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项目预设的理论层面目标预期围绕张江高科园区这一特定的科教课程开发背景,我们锁定了两大课程开发的借鉴指标体系,并藉此确定了开放课程开发指南。这就是PISA和STEM。前者自2009年正式引入上海后,就成为了检测学业素养的一个重要参照体系;而后者所圈定的(科学、技术、工程、数学)课程体系恰好契合张江科教的地域文化和学校特色定位。这就为探索社会资源的开源性素养课程开发基本范式,以及资源课程与知识课程交融的可行性研究目标预设,提供了前瞻性的思考高度,也初步界定出基于社会资源的素养课程开发基准,凸显了开放性的课程价值及课程游学特性。  相似文献   

为了寻找上海中产阶级家庭的厨房和餐厅空间的新产品市场,本课题应用人种志的方法收集用户的真实数据,而后以角色法呈现这个用户群体中5种不同类型的典型原型用户,并对其一做了详细的介绍,从而指导未来的新产品市场战略。  相似文献   

如今的输入法本事越来越大,除了最基本的字词输入功能外,我们还可以用它们来干一些别的事情。通常,我们是用输入法来输入文字、词组甚至长句子的。随着智能拼音输入法的不断开发和完善,我们在基本输入之外,还会发现许多意外的惊喜。本文的一些案例,就足以说明输入法对使用者服务的体贴和细致入微。  相似文献   

数码相机是用来做什么 的?如果你只回答出“拍 照片”就太老土了。知道 吗?现在的数码相机附加 了越来越多的功能,今天 咱说说特别的。  相似文献   

我学的是电脑动画专业,于奥运之年毕业,到遨游之前,从事过网络维护和互动视觉设计工作。  相似文献   

本文通过分析一个革命性产品的戏剧性失败,得出进行设计前期用户研究的重要性。在用户和相关的市场研究中,需要有设计师参与进来,用设计师独特的观察角度加之人种志的研究方法,这样的设计前期调研,才有可能洞察用户内心的需求,真正的以用户为中心,找到切实可行的设计导则。运用定性研究为主,结合一定的定量研究,即运用人种志的方法。  相似文献   

PPT播放谁不会?但传统的播放方式也太单调了,而且不能满足某些特殊需求,特别是快速跳转到指定的页面,没关系,教大家一招让你的PPT秀出个性。  相似文献   

使用过刻录机的朋友恐怕没有不知道Nero的,但是您知道吗?Nero除了具有强大的刻录功能以外,还有许多非常实用的小功能,如音频格式转换、虚拟光驱、备份分区等等。下面,就让我们一起来看看这些另类用法。  相似文献   

设计管理学是一门有关如何管理设计的应用学科,好的设计管理在设计项目中起着重要作用。设计项目由客户、企业或者组织机构提供资金,由设计师、设计团队或设计咨询公司共同完成。而除了设计经理人统领整个设计项目之外,设计师对设计管理的理解能力与应用程度也决定了设计项目的成败。在本论文中详细阐述设计管理在设计项目中对设计师的指导作用及重要意义。  相似文献   

用户体验、以用户为中心的设计方法是时下设计界讨论的热点话题,本文通过网站设计引出这一话题,并且对这一话题进行了深入分析,介绍了其重要性及基本研究方法。  相似文献   

本文探讨工艺美术运动到新艺术运动期间服装设计界两个最具代表性的成功案例:英国莱伯提公司携服装史学家高德文先生以时代思潮为指归,努力用设计来实现美学想象,其成功诠释了时装的一个规律:思想潮流可以引导流行趋势,把握时尚先机才能赢得商机;有"时尚苏丹"雅号的波列巧妙借用东方文化消解西方服装传统,解放女性的束胸,设计出线条流畅、造型自然的服装,以更"服装学"的成果表现了新艺术主义的精神。  相似文献   

Workplace studies provide an important input to system development, yet there is no straightforward way of translating empirical results into requirements. This study contributes to the development of methods by reporting an activity theory based approach consisting of (i) field observations, (ii) modelling and (iii) a specific task analysis for system requirements. The research informed the further development of the Build-it system, a multi-user system designed to support co-located interaction between designers in engineering and architecture, and other stakeholders such as clients, operators, or inhabitants. The background research was conducted in four engineering companies and comprised of meeting observations, a questionnaire on design collaboration (n=94) and the analysis of 20 artefacts. The findings indicate that collaboration is of critical importance to the design process, and at least some of the tasks in engineering design could be supported by a system like Build-it. The task analysis for system requirements involved potential users from engineering but extended the scope to other domains, namely architecture and chemical process engineering (n=22). In all three domains a multi-user system like Build-it would be advantageous; however, the specific requirements varied more than expected. The study critically reflects on the use of generic concepts and the process of conducting research for the purpose of understanding work for design.  相似文献   

Until recently, most ethnographic research in information systems has been based on the traditional anthropological model of ethnography. In this traditional model of ethnography, one of the most important data‐gathering techniques is participant observation. The ethnographer observes and participates but does not actively seek to change the situation. In recent years, however, a new type of ethnographic research has emerged – one that can be called design ethnography. Design ethnography is where the researcher goes beyond observation and actively engages with people in the field. Our view is that design ethnography has much potential for research in information systems. It is a new form of engaged scholarship that bridges the gap between ethnographic research and design science research.  相似文献   

基于可配置处理器的SoC系统级设计方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文对一种经过改进的SoC系统级快速设计方法进行了介绍和研究。该设计基于可配置处理器核,在设计早期阶段对SoC系统快速建模,以获得针对具体应用算法的最优性能。同时,利用软硬件协同设计方法,得到硬件结构模型和软件开发平台。实验结果表明,该方法不仅灵活,而且设计周期短,减少了设计工作量。  相似文献   

Major changes over the past decade have moved Kazakhstan and its university students out of the old Soviet model of education and into the realm of international scholarship. While students from this region are being prepared in new and innovative ways, their research needs are still unique and require a firm understanding on the part of academic librarians. With an eye to better serving students at Nazarbayev University, librarians undertook a usability of the library's web resources in February 2013. This article presents findings from the study, which address the distinct needs of university students from post-Soviet nations.  相似文献   

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