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当今社会已经进入了以图像为中心的时代,电影、电视、绘画、摄影、广告、设计、建筑、动漫、网络、游戏、多媒体等互为激荡汇流,这就是人们所说的视觉文化时代。图像,是我们向大众传播的一种有效的视觉语言,在某种程度上,图像视觉的感染力、传达效应远远大于文字。在设计中,我们应该尽量使用图像去传达我们的创意,而不是依靠设计说明去阐述。因为,图像本身会说话。  相似文献   

大坝作为最主要的挡水建筑物,其安全性至关重要。一般根据内观监测结果判断其安全性,但是如果测量误差较大,则会导致得出错误结论,做出错误判断,造成无法挽回的损失。本文以象鼻岭水电厂大坝安全监测为例,对目前电厂差动电阻式仪器观测方法提出改进,减小系统误差,保证数据分析合理,通过正反测电阻比方法对测量仪器校核,对测量结果进行优化,提高测量精度,及时消除误差,未对仪器校核,观测人员只凭借经验,只根据正向电阻比测量,误差可达10个单位,对仪器校核分析以后可将测量误差控制在5个单位以内,精确度提高了1倍以上,同时也能及时发现问题,例如线路接头老化,钢丝锈蚀、脱落、导致测量结果失真等,并根据实际情况适当的作出一些修复,对于其他混凝土双曲拱坝内观监测具有一定借鉴和推广意义。  相似文献   

在对氯乙烯精馏这个复杂生产过程工艺及控制的分析基础上,提出了低沸塔回流、低塔釜加热、中间过料、高塔回流、高塔釜加热、成品冷凝等回路的控制模型。并介绍了用开放的DCS进行的组态、调试过程。因其图形化组态工具的直观、灵活、功能强,使复杂的控制问题简单化,且控制对工况变化的适应性强。经生产实际运行表明,产品质量、生产能力均超过预期值。  相似文献   

通过CiteSpace对Web of Science的SCI数据库中收录的协同计算领域的2 297篇文献进行分析,具体对国际协同计算领域的发文量时间分布、研究力量及合作、研究方向、研究主流、发展演变过程、研究热点及前沿进行了分析。结果表明该领域的研究正处于上升期;国家、地区以美国、中国和欧洲为核心,其研究机构以美国和中国的机构为核心,虽然我国已经具备了一定的科研实力,但缺乏该领域的高产研究者,总体来看欧洲各国之间的合作最为密切;研究方向的构成以计算机科学为主;Foster I为该领域中最具影响力的主流研究者,该领域的主流期刊(文献)包括Lecture Notes in Computer Science、Commun ACM等,主流分支领域包括网格计算等9部分;发展演变过程为前期相关研究-分布式计算-网格计算-云计算,同时穿插协同过滤的发展路径;云计算、网格计算等关键词代表了当前该领域的热点,网格计算、云计算、分布式计算、网络服务、协同过滤等关键词则代表了当前该领域的前沿,且已经广泛渗透、融合到生物学、病理学、气候学、教育学、企业信息系统、社会网络、多媒体、文本分析、产学研等领域中,体现了协同计算这一领域具有较强的跨学科特点。  相似文献   

为了提高电子证据勘查取证水平,有效打击网站入侵案件,笔者通过模拟网络环境对常见网站入侵方式进行研究,同时也对近两年侦办的网站入侵案件进行了分析.文章阐述了在网站入侵案件中电子证据现场勘查需要重点勘查服务器日志、网站日志、木马文件、特殊目录下的特殊文件等日志和文件,需要提取、固定IP地址、用户名、计算机名称、虚拟身份、入...  相似文献   

城镇基本医疗保险是现代社会的一个重要组成部分,与国计民生息息相关,为了避免低水平重复开发,提高工作效率、工作质量,并实现本机构与各定点医疗机构、劳动部门、各市县医疗保险经办机构迅速、可靠地进行信息交换,我市采用先进的计算机网络系统集成技术,建立覆盖全市的医疗保险信息系统。市医疗保险计算机信息网络是一个涉及市医保中心、各区医保中心、各参保单位、各定点医疗机构、税务机构、劳动部门、财政部门的多部门、多层次、多种业务类型的大型业务系统。  相似文献   

为了满足住宅小区用户对家庭安全保障上自动化的需求,将传统的多种独立的报警系统进行优化、重组,由单片机来进行控制,设计了一个综合性数字化报警系统。该系统主要是由硬件、软件、通信网络组成,可以完成防盗报警、防火报警、煤气泄漏报警、紧急呼叫报警等功能,通过固定电话网、宽带数据网、移动电话网等实现语音、短信、信号等报警,报警信号可以接到家庭主人、小区值班员、医院、消防中心、公安局等。除了报警以外,系统还可以通过网络把图像、声音发到FTP服务器,通过智能插座可以对现场进行一定的安全处理操作。  相似文献   

本文以一个生产安全受控系统的开发为例,讨论了软件体系结构风格及其应用,首先介绍了通用架构风格,然后根据炼厂规模、工作性质、人员类型的特点,合理分析并选择了架构风格,从总体结构上满足需求,系统主体基于服务的分布式架构风格,在服务子系统中使用B/S、分层结构风格,在PDA子系统采用事件驱动风格,有效地指导系统的设计和开发,降低了系统的维护成本,提高了系统的可重用性。最后分析了实施效果和不足之处,以及改进方法。  相似文献   

From 1991 to 2005, China’s High Technology Research and Development Program (HTRDP) sponsored a series of technology evaluations on Chinese information processing and intelligent human-machine interface, which is called HTRDP evaluations, or “863” evaluations in brief. This paper introduces the HTRDP evaluations in detail. The general information of the HTRDP evaluation is presented first, including the history, the concerned technology categories, the organizer, the participants, and the procedure, etc. Then the evaluations on each technology are described in detail respectively, covering Chinese word segmentation, machine translation, acoustic speech recognition, text to speech, text summarization, text categorization, information retrieval, character recognition, and face detection and recognition. For the evaluations on each technology categories, the history, the evaluation tasks, the data, the evaluation method, etc., are given. The last section concludes the paper and discusses possible future work.  相似文献   

随着Internet技术的发展,Struts开源框架为Web应用系统提供全新的开发平台,利用该平台开发的应用系统执行效率高、扩展性强。系统以工作流为核心,采用Struts技术,利用Web应用的分层,完成了网上书店购物平台的构建,实现前台业务逻辑与后台管理,包括用户管理、新闻管理、书籍管理、订单管理、会员资料管理、流量统计分析、搜索等功能。系统的设计充分发挥了Struts框架的优势,实现多层开发的低耦合、设计和代码的重用,提高了软件可维护性、可扩展性和开发速度。系统的开发在一定程度上提高了书店的销售效率及有效管理,方便用户购买书籍。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method for fuzzy risk analysis based on the ranking of generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The proposed method considers the centroid points and the standard deviations of generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers for ranking generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. We also use an example to compare the ranking results of the proposed method with the existing centroid-index ranking methods. The proposed ranking method can overcome the drawbacks of the existing centroid-index ranking methods. Based on the proposed ranking method, we also present an algorithm to deal with fuzzy risk analysis problems. The proposed fuzzy risk analysis algorithm can overcome the drawbacks of the one we presented in [7]. Shi-Jay Chen was born in 1972, in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. He received the B.S. degree in information management from the Kaohsiung Polytechnic Institute, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and the M.S. degree in information management from the Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan, in 1997 and 1999, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree at the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in October 2004. His research interests include fuzzy systems, multicriteria fuzzy decisionmaking, and artificial intelligence. Shyi-Ming Chen was born on January 16, 1960, in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in June 1991. From August 1987 to July 1989 and from August 1990 to July 1991, he was with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan. From August 1991 to July 1996, he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. From August 1996 to July 1998, he was a Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. From August 1998 to July 2001, he was a Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. Since August 2001, he has been a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. He was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, in 1999. He was a Visiting Scholar in the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Republic of China, in 2003. He has published more than 250 papers in referred journals, conference proceedings and book chapters. His research interests include fuzzy systems, information retrieval, knowledge-based systems, artificial intelligence, neural networks, data mining, and genetic algorithms. Dr. Chen has received several honors and awards, including the 1994 Outstanding Paper Award o f the Journal of Information and Education, the 1995 Outstanding Paper Award of the Computer Society of the Republic of China, the 1995 and 1996 Acer Dragon Thesis Awards for Outstanding M.S. Thesis Supervision, the 1995 Xerox Foundation Award for Outstanding M.S. Thesis Supervision, the 1996 Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering Award for Outstanding M.S. Thesis Supervision, the 1997 National Science Council Award, Republic of China, for Outstanding Undergraduate Student's Project Supervision, the 1997 Outstanding Youth Electrical Engineer Award of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Republic of China, the Best Paper Award of the 1999 National Computer Symposium, Republic of China, the 1999 Outstanding Paper Award of the Computer Society of the Republic of China, the 2001 Institute of Information and Computing Machinery Thesis Award for Outstanding M.S. Thesis Supervision, the 2001 Outstanding Talented Person Award, Republic of China, for the contributions in Information Technology, the 2002 Institute of information and Computing Machinery Thesis Award for Outstanding M.S. Thesis Supervision, the Outstanding Electrical Engineering Professor Award granted by the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE), Republic of China, the 2002 Chinese Fuzzy Systems Association Best Thesis Award for Outstanding M.S. Thesis Supervision, the 2003 Outstanding Paper Award of the Technological and Vocational Education Society, Republic of China, the 2003 Acer Dragon Thesis Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Supervision, the 2005 “Operations Research Society of Taiwan” Award for Outstanding M.S. Thesis Supervision, the 2005 Acer Dragon Thesis Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Supervision, the 2005 Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Supervision, and the 2006 “Operations Research Society of Taiwan” Award for Outstanding M.S. Thesis Supervision. Dr. Chen is currently the President of the Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of the ACM, the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA), and the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society. He was an administrative committee member of the Chinese Fuzzy Systems Association (CFSA) from 1998 to 2004. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part C, an Associate Editor of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, an Associate Editor of the Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Applied Intelligence, an Editor of the New Mathematics and Natural Computation Journal, an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, an Editorial Board Member of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems, an Editor of the Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, an Associate Editor of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, an Editorial Board Member of the Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems Journal, an Editor of the International Journal of Soft Computing, an Editor of the Asian Journal of Information Technology, an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Intelligence Systems Technologies and Applications, an Editor of the Asian Journal of Information Management, an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, and an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. He was an Editor of the Journal of the Chinese Grey System Association from 1998 to 2003. He is listed in International Who's Who of Professionals, Marquis Who's Who in the World, and Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering.  相似文献   

河闸、水库多媒体综合调度管理自动化系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河闸、水库多媒体综合调度管理自动化系统综合采用了多媒体、在LAN网上数据与图象声音混合传输、分布式数据库、数字图象处理以及现场总线等一系列先进技术,充分考虑到系统信息处理和监控方式的多样性、与控制系统、工业电视监视、水库MIS系统、防洪决策支持系统相结合,集控制、监视、管理、决策支持等功能于一体,具有功能综合化、互连网络化、开放性和标准化的特征,大大提高了水利枢纽的运行效益和管理水平。  相似文献   

本文以FME为转换平台,以某市数字化地图为例,通过对DLG数据进行分析预处理,并设计转换方案,设置转换流程及模型函数等,构建了CAD的DWG数据到GIS的GDB数据的无损转换模型。本文共构建了8个转换模型,包括高程点转换模型、控制点转换模型、水系转换模型、居民地转换模型、交通转换模型、植被转换模型、地物附属层转换模型、分幅表接边线转换模型,成功的转换了两种数据。结果表明,实验基本实现了CAD的DWG数据到GIS的GDB数据的空间和属性信息的快速、无损转换,转换结果基本没有属性信息丢失,为地图数据共享提供了可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

The simulation game, which involves the interaction of a geological model, a set of rules, and teaching materials, is used to teach students and professional people attending refresher courses the techniques of mineral exploration. Using geochemical and geophysical measurements, including detailed borehole logs, the students plan an exploration strategy, control the exploration budget, discover the structure and geology of the area represented by the model, outline probable mineralizations, and evaluate the ore reserves. They choose the borehole locations, the type of drilling machine, and the drilling depth, taking continually into consideration the financial aspects.The model is multidisciplinary, involving stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural geology, tectonics, climatic conditions, metallogeny, mineralogy, and petrology. Certain of these characteristics are expressed as complex mathematical functions, which are solved by the program. The computer program also prints out the detailed borehole logs, controls the budget and drilling equipment, and enforces the rules of the game.  相似文献   

杨丹  戴芳 《中国图象图形学报》2018,23(12):1813-1828
目的 目标检测在智能交通、自动驾驶以及安防监控中均有重要的地位,ViBe算法是常用的运动目标检测算法,它主要由背景模型初始化、前景检测、背景模型更新3部分组成,其思想简单,易于实现,运算效率高,但当初始帧有运动目标时,检测结果会出现“鬼影”现象,且易受噪声和光照变化影响,不能适应动态场景。同时,其逐帧逐像素进行前景检测,在计算复杂度方面有较大提升空间。为解决这些问题,提出一种改进的ViBe算法,称为ViBeImp算法。方法 在背景模型初始化时,用多帧平均法给出初始背景,采用该初始背景构建初始背景样本模型。在前景检测过程中,采用背景差分法、帧差法与OTSU算法相结合给出半径阈值的自适应计算方法。同时,根据背景差分法找出运动区域,只对运动区域进行前景判断和模型更新,降低算法的计算复杂度。结果 对25个不同场景视频分别给出ViBeImp算法在初始化背景,自适应半径阈值和计算复杂度方面改进的结果及有效性指标,实验结果表明,与ViBe、ViBeDiff2、ViBeIniR,以及Surendra等算法和高斯混合模型相比,ViBeImp算法对噪声、光照和背景动态变化有较好的鲁棒性,检测结果更完整,且实时性较好。同时,ViBeImp算法将ViBe算法的查准率、查全率以及F1值分别提高了17.98%、11.40%和15.96%。结论 ViBeImp算法采用多帧平均法构建初始背景可有效地消除“鬼影”,并给出半径阈值的自适应计算方法,使ViBe算法更快适应视频环境变化,准确且完整地检测出运动目标,具有较低的误检率和漏检率。该方法克服了ViBe算法对初始背景以及视频环境的依赖,很大程度上提高了运算速度,具有很好的鲁棒性和适用性。  相似文献   

根据高速公路沿线的监控摄像机,对监控视频画面中的图像进行采集,通过对视频图像特征的分析处理,建立图像与真实场景之间的关系,根据图像特征随着真实场景的变化,运用图像处理的方法如:灰度变换、图像分割和特征提取等对图像进行图像处理,提出运用马尔算法,分别提取出目标物与背景,并将其逐一进行背景差计算,能够准确的监控图像中汽车的位置变化,确定目标物的位置,进而判别出能见度的大小。  相似文献   

Space robotic systems are expected to play an increasingly important role in the future on-orbit service. The applications include repairing, refueling or de-orbiting of a satellite, or removal of the space debris. The dynamical performances of space robotic system result from the multi-physics interactions between mechanical, electrical, electronic, control, etc. In this paper, we developed a unified multi-domain modelling and simulation system. The system is composed of the following modules: the path planner, joint controllers, motor and its driver, gearing mechanism of the space manipulators, the Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) system, the actuators of the base, and the orbital environment, orbital dynamic and the multi-body dynamic of the whole system, etc. Based on this system, the operation during different stages, including far range rendezvous, close range rendezvous (is usually divided into two sub-phases: closing and final approach) and target capturing can be studied from the view of multi-physics domains. The key algorithms, such as pose (position and attitude) measurement, GNC of the base, path planning and control of the space manipulator, and so on, can be validated using the system. As examples, the capturing processes of a moving target under free-floating and attitude-controlled modes are simulated and the simulation results are given.  相似文献   

袁莹静  陈婷  陈龙 《软件》2020,(3):215-218
本论文根据潍坊市寒亭区农村住宅F9C住宅楼,建筑面积195.5 m2,使用面积169.7 m2,根据住宅图纸建立模型、通过建筑建模解决问题、运用BIM建模发现的问题。建立模型当中屋顶的绘制和玻璃斜板的绘制是难点,出于图纸设计和整体美观的考虑,改变部分墙体、楼板和玻璃斜板的坡度,使屋顶更加美观,优化了玻璃斜板的施工方法。由于BIM建模处于施工阶段的前一项工作,能够全面地体现整体建筑,做好数据信息和几何信息的控制,同时可以监控施工中工程信息的变化的同时更改信息实时记录,弥补了传统成本控制中事前控制和事中控制的缺失,不仅对图纸设计进行改良避免了施工过程的损失,还对工期和质量的控制保障有所提高。对于BIM这个新兴产品,在国内没有被广泛的接受,原因不单单包括大部分人对BIM的陌生和只有少数人拥有BIM技术,还包括计算机技术的提升和投资方不愿意对该业务资金的投入,BIM在国内发展缓慢。经过时间累计,BIM对工程成本控制的优点会被越来越多的人看到,也将会带动建筑业的发展。  相似文献   

GPGPU加速器是当前提高图像处理算法性能的主流加速平台,但是,在GPGPU平台上,同一个程序充分利用硬件体系结构特征和软件特征的优化版本与简单实现版本在性能上会有数量级的差异。GPGPU加速器具有多维多层的大量执行线程和层次化存储体系结构,后者的不同层次具有不同的容量、带宽、延迟和访问权限。同时,图像处理应用程序具有复杂的计算操作、边界处理规则和数据访问特性。因此,任务的并发执行模式、线程的组织方式和并发任务到设备的映射不仅影响到程序的并发度、调度、通信和同步等特性,而且也会影响到访存的带宽、延迟等。因此,GPGPU平台上的程序优化是一个困难、复杂且效率较低的过程。本文提出基于语言扩展的领域编程模型:ParaC。ParaC编程环境利用高层语言扩展描述的程序语义信息,自动分析获取应用程序的操作信息、并发任务间的数据重用信息和访存信息等程序特征,同时结合硬件平台特征,利用基于领域先验知识驱动的编译优化模型自动生成GPGPU平台上的优化代码,最后,利用源源变换编译器生成标准OpenCL程序。本文在测试用例上的实验结果表明,ParaC在GPGPU平台上自动生成的优化版本相对于手工优化版本的加速比最高达到3.22倍,但代码行数只是后者的1.2%到39.68%。  相似文献   

网络中控系统通过人性化的人机界面、开放式的可编程控制平台、交互式的控制结构,实现了设备的互连操作和集中控制,它集成了电源管理、视音频切换矩阵、红外遥控、VGA切换矩阵、全数码声音控制、可编程串行通讯、设备IP网络连接等功能,应用到多媒体教学中,不仅有效解决了对设备的管理与信息的切换,也使实现多媒体教室的远程管理成为可能。该文以创捷HT1800中控系统为例,就实现这一技术的原理和方法进行了阐述,便于大家更好地对网络中控系统有一个全面的认识。  相似文献   

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