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首先介绍了面向服务的架构(SOA)的体系结构和有色Petri网的概念;然后,使用SOA的方法,通过对调度命令系统业务流程的梳理,提取出调度命令系统的一组服务模型,形成服务总线模式的调度命令系统的SOA架构;最后,以调用下达命令服务为例,将系统拆分为服务提供者、服务请求者和服务总线三个组件,再将服务总线组件拆分为接入访问组件、权限认证组件、服务路由组件和消息转换组件,利用有色Petri网在动态建模方面的优势,分别对其进行建模,详细说明了其内部流程.SOA架构提高了调度命令系统的灵活性和可扩展性,结合有色Petri网对系统内部结构和控制逻辑的形式化描述,这种架构方法与建模语言相结合的方法对调度命令系统的开发有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

通过分支时序逻辑(CTL)公式表示系统约束,利用Petri网的可达性分析技术来验证约束一致性是一种重要的、切实可行的约束一致性验证方法。文章描述了一种由CTL公式向Petri网映射的算法,将表示系统约束和组件约束的CTL公式分别映射为Petir网,然后利用Petri网的组合、可达性分析等技术从语义上来验证系统约束与组件约束的一致性。最后,通过对算法的实现开发了一个工具包,并通过一个实例验证了算法正确性和约束一致性验证方法的可行性。  相似文献   

ESB架构在企业信息化的应用整合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对支撑SOA架构的重要组件ESB(Enterprise Service Bus,企业服务总线)进行了全面系统的介绍,说明了ESB在面向服务的体系结构中所扮演的角色和主要功能.通过ESB对SOA体系结构的改进的研究与分析,归纳出了一种基于ESB企业应用集成模型的基础设施.  相似文献   

作为一个解决跨区域、异构、实时和动态的信息及应用共享方案,面向服务的架构(SOA)已经成为电子政务发展的导向。提出了一种基于企业服务总线(ESB)、服务语义和流程服务等技术的电子政务SOA解决方案,采用自下而上的方式,分三步走,首先在已有的政务平台上实现SOA概念模型,然后构建ESB,最后提供完备和高级的SOA功能。方案已应用于长沙市电子政务项目,实现了市、区两级政府政务平台的SOA。  相似文献   

基于SOA和ESB的供应链快速响应系统集成研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张启文  徐琪 《计算机应用》2009,29(9):2523-2526
为了构建一个开放、松散耦合的系统集成环境,提出了基于面向服务架构(SOA)的企业服务总线(ESB)系统集成架构,对ESB通过数据适配器完成数据转换、消息驱动服务的执行机制进行了详细介绍。最后,将该方法应用于一个供应链快速响应实例中,实验证明,基于SOA的ESB是构建异构系统集成的有效方法。  相似文献   

SOA-SSH分层架构的设计与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文中对SOA、ESB、webservice、SSH分层架构等进行研究,针对当前业务系统异构难于集成的问题,利用SSH架构开发简便和分层解耦的优点,设计了基于SSH架构和SOA的SOA-SSH分层架构。该架构将SOA系统进行分层管理,同时采用ESB做为服务注册中心来管理服务,解决了异构系统的整合问题。该架构通过分层解耦简化了SOA系统开发过程,使系统具有很强的扩展性和快速的业务重构能力。在技术上实现了基于SOA-SSH的PLM系统开发,并成功实现了PLM分层架构设计,从而证明了SOA-SSH架构的可行性。  相似文献   

文中对SOA、ESB、webservice、SSH分层架构等进行研究,针对当前业务系统异构难于集成的问题,利用SSH架构开发简便和分层解耦的优点,设计了基于SSH架构和SOA的SOA-SSH分层架构。该架构将SOA系统进行分层管理,同时采用ESB做为服务注册中心来管理服务,解决了异构系统的整合问题。该架构通过分层解耦简化了SOA系统开发过程,使系统具有很强的扩展性和快速的业务重构能力。在技术上实现了基于SOA-SSH的PLM系统开发,并成功实现了PLM分层架构设计,从而证明了SOA-SSH架构的可行性。  相似文献   

面向服务架构(SOA)是实现企业自动化的未来发展趋势,用面向服务思想架构企业应用更强调如何通过基于构件的软件开发(CBSD)快速满足企业多变的业务需求,构件的描述方法是构件库管理和构件分类检索的基础.通过对服务构件的语义描述方法与传统构件描述方法的比较,引入了本体建模的思想,对青鸟构件库系统构件分类描述规范和OWL-S规范进行了扩展,提出了一种基于本体的服务构件描述方法.这种服务构件语义描述方法支持面向服务的语义检索,提高了服务检索的查全率和查准率,为实现基于语义Web Service的SOA网构开发奠定基础.  相似文献   

针对当前烟草行业日益增长的信息共享和工商协同营销的需求,提出了基于面向服务架构(Service Oriented Architecture,SOA)的企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus,ESB)系统集成架构,并将该架构应用到河南中烟的工商协同营销系统集成中.最后,实践证明SOA架构能够有效实现异...  相似文献   

企业服务总线在企业应用集成中的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业应用集成(EAI)是通过硬件,软件,标准和业务过程的结合,实现两个或多个企业系统之间的无缝集成,使它们能够统一运作.介绍了面向服务体系架构(SOA),并结合企业服务总线(ESB)技术,提出了一种新的企业应用集成框架.同时,给出了基于Mule ESB的EAI框架中商品价格查询实例的设计与实现.  相似文献   

Web服务组合的形式化描述和验证是一个重要的研究问题.为了更好地完成验证工作,提出了扩展着色Petri网的模型检测方法.首先,在着色Petri网原有的基于CTL的局部模型检测算法基础上,给出了获取模型检测证据/反例的算法,并在着色Petri网模型检测工具--CPN Tools--中使用ML(meta language)语言实现了这些算法,然后将扩展后的CPN模型检测工具应用在Web服务组合的验证问题中.该方法不仅可以验证Web服务组合是否存在逻辑错误,还能告诉用户发生错误的原因,为Web服务组合的验证提供了技术上的保障.实验表明对着色Petri网的模型检测工具的扩展是正确、有效的.  相似文献   

interval temporal logic (itl) and Petri nets are two well developed formalisms for the specification and analysis of concurrent systems. itl allows one to specify both the system design and correctness requirements within the same logic based on intervals (sequences of states). As a result, verification of system properties can be carried out by checking that the formula describing a system implies the formula describing a requirement. Petri nets, on the other hand, have action and local state based semantics which allows for a direct expression of causality aspects in system behaviour. As a result, verification of system properties can be carried out using partial order reductions or invariant based techniques. In this paper, we investigate a basic semantical link between temporal logics and compositionally defined Petri nets. In particular, we aim at providing a support for the verification of behavioural properties of Petri nets using methods and techniques developed for itl.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient model checking algorithm for one–safe time Petri nets and a timed temporal logic. The approach is based on the idea of (1) using only differences of timing variables to be able to construct a finite representation of the set of all reachable states and (2) further reducing the size of this representation by exploiting the concurrency in the net. This reduction of the state space is possible, because the considered linear–time temporal logic is stuttering invariant. The firings of transitions are only partially ordered by causality and a given formula; therefore the order of firings of independent transitions is irrelevant, and only one of several equivalent interleavings has to be generated for the evaluation of the given formula. In this paper the theory of timing verification with time Petri nets and temporal logic is presented, a concrete model checking algorithm is developed and proved to be correct, and some experimental results demonstrating the efficiency of the method are given.  相似文献   

Development of services that span over the Internet and Telecom networks is driving significant efforts towards the integrated of services offered by Telecom operators. Service-oriented communication (SOC) is a new trend in the industry to enable communication through a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and thereby package communications as services. In this paper, we firstly introduce the design and implementation for business process execution language (BPEL) based multimedia conferencing communication services orchestration, and mainly focus on the issue of guaranteeing the correctness of such applications, we presents a Petri net-based approach to analyzing the BPEL based multimedian conferencing communication services orchestration correctness and also a set of translation rules is proposed to transform BPEL processes into Petri nets. Especially, we define the correctness of multimedia conferencing services orchestration and address the verification method based on Petri nets. The algorithms and corresponding reliable issues have been proposed, such as the coverability tree for detecting flow safeness, the incidence matrix & state equation for finding reachable issues, and a transitive matrix for detecting a deadlock problem. With the Petri Net Markup Language (PNML) are introduced to transform a orchestrated services into a Petri net model, and providing an automated support for the formal analysis of their behavior. Finally, we give the conclusions.  相似文献   

一种面向服务的体系结构参考模型   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
麻志毅  陈泓婕 《计算机学报》2006,29(7):1011-1019
在对当前的面向服务体系结构研究的基础上,提出了一种用于设计面向服务体系结构的参考模型,深入地阐述了有关概念,详述了参考模型的结构以及其中的服务总线和服务合约的元模型,并提出了一个用于评价面向服务体系结构的成熟度模型.该参考模型为进一步设计面向服务的体系结构奠定了基础.  相似文献   

基于SOA的制造执行系统技术研究*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
设计了制造执行系统面向服务的多层体系结构,研究了服务构件、服务总线、业务流程标准在制造执行系统中的应用,在此基础上提出了面向服务的制造执行系统开发方法。经验证,面向服务的制造执行系统提高了车间业务的敏捷程度,有利于快速实施和推广。  相似文献   

A strategy for service realization in service-oriented design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently service orientation is becoming a mainstream approach for building large scale software systems. A key requirement in service-oriented design is the de- pendability of service. It stipulates that the behavior of services is controllable. Formal models can aid in constructing software in a dependable manner. They can describe ser- vices precisely and compose them together consistently. This paper presents a strategy for service realization based on a novel layered formal model. When a service is provided or required via internet, the semantic consistency becomes critical issue. Our architecture tackles the issue by proposing a novel scheme: defining contract of a service to keep semantic information. Although service-oriented design is our prime target, the contract models, to a large extent, are independent of the framework of design and therefore ap- plicable to large scale software design in general.  相似文献   

面向服务的体系结构SOA已经逐渐成为应用软件系统集成的主流技术。服务总线在构建SOA基础架构中起着关键作用,如何根据服务QoS进行动态优化是服务总线中的重要研究课题之一。SOARBus是一个支持QoS动态优化的服务总线,SOARBus实现组合服务请求动态调度算法和QoS感知的组合服务动态调整算法,使其能够根据引擎负载按照负载均衡原则对组合服务请求进行动态调度和以及在组合服务执行期间根据QoS对组合服务进行动态调整。  相似文献   

Within the enterprise, information infrastructure as the mean to bring together different software applications is the key component to enable cooperation and information and knowledge exchange in an open-distributed environment. The paper addresses the issues of industrial application integration in business processes using agent-enabled service-oriented architectures (SOA). In this paper, we show that agent-enabled SOA can play an important role for service integration. Our framework combines Web services (WS) and intelligent agent technologies orchestrated by a business process management system. This framework looks for unification of agent and WS service models, is grounded in a semantic SOA of an agent platform and is supported by the Component Agent Platform Over .NET Framework agent platform tools. We describe the architecture and illustrate the approach by an industrial application scenario from petroleum wells’ drilling.  相似文献   

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