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在JSP中实现动态图表方法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李伯宇  赵丽丽 《计算机应用》2003,23(Z1):213-214
文中阐述了在JSP页面中嵌入动态图表的两种方法在JSP页面中插入Applet小程序;通过Java Bean动态生成图像.并且比较了以上两种方法的优缺点.  相似文献   

本文主要讨论基于合约的似然程序不变量的内涵,以及通过程序断言动态生成技术来发现程序不变量的意义。在此主要描述基于合约的似然程序不变量发现的基本理论模型以及该模型与动态不变量检测工具Daikon实体模型的比较,进一步论述程序断言动态生成技术。通过精确的程序断言动态生成,可以分析程序各变量之间的关联属性,以完成不变量的检测。从而有助于设计高质量的程序架构以及规范化的程序代码.  相似文献   

单片机在编码控制系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种由单片机和编码芯片通过接口芯片相连,实现编码器的动态编码运用,采用了一种简单实用的编码方法,在程序存储器中形成两个编码表。通过查表程序得到并输出编码,对编码器逻辑状态进行动态控制。  相似文献   

本文通过程序实例,详细介绍了利用存在过程将动态参数通过动态服务器主页传动JAVA程序,生成统计图形的方法。  相似文献   

讨论了动态不变量的检测,即通过一个动态分析发现可能的程序不变量。通过从程序中自动推断出似然程序不变量的方式,可以在程序运动时动态追踪运行轨迹,以发现程序不变量,并找出属性和它们之间的关系,这是一个高效的技术。  相似文献   

李松璠  鲁力  李杰 《计算机学报》2021,44(7):1326-1340
无源系统能量紧缺导致系统难以长时间处于活动状态下工作,时常因能量不足而掉电.为保障程序完整执行,程序运行环境通常先让系统在低功耗状态从环境采集能量,然后切换至活动状态执行一个程序片段,循环往复直至完成.根据执行程序的不同策略,现有运行环境可分为两大类:一次执行和断点执行.前者在充能足够后一次性完整执行一个程序,适用于感知等轻量级程序;后者将程序拆分成若干片段,可间断执行,适用于长时间计算类程序.但在实际应用中,经常会出现以上两类程序混合执行的情况,使用任何现有运行环境都难以有效支持不同类型的程序混合执行,导致系统吞吐量下降.本文提出动态程序运行环境,根据不同的程序类型动态调整程序执行策略,全面支持现有两类程序高效率混合执行.我们优化了动态加载机制,实现了轻量化设计,降低了动态运行环境工作开销.我们在Intel WISP平台上对动态程序运行环境进行了实验评估,实验结果显示在多类程序混合执行时,动态运行环境的吞吐量比一次执行运行环境提高102.8%,比断点执行运行环境提高34%.  相似文献   

基于序列划分策略的Hmmsearch程序两级并行实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hmmsearch程序是生物序列分析软件包HMMER中最主要程序之一,采用集中式动态负载平衡方案。为了提高其可扩展性,提出一种基于序列划分策略的两级并行算法,采用分布式动态负载平衡方案。通过增加中间层形成“Master-subMaster’Slave”结构,来改善原“Master-Slave”结构的不足。实验数据表明改进算法比原算法具有更好的可扩展并行性能。  相似文献   

讨论了程序不变量的内涵,研究并建立了程序不变量动态生成系统的理论模型.主要描述基于合约的似然程序不变量发现的基本理论模型,以及程序不变量发现的主体过程,并结合Java程序设计语言进一步阐明函数依赖程序不变量动态发现的一种方法.通过程序不变量动态生成技术,可以分析程序内部的关联属性,从而有助于设计高质量的程序代码以及规范化的程序架构.  相似文献   

程序切片是一种重要的程序分析技术,广泛应用于程序的调试、测试与维护等领域。面向方面程序设计作为一种新的软件开发范型,能够实现横切关注点的模块化,其特有的语言元素和功能为切片增加了难度。从静态切片和动态切片两种类型,讨论了面向方面程序切片技术。在此基础上,提出了一种基于简化动态依赖图的面向方面程序切片方法,可以减少动态依赖图中节点和边的数量,生成准确的面向方面程序的动态切片,从而有助于人们更好地对面向方面程序进行分析和理解。  相似文献   

借助计算机系统的单步执行、动态演示等功能,设计并开发了基于Java的汉诺塔教学演示程序,通过该程序可使学习者观测到解决该问题的动态全过程。  相似文献   

This study set out to investigate the type of media individuals are more likely to tell self-serving and other-oriented lies, and whether this varied according to the target of the lie. One hundred and fifty participants rated on a likert-point scale how likely they would tell a lie. Participants were more likely to tell self-serving lies to people not well-known to them. They were more likely to tell self-serving lies in email, followed by phone, and finally face-to-face. Participants were more likely to tell other-oriented lies to individuals they felt close to and this did not vary according to the type media. Participants were more likely to tell harsh truths to people not well-known to them via email.  相似文献   

防火墙作为网络安全设备越来越多地应用于局域网络与公用网络的互联中,具有服务代理、包过滤、入侵检测等功能。防火墙作为一个网络互连设备,在组建网络中还有着局域网与Internet互联、隐藏防火墙外网IP地址、隐藏内部网络、IP地址重定向、安全访问控制以及构建VPN等应用。文中结合某单位的局域网规划设计就防火墙的应用作了重要的阐述。  相似文献   

合作学习理论作为一种新的学习理念已经被广泛地运用到各类学校的学习当中,经过不断地实践检验取得了不错的效果。将合作学习的相关理论运用到实践能力要求较高中职信息技术教学中,不仅可以增强学生的学习能力,通过合作学习培养学生之间互相帮助、共同进步的精神,提高他们信息技术学习的水平,还可以培养他们的团队精神,适应将来的就业需要。  相似文献   

洪宗海 《软件》2011,(10):79-83
将英语DVD的图形字幕提取出来并将其转换成可编辑打印的Word文档,是个比较复杂的过程。首先要用VobSubRipperWizardV1.0.0.6英文绿色版或VobSubConfigure将英语DVD的sub图形字幕提取出来,接着用Subresync或subRip1.50Beta4将其转换成srt英文字幕,或者用IdxSubOcr1.08或SubOCR0.98汉化版将其转换成srt中文字幕,再用LRC歌词文件转换器3.0将含时河轴的srt字幕文件转换成无时间轴的txt文本文件,最后用Word进行编辑和打印。  相似文献   

Social networking sites have gained popularity among all populations, especially young adults. Personality traits were found to be predictive of how individuals use social media. Therefore, this study sought to examine the association between shyness and self-disclosure to a Facebook friend as well as self-disclosure to a face-to-face friend. Two studies were conducted. The first study tested how shyness and social loneliness are related to self-disclosure to a Facebook friend to whom an individual talks most often. The second, follow-up study tested how shyness is related to self-disclosure to a Facebook friend to whom a person speaks to only though Facebook, and also to a face-to-face friend to whom the participants talk only face-to-face and never through Facebook. Participants were college students from a large research university in the United States. Study 1 found a negative association between shyness and self-disclosure to a Facebook friend. Study 2 found a negative association between shyness and self-disclosure to a face-to-face friend. The theoretical implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

IPv6协议下域名系统的扩展与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现对IPv6协议的支持,需要对现有IPv4协议下的域名系统进行相应的扩展,以使其能在IPv6协议下正确地进行IP地址与域名的正向或反向解析。域名系统的扩展主要包括以下两方面:一是增加了两个新的资源记录AAAA和A6来存储IPv6地址,以实现域名到IPv6地址的正向解析;二是增加了两个新域:ip6.int和ip6.arpa,以实现IPv6地址到域名的反向解析。文中以著名的域名系统软件BIND为对象,以Linux操作系统Redhat9作为实验平台,详细介绍了基于Linux平台的域名系统对IPv6协议的扩展与实现,从而为实现IPv4到IPv6的平稳过渡打下了坚实基础。  相似文献   

目前我们铁路运输事业快速发展,全国各地都新建了高铁铁路。速度是提升了,安全问题也不能忽视。列车在运行过程中要想保证安全,就需要铁道各处的信号信息正确。控制台通过相关的信号设备将运行的指令传递给列车,以保证铁路的整体运行情况。在新的时期,需要能够全天候检测铁路安全的方法,以便维修人员能够及时了解问题并处理。本文通过对TJWX-2006型信号设备监测系统进行研究,来分析在铁路上使用微机来检测铁路的运行情况。这对研究信号设备安全有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

Abstract— To date, there are no well‐established and few valid candidate methods to evaluate motion artifacts, although a number of organizations are working to come to agreement on ways to characterize, analyze, and quantify them. The LCD‐TV market has vested interest to improve performance with regard to motion artifacts, since: (1) LCDs are quite susceptible to many types of motion distortions, (2)most of its primary content has motion, and (3) they can be very noticeable and objectionable to even a casual viewer. This paper is an overview of motion artifacts, and the work of the VESA FPDM (flat panel display measurements standard) group both to update FPDM to FPDM3 and to standardize methods to evaluate motion artifacts.  相似文献   

In this paper we are dealing with the electrical distribution network planning problem where a network configuration has to be specified in order to meet demand, to satisfy the operating constraints, and to minimize investment, operating, and power–loss costs. The iterative procedure includes several heuristic algorithms to generate a radial network, to choose a set of open feeders to meet the reliability constraint, and to solve the reconfiguration problem in order to reduce the power–loss costs. Furthermore, in order to compare the reliability of potential solutions, a predictive reliability assessment measure is established.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of naturalistic decision-making in expert badminton players. These decisions are frequently taken under time-pressured conditions, yet normally lead to successful performance. Two male badminton teams participated in this study. Self-confrontation interviews were used to collect data. Inductive data analysis revealed three types of intentions during a rally: to maintain the rally; to take the advantage; and to finish the point. It also revealed eight types of decision taken in this situation: to ensure an action; to observe the opponent's response to an action; to realize a limited choice; to influence the opponent's decision; to put pressure on an opponent; to surprise the opponent; to reproduce an efficient action; and to play wide. A frequent decision was to put pressure on the opponent. Different information and knowledge was linked to specific decisions. The results are discussed in relation to research that has considered naturalistic decision-making.  相似文献   

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