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本文提出了一种基于最优路径的Ad Hoc网络的地理路由算法PGA及其改进算法H-PGA,该算法在路径的构造、路由、路由恢复各个方面都应用了最优路径路由的概念,较好地解决了地理路由算法中的凹节点问题.在网络节点数n较大的情况下,依然保持很高的报文投递率(n=400、网络度为4时,报文投递率为96%),且实际路径很接近最短路径路径.同时H-PGA路由表的大小与平方根√n成线性关系,单个节点的协议带宽消耗也为O(平方根n),这使得H-PGA可以适用于较大的应用范围.  相似文献   

最优路由的研究对于网络节点的传输具有重要意义,但关于有向双环网络节点的最优路由研究,目前尚无统一的算法.现有有向双环网络的最优路由算法,主要集中在单位步长双环网络及一些特殊双环网络上,对于为数较多的非单位步长有向双环网络最优路由的研究较少.已知有向双环网络的MDD图形为L形瓦,基于L形瓦参数设计提出一种通用的有向双环网络最优路由算法.该算法适用于单位步长和非单位步长有向双环网络.仿真结果表明,与基于[+h]边优先路由及基于二叉树的最优路由算法相比,该算法无需建造竹筏及二叉树的空间,执行效率明显提高.  相似文献   

针对基于地理位置的无线传感器网络路由中存在的路由空洞问题,提出一种新的路由模式:分段贪婪路由.在该模式中,整个路由过程被中间节点序列划分为若干段,在每一段上仅应用贪婪转发策略.为确定合适的中间节点,给出一种基于递归探测的方法,并以GPSR算法为基础探测路由构造了SGR算法.仿真实验表明,在存在不同类型、大小、数量路由空洞的网络环境中,SGR算法均能以较小的探测开销获得接近最优的路由路径,尤其是凹空洞存在的情况.  相似文献   

超立方体多处理机系统中基于扩展最优通路矩阵的容错路由   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
该文在高峰等文章的基础上,提出了针对超立方体结构多处理机系统的扩展最优通路矩阵(Extended Optimal Path Matrices,EOPMs)的概念,并给出了一个建立EIPMs的算法和基于EOPMs的容错路由算法,证明了基于EOPMs的容错路由算法是基于扩展安全向量(ESVs)^[13]和基于最优通路矩阵(OPMs)^[14]容错路由算法的扩展,与原文相比,该算法的存储开销与OPMs,相同,但记录的最优通路的信息,包含了原文所记录的最优通路的信息,使搜索最优通路的能力比它们有进一步的提高。  相似文献   

基于超立方体的优良的拓扑性质,提出了一个应用于超立方体网络的容错路由算法.该容错路由算法是基于局部信息的,因为路由算法在路由过程中,只需要知道其邻节点的信息,而无须知道其他节点的出错情况.对于给定的源节点和目的节点,路由算法均能够找到一条最优容错路径,并且可以预防死锁.模拟实验结果表明,路由算法所构造的路由路径长度接近于两个节点之间的最优路径长度.  相似文献   

基于最小跳数的无线传感器网络能量自适应路由算法*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对基于最小代价的路由算法冗余信息过多和能耗不均衡问题,提出了一种新的路由算法--MHEP算法.新算法通过在网络中建立最小跳数场和路径节点最小能量场,使得信息包可以沿着能耗最优的路径向网关节点发送.通过仿真实验与基于最小代价的路由算法的比较,结果表明该路由算法在能量节省和能耗均衡方面具有明显的优势.  相似文献   

六度网络是一类平面图网络结构,将平面以等边三角形的形式进行分割,包括六度网孔网络和六度环绕网络.六度网孔网络不是规则网络,其边缘节点与内部节点的度不相等.通过对六度网孔网络的边缘节点建立环绕边就形成了规则的六度环绕网络,每个节点的度为6.但是由于环绕边的存在,使得六度环绕网络的通信算法实现复杂,网络直径也非常难于计算.六度环绕网络被证实是一种Cayley图模型,具有良好的对称性.但是基于Cayley图的六度环绕网络的最优路由算法、广播算法还没有得到,该网络模型的具体直径值也是未解问题.针对基于Cayley图的六度环绕网络模型,文中给出了一种简单的最优路由算法和一种基于陪集图理论的广播算法,并给出该网络模型的网络直径确切值.  相似文献   

小规模、分布集中的WSNs(Wireless Sensor Networks,无线传感器网络)适宜采用平面路由协议,但在平面路由协议中,传统的洪泛路由算法以广播的方式在整个网络中传输查询请求和查询结果数据帧,消耗了较多的传感器节点能量,导致节点过早失效.论文对传统的洪泛路由算法进行改进,提出并实现了一种节能路由算法BRE-Flooding(Based on the Remaining Energy Flooding,基于剩余能量的洪泛算法).在算法中,节点依据剩余能量决定是否接收和转发数据帧;节点维护由剩余能量、距离网络中聚合节点(Aggregation Node)的跳数等信息组成的邻居路由信息表,并依据数据帧中表示该查询请求关键程度的属性,结合邻居路由信息表动态确定向哪几个(或全部)邻居节点转发数据帧.经实验仿真,表明所提算法在节省节点能量消耗及网络负载均衡方面具有较好的表现.  相似文献   

在节点出现故障的情况下,如何保证网络节点之间的路由是一个重要的问题。将无向双环网络的节点按照最短路径访问方式映射到直角坐标系形成最优路由构图[CG(N;±r,±s)];基于该构图根据源节点和目的节点是否位于坐标轴上以及它们周围的故障节点数,提出故障节点封闭区和逃逸区的概念;存在故障逃逸区的情况下,源、目的节点之间仍然可以进行最优路由,针对出现故障节点封闭区而无法进行最优路由的情况下,增加等价节点形成扩展路由构图[ECG(N;±r,±s)],从而寻找容错路由;给出最优路由构图、扩展路由构图和容错路由的算法,并编程仿真了这些算法。  相似文献   

为提高无线抄表系统数据传输的可靠性,提出了面向无线抄表应用的路由算法.双向的路由建立算法使网络中所有节点建立了最优的上下行路由,登记了完整邻居表以便于路由维护;基于Hello报文的邻居交换机制,及时发现网络拓扑结构变化,解决了网络中节点灵活出入网的问题,OMNeT++仿真结果验证了该路由算法的可靠性和有效性,满足无线抄表应用需求.  相似文献   

Quality of service (QoS) routing is known to be an NP-hard problem in case of two or more additive constraints, and several exact algorithms and heuristics have been proposed to address this issue. In this paper, we consider a particular two-constrained quality of service routing problem maximizing path stability with a limited path length in the quest of improving routability in dynamic multi-hop mobile wireless ad hoc networks. First, we propose a novel exact algorithm to solve the optimal weight-constrained path problem. We instantiate our algorithm to solve the most stable path not exceeding a certain number of hops, in polynomial time. This algorithm is then applied to the practical case of proactive routing in dynamic multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks. In these networks, an adequate compromise between route stability and its length in hops is essential for appropriately mitigating the impact of the network dynamics on the validity of established routes. Secondly, we set up a common framework for the comparison between three families of proactive routing: the shortest path-based routing, the most stable path-based routing and our proposed most stable constrained path routing. We show then through extensive simulations that routing based on our proposed algorithm selects appropriate stable paths yielding a very high routability with an average path length just above that of the shortest paths.  相似文献   

Compared with traditional networks, ad hoc networks possess many unique characteristics. For example, ad hoc networks can drop a packet due to network events other than buffer overflow. Unfortunately, the current layered network architecture makes it impossible to pass the information specific to one layer to other layers. As a result, if a packet is lost due to reasons other than buffer overflow, TCP adversely invokes its congestion control procedure. Similarly, the routing algorithm may misinterpret that a path is broken and adversely invoke the route recovery procedure.This study addresses the limitations of the current layered network architecture by adopting a cross-layer protocol design for TCP and routing algorithms in ad hoc networks. The objective of this approach is to enable the lower-layered ad hoc network to detect and differentiate all possible network events, including disconnections, channel errors, buffer overflow, and link-layer contention, that may cause packet loss. Using the information exploited by lower layers, the upper layer-3 routing algorithm, and the layer-4 TCP can take various actions according to the types of network events. Simulation results demonstrate that the combination of the cross-layer optimized TCP and routing algorithms can effectively improve the performance of TCP and DSR, regardless of whether it is in a stationary or a mobile ad hoc network.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2008,52(3):739-764
Typical radios in ad hoc networks can support multi-rate transmissions. However, traditional routing protocols do not use this feature well in multi-rate ad hoc networks and therefore, the network performance and resource utilization are not optimized. Some algorithms have been proposed to take advantage of the multi-rate transmission scheme, but their performance is not optimized either. In this paper, we show that a cross-layer optimization based approach can significantly improve the performance of multi-rate ad hoc networks over existing routing algorithms. For this, we consider link interference and propose joint routing and flow rate optimization for optimal performance in multi-rate ad hoc networks, i.e., a Cross-layer Optimization based Model for Multi-rate Ad hoc Networks (COMMAN). Considering the characteristics of multi-rate ad hoc networks, we design and implement a distributed heuristic of this centralized model. It is shown that the distributed heuristic algorithm can approximate the performance of COMMAN closely.  相似文献   

Wireless ad hoc networks do not rely on an existing infrastructure. They are organized as a network with nodes that act as hosts and routers to treat packets. With their frequent changes in topology, ad hoc networks do not rely on the same routing methods as for pre-established wired networks; they require routing methods for mobile wireless networks. To select a path from a source to a destination in dynamic ad hoc networks, an efficient and reliable routing method is very important. In this paper, we introduce a cost-matrix-based routing algorithm. An agent node creates topology information in the form of the adjacency-cost matrix which shows link costs of the network.Based on the adjacency-cost matrix, the minimum-cost matrix and the next-node matrices can be calculated. Based on the minimum-cost matrix and the next-node matrices, the minimum cost between source and destination nodes and between intermediate nodes on the minimum-cost paths can be calculated.The matrices are periodically distributed by the agent to the other nodes. Based on the minimum-cost matrix and the next-node matrices, each node decides the minimum-cost path to its destination. Because none of the nodes except the agent needs to gather network topology information, the control overhead of the proposed method is small compared with those of the general table-driven routing protocols.  相似文献   

Ad hoc网络的基于债务关系的合作激励机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作的激励机制对拓展Ad hoc网络的应用具有决定性作用,然而在资源有限的网络条件下实施激励机制对协议开销控制的要求很高。依托文件共享应用,提出了基于债务关系的文件共享激励机制SDE。由于只涉及直接交互信息,避免了针对全局声誉方案的欺骗与攻击行为及虚拟货币方案所存在的货币造假问题,易于分布式实现。通过引入节点间的重复博弈,节点自发维护债务的有效性。提出了债务网络上的路由算法M-PGA,该算法采用局部路由思想,可以匹配债务网络动态性,而基于最优路径的路由选择可提高路由的成功率。  相似文献   

Ad hoc networks are a type of mobile networks that function without any fixed infrastructure. One of the weaknesses of ad hoc networks is that route between a source and a destination is likely to break during communication. Location-based routing algorithms are promising in reducing routing overhead in ad hoc networks. Existing location-based routing algorithms employ the Global Positioning System (GPS) as their location information provider, and synchronize information network-wide. Nonetheless, these protocols have some limitations because the use of GPS is not realistic in certain circumstances. Since smart antenna is able to infer direction and ranging information between pairs of ad hoc node, the obtained local position information can be used to improve routing mechanism. This work proposes a novel Location-Enhanced On-Demand (LEOD) routing protocol which is based on smart antenna technique. The LEOD protocol utilizes local position instead of global position to discover routes and make routing decision for the ad hoc network. Theoretical computation and simulation results show that data packet loss rate decreased significantly compared to other methods well-documented in the literature. In addition, this protocol reduces the network control overheads and the power consumption. It also improves network average throughput.  相似文献   

一个新的分布式最小连通支配集近似算法   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
彭伟  卢锡城 《计算机学报》2001,24(3):254-258
在计算机网络中广泛使用广播来解决一些网络问题,设计有效的广播算法是一项重要的课题。文中提出一种分布地计算网络最小连通支配集的近似算法并给出了它的正确性证明。它只需要网络节点具有局部的网络状态信息,可伸缩性强。通过此算法可以在网络中自动形成一个虚拟骨干网,从而可为网络中的广播和路由操作提供一个有效的通信基础。模拟结果表明,文中提出的算法求得的连通支配集小,能较好地应用于一般网络以及移动自组网络中。  相似文献   

卢锡城  安辉耀  彭宇行  彭伟 《软件学报》2007,18(7):1786-1798
在移动自主网络中,提供服务质量支持是一个核心研究问题.大量研究表明,在移动自主网络中提供服务质量保障具有很大的挑战性.提出一个基于簇的QoS多路径路由协议(CQMRP),通过一种可扩展、灵活的方式为移动自主网络提供服务质量保证.在这个策略中,每个节点只维持局部路由信息而不是整个网络的全局状态信息.它支持多个服务质量约束.采用OPNET模拟器对协议性能进行了评估,结果表明,这个协议能够为移动自主网络提供一个可靠的多路径服务质量保证.  相似文献   

Performance of ad hoc networks dramatically declines as network grows. Cluster formation in which the network hosts are hierarchically partitioned into several autonomous non-overlapping groups, based on proximity, is a promising approach to alleviate the scalability problem of ad hoc networks. In this paper, we propose a localized learning automata-based clustering algorithm for wireless ad hoc networks. The proposed clustering method is a fully distributed algorithm in which each host chooses its cluster-head based solely on local information received from neighboring hosts. The proposed algorithm can be independently localized at each host. This results in a significantly reduction in message overhead of algorithm, and allows cluster maintenance can be locally performed only where it is required. To show the performance of proposed algorithm, obtained results are compared with those of several existing clustering methods in terms of the number of clusters, control message overhead, clustering time, and load standard deviation.  相似文献   

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