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进化多目标优化算法研究   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:50  
进化多目标优化主要研究如何利用进化计算方法求解多目标优化问题,已经成为进化计算领域的研究热点之一.在简要总结2003年以前的主要算法后,着重对进化多目标优化的最新进展进行了详细讨论.归纳出当前多目标优化的研究趋势,一方面,粒子群优化、人工免疫系统、分布估计算法等越来越多的进化范例被引入多目标优化领域,一些新颖的受自然系统启发的多目标优化算法相继提出;另一方面,为了更有效的求解高维多目标优化问题,一些区别于传统Pareto占优的新型占优机制相继涌现;同时,对多目标优化问题本身性质的研究也在逐步深入.对公认的代表性算法进行了实验对比.最后,对进化多目标优化的进一步发展提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

多目标进化算法及其在控制领域中的应用综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
多目标进化算法在求解多目标优化问题方面具有独特的优势.对此,介绍了多目标进化算法的基本原理,讨论了多目标进化算法的一系列改进方法;论述了近年来多目标进化算法在自动控制领域中的最新研究成果,并对其未来的发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

高维多目标进化算法研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孔维健 《控制与决策》2010,25(3):321-326
传统的多目标进化算法能够有效地解决2个或3个目标的优化问题,但当优化目标超过4维即具有高维目标时,其优化效果将大大下降,因此高维多目标进化算法的研究得到了较多的关注.鉴于此,对高维多目标进化算法的研究进展进行系统地分类综述,分析了高维目标对优化算法造成的困难以及改进的可视化技术;总结了各类算法的特点与缺陷,并给出进一步可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

解决多目标优化问题的差分进化算法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
差分进化(differential evolution,DE)是一种简单但功能强大的进化优化算法.由于其优秀的性能,其诞生之日起就吸引了各国研究人员的关注.作为一种基于群体的全局性启发式搜索算法,差分进化算法在科学和工程中有许多成功的应用.本文对解决多目标优化问题的差分进化算法研究进行了综述,对差分进化的基本概念进行了详细的描述,给出了几种解决多目标优化问题的差分进化算法变体,并且给出了差分进化算法解决多目标优化问题的理论分析,最后,给出了差分进化算法解决多目标优化问题的工程应用,并指出了未来具有挑战性的研究领域.  相似文献   

侯莹  吴毅琳  白星  韩红桂 《控制与决策》2023,38(7):1816-1824
针对多目标差分进化算法求解复杂多目标优化问题时,最优解选择策略中非支配排序计算复杂度高的问题,提出一种数据驱动选择策略的多目标差分进化(MODE-DDSS)算法.首先,设计多目标差分进化算法的优化解排序等级评估准则,建立基于评估准则的优化解排序等级评估库;其次,设计基于优化解双向搜索机制和无重复比较机制的数据驱动选择策略,实现优化解的高效搜索和快速排序;最后,构建数据驱动选择策略的多目标差分进化算法,降低算法在最优解选择操作中的时间复杂度,提高算法的寻优效率.实验结果表明,所提出的MODE-DDSS算法能够有效减少最优解在选择过程中的比较次数,提升多目标差分进化算法解决复杂多目标优化问题的寻优效率.  相似文献   

现实中的多目标优化问题会随着时间或环境的变化而发生改变,因此在全周期优化过程中,环境变化检测和算法响应是求解动态多目标优化问题的两大关键步骤,为此重点对动态多目标进化算法方面的研究进行总结.为有效求解动态多目标优化问题,大量追踪性能优良的动态多目标进化算法在近20年里被提出,但是很少有文献从时空角度对已有研究进行分析和报道,鉴于此,从该视角对动态多目标进化算法研究进行综述.首先介绍动态多目标优化的基本概念、问题和性能指标;然后从时空视角对近5年提出的动态多目标进化算法研究进行分别介绍;最后列出目前动态多目标进化算法方面研究存在的一些挑战,并对未来研究进行展望.  相似文献   

多目标优化非支配集的构造是多目标进化算法研究领域的一个重要步骤,旨在研究用多目标进化算法解决多目标优化问题的效率。对多目标优化问题进行了描述并且给出了求解算法的一般框架,结合研究现状讨论了目前该领域几种主要的基于Pareto非支配集的构造算法,以及它们的计算时间复杂度;总结并展望了该领域未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

一种基于多策略差分进化的分解多目标进化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高多目标优化问题非支配解集合的分布性和收敛性,根据不同差分进化策略的特点,基于切比雪夫分解机制,提出一种基于多策略差分进化的分解多目标进化算法(MOEA/D-WMSDE).该算法首先采用切比雪夫分解机制,将多目标优化问题转化为一系列单目标优化子问题;然后引入小波基函数和正态分布实现差分进化算法的参数控制,探究一种基于5种变异策略优势互补的最优变异策略,提出一种基于参数控制和最优变异策略的多策略差分进化(WMSDE)算法;在此基础上,实现一种基于WMSDE的分解多目标进化算法.采用ZDT和DTLZ测试函数验证MOEA/D-WMSDE算法的有效性,实验结果表明:所提算法在收敛性和分布性方面获得了较大的改进与提高,能够有效求解多目标优化问题;与其他算法对比分析表明,所获得的解集整体质量更优,为多目标问题求解提供了新方法.  相似文献   

为了求解针铁矿法沉铁过程的多目标协调优化模型,从提高全局寻优能力和解的精度出发,提出一种基于改进全局搜索量子进化算法和局部搜索差分进化算法的双种群协同进化算法.数值仿真验证了该进化算法具有较好的收敛性和求解精度;典型工况的仿真优化结果表明了该多目标协调优化模型指导实际生产的可行性,以及所提出算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了提高多目标优化算法解集的分布性和收敛性,提出一种基于分解和差分进化的多目标粒子群优化算法(dMOPSO-DE).该算法通过提出方向角产生一组均匀的方向向量,确保粒子分布的均匀性;引入隐式精英保持策略和差分进化修正机制选择全局最优粒子,避免种群陷入局部最优Pareto前沿;采用粒子重置策略保证群体的多样性.与非支配排序(NSGA-II)算法、多目标粒子群优化(MOPSO)算法、分解多目标粒子群优化(dMOPSO)算法和分解多目标进化-差分进化(MOEA/D-DE)算法进行比较,实验结果表明,所提出算法在求解多目标优化问题时具有良好的收敛性和多样性.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a software tool based on illustrative applications for the development, analysis and application of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. The multiobjective evolutionary algorithms tool (MOEAT) written in C# using a variety of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) offers a powerful environment for various kinds of optimization tasks. It has many useful features such as visualizing of the progress and the results of optimization in a dynamic or static mode, and decision variable settings. The performance measurements of well-known multiobjective evolutionary algorithms in MOEAT are done using benchmark problems. In addition, two case studies from engineering domain are presented.  相似文献   

目前,多目标进化算法在众多领域具有极高的应用价值,是优化领域的研究热点之一.分析已有多目标进化算法在保持种群多样性方面的不足并提出一种基于解空间划分的自适应多目标进化算法(space division basedadaptive multiobjective evolutionary algorithm,简称SDA-MOEA)来解决多目标优化问题.该方法首先将多目标优化问题的解空间划分为大量子空间,在算法进化过程中,每个子空间都保留一个非支配解集,以保证种群的多样性.另外,该方法根据每个子空间推进种群前进的距离,自适应地为每个子空间分配进化机会,以提高种群的进化速度.最后,利用3组共14个多目标优化问题检验SDA-MOEA的性能,并将SDA-MOEA与其他5个已有多目标进化算法进行对比分析.实验结果表明:在10个问题上,算法SDA-MOEA显著优于其他对比算法.  相似文献   

高卫峰  刘玲玲  王振坤  公茂果 《软件学报》2023,34(10):4743-4771
基于分解的演化多目标优化算法(MOEA/D)的基本思想是将一个多目标优化问题转化成一系列子问题(单目标或者多目标)来进行优化求解.自2007年提出以来, MOEA/D受到了国内外学者的广泛关注,已经成为最具代表性的演化多目标优化算法之一.总结过去13年中关于MOEA/D的一些研究进展,具体内容包括:(1)关于MOEA/D的算法改进;(2) MOEA/D在超多目标优化问题及约束优化问题上的研究;(3) MOEA/D在一些实际问题上的应用.然后,实验对比几个具有代表性的MOEA/D改进算法.最后,指出一些MOEA/D未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

The supply trajectory of electric power for submerged arc magnesia furnace determines the yields and grade of magnesia grain during the manufacture process. As the two production targets (i.e., the yields and the grade of magnesia grain) are conflicting and the process is subject to changing conditions, the supply of electric power needs to be dynamically optimized to track the moving Pareto optimal set with time. A hybrid evolutionary multiobjective optimization strategy is proposed to address the dynamic multiobjective optimization problem. The hybrid strategy is based on two techniques. The first one uses case-based reasoning to immediately generate good solutions to adjust the power supply once the environment changes, and then apply a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to accurately solve the problem. The second one is to learn the case solutions to guide and promote the search of the evolutionary algorithm, and the best solutions found by the evolutionary algorithm can be used to update the case library to improve the accuracy of case-based reasoning in the following process. Due to the effectiveness of mutual promotion, the hybrid strategy can continuously adapt and search in dynamic environments. Two prominent multiobjective evolutionary algorithms are integrated into the hybrid strategy to solve the dynamic multiobjective power supply optimization problem. The results from a series of experiments show that the proposed hybrid algorithms perform better than their component multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for the tested problems.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, multiobjective optimization has become main stream and various multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) have been suggested in the field of evolutionary computing (EC) for solving hard combinatorial and continuous multiobjective optimization problems. Most MOEAs employ single evolutionary operators such as crossover, mutation and selection for population evolution. In this paper, we suggest a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on multimethods (MMTD) with dynamic resource allocation for coping with continuous multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs). The suggested algorithm employs two well known population based stochastic algorithms namely MOEA/D and NSGA-II as constituent algorithms for population evolution with a dynamic resource allocation scheme. We have examined the performance of the proposed MMTD on two different MOPs test suites: the widely used ZDT problems and the recently formulated test instances for the special session on MOEAs competition of the 2009 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC’09). Experimental results obtained by the suggested MMTD are more promising than those of some state-of-the-art MOEAs in terms of the inverted generational distance (IGD)-metric on most test problems.  相似文献   

一种基于免疫原理的多目标优化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借鉴生物免疫原理中抗体多样性产生及保持的机理,建立了一种多目标优化方法.该方法定义了多目标选择熵和浓度调节选择概率的概念,采用了抗体克隆选择策略和高度变异策略.最后采用四种典型的多目标优化函数,将本方法同几种常用的多目标遗传算法进行了比较研究,证明了所建立的基于免疫原理的多目标优化方法能有效解决多目标优化问题且具有一定的优越性.  相似文献   

In recent years, a general-purpose local-search heuristic method called Extremal Optimization (EO) has been successfully applied in some NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, we present a novel Pareto-based algorithm, which can be regarded as an extension of EO, to solve multiobjective optimization problems. The proposed method, called Multiobjective Population-based Extremal Optimization (MOPEO), is validated by using five benchmark functions and metrics taken from the standard literature on multiobjective evolutionary optimization. The experimental results demonstrate that MOPEO is competitive with the state-of-the-art multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Thus MOPEO can be considered as a viable alternative to solve multiobjective optimization problems.  相似文献   

A significant amount of research has been done on bilevel optimization problems both in the realm of classical and evolutionary optimization. However, the multiobjective extensions of bilevel programming have received relatively little attention from researchers in both the domains. The existing algorithms are mostly brute-force nested strategies, and therefore computationally demanding. In this paper, we develop insights into multiobjective bilevel optimization through theoretical progress made in the direction of parametric multiobjective programming. We introduce an approximated set-valued mapping procedure that would be helpful in the development of efficient evolutionary approaches for solving these problems. The utility of the procedure has been emphasized by incorporating it in a hierarchical evolutionary framework and assessing the improvements. Test problems with varying levels of complexity have been used in the experiments.  相似文献   

Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for electric power dispatch problem   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The potential and effectiveness of the newly developed Pareto-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) for solving a real-world power system multiobjective nonlinear optimization problem are comprehensively discussed and evaluated in this paper. Specifically, nondominated sorting genetic algorithm, niched Pareto genetic algorithm, and strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA) have been developed and successfully applied to an environmental/economic electric power dispatch problem. A new procedure for quality measure is proposed in this paper in order to evaluate different techniques. A feasibility check procedure has been developed and superimposed on MOEA to restrict the search to the feasible region of the problem space. A hierarchical clustering algorithm is also imposed to provide the power system operator with a representative and manageable Pareto-optimal set. Moreover, an approach based on fuzzy set theory is developed to extract one of the Pareto-optimal solutions as the best compromise one. These multiobjective evolutionary algorithms have been individually examined and applied to the standard IEEE 30-bus six-generator test system. Several optimization runs have been carried out on different cases of problem complexity. The results of MOEA have been compared to those reported in the literature. The results confirm the potential and effectiveness of MOEA compared to the traditional multiobjective optimization techniques. In addition, the results demonstrate the superiority of the SPEA as a promising multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to solve different power system multiobjective optimization problems.  相似文献   

差分进化是一种有效的优化技术,已成功用于多目标优化问题。但也存在Pareto最优集合的收敛慢和多样性差等问题。针对上述不足,本文提出了一种基于分解和多策略变异的多目标差分进化算法(MODE/DMSM)。该算法利用基于分解的方法将多目标优化问题分解为多个单目标优化问题;通过高效的非支配排序方法选择具有良好收敛性和多样性的解来指导差分进化过程;采用了多策略变异方法来平衡进化过程中收敛性和多样性。在ZDT和DTLZ的10个测试函数上的仿真结果表明,本文算法在Parato最优集合的收敛性和多样性优于其他六种代表性多目标优化算法。  相似文献   

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