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一类基于势场原理的群集控制理论正逐步应用于多agent(智能体)/机器人稳定协同运动中.针对群集运动系统在非规则障碍物环境中运行时易出现的局部极小问题,引入基于行为的机器人学理念,构成多移动机器人多模态群集控制系统.在此框架内,仿生的动物沿端行为与有序化群集运动控制策略相融合,实现了多移动机器人系统快速聚合行为与高效避障行为的统一.移动机器人仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对多AUV(autonomous underwater vehicle)系统在未知环境中进行路径规划时难以兼顾避障与编队的问题,提出了一种基于领航—跟随者与行为的多AUV协同避障方法。首先,通过构造碰撞危险度及偏离目标评价函数,设计了AUV局部路径规划方法;在此基础上,结合编队控制方法,分别为领航者和跟随者设计不同的行为以及行为选择模式。半物理仿真实验结果表明,该算法能够实现多AUV系统在未知环境中的协同避障,且队形偏离度与恢复队形时间优于传统多机器人避障算法。实验结果证明了该算法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

冗余机械臂的避障问题一直是工业机器人应用领域的研究热点之一;为了改进传统避障算法的不足,提出了一种多运动障碍物的避障算法;该算法利用各障碍物的运动状态得到与机械臂之间的最小预测距离,并将其利用雅可比转置矩阵转化为机械臂对应杆件上的躲避速度,再将躲避速度引入梯度投影法中求得机械臂的关节角速度,并通过积分得到避障运动中机械臂的关节角度值,在完成末端轨迹跟踪的同时实现冗余机械臂的实时避障;利用一款七自由度冗余机械臂对该算法进行了仿真验证,结果表明该算法能有效实现冗余机械臂对多运动障碍物的避障。  相似文献   

简单介绍了NuBot机器人的两个主要组成部分:全向视觉和全向运动系统,并给出了运动学分析.基于该机器人平台,提出了D-A和D-D控制两种跟踪算法.通过机器人之间的相对定位和局部通信,实现了多机器人编队的分布式控制,同时,该算法可对机器人朝向进行独立控制.针对不同情况下的编队避障问题,提出了编队变形和编队变换两种方法.仿真和实际机器人实验表明,D-A控制方法能够实现平滑的编队变换;编队变形方法能够在尽量保持原始队形的情况下保证编队顺利避障.  相似文献   

移动机器人的超声模糊避障算法   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
超声传感器是移动机器人避障常用的传感器.但存在幻影的干扰。该文提出多个超声传感器的模糊避障算法.该算法把多个超声传感器分为左右两组.如果障碍物在右侧.机器人就向左转,反之机器人向右转。实验表明.该文提出的算法可以实现机器人的安全避障。  相似文献   

针对多旋翼飞行器的障碍物规避问题,提出一种基于激光雷达的自主飞行多旋翼飞行器避障系统,实现多旋翼飞行器自主飞行的实时避障;该避障系统针对静态、低速运动障碍物,综合飞行器本体姿态、速度、加速度等状态信息,建立基于改进势场法的避障模型和算法;在机器人操作系统(ROS,Robot Operating System)平台进行该避障系统的软件实现,其通过串口与飞控进行通信,完成多旋翼飞行器的自主避障飞行;同时,为了使该系统能在强光环境正常工作,在不影响系统实时性的前提下,对激光雷达的干扰问题进行优化设计;大量实验表明:该避障算法计算量小,能够保证避障系统的实时性,在机体慢速以及低速运动(机体与障碍物之间的相对运动速度小于等于3 m/s)的场景中能够正确检测范围6 m内,并迅速规避障碍物。  相似文献   

基于人工神经网络实现智能机器人的避障轨迹控制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
郭琦  洪炳熔 《机器人》2002,24(6):508-512
利用人工神经网络中的二级BP网,模拟智能机器人的两控制参数(左、右轮速)间的 函数关系,实现避障轨迹为圆弧或椭圆弧的轨迹控制,并且通过调整椭圆长、短轴大小,能 实现多个及多层障碍物的避障控制.该方法的突出特点是方法简单、算法容易实现,使机器 人完成多个及多层避障动作时,不滞后于动态环境里其它机器人(障碍物)位置的变化.在 仿真实验中,取得了理想的效果.  相似文献   

提出了一种机务机器人在机务维修工况环境中的运动避障方法。该方法集成了聚焦A*搜索算法和动态窗口局部避障算法,将移动的障碍物作为网格地图中的移动单元,通过应用类似于动态窗口方法的程序来预测它们的运动趋势和轨迹,实现了对移动障碍物的有效避障。  相似文献   

一种多移动机器人避障的改进算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使多机器人在有障碍物的环境中可靠地运行,针对多机器人的避障问题,融合沿墙行为的避障模式,构造出一类具有自适应特性l-ψ闭环控制律下的多机器人避障算法,以作为基于行为的控制策略的有益补充。仿真结果表明,该算法可以成功地解决机器人因融合参数不当而形成的避障"死锁"问题,使多机器人在有障碍物的环境下,在障碍物区能够顺利地通过障碍物,在离开障碍物后,快速恢复至稳定。  相似文献   

带滚动约束轮移式机器人动态规划的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据轮移式机器人的运动学模型,研究受到滚动约束轮移式机器人在动态环境中的运动规划问题.将快速随机搜索树算法与优化方法相结合,实现了一种新的算法,规划出既可避障又可满足机器人滚动约束的运动.将该算法运用到动态环境下机器人的运动规划中,并通过仿真表明该算法能较好地引导机器人在动态环境中实现满足滚动约束的避障路径.  相似文献   

In this paper, the local flocking of multi-agent systems is investigated, which means all agents form some groups of surrounding multiple targets with the partial information exchange. For the purpose of realising local multi-flocking, a control algorithm of local flocking is proposed, which is a biologically inspired approach that assimilates key characteristics of flocking and anti-flocking. In the process of surrounding mobile targets through the control algorithm, all agents can adaptively choose between two work modes to depend on the variation of visual field and the number of pursuing agents with the mobile target. One is a flocking pursuing mode which is that some agents pursue each mobile target, the other is an anti-flocking searching mode that means with the exception of the pursing agents of mobile targets, other agents respectively hunt for optimal the mobile target with a closest principle between the agent and the target. In two work modes, the agents are controlled severally via the different control protocol. By the Lyapunov theorem, the stability of the second-order multi-agent system is proven in detail. Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

针对具有参数不确定性和未知外部扰动的Euler-Lagrange多智能体系统,设计一种基于自适应滑模控制的分布式蜂拥算法.该算法使用自适应滑模控制和自适应控制律分别补偿未知的外部扰动与模型中可线性参数化回归的不确定项,从而在实现蜂拥控制的同时,避免智能体对外部扰动先验知识的要求.理论分析表明,在多智能体达成蜂拥的同时,算法保证滑模的自适应增益有界.此外,所提出的算法同时考虑虚拟领导者追踪与基于目标区域的跟踪问题,并给出碰撞避免的条件.最后,通过算例仿真验证所提出算法的有效性.  相似文献   

一类有序化多移动机器人群集运动控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
群集运动控制(flocking control)是一种新型的多移动机器人运动协调控制, 目前的研究多集中于无leader模式下群集运动控制器的设计. 为此, 本文阐述了一类多移动机器人有序化群集运动系统控制方案及其性能评价方法. 首先, 在前人的研究基础上, 本文介绍了基于Agent的有序化编队控制机制; 然后, 运用非完整约束下移动机器人的动力学原理, 设计了由Agent到移动机器人的控制转化方法; 并进一步提出了基于“最小稳定时间”的群集运动分析法, 可对有序化群集运动系统进行分析; 最后, 运用仿真实例, 描述了多移动机器人有序化群集运动的控制及分析过程. 实验结果验证了此控制方案的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the flocking problem of multiple dynamic mobile agents with a virtual leader in a dynamic proximity network. To avoid fragmentation, we propose a novel flocking algorithm that consists of both an adaptive controller for followers and a feedback controller for the virtual leader. Based on our algorithm, all agents in the group can form a network, maintain connectivity, and track the virtual leader, even when only a minority of agents have access to the information of the virtual leader. Finally, several convincing simulation results are provided that demonstrate 2‐D flocking of a group of agents using the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents novel approaches to (1) the problem of flocking control of a mobile sensor network to track and observe a moving target and (2) the problem of sensor splitting/merging to track and observe multiple targets in a dynamic fashion. First, to deal with complex environments when the mobile sensor network has to pass through a narrow space among obstacles, we propose an adaptive flocking control algorithm in which each sensor can cooperatively learn the network’s parameters to decide the network size in a decentralized fashion so that the connectivity, tracking performance and formation can be improved. Second, for multiple dynamic target tracking, a seed growing graph partition (SGGP) algorithm is proposed to solve the splitting/merging problem. To validate the adaptive flocking control we tested it and compared it with the regular flocking control algorithm. For multiple dynamic target tracking, to demonstrate the benefit of the SGGP algorithm in terms of total energy and time consumption when sensors split, we compared it with the random selection (RS) algorithm. Several experimental tests validate our theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and explores the use of flocking techniques to naturally support navigation in large and open virtual environments. The proposed approach comprises both a flocking algorithm (which simulates the behavior of a flock of virtual beings) and a control algorithm (which manages the navigation information and parameterizes the flocking behavior). The model was developed and evaluated through a user study which investigated whether the addition of the proposed model has an effect on the user experience when exploring a virtual environment. In the research the experiment group explored a virtual environment where the proposed flocking model was added to suggest places to visit. The participants were not informed about the guiding abilities of the virtual animals. The control group explored the same virtual environment without the animal flock. The impact of both cases was compared. The results indicate that the proposed model is adequate to suggest places to visit in large and open virtual worlds.  相似文献   

陈佐  万新  涂员员  李仁发 《计算机应用》2012,32(6):1506-1512
传统蜂拥控制模型在协同避障跟踪方面,目前有Reynolds和Tanner的蜂拥模型。笔者曾对其做出了改进,提出了与Steer to Avoid法则相结合的避障模型,该模型在跟踪过程中对凸形障碍有较高的避障效率。由于在Steer to Avoid的方向判断中,目标对节点具有引力,使节点群陷入凹形区域无法绕出。将协同避障模型引入凹形障碍环境中,对模型进一步改进,在Steer to Avoid转向判断时暂时取消目标对节点群的引力,让节点群在进入凹形后自行做出环境的判断并沿着障碍边缘不断搜索路径,最终绕出障碍到达目标。仿真实验结果表明:与传统两个模型相比,该模型在避障的平均速率和时间效率上有显著提高,适用于避开未知的凹形障碍。  相似文献   

Consider a system composed of mobile robots that move on the plane, each of which independently executing its own instance of an algorithm. Given a desired geometric pattern, the flocking problem consists in ensuring that the robots form this pattern and maintain it while moving together on the plane. In this paper, we explore flocking in the presence of faulty robots, where the desired pattern is a regular polygon. We propose a distributed fault tolerant flocking algorithm assuming a semi-synchronous model with a k-bounded scheduler, in the sense that no robot is activated no more than k times between any two consecutive activations of any other robot.The algorithm is composed of three parts: failure detector, ranking assignment, and flocking algorithm. The role of the rank assignment is to provide a persistent and unique ranking for the robots. The failure detector identifies the set of currently correct robots in the system. Finally, the flocking algorithm handles the movement and reconfiguration of the flock, while maintaining the desired shape. The difficulty of the problem comes from the combination of the three parts, together with the necessity to prevent collisions and allow the rotation of the flock. We formally prove the correctness of our proposed solution.  相似文献   

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