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PC外设扩展的新途径—USB   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了目前在进行PC功能扩展时存在的问题、USB的性能、发展趋势及USB在PC外设中的应用。  相似文献   

ZHPA 《电脑自做》2005,(10):82-83
随着计算机技术的发展PC的性能获得了巨大的提升,PC已不仅仅是高效率的计算工程,而是拥有了越来越多功能的娱乐平台,一些发烧友更是将PC彻底的变成了游戏机和个人Hi-Fi,当然,更可以成为一台高科技的家庭影院电脑(Home Theahr PC).  相似文献   

介绍了在DOS环境下嵌入式PC/104系统的内存优化问题。通过对嵌入式PC/104系统内存结构的分析,引出了在DOS环境下的内存不足问题,并介绍了一些内存释放和内存优化的一些措施。  相似文献   

工作站在图像、视频设计、CAD/CAM、计算机图形仿真、科学计算、CAID、多媒体音频、视频制作等领域得到了广泛的应用,普通的家用或商用计算机往往难以达到这些领域的速度和性能要求,会出现应用软件无法安装,一些操作不能执行、死机、任务执行缓慢等各种各样的问题。近些年来,随着PC机性能的提高和操作系统的完善,基于PC平台的工作站开始出现,并以其价低、易用等特点迅速占领市场。这些基于PC构架的、用来运行专业应用软件的高性能计算机被称为PC工作站。工作站按操作系统可分为UNIX工作站和NT工作站,它们各有特点,很难说…  相似文献   

自英特尔研发出开源计算机视觉类库Open CV以来,它在PC平台上的视觉开发得到了比较广泛的应用。随着嵌入式处理器的性能日益提升、价格不断下降,带来日益广泛的嵌入式计算机视觉应用。因此将Open CV的各种视觉应用移植到嵌入式平台是个加速嵌入式系统开发的不错选择。首先简单分析了在嵌入式平台上移植Open CV应该注意的一些问题,然后以Open CV的人脸检测算法在Power PC处理器上的移植为例来研究其在嵌入式系统中的应用价值。  相似文献   

刘琪 《中国信息化》2009,(18):49-49
随着电脑应用的不断深入,以及能源危机和环境问题的日趋严重,PC的发展进程也从最初的性能配置大比拼延展到绿色环保特性的优劣,尤其是呈规模化采购和应用的商用PC市场正在形成一场绿色的变革浪潮,而联想Think CentreM系列正成为这一浪潮的领导者。  相似文献   

对于一个刚刚起步的企业来说,可能一台自攒的PC服务器就能够满足初期的业务需求。但是随着时间的推移和企业的不断壮大,PC机自身所具有的一些可靠性及扩展性问题就会日趋显现,而成为制约企业发展的瓶颈。为此,作为主要服务器供应商的惠普公司想用户之所想,于近日推出了具有PC机价位、提供完全服务器级技术、功能及性能的HP NetServer E200。  相似文献   

新形势下,我国社会整体生产水平逐渐提高,进一步影响到了性能良好的PC机与单片机的应用范围。在此基础上,想要确保PC机与单片机的功能性足够良好,提高其潜在价值,需要有效实施基于PC机与单片机的多机通信技术与抗干扰方法,且有助于强化设备实践应用效果,使得其在长时间实践应用中的水平得到提高,进而满足多元化需求。所以,充分考虑基于PC机与单片机的多机通信技术与抗干扰方法,并落实具体应用工作,确保应用工况良好。据此,本文主要对基于PC机与单片机的多机通信技术及抗干扰方法进行了深入探究。  相似文献   

基于PC的插卡式DVR虽技术发展已很成熟,但在长期的使用过程中.其还是暴露一些缺陷.特别是软压缩DVR,存在系统稳定性不够、录像清晰度差、安装维护工作量大等问题。为解决以上问题.一些公司推出基于Linux操作系统的DVR板卡,以提升产品的性能。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 计算机技术飞速发展,高速PCI总线、高速CPU、3D显示卡及大容量内存条的使用极大地提高了PC机的性能。基于PC机的应用系统应充分发挥现有PC机的性能来提高自身的性能,如利用PCI总线来快速传输数据,利用大容量内存来存储数据,利用3D显示卡来显示动画等等。  相似文献   

Local search algorithms are among the standard methods for solving hard combinatorial problems from various areas of artificial intelligence and operations research. For SAT, some of the most successful and powerful algorithms are based on stochastic local search, and in the past 10 years a large number of such algorithms have been proposed and investigated. In this article, we focus on two particularly well-known families of local search algorithms for SAT, the GSAT and WalkSAT architectures. We present a detailed comparative analysis of these algorithms" performance using a benchmark set that contains instances from randomized distributions as well as SAT-encoded problems from various domains. We also investigate the robustness of the observed performance characteristics as algorithm-dependent and problem-dependent parameters are changed. Our empirical analysis gives a very detailed picture of the algorithms" performance for various domains of SAT problems; it also reveals a fundamental weakness in some of the best-performing algorithms and shows how this can be overcome.  相似文献   

网格性能评价问题分析与探讨   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
网格作为一种新兴的计算平台,其复杂程度远远超出了传统的分布式系统。因此,对其进行性能评价也变得更为复杂,面临许多新的困难。为了对网格性能评价有一个全面深刻的认识,通过分析网格与分布式系统的根本区别,并指出影响其性能的关键因素以及对其进行性能评价的特殊要求,从而明确了网格性能评价需要解决的新问题,并初步探讨了可能的解决方向或方案。  相似文献   

Evolutionary programming techniques for economic load dispatch   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Evolutionary programming has emerged as a useful optimization tool for handling nonlinear programming problems. Various modifications to the basic method have been proposed with a view to enhance speed and robustness and these have been applied successfully on some benchmark mathematical problems. But few applications have been reported on real-world problems such as economic load dispatch (ELD). The performance of evolutionary programs on ELD problems is examined and presented in this paper in two parts. In Part I, modifications to the basic technique are proposed, where adaptation is based on scaled cost. In Part II, evolutionary programs are developed with adaptation based on an empirical learning rate. Absolute, as well as relative, performance of the algorithms are investigated on ELD problems of different size and complexity having nonconvex cost curves where conventional gradient-based methods are inapplicable.  相似文献   

This paper derives bounds on the performance of statistical object recognition systems, wherein an image of a target is observed by a remote sensor. Detection and recognition problems are modeled as composite hypothesis testing problems involving nuisance parameters. We develop information-theoretic performance bounds on target recognition based on statistical models for sensors and data, and examine conditions under which these bounds are tight. In particular, we examine the validity of asymptotic approximations to probability of error in such imaging problems. Problems involving Gaussian, Poisson, and multiplicative noise, and random pixel deletions are considered, as well as least-favorable Gaussian clutter. A sixth application involving compressed sensor image data is considered in some detail. This study provides a systematic and computationally attractive framework for analytically characterizing target recognition performance under complicated, non-Gaussian models and optimizing system parameters  相似文献   

长期以来,MIPS一直被视为衡量计算机运算速度的主要性能指标之一。近年来,由于计算机结构的变化,使人们开始意识到以MIP衡量计算机的运算速度存在着问题,但,迄今为止,人们对这一问题还没有完全认识清楚,还在以不同的方式使用着MIPS。本文从MIPS的定义出发,结合实例,全面地分析了以MIPS值度量计算机或比较不同的计算机的运算速度所存在的问题以及可能导致的错误结论。进一步地,本文还讨论了在一定的限制  相似文献   

This paper presents some new approaches to mixed performance control problems of linear systems. The design techniques proposed in this paper are based on numerical search of the norm bounded stable transfer matrix Q in the and suboptimal controller parameterizations so that the additional performance specifications are satisfied. The design problems are then converted to some finite dimensional non-linear unconstrained optimization problems by explicitly parameterizing the or norm bounded stable transfer matrix Q for any fixed order. Finally, some two-stage optimization algorithms are applied to find the optimal parameters. Numerical examples have shown significant performance improvements of the proposed algorithms over those in the existing literature.  相似文献   

WDM技术在近几年取得了巨大发展,但也还是受到一些制约。WDM的性能受光纤的色散与非线性效应等多方面因素的影响,这些因素在WDM技术的发展推广当中,是系统设计者和运营维护者必须考虑和了解的。本文主要介绍了光纤传输中的非线性效应的现象和原理及对WDM系统有哪些影响,对如何改善WDM系统通信质量提出了一些参考建议,提出了现阶段有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

沈滨  孙建伶 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(8):1389-1391,1414
随着异步通讯和企业级开发平台诸如J2EE的普及和发展,越来越多的企业级应用采用了这些技术作为快速开发平台.但是同时,这些应用也面临着一些困扰,特别是性能问题.这主要是由这些系统的分布式、复杂性和数据无关性引起的.讨论了这些问题,并且通过改善消息服务器配置和分布式系统资源的事务提交策略来避免性能瓶颈的出现.用一个在金融领域里的例子来阐述事务的提交策略是怎么影响这类企业级应用性能.  相似文献   

Implementation of cellular manufacturing systems (CMS) is thriving among manufacturing companies due to many advantages that are attained by applying this system. In this study CMS formation and layout problems are considered. An Electromagnetism like (EM-like) algorithm is developed to solve the mentioned problems. In addition the required modifications to make EM-like algorithm applicable in these problems are mentioned. A heuristic approach is developed as a local search method to improve the quality of solution of EM-like. Beside in order to examine its performance, it is compared with two other methods. The performance of EM-like algorithm with proposed heuristic and GA are compared and it is demonstrated that implementing EM-like algorithm in this problem can improve the results significantly in comparison with GA. In addition some statistical tests are conducted to find the best performance of EM-like algorithm and GA due to their parameters. The convergence diagrams are plotted for two problems to compare the convergence process of the algorithms. For small size problems the performances of the algorithms are compared with an exact algorithm (Branch & Bound).  相似文献   

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