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Dániel Marx 《Algorithmica》2010,57(4):747-768
It is known to be NP-hard to decide whether a graph can be made chordal by the deletion of k vertices or by the deletion of k edges. Here we present a uniformly polynomial-time algorithm for both problems: the running time is f(k)⋅n α for some constant α not depending on k and some f depending only on k. For large values of n, such an algorithm is much better than trying all the O(n k ) possibilities. Therefore, the chordal deletion problem parameterized by the number k of vertices or edges to be deleted is fixed-parameter tractable. This answers an open question of Cai (Discrete Appl. Math. 127:415–429, 2003).  相似文献   

In the Max Lin-2 problem we are given a system S of m linear equations in n variables over F2 in which equation j is assigned a positive integral weight wj for each j. We wish to find an assignment of values to the variables which maximizes the total weight of satisfied equations. This problem generalizes Max Cut. The expected weight of satisfied equations is W/2, where W=w1+?+wm; W/2 is a tight lower bound on the optimal solution of Max Lin-2.Mahajan et al. (Parameterizing above or below guaranteed values, J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 75 (2009) 137-153) stated the following parameterized version of Max Lin-2: decide whether there is an assignment of values to the variables that satisfies equations of total weight at least W/2+k, where k is the parameter. They asked whether this parameterized problem is fixed-parameter tractable, i.e., can be solved in time f(k)(nm)O(1), where f(k) is an arbitrary computable function in k only. Their question remains open, but using some probabilistic inequalities and, in one case, a Fourier analysis inequality, Gutin et al. (A probabilistic approach to problems parameterized above tight lower bound, in: Proc. IWPEC'09, in: Lect. Notes Comput. Sci., vol. 5917, 2009, pp. 234-245) proved that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable in three special cases.In this paper we significantly extend two of the three special cases using only tools from combinatorics. We show that one of our results can be used to obtain a combinatorial proof that another problem from Mahajan et al. (Parameterizing above or below guaranteed values, J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 75 (2009) 137-153), Max r-SAT above Average, is fixed-parameter tractable for each r?2. Note that Max r-SAT above Average has been already shown to be fixed-parameter tractable by Alon et al. (Solving MAX-r-SAT above a tight lower bound, in: Proc. SODA 2010, pp. 511-517), but the paper used the approach of Gutin et al. (A probabilistic approach to problems parameterized above tight lower bound, in: Proc. IWPEC'09, in: Lect. Notes Comput. Sci., vol. 5917, 2009, pp. 234-245).  相似文献   

王永平  许道云 《软件学报》2021,32(9):2629-2641
3-CNF公式的随机难解实例生成对于揭示3-SAT问题的难解实质和设计满足性测试的有效算法有着重要意义.对于整数k>2和s>0,如果在一个k-CNF公式中每个变量正负出现次数均为s,则称该公式是严格正则(k,2s)-CNF公式.受严格正则(k,2s)-CNF公式的结构特征启发,提出每个变量正负出现次数之差的绝对值均为d的严格d-正则(k,2s)-CNF公式,并使用新提出的SDRRK2S模型生成严格d-正则随机(k,2s)-CNF公式.取定整数5<s<11,模拟实验显示,严格d-正则随机(3,2s)-SAT问题存在SAT-UNSAT相变现象和HARD-EASY相变现象.因此,立足于3-CNF公式的随机难解实例生成,研究了严格d-正则随机(3,2s)-SAT问题在s取定时的可满足临界.通过构造一个特殊随机实验和使用一阶矩方法,得到了严格d-正则随机(3,2s)-SAT问题在s取定时可满足临界值的一个下界.模拟实验结果验证了理论证明所得下界的正确性.  相似文献   

Regular Random k-SAT: Properties of Balanced Formulas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider a model for generating random k-SAT formulas, in which each literal occurs approximately the same number of times in the formula clauses (regular random and k-SAT). Our experimental results show that such regular random k-SAT instances are much harder than the usual uniform random k-SAT problems. This is in agreement with other results that show that more balanced instances of random combinatorial problems are often much more difficult to solve than uniformly random instances, even at phase transition boundaries. There are almost no formal results known for such problem distributions. The balancing constraints add a dependency between variables that complicates a standard analysis. Regular random 3-SAT exhibits a phase transition as a function of the ratio α of clauses to variables. The transition takes place at approximately α = 3.5. We show that for α > 3.78 with high probability (w.h.p.) random regular 3-SAT formulas are unsatisfiable. Specifically, the events hold with high probability if Pr when n → ∞. We also show that the analysis of a greedy algorithm proposed by Kaporis et al. for the uniform 3-SAT model can be adapted for regular random 3-SAT. In particular, we show that for formulas with ratio α < 2.46, a greedy algorithm finds a satisfying assignment with positive probability.  相似文献   

周锦程  许道云  卢友军 《软件学报》2016,27(12):2985-2993
研究k-SAT问题实例中每个变元恰好出现r=2s次,且每个变元对应的正、负文字都出现s次的严格随机正则(k,r)-SAT问题.通过构造一个特殊的独立随机实验,结合一阶矩方法,给出了严格随机正则(k,r)-SAT问题可满足临界值的上界.由于严格正则情形与正则情形的可满足临界值近似相等,因此得到了随机正则(k,r)-SAT问题可满足临界值的新上界.该上界不仅小于当前已有的随机正则(k,r)-SAT问题的可满足临界值上界,而且还小于一般的随机k-SAT问题的可满足临界值.因此,这也从理论上解释了在相变点处的随机正则(k,r)-SAT问题实例通常比在相应相变点处同规模的随机k-SAT问题实例更难满足的原因.最后,数值分析结果验证了所给上界的正确性.  相似文献   

Sch?ning 《Algorithmica》2008,32(4):615-623
Abstract. A simple probabilistic algorithm for solving the NP-complete problem k -SAT is reconsidered. This algorithm follows a well-known local-search paradigm: randomly guess an initial assignment and then, guided by those clauses that are not satisfied, by successively choosing a random literal from such a clause and changing the corresponding truth value, try to find a satisfying assignment. Papadimitriou [11] introduced this random approach and applied it to the case of 2-SAT, obtaining an expected O(n 2 ) time bound. The novelty here is to restart the algorithm after 3n unsuccessful steps of local search. The analysis shows that for any satisfiable k -CNF formula with n variables the expected number of repetitions until a satisfying assignment is found this way is (2⋅ (k-1)/ k) n . Thus, for 3-SAT the algorithm presented here has a complexity which is within a polynomial factor of (\frac 4 3 ) n . This is the fastest and also the simplest among those algorithms known up to date for 3-SAT achieving an o(2 n ) time bound. Also, the analysis is quite simple compared with other such algorithms considered before.  相似文献   

The maximum satisfiability problem (MAX-SAT) is stated as follows: Given a boolean formula in CNF, find a truth assignment that satisfies the maximum possible number of its clauses. MAX-SAT is MAX-SNP-complete and received much attention recently. One of the challenges posed by Alber, Gramm and Niedermeier in a recent survey paper asks: Can MAX-SAT be solved in less than 2n “steps”? Here, n is the number of distinct variables in the formula and a step may take polynomial time of the input. We answered this challenge positively by showing that a popular algorithm based on branch-and-bound is bounded by O(2n) in time, where n is the maximum number of occurrences of any variable in the input.When the input formula is in 2-CNF, that is, each clause has at most two literals, MAX-SAT becomes MAX-2-SAT and the decision version of MAX-2-SAT is still NP-complete. The best bound of the known algorithms for MAX-2-SAT is O(m2m/5), where m is the number of clauses. We propose an efficient decision algorithm for MAX-2-SAT whose time complexity is bound by O(n2n). This result is substantially better than the previously known results. Experimental results also show that our algorithm outperforms any algorithm we know on MAX-2-SAT.  相似文献   

Let S be a set of n taxa. Given a parameter k and a set of quartet topologies Q over S such that there is exactly one topology for every subset of four taxa, the parameterized Minimum Quartet Inconsistency (MQI) problem is to decide whether we can find an evolutionary tree inducing a set of quartet topologies that differs from the given set in at most k quartet topologies. The best fixed-parameter algorithm devised so far for the parameterized MQI problem runs in time O(4 k n+n 4). In this paper, first we present an O(3.0446 k n+n 4) fixed-parameter algorithm and an O(2.0162 k n 3+n 5) fixed-parameter algorithm for the parameterized MQI problem. Finally, we give an O *((1+ε) k ) fixed-parameter algorithm, where ε>0 is an arbitrarily small constant.  相似文献   

Local search is widely used for solving the propositional satisfiability problem. Papadimitriou (1991) showed that randomized local search solves 2-SAT in polynomial time. Recently, Schöning (1999) proved that a close algorithm for k-SAT takes time (2−2/k)n up to a polynomial factor. This is the best known worst-case upper bound for randomized 3-SAT algorithms (cf. also recent preprint by Schuler et al.).We describe a deterministic local search algorithm for k-SAT running in time (2−2/(k+1))n up to a polynomial factor. The key point of our algorithm is the use of covering codes instead of random choice of initial assignments. Compared to other “weakly exponential” algorithms, our algorithm is technically quite simple. We also describe an improved version of local search. For 3-SAT the improved algorithm runs in time 1.481n up to a polynomial factor. Our bounds are better than all previous bounds for deterministic k-SAT algorithms.  相似文献   

符祖峰  许道云 《软件学报》2020,31(4):1113-1123
研究具有正则结构的SAT问题是否是NP完全问题,具有重要的理论价值.(k,s)-CNF公式类和正则(k,s)-CNF公式类已被证明存在一个临界函数f(k),使得当s≤f(k)时,所有实例都可满足;当s≥f(k)+1时,对应的SAT问题是NP完全问题.研究具有更强正则约束的d-正则(k,s)-SAT问题,其要求实例中每个变元的正负出现次数之差不超过给定的自然数d.通过设计一种多项式时间的归约方法,证明d-正则(k,s)-SAT问题存在一个临界函数f(k,d),使得当s≤f(k,d)时,所有实例都可满足;当s≥f(k,d)+1时,d-正则(k,s)-SAT问题是NP完全问题.这种多项式时间的归约变换方法通过添加新的变元和新的子句,可以更改公式的子句约束密度,并约束每个变元正负出现次数的差值.这进一步说明,只用子句约束密度不足以刻画CNF公式结构的特点,对临界函数f(k,d)的研究有助于在更强正则约束条件下构造难解实例.  相似文献   

Cluster Editing is transforming a graph by at most k edge insertions or deletions into a disjoint union of cliques. This problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT). Here we compute concise enumerations of all minimal solutions in O(2.27 k +k 2 n+m) time. Such enumerations support efficient inference procedures, but also the optimization of further objectives such as minimizing the number of clusters. In an extended problem version, target graphs may have a limited number of overlaps of cliques, measured by the number t of edges that remain when the twin vertices are merged. This problem is still in FPT, with respect to the combined parameter k and t. The result is based on a property of twin-free graphs. We also give FPT results for problem versions avoiding certain artificial clusterings. Furthermore, we prove that all solutions with minimal edit sequences differ on a so-called full kernel with at most k 2/4+O(k) vertices, that can be found in polynomial time. The size bound is tight. We also get a bound for the number of edges in the full kernel, which is optimal up to a (large) constant factor. Numerous open problems are mentioned.  相似文献   

The notion of fixed-parameter approximation is introduced to investigate the approximability of optimization problems within the framework of fixed-parameter computation. This work partially aims at enhancing the world of fixed-parameter computation in parallel with the conventional theory of computation that includes both exact and approximate computations. In particular, it is proved that fixed-parameter approximability is closely related to the approximation of small-cost solutions in polynomial time. It is also demonstrated that many fixed-parameter intractable problems are not fixed-parameter approximable. On the other hand, fixed-parameter approximation appears to be a viable approach to solving some inapproximable yet important optimization problems. For instance, all problems in the class MAX SNP admit fixed-parameter approximation schemes in time O(2 O((1−ε/O(1))k) p(n)) for any small ε>0.  相似文献   

We present an exact algorithm that decides, for every fixed r≥2 in time O(m)+2O(k2)O(m)+2^{O(k^{2})} whether a given multiset of m clauses of size r admits a truth assignment that satisfies at least ((2 r −1)m+k)/2 r clauses. Thus Max-r-Sat is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the number of satisfied clauses above the tight lower bound (1−2r )m. This solves an open problem of Mahajan et al. (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 75(2):137–153, 2009).  相似文献   

The input of the Edge Multicut problem consists of an undirected graph G and pairs of terminals {s1,t1},…,{sm,tm}; the task is to remove a minimum set of edges such that si and ti are disconnected for every 1?i?m. The parameterized complexity of the problem, parameterized by the maximum number k of edges that are allowed to be removed, is currently open. The main result of the paper is a parameterized 2-approximation algorithm: in time f(k)⋅nO(1), we can either find a solution of size 2k or correctly conclude that there is no solution of size k.The proposed algorithm is based on a transformation of the Edge Multicut problem into a variant of the parameterized Max-2SAT problem, where the parameter is related to the number of clauses that are not satisfied. It follows from previous results that the latter problem can be 2-approximated in a fixed-parameter time; on the other hand, we show here that it is W[1]-hard. Thus the additional contribution of the present paper is introducing the first natural W[1]-hard problem that is constant-ratio fixed-parameter approximable.  相似文献   

Given n taxa, exactly one topology for every subset of four taxa, and a positive integer k (the parameter), the Minimum Quartet Inconsistency (MQI) problem is the question whether we can find an evolutionary tree inducing a set of quartet topologies that differs from the given set in only k quartet topologies. The more general problem where we are not necessarily given a topology for every subset of four taxa appears to be fixed-parameter intractable. For MQI, however, which is also NP-complete, we can compute the required tree in time O(4kn+n4). This means that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable and that in the case of a small number k of “errors” the tree reconstruction can be done efficiently. In particular, for minimal k, our algorithm can produce all solutions that resolve k errors. Additionally, we discuss significant heuristic improvements. Experiments underline the practical relevance of our solutions.  相似文献   

Improved Parameterized Set Splitting Algorithms: A Probabilistic Approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we study parameterized algorithms for the set splitting problem, for both weighted and unweighted versions. First, we develop a new and effective technique based on a probabilistic method that allows us to develop a simpler and more efficient deterministic kernelization algorithm for the unweighted set splitting problem. We then propose a randomized algorithm for the weighted set splitting problem that is based on a new subset partition technique and has its running time bounded by O *(2 k ), which is significantly better than that of the previous best deterministic algorithm (which only works for the simpler unweighted set splitting problem) of running time O *(2.65 k ). We also show that our algorithm can be de-randomized, which leads to a deterministic parameterized algorithm of running time O *(4 k ) for the weighted set splitting problem and gives the first proof that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at The 13th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2007), Banff, Canada, July 2007, LNCS vol. 4598, pp. 537–547. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under the Grant CCF-0430683.  相似文献   

黄金贵  王胜春 《软件学报》2018,29(12):3595-3603
布尔可满足性问题(SAT)是指对于给定的布尔公式,是否存在一个可满足的真值指派.这是第1个被证明的NP完全问题,一般认为不存在多项式时间算法,除非P=NP.学者们大都研究了子句长度不超过k的SAT问题(k-SAT),从全局搜索到局部搜索,给出了大量的相对有效算法,包括随机算法和确定算法.目前,最好算法的时间复杂度不超过O((2-2/kn),当k=3时,最好算法时间复杂度为O(1.308n).而对于更一般的与子句长度k无关的SAT问题,很少有文献涉及.引入了一类可分离SAT问题,即3-正则可分离可满足性问题(3-RSSAT),证明了3-RSSAT是NP完全问题,给出了一般SAT问题3-正则可分离性的O(1.890n)判定算法.然后,利用矩阵相乘算法的研究成果,给出了3-RSSAT问题的O(1.890n)精确算法,该算法与子句长度无关.  相似文献   

Recently, de Klerk, van Maaren and Warners [10] investigated a relaxation of 3-SAT via semidefinite programming. Thus a 3-SAT formula is relaxed to a semidefinite feasibility problem. If the feasibility problem is infeasible then a certificate of unsatisfiability of the formula is obtained. The authors proved that this approach is exact for several polynomially solvable classes of logical formulae, including 2-SAT, pigeonhole formulae and mutilated chessboard formulae. In this paper we further explore this approach, and investigate the strength of the relaxation on (2+p)-SAT formulae, i.e., formulae with a fraction p of 3-clauses and a fraction (1–p) of 2-clauses. In the first instance, we provide an empirical computational evaluation of our approach. Secondly, we establish approximation guarantees of randomized and deterministic rounding schemes when the semidefinite feasibility problem is feasible, and also present computational results for the rounding schemes. In particular, we do a numerical and theoretical comparison of this relaxation and the stronger relaxation by Karloff and Zwick [15].  相似文献   

A graph G is said to be a bicluster graph if G is a disjoint union of bicliques (complete bipartite subgraphs), and a cluster graph if G is a disjoint union of cliques (complete subgraphs). In this work, we study the parameterized versions of the NP-hard Bicluster Graph Editing and Cluster Graph Editing problems. The former consists of obtaining a bicluster graph by making the minimum number of modifications in the edge set of an input bipartite graph. When at most k modifications are allowed (Bicluster(k) Graph Editing problem), this problem is FPT, and can be solved in O(4 k nm) time by a standard search tree algorithm. We develop an algorithm of time complexity O(4 k +n+m), which uses a strategy based on modular decomposition techniques; we slightly generalize the original problem as the input graph is not necessarily bipartite. The algorithm first builds a problem kernel with O(k 2) vertices in O(n+m) time, and then applies a bounded search tree. We also show how this strategy based on modular decomposition leads to a new way of obtaining a problem kernel with O(k 2) vertices for the Cluster(k) Graph Editing problem, in O(n+m) time. This problem consists of obtaining a cluster graph by modifying at most k edges in an input graph. A previous FPT algorithm of time O(1.92 k +n 3) for this problem was presented by Gramm et al. (Theory Comput. Syst. 38(4), 373–392, 2005, Algorithmica 39(4), 321–347, 2004). In their solution, a problem kernel with O(k 2) vertices is built in O(n 3) time.  相似文献   

Given n points, called terminals, in the plane ℝ2 and a positive integer k, the bottleneck Steiner tree problem is to find k Steiner points from ℝ2 and a spanning tree on the n+k points that minimizes its longest edge length. Edge length is measured by an underlying distance function on ℝ2, usually, the Euclidean or the L 1 metric. This problem is known to be NP-hard. In this paper, we study this problem in the L p metric for any 1≤p≤∞, and aim to find an exact algorithm which is efficient for small fixed k. We present the first fixed-parameter tractable algorithm running in f(k)⋅nlog 2 n time for the L 1 and the L metrics, and the first exact algorithm for the L p metric for any fixed rational p with 1<p<∞ whose time complexity is f(k)⋅(n k +nlog n), where f(k) is a function dependent only on k. Note that prior to this paper there was no known exact algorithm even for the L 2 metric.  相似文献   

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