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为保持曲面浮雕的细节特征,改善浮雕与背景曲面的过渡效果,提出一种细节保持的曲面浮雕算法.首先采用Canny算子在梯度域定位内外轮廓,获得连续的梯度域;其次提出非线性函数,并用其压缩梯度幅值实现形状压缩;再通过双边滤波算子来保持和增强浮雕细节;最终通过求解积分方程重建曲面浮雕.该算法将背景曲面作为积分方程的优化条件,使浮雕在轮廓处向曲面光滑过渡;在重建过程中利用Fourier变换的微分性质在频域实现方程的精确求解,无需设置迭代收敛条件;通过调整参数可方便地控制浮雕整体变化范围、细节锐化程度以及浮雕与背景曲面的过渡效果.实验结果表明,文中算法参数的几何意义直观,所得曲面浮雕细节清晰,边界过渡自然.  相似文献   

针对利用3D网格生成浅浮雕不能使用精确的网格表示、浮雕细节保持特性依赖于规则采样高度域上分辨率的问题,提出一种基于3D网格频域分析的浅浮雕算法.从信号处理的角度出发,首先利用网格的几何微分性质和拓扑结构通过离散调和变换将网格的深度信号变换到频域;其次提出一种基于几何频率能量的频域划分策略,将频率分割为低频、高频和噪声,再对低频进行线性压缩,利用各项同性的扩散函数对高频进行自适应非线性压缩并过滤噪声,得到信号在频域上一组新的变换系数;最后利用调和逆变换将处理后的频域映射到信号的空域重建浮雕模型.实验结果表明,该算法可通过控制频谱的分割和扩散函数的参数实现浮雕模型细节的增强.  相似文献   

针对单纯基于深度图像压缩方法生成的三维浮雕模型容易存在大量噪声,并且易丢失细节的问题,为了生成特征表达准确且具有艺术美感的人脸浅浮雕,提出一种基于三维深度图像和与之对应的二维强度图像的混合人脸浅浮雕的生成算法.首先对三维深度图像的高度场进行压缩生成浮雕基网格;然后提取二维强度图像的灰度信息、梯度信息和显著度信息,并基于显著度信息对基网格的高度场相应地叠加灰度和梯度信息,以保持脸部五官的细节;最后根据显著度信息使用Laplace算子对网格进行光顺处理,使脸部光滑.实验结果表明,与单纯使用基于深度图像压缩方法相比,文中算法生成的浅浮雕模型可以更好地保持五官的细节特征;与基于图像的浮雕生成方法相比,该算法避免了复杂交互操作,可以更好地保持人脸的整体轮廓和形状.  相似文献   

针对数字浅浮雕设计,通过对已有的浅浮雕建模方法进行分析,提出一种结合深度场边缘特征自动生成浅浮雕的方法.从三维场景中获取深度图,再将深度图分割成块,利用局部图像结构的优点,用随机结构化森林来学习精确且计算有效的边缘检测器,得到的边缘图再进行处理得到平滑且细节增强的浅浮雕轮廓;视边缘连续图为概率场,提出根据概率场对深度场...  相似文献   

目的 数字浅浮雕是在平面载体上塑造高低起伏形象的一种造型艺术,具有独特的结构及视觉效果,应用场景极为广泛。为了增加数字浮雕设计的多样性,实现浮雕的风格化应用,提出一种基于高度图的浅浮雕模型生成方法。方法 引入掩模理论,利用掩模操作对待处理的图像进行处理,融合图像处理技术,控制所要生成浮雕不同部位的高度,得到控制浮雕生成效果的高度图,借鉴已有的浅浮雕模型生成方法,利用基于高斯混合模型的滚动引导法向滤波(Gaussian mixture model based rolling guidance normal filtering,GRNF)进行法向分解,基于SfG (surface from gradients)的局部调整和全局重建的方法进行曲面重建,采用拉普拉斯算子及双边滤波器进行去噪平滑处理,最终生成不同高度风格的浅浮雕模型。结果 实验结果表明,本文方法能够生成带有不同视觉效果的浅浮雕模型,通过对细节特征及结构特征相关参数的调整,均能够生成轮廓清晰、细节丰富的浅浮雕模型。结论 本文提出的基于高度图的浅浮雕模型生成方法能够为浅浮雕的多样化设计提供新的思路和方法,在家居装饰行业中有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

为实现对散乱数据点划分三角形网格的曲面重建,克服实体表面存在阶跃边缘而难以确定圆半径的问题,改进用动态调节圆半径产生三角形网格并实现曲面重建的算法,将散乱数据点转化为二维图像数据,并进行三角形网格划分.实验结果表明,虽然改进算法效率有所下降,但对表面存在阶跃边缘的实体有较好的重建效果.  相似文献   

汪国华  于俊清  廖兆存 《计算机应用》2006,26(12):2884-2886
提出了显式方程和参数方程表示的曲面的一种绘制算法,该算法可以绘制任意复杂的方程曲面。首先将方程曲面离散成四边形网格,然后采用消隐算法消除曲面的自隐藏线。消隐算法引入遮挡多边形的概念,利用遮挡多边形判断曲面上离散点的隐藏性,同时将潜在隐藏线段与遮挡多边形求交,从而得到该线段的实际隐藏部分。该绘制算法对以网格模型显示三维物体具有通用性。  相似文献   

复杂曲面混合网格的生成算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有限元网格质量的好坏对金属成形模拟的精度和效率有很大影响。提出了一种复杂曲面混合网格自动生成算法,该算法根据所要划分的网格密度形成初始化边界节点,逐步向内铺砌混合网格,直至布满整个区域。应用实践表明.该算法具有稳定、准确和速度快的特点,生成的网格在相邻曲面边界处不会产生裂缝与覆盖,很好地满足了金属成形模拟分析软件对网格划分的要求。  相似文献   

从数据模型的任意一点开始选择一个初始的四边形网格单元,采用动态边界边扩展的方法在三维空间直接进行四边形网格划分;在网格划分过程中实现了边界冲突检测、网格顶点优化处理、网格边界处理和网格综合优化.最后给出了网格生成实例.实验结果表明:该算法生成的网格质量较好,运行速度较快.  相似文献   

文中介绍了一种基于独立分量分析(ICA)的鲁棒性边缘检测算法.实验证明由自然图像训练得到的ICA基底函数大部分是稀疏的、局部化的,且和人类的感受域具有相似特性.该边缘检测方法中,目标图像首先通过ICA基底函数转化,然后利用一种新的滤波算法(软门限法)消除噪声分量,并且仅用相对比较稀疏分量(稀疏ICA基底函数)来检测或重建边缘.提出的算法应用于不同类型的的噪声图像,并且和传统的边缘提取算法进行了比较.实验结果表明,该算法即使在高水平噪声图像中,也能够提取出比较清晰且无任何模糊的图像边缘信息.  相似文献   

基于三维拓扑和几何信息的数字化浮雕生成,是浮雕设计领域的一个全新发展方向。根据浮雕艺术形式的特点,实现了一种基于三维测量数据的浮雕曲面生成算法。该算法将浮雕的生成抽象为三维模型在某个投影方向上深度场的压缩过程,以模型曲面的几何信息作为压缩对象,生成的浮雕曲面在深度方向上的立体感可由用户自由控制。实验表明该方法在保持模型拓扑结构一致性的基础上,包含了丰富的几何细节特征。算法可以利用现有的各种实体造型,生成灵活多样的浮雕艺术品,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

In contrast to 3D model that can be freely observed, p ortrait bas-relief projects slightly from the background and is limited by fixed viewpoint. In this paper, we propose a novel method to reconstruct the underlying 3D shape from a single 2.5D bas-relief, providing observers wider viewing perspectives. Our target is to make the reconstructed portrait has natural depth ordering and similar appearance to the input. To achieve this, we first use a 3D template face to fit the portrait. Then, we optimize the face shape by normal transfer and Poisson surface reconstruction. The hair and body regions are finally reconstructed and combined with the 3D face. From the resulting 3D shape, one can generate new reliefs with varying poses and thickness, freeing the input one from fixed view. A number of experimental results verify the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

鲍苏苏  林斌 《计算机科学》2003,30(12):136-138
In the medical 3D Reconstruction, 3D object surface is reconstructed, by making use of the traditional slice-based reconstruction method. Due to the still existing problems, such as contour pairing, diverging surface,contour pair patching, etc. In this paper, the new methods are proposed for the problem solving. The contour pairing is carried out with overlapping. The diverging curved surface is decomposed with mathematical morphology. The boundaries generated by the morphologic operation are that of the diverging surfaces. The middle layer generated bythe lower layer and the upper layer is not to insert into the two layers but only to join in one of the two layer. The contour mosaic is patched with triangles to form the surface after the polygons are simplitied. The triangles areconstructed under the criterion of the shortest diagonal.  相似文献   

In this work we propose a method for computing mesh representations of 3D objects reconstructed from a set of silhouette images. Our method is based on the polygonization of volumetric reconstructions by using a modified version of the dual contouring method. In order to apply dual contouring on volumetric reconstruction from silhouettes we devised a method that is able to determine the discrete topology of the surface in relation to the octree cells. We also developed a new scheme for computing hermitian data representing the intersections of conic volumes with the octree cells and their corresponding normals with subpixel accuracy. Due to the discrete and extremely noisy nature of the data used in the reconstruction we had to devise a different criterion for mesh simplification that applies topological consistency tests only when the geometric error measure is beyond a given tolerance. We present results of the application of the proposed method in the extraction of a mesh corresponding to the surface of objects of a real scene.  相似文献   

4-3网格混合曲面细分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已有曲面细分模式的基础上,利用"回推"技术构造出一类新的细分模式,对同时存在三角形和四边形的4-3网格进行混合曲面细分;采用分析细分矩阵特征结构的方法,讨论了该模式的连续性.分析表明,所构造的混合细分全局C1连续,且在规则情形下具有有界曲率.最后给出了一种基于体积保持的混合细分策略.  相似文献   

This article addresses the problem of recognizing a solid bounded by a smooth surface in a single image. The proposed approach is based on a new representation for two- and three-dimensional shapes, called their signature, that exploits the close relationship between the dual of a surface and the dual of its silhouette in weak-perspective images. Objects are modeled by rotating them in front of a camera without any knowledge of or constraints on their motion. The signatures of their silhouettes are concatenated into a single object signature. To recognize an object from novel viewpoint other than those used during modeling, the signature of the contours extracted from a test photograph is matched to the signatures of all modeled objects signatures. This approach has been implemented, and recognition examples are presented.  相似文献   

The pyramid architecture is a powerful topology in the area of computer vision. On the other hand, the 3D mesh architecture possesses rich topological features which make it suitable for building scalable parallel processor systems. The usefulness of these two architectures has led us to consider the problem of embedding pyramids into 3D meshes, for which we present two solutions. The first solution, termednatural embedding,maps a pyramid into a 3D mesh such that each level of the pyramid is mapped to a single level of the 3D mesh. The second solution, termedmultiple embedding,allows simultaneous embedding of multiple pyramids into a single 3D mesh. The quality of both solutions is evaluated using dilation and expansion measures. Using the multiple embedding, we are able to obtain an average dilation of 1.26 and a near-optimal expansion of 1.12.  相似文献   

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