其识别准确率提高了1.41%,相比于HLDA(Heteroscedastic LDA)和近似成对经验正确率准则(Approximate pairwise empirical accuracy criterion,aPEAC)判别分析方法,识别准确率分别提高了1.14%和0.83%.  相似文献   

一种基于马氏距离的线性判别分析分类算法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对于一个特定的模式识别问题,表达和识别模式的特征具有不同的形式,它们在物理意义上是完全不同的,而且在数量级具有很大差别。该文提出了一种基于马氏距离的线性判别分析分类算法,选取判别函数为马氏距离,可以适用于具有不同类型特征值的分类问题。将该算法应用于UCI中Credit-A、Credit-G、Iris和Vehicle四个数据库的分类,并采用K次交叉验证方法进行实验。从实验结果中可知,与ENTROPY算法和C4.5(8)算法分类效果相比较,该文所提出的线性判别分析算法计算简单,识别率较高,是一种实际可行的分类算法。  相似文献   

针对实际复杂电磁环境下通信辐射源个体细微特征提取面临的标签样本缺失问题,将半监督学习理论引入到通信辐射源细微特征提取,提出一种半监督框架下的局部近邻保持正则化判别分析方法。该方法在双谱估计的基础上,通过向线性判别模型中有效融入由无标签样本所提供的流形结构信息,从而将线性判别方法扩展到半监督学习。在实际采集的同种型号、同种厂家、相同批次以及相同工作模式的不同FM通信电台数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法能够获得更优的分类识别性能。  相似文献   

There are two fundamental problems with the Fisher linear discriminant analysis for face recognition. One is the singularity problem of the within-class scatter matrix due to small training sample size. The other is that it cannot efficiently describe complex nonlinear variations of face images because of its linear property. In this letter, a kernel scatter-difference-based discriminant analysis is proposed to overcome these two problems. We first use the nonlinear kernel trick to map the input data into an implicit feature space F. Then a scatter-difference-based discriminant rule is defined to analyze the data in F. The proposed method can not only produce nonlinear discriminant features but also avoid the singularity problem of the within-class scatter matrix. Extensive experiments show encouraging recognition performance of the new algorithm.  相似文献   

Shanwen Zhang  Ying-Ke Lei 《Neurocomputing》2011,74(14-15):2284-2290
Based on locally linear embedding (LLE) and modified maximizing margin criterion (MMMC), a modified locally linear discriminant embedding (MLLDE) algorithm is proposed for plant leaf recognition in this paper. By MLLDE, the plant leaf images are mapped into a leaf subspace for analysis, which can detect the essential leaf manifold structure. Furthermore, the unwanted variations resulting from changes in period, location, and illumination can be eliminated or reduced. Different from principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), which can only deal with flat Euclidean structures of plant leaf space, MLLDE not only inherits the advantages of locally linear embedding (LLE), but makes full use of class information to improve discriminant power by introducing translation and rescaling models. The experimental results on real plant leaf database show that the MLLDE is effective for plant leaf recognition.  相似文献   

基于模糊准则的小波特征选择在人脸识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出一种基于模糊准则的小波特征选择方法来实现人脸识别.首先,利用模糊准则得到最优小波包分解;其次,亦利用模糊准则对最优小波包分解中特征(小波系数)的分类能力进行评价并排序;再次,选择鉴别能力强的特征并将它们输入到EFM模型以实现降维,并使用基于最小二乘误差的线性鉴别函数实现分类.人脸识别实验结果表明基于模糊准则的小波特征选择方法的识别率要高于主元分析(PCA)算法.  相似文献   

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