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基于兴趣度的时态关联规则挖掘算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘研究中的一个重要方面,给出了一个关联规则中事件所包含信息的模型,在此基础上,提出了一种基于兴趣度的时态关联规则挖掘算法。该算法较好地弥补了应用模板匹配方法筛选基于兴趣度的关联规则时主观性太强,兴趣度阈值的定义过于简单,所挖掘出来的关联规则没有体现时态约束的缺陷。最后,将该算法应用到了股票数据的趋势挖掘中,得到了满意的实验结果。  相似文献   

On-shelf utility mining has recently received interest in the data mining field due to its practical considerations. On-shelf utility mining considers not only profits and quantities of items in transactions but also their on-shelf time periods in stores. Profit values of items in traditional on-shelf utility mining are considered as being positive. However, in real-world applications, items may be associated with negative profit values. This paper proposes an efficient three-scan mining approach to efficiently find high on-shelf utility itemsets with negative profit values from temporal databases. In particular, an effective itemset generation method is developed to avoid generating a large number of redundant candidates and to effectively reduce the number of data scans in mining. Experimental results for several synthetic and real datasets show that the proposed approach has good performance in pruning effectiveness and execution efficiency.  相似文献   

Given a time stamped transaction database and a user-defined reference sequence of interest over time, similarity-profiled temporal association mining discovers all associated item sets whose prevalence variations over time are similar to the reference sequence. The similar temporal association patterns can reveal interesting relationships of data items which co-occur with a particular event over time. Most works in temporal association mining have focused on capturing special temporal regulation patterns such as cyclic patterns and calendar scheme-based patterns. However, our model is flexible in representing interesting temporal patterns using a user-defined reference sequence. The dissimilarity degree of the sequence of support values of an item set to the reference sequence is used to capture how well its temporal prevalence variation matches the reference pattern. By exploiting interesting properties such as an envelope of support time sequence and a lower bounding distance for early pruning candidate item sets, we develop an algorithm for effectively mining similarity-profiled temporal association patterns. We prove the algorithm is correct and complete in the mining results and provide the computational analysis. Experimental results on real data as well as synthetic data show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than a sequential method using a traditional support-pruning scheme.  相似文献   

A large volume of research in temporal data mining is focusing on discovering temporal rules from time-stamped data. The majority of the methods proposed so far have been mainly devoted to the mining of temporal rules which describe relationships between data sequences or instantaneous events and do not consider the presence of complex temporal patterns into the dataset. Such complex patterns, such as trends or up and down behaviors, are often very interesting for the users. In this paper we propose a new kind of temporal association rule and the related extraction algorithm; the learned rules involve complex temporal patterns in both their antecedent and consequent. Within our proposed approach, the user defines a set of complex patterns of interest that constitute the basis for the construction of the temporal rule; such complex patterns are represented and retrieved in the data through the formalism of knowledge-based Temporal Abstractions. An Apriori-like algorithm looks then for meaningful temporal relationships (in particular, precedence temporal relationships) among the complex patterns of interest. The paper presents the results obtained by the rule extraction algorithm on a simulated dataset and on two different datasets related to biomedical applications: the first one concerns the analysis of time series coming from the monitoring of different clinical variables during hemodialysis sessions, while the other one deals with the biological problem of inferring relationships between genes from DNA microarray data.  相似文献   

时序不变式反映了事件间的时序逻辑关系,被广泛应用于异常检测、系统行为理解、模型推理等技术.在实际使用中,一般通过分析软件系统的日志数据挖掘时序不变式.相比全序日志,偏序日志可为挖掘算法提供更为准确的数据来源.但是,现有的基于偏序日志的时序不变式挖掘方法存在效率较低等问题.为此,以系统执行路径为数据来源,提出了一种基于集合运算的时序不变式挖掘方法 SOTIMiner,并研究了改进方案.相比现有方法,该方法不需要反向遍历日志数据,从而具有较高效率.实验显示.该方法在保证挖掘相同结果的基础上,效率平均是Synoptic挖掘工具的3.23倍.  相似文献   

时态数据挖掘的相似性发现技术   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
潘定  沈钧毅 《软件学报》2007,18(2):246-258
现实世界存在着大量的时态数据,时态数据挖掘(temporal data mining,简称TDM)是近年来学术界关注的一个重要研究课题.相似性发现技术关注数据的发展变化,试图从时态数据中发现事物动态演化的相似性规律.分析和比较了近年来TDM研究中涉及的主要相似性发现技术.首先区分定义了3类时态数据:时间序列、事件序列和交易序列;然后分类并讨论了各种与序列相关的主要方法和技术,涉及相似性度量、序列抽象表示和搜索,以及各类挖掘任务及其算法操作;最后展望进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

马慧  汤庸  潘炎 《计算机工程》2006,32(17):132-134
随着各种形式的数据的迅速增长,业务数据中的时态信息挖掘问题受到人们普遍关注。该文提出了一种带有效时间区间的时态关联规则,给出了一种基于FP-树的挖掘方法。该方法利用分区挖掘的思想,以分区为单位表示项集的有效时间区间,并为每个分区构建FP-树,大大简化了对某个项集在其有效时间区间中的出现次数的计算,从而更有效地计算时态置信度。最后用一个例子对该方法的执行过程进行了阐述。  相似文献   

序列模式挖掘的一种渐进算法   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
周斌  吴泉源 《计算机学报》1999,22(8):882-887
序列模式挖掘是数据挖掘中最重要的研究课题之一,基于时序相关数据的序列模式挖掘有其自身的特色。作者提出一种渐进式序列模式挖掘算法IMSP,目的是在数据库变化不大时,能够利用前次的结果,加速本次挖掘过程。  相似文献   

Previous sequential pattern mining studies have dealt with either point-based event sequences or interval-based event sequences. In some applications, however, event sequences may contain both point-based and interval-based events. These sequences are called hybrid event sequences. Since the relationships among both kinds of events are more diversiform, the information obtained by discovering patterns from these events is more informative. In this study we introduce a hybrid temporal pattern mining problem and develop an algorithm to discover hybrid temporal patterns from hybrid event sequences. We carry out an experiment using both synthetic and real stock price data to compare our algorithm with the traditional algorithms designed exclusively for mining point-based patterns or interval-based patterns. The experimental results indicate that the efficiency of our algorithm is satisfactory. In addition, the experiment also shows that the predicting power of hybrid temporal patterns is higher than that of point-based or interval-based patterns.  相似文献   

Discovery of fuzzy temporal association rules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a data mining system for discovering interesting temporal patterns from large databases. The mined patterns are expressed in fuzzy temporal association rules which satisfy the temporal requirements specified by the user. Temporal requirements specified by human beings tend to be ill-defined or uncertain. To deal with this kind of uncertainty, a fuzzy calendar algebra is developed to allow users to describe desired temporal requirements in fuzzy calendars easily and naturally. Fuzzy operations are provided and users can define complicated fuzzy calendars to discover the knowledge in the time intervals that are of interest to them. A border-based mining algorithm is proposed to find association rules incrementally. By keeping useful information of the database in a border, candidate itemsets can be computed in an efficient way. Updating of the discovered knowledge due to addition and deletion of transactions can also be done efficiently. The kept information can be used to help save the work of counting and unnecessary scans over the updated database can be avoided. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed system. A performance comparison with other systems is also given.  相似文献   

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