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鲜斌  李宏图 《控制与决策》2021,36(10):2490-2496
研究了基于分布式通信网络的多无人机时变编队控制问题,考虑到外界扰动对多无人机协同编队系统的影响,提出一种新的连续非线性鲁棒编队控制方法.首先基于一致性方法构造了分布式无人机编队误差系统,降低了编队控制器对全局编队信息的要求;然后采用一种基于误差符号函数积分的鲁棒控制算法补偿未知外界扰动的影响,提高了无人机编队系统的鲁棒性,并基于Lyapunov分析的方法,证明了多无人机编队误差的半全局渐进收敛性;最后在四旋翼无人机编队实验平台上进行了多无人机时变编队的实时实验验证,实验结果表明,所提出的分布式编队控制算法可以实现多无人机时变编队控制,且具有较好的协同性能和抗干扰能力.  相似文献   

针对分布式通信网络,研究多无人机完全分布式编队生成和保持控制问题.基于滑模和自适应方法设计自适应耦合增益,进而结合与邻居无人机之间的相对状态设计一种新的有限时间编队控制器.该算法去掉了传统编队控制器依赖通信网络范围和拓扑及Leader无人机状态等全局信息的限制,基于Lyapunov理论证明无人机编队误差在有限时间可以收敛到边界可调的邻域内.对三维运动的多无人机编队进行仿真验证,结果显示,所设计的编队控制算法可以实现多无人机有限时间完全分布式编队生成和保持.  相似文献   

基于图论法的四旋翼三角形结构编队控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对四旋翼无人机编队控制,提出了一种基于图论法的四旋翼三角形结构编队.本文将四旋翼无人机编队整体视为一幅有向图,四旋翼为有向图中的点,四旋翼间的距离及通讯状态为有向图的边;结合Leader-Follower理论,通过相应的距离反馈控制律对领航者和跟随者设计不同的控制策略;进而使三架四旋翼无人机彼此间相对的距离收敛到一个稳定的值,最终形成一个固定的三角形结构编队.仿真研究和结果验证了本文提出编队控制策略的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

多无人机系统中,系统状态的一致性是实现多无人机协同控制的基础,针对多无人机中存在的三维空间编队控制问题,提出一种分布式一致性的无人机编队协同控制方法。在主机-从机组成的多无人机系统的基础上,引入分布式结构,设计无人机控制系统模型并建立无人机编队协同机制。根据协同机制设计基于一致性算法的协同编队控制器、基于匈牙利算法的任务分配策略以及避障策略。分别在简易模拟器和基于ROS-Gazebo的实景模拟器中仿真验证了协同控制方法的有效性。结果表明:无人机群能够有效地完成协同编队任务,并且可以通过调整层次结构进行有效编队重构。  相似文献   

针对多四旋翼无人机编队在巡航飞行过程中队形形成和保持问题,采用分布式模型预测控制方法将该问题转化为在线滚动优化问题.建立线性时不变的编队运动模型,进而在考虑状态和输入约束,不考虑时延、外界干扰、噪声的情况下,利用领航跟随策略设计一种分布式模型预测控制器,通过引入自身和邻居的假设状态轨迹设计代价函数.其中邻居信息的交互是在有向、时不变通信拓扑结构下进行的.基于该控制器,无人机能够在跟踪目标轨迹的同时,快速形成预先设定的队形并保持队形飞行.通过引入终端等式约束保证系统稳定,进而将目标函数作为Lyapunov函数,给出编队系统渐近稳定的充分条件.最后,利用6架无人机仿真验证控制算法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

在固定翼无人机编队飞行的过程中,通常需要根据任务需求或环境的变化构建并保持一种队形,或者变换为另一种队形.目前,无人机编队构建、保持和变换采用了不同的定义与关键技术,产生了无人机编队控制技术的发展瓶颈.本文提出了一种基于状态一致性模型的编队控制机制来解决这一问题.首先,建立固定翼无人机编队的六元状态一致性模型,并基于该模型统一了编队构建、保持和变换的定义.其次,提出了一种基于六元状态一致性模型的集中式与分布式相结合的混合式编队控制机制,主节点集中式地确定无人机在编队中的位置的分配方案,从节点分布式地计算自身的Dubins路径并调整偏航角,然后自主调整节点的航速以实现编队的状态一致性.第三,基于OMNeT++设计了相应的仿真试验,试验结果表明六元状态一致性模型能够将无人机编队飞行的各个阶段有机关联起来,同时验证了混合式编队控制机制的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

有向切换通信拓扑下多无人机分布式编队控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对多无人机分布式时变编队控制问题进行了研究. 无人机之间的通信拓扑假定是有向和切换的. 基于 自身状态与邻居状态的相对局部信息构建了分布式编队控制器. 通过引入一个恰当的编队误差向量, 将有向切换 通信拓扑下的多无人机编队问题转化为一个切换系统的镇定问题. 基于Lyapunov稳定性分析方法得到了达成编队 的充分性条件. 仿真实验结果验证了结论的有效性.  相似文献   

本文对多无人机分布式时变编队控制问题进行了研究.无人机之间的通信拓扑假定是有向和切换的.基于自身状态与邻居状态的相对局部信息构建了分布式编队控制器.通过引入一个恰当的编队误差向量,将有向切换通信拓扑下的多无人机编队问题转化为一个切换系统的镇定问题.基于Lyapunov稳定性分析方法得到了达成编队的充分性条件.仿真实验结果验证了结论的有效性.  相似文献   

针对无人机编队保持和动态障碍物规避控制问题,本文提出了一种新的基于群集行为的分布式多无人机编队控制和避障控制算法.首先考虑了由机间气流等因素带来的干扰,基于吸引/排斥势场和一致性方法,设计了分布式无人机编队的队形保持控制算法,对编队内无人机之间的距离进行控制.进一步考虑外部移动障碍对无人机编队的影响,引入了排斥势场产生...  相似文献   

针对固定通信拓扑下的具有时变通信延迟的多无人机(multi-UAVs)系统,在一致性协议的基础上提出了分布式的编队控制算法.利用Lyapunov-Krasovskii函数分析了时延多无人机系统的稳定性,并以线性不等式(LMI)的形式给出了系统稳定的条件.当满足稳定性条件时,编队控制算法将使系统中无人机的速度和编队队形分别渐近地收敛至期望速度和期望队形.仿真实例验证了控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对多四旋翼无人机系统的编队飞行问题,提出了基于特殊正交群SO(3)的协同控制设计方法.在给出编队空间队形和通信拓扑描述后,建立了多四旋翼无人机系统SO(3)控制模型.由于SO(3)与传统俯仰/偏航/滚转三通道模型具有不同的结构,文中进一步研究了SO(3)中无人机之间相对误差的表示方法,设计了适用于多飞行器的SO(3)控制器实现对编队和姿态的协同控制.推力控制器用于调节无人机的位置与速度,并在此基础上构造旋转矩阵形式的姿态协同指令.文中相应设计了SO(3)姿态控制器用于实现指令跟踪,最后从理论上对协同稳定性进行了分析.提出的控制方法能够使得多四旋翼无人机形成期望的队形,并且保持姿态一致进行稳定飞行.仿真结果验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   


In this paper, we investigate a novel finite-time median-related group consensus problem, where the finial consensus value can be identified as a desired function of the median of initial states instead of the much studied average value. The underlying communication topology is modelled by a weighted dynamical directed network. A distributed control protocol is firstly introduced to ensure that the agents can reach a median-related consensus in finite time in a collaboration network, meaning that all edge-weights of the communication network are non-negative. We then generalise the results to cooperation–competition networks, where the communication network is divided into predetermined collaboration subnetworks allowing possibly negative weights. Effective group control protocols are designed to guarantee the median-related group consensus in finite time. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the availability of our theoretical results.  相似文献   

The formation control for multiple quadrotors subject to maintaining the formation configuration and collision avoidance in the situation of stochastic links failure is investigated in this paper. First, the distributed formation controller is designed, the position controller is developed to manage the desired formation of position, and the attitude controller is developed to control the translation and rotation movements of the quadrotor. Then, in order to avoid the collisions between multiple quadrotors and the obstacles, a potential energy function method is introduced into the quadrotor formation control combined with the nest adaptive control. Inspired by the design of event trigger controller, a communication compensation controller is designed to ensure the stability of quadrotor formation under the condition of random communication interruption and recovery. Moreover, a prescribed time function is designed, which means the convergence time of the formation system can be set in advance. The prescribed time stability of the formation control system is proved by Lyapunov theory. Finally, the simulation results verify the effectiveness and superiority of this method.  相似文献   

针对多智能体系统编队形成过程中受lur’e型非线性项影响,并考虑降低系统通信要求,基于一致性理论,设计了分布式控制器,使得多智能体系统形成时变编队。利用Laplacian矩阵的特殊性质,对其进行分解,将多智能体系统的编队控制问题转化为低阶系统的稳定性问题。给出了切换拓扑的平均驻留时间概念,据此提供了一种设计分布式控制器的步骤,利用线性矩阵不等式和Lyapunov函数证明了有向切换拓扑条件下,多智能体系统受lur’e型非线性项影响时能够形成时变编队。通过仿真验证了所设计控制器的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the implementation of a decentralized consensus law with theoretically provable convergence properties on a multi-agent testbed comprising of quadrotors. It is shown that for small roll and pitch angles and well-tuned control loops, the quadrotor dynamics can be approximated as a pair of double integrators. Several experiments are carried out in an outdoor environment for validation of the consensus law which is based on double integrator dynamics. For any arbitrary initial positions of the quadrotors, the consensus law is able to drive them to an autonomously decided common point, given that the communication graph is connected at each instant of time. The resulting experimental trajectories and the consensus point matches with theoretical predictions. For guaranteeing real-time reliability required for such coordinated motion, a novel synchronized, time-slotted, scalable and fully airborne communication protocol is proposed. The protocol avoids data collisions and ensures real-time, reliable communication between agents. It can also address changing communication graph topologies, temporary link-breaks and additions. Using this underlying protocol, the quadrotors attain consensus for static and dynamic communication graphs. Experiments to observe the effect of communication rate on consensus performance are also conducted.  相似文献   

Without assuming that the mobile agents can communicate with their neighbors all the time, the consensus problem of multi‐agent systems with general linear node dynamics and a fixed directed topology is investigated. To achieve consensus, a new class of distributed protocols designed based only on the intermittent relative information are presented. By using tools from matrix analysis and switching systems theory, it is theoretically shown that the consensus in multi‐agent systems with a periodic intermittent communication and directed topology containing a spanning tree can be cast into the stability of a set of low‐dimensional switching systems. It is proved that there exists a protocol guaranteeing consensus if each agent is stabilizable and the communication rate is larger than a threshold value. Furthermore, a multi‐step intermittent consensus protocol design procedure is provided. The consensus algorithm is then extended to solve the formation control problem of linear multi‐agent systems with intermittent communication constraints as well as the consensus tracking problem with switching directed topologies. Finally, some numerical simulations are provided to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical results. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the consensus problem for teleoperation system over communication networks. Compared with previous work, both multi-slave configuration and time variable delays are considered. According to the topology structure of slave robots, centralized and distributed consensus controllers are respectively designed, where a leader-following strategy is adopted. During the design process of distributed controllers, min-weighted rigid graph is used to optimize the topology structure of slave robots. With the optimized topology, the amount of communication links and energy dissipations in slave site can be reduced. Moreover, the sufficient stability conditions are presented to show the consensus controllers can stabilize the master-slave system under variable time delay. Finally, simulation results are performed to show the effectiveness of the main results.  相似文献   


基于一致性算法, 在有向通讯拓扑下, 研究存在状态约束的多航天器系统分布式有限时间姿态协同跟踪控制问题. 在仅有部分跟随航天器可以获取领航航天器状态, 并且跟随航天器之间存在不完全信息交互的情形下, 设计了分布式快速终端滑模面, 提出了不依赖于模型的分布式有限时间姿态协同跟踪控制律. 根据有限时间Lyapunov 稳定性定理, 证明了系统的状态在有限时间内收敛于领航航天器状态的小邻域内. 最后通过仿真算例验证了所提出算法的有效性.


刘建刚  黄志武 《控制与决策》2016,31(8):1446-1452

研究在外界扰动影响下的通信拓扑为多图的一阶多智能体系统的协同一致性控制鲁棒性问题. 采用闭环系统的??2 范数来度量系统的鲁棒性; 借助代数图论、控制论和矩阵论, 建立通信拓扑在有无自环时多智能体系统鲁棒性、系统??2 范数、系统通信拓扑之间的直接联系, 并进行严格的证明; 给出通信拓扑为完备图、星图、路图、环图时多智能体系统之间的收敛速度、鲁棒性分析与比较. 仿真实例表明了所提出方法的有效性.



In this paper, we address the fixed-time consensus tracking problem of second-order leader-follower multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics under directed topology. The consensus tracking algorithm consists of distributed observer and observer-based decentralized controller. The fixed-time distributed observer guarantees that each follower estimates the leader’s state under directed topology within a fixed time, where the upper bound of convergence time is independent on the initial conditions. The fixed-time decentralized controller makes each follower converge to the leader’s state in fixed time via tracking the distributed observer’s state and overcome the nonlinear dynamics without adding linear control terms. Finally, the numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the results.


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