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平平圭 《电脑》2002,(7):106-106
我用自己的电脑写文章、听歌曲、上网,常常在不经意间,电脑屏幕跳出来一个“非法操作”框,“XX程序执行了非法操作,即将关闭。”于是,写好一半的文章,得停下,正听得起劲的歌曲,不能再听了,上网呢,免了吧。而常常,碰到这种情况,我是无可奈何的,能处理就处理一下,不能处理,就只有投降了。那种感觉,真是糟透了。懊恼、烦燥、愤怒,可是又无可奈何。有问题就要解决,痛定思痛,我请教了一些朋友,又翻了翻书,终于明白了其中的道理,其实,“非法操作”这种情况并不可怕,只要稍加处理是完全可以避免的。造成“非法操作”的原…  相似文献   

路由器到路由器VPN试验网的组建和测试分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
董云耀  耿进锋 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(6):1472-1474,1477
介绍了VPN隧道技术PPTP,路由器到路由器VPN试验网的设计和搭建,以及用到的测试工具,并捕获PPTP数据帧。通过协议和数据帧分析,对实验网进行了性能测试。介绍了PPTP控制连接消息,分析和验证了PPTP控制连接过程、PPTP数据帧封装方式,加密方式及加密协议CHAP,具体分析了一个捕获的GRE报头,对报头的每一位进行了分析,进而验证了GRE报头格式,并分析了这种网络结构的安全性,最后给出了实验结论。  相似文献   

2004年5月1日,带着中国电信集团领导的嘱托,起程前往美国进行为期三个星期的学习和考察。我们先在美国著名的斯坦福大学商学院学习了工商管理课程,然后对美国的SPRINT公司、MCI公司和中国电信美国公司进行了访问和考察。这次学习让我们开阔了眼界,增长了知识,交流了经验,建立了友谊。在结业典礼上,教授们高度评价我们班.认为学员学习认真,善于思考,提出问题有深度和高度。这次学习中,教授层次高、阵容强,既有扎实的理论功底,又有丰富的实践基础,具有全球化的视野和深入浅出、幽默的讲解,使我们拓宽了思路,丰富了才干,理清了方向.调整了思维方式,对集团的战略决策有了更深的理解,深深感到了历史的责任和使命。  相似文献   

camcam 《电脑》2004,(6):115-115
现在的摄像头便宜了,身边的朋友几乎都人手一个的,晚上上QQ的时候,大家都双双开视频,还真够热闹了。可是过了一阵子以后,新鲜感过去了,大家都比较情愿把网络的带宽用在下载上了,摄像头用的机会就少了,甚至干脆就卸下来放到抽屉去了。慢慢的,系统新装和删除的东西都多了,已经安装的驱动程序相信早就删去了,而附带的驱动程序光盘,也早就不知道丢哪里去了,当某天忽然又想起这个几乎要被遗忘的摄像头时,重新使用之前,还真的免不了要为驱动程序而发愁。  相似文献   

智能网络磁盘调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张磊  赵跃龙 《计算机工程》2007,33(18):97-99
针对当前网络存储系统中存在的问题,提出了基于智能算法的智能网络磁盘IND的存储方案,探讨了IND系统的结构,设计了相应的应用协议,实现了智能网络磁盘调度算法。通过应用协议实现了对外虚拟存储,并将文件服务器分放到智能磁盘,避免了单点故障和性能瓶颈。通过对多个磁盘的并行调度算法,实现了并行传输,提高了文件的传输速度。以此为基础,设计和实现了IND模拟程序。试验结果显示,智能网络磁盘有助于避免单点故障,提高数据文件的传输效率。  相似文献   

初识博客,缘于“博客中国”。一次偶然的机会,上了“博客中国”,并且一时心血来潮,注册了一个用户名——“苏州布衣”,发表了一些以前写好的文章。不想过了大概半天时间,我的几篇文章被编辑推荐到了网站首页,作为精品提供给大家浏览,一时间点击不断,评论纷纷,激起了我的兴趣,就继续发了一些文章,以期与大家共同交流。这也许可以算是我与博客的第一次亲密接触。  相似文献   

刘文峰 《微型计算机》2003,(13):136-136
1999年10月6日。终于结束了高中时代,我的大学梦也破灭了。干什么呢?学电脑吧,我对自己说,其实,我不认识电脑,尽管那本《计算机基础》,我看得都可以背下来了。我知道什么是DOS,什么是Windows,什么是目录,什么是命令,什么是CPU,什么是ROM,什么是RAM,什么……是的,我知道了,但我知道了并不代表我认识了,所以我想要知道这些东西到底是什么样的。  相似文献   

任惟 《数码世界》2004,3(10A):42-43
听说了永中Office,听说了一位60岁老人的创业梦,不禁令我想起了一部叫《打败巨人的杰克》的童话故事。故事里讲有一个国家,突然有一天来了一个巨人,巨人常常欺负善良的人民,小小的杰克打算一个人去除掉他。小杰克真的开始行动了,他想了各种各样的办法。都没能成功,终于有一天,他发现了巨人的弱点,于是,他抓住这个弱点击倒了巨人,受到了国王的奖赏和人民的尊敬。是  相似文献   

PC变了,变得平易近人了,变得讨大家欢心了,变得没有以前那么刻板了,就连父亲也喜欢上了它,开始用它看大片了。媒体中心电脑的成熟打破了PC传统的操作理念,使它变成了家庭娱乐中心,成为全家人的新宠。  相似文献   

早在学生时代,小菜就痴迷于抱着收音机定时收听中央台的小说连播,工作后却不得不忍痛割爱——没时间啊,连播的时候自己在工作,休息了,却早过了连播时间,真真郁闷死了。某天,小菜偶尔打开了中央人民广播电台的网站,意外发现,网站居然提供了小说连播的音频下载,想到自己新买的MP3,不由一阵窃喜。  相似文献   

Igor Boglaev 《Computing》2011,92(1):65-95
This paper deals with numerical solutions of coupled nonlinear parabolic equations. Using the method of upper and lower solutions, monotone sequences are constructed for difference schemes which approximate coupled systems of nonlinear parabolic equations. This monotone convergence leads to existence-uniqueness theorems. An analysis of convergence rates of the monotone iterative method is given. A monotone domain decomposition algorithm which combines the monotone approach and an iterative domain decomposition method based on the Schwarz alternating is proposed. A convergence analysis of the monotone domain decomposition algorithm is presented. An application to a gas–liquid interaction model is given.  相似文献   

A new algorithm for reconstructing a signal from its wavelet transform modulus maxima is presented based on an iterative method for solutions to monotone operator equations in Hilbert spaces. The algorithm's convergence is proved. Numerical simulations for different types of signals are given. The results indicate that compared with Mallat's alternate projection method, the proposed algorithm is simpler, faster and more effective.  相似文献   

In the stability analysis of large-scale interconnected systems it is frequently desirable to be able to determine a decay point of the gain operator, i.e., a point whose image under the monotone operator is strictly smaller than the point itself. The set of such decay points plays a crucial role in checking, in a semi-global fashion, the local input-to-state stability of an interconnected system, and in the numerical construction of a LISS Lyapunov function. We provide a homotopy algorithm that computes a decay point of a monotone operator. For this purpose we use a fixed-point algorithm and provide a function whose fixed points correspond to decay points of the monotone operator. The advantage over an earlier algorithm is demonstrated. Furthermore, an example is given which shows how to analyze a given perturbed interconnected system.  相似文献   

魏昆鹏  王以松 《计算机工程》2011,37(11):181-183
以无基集为基础,结合最大无基集的定义,提出一个多项式时间算法。算法给定一个逻辑程序P和它的一个解释I,求得一个作用在P和I上单调算子的最小不动点,并将该最小不动点中的元素从逻辑程序P的Herbrand基中删去得到一个集合A,集合A即为关于I的最大无基集。实验结果证明了该算法的正确性及复杂性。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with an existing compact finite difference ADI method, published in the paper by Liao et al. (2002) [3], for solving systems of two-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations with nonlinear reaction terms. This method has an accuracy of fourth-order in space and second-order in time. The existence and uniqueness of its solution are investigated by the method of upper and lower solutions, without any monotone requirement on the nonlinear reaction terms. The convergence of the finite difference solution to the continuous solution is proved. An efficient monotone iterative algorithm is presented for solving the resulting discrete system, and some techniques for the construction of upper and lower solutions are discussed. An application using a model problem gives numerical results that demonstrate the high efficiency and advantages of the method.  相似文献   

We present an efficient algorithm for computing a family of trimmed offsets for planar freeform curves under deformation. The algorithm is based on a dynamic bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) for the untrimmed offsets of a given planar curve, which can be generated efficiently using a hierarchy of recursive bisections of the given curve. The proposed algorithm is effective for deformable planar curves. At each time frame, we segment the input curve into monotone spiral pieces (Barton and Elber, 2011), which is the only pre-processing needed for the dynamic BVH construction. To speed up the on-line generation of dynamic BVH, we employ the bounding circular arcs (BCA) of Meek and Walton (1995) that can be computed very efficiently using the position and tangent information at the endpoints of each monotone spiral curve segment. Using several experimental results, we demonstrate the performance improvement of our algorithm over the previous biarc-based algorithm of Kim et al. (2012).  相似文献   

何川  赵罡  王伟  王爱增 《图学学报》2021,42(4):644-650
基于曲率单调的 Bézier 曲线,提出了一种精确而高效的满足 G1 约束的样条曲线插值算法。给定首 尾插值数据点位置及方向角,利用曲率单调 Bézier 曲线的几何设计准则,求解非线性方程组,构造满足 G1 插值条 件的曲率单调 Bézier 曲线。与基于欧拉螺旋线的插值算法相比,本文方法构造简单、插值精确,与现有的 NURBS 方法兼容。基于分段拼接,该算法能够处理给定点列及首尾切线方向的插值问题,具有较强的适应性与通用性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce implicit and explicit iterative methods for finding a zero of a monotone variational inclusion in Hilbert spaces. As consequence, an improvement modification of an algorithm existing in literature is obtained. A numerical example is given for illustrating our algorithm.  相似文献   

根据对一元多峰值函数的单调区间的分析,提出了一种新的多峰值函数优化算法——形态分析法。该算法根据给定的精度要求,用有穷个离散点确定一元多峰值函数的形态,进而确定其单调递增区间和单调递减区间,一次搜索就可找出函数的所有局部最优解和全局最优解。用不同的多峰值函数进行了仿真实验,并和相关算法进行了比较,结果表明所提出的算法计算量比其它算法小一个数量级,不存在震荡现象。  相似文献   

A parallel monotone iterative relaxation method for a class of two-dimensional discrete boundary value problems is established, and the sequence of iterations is shown to converge monotonically either from above or below to a solution of the problem. This monotone convergence results yields a parallel computational algorithm as well as an existence-comparison result for the solutions. To compute the sequence of iterations, the Thomas algorithm can be used in the same fashion as for one-dimensional problem. The existence and comparison results of the upper and lower solutions are given. The local as well as global existence-uniqueness of the solution are obtained. The global convergence of the iterations is investigated, and the influence of the parameters on the rate of convergence of the iterations is analyzed. Numerical results are given to corroborate the analytical results.  相似文献   

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