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Mobile sink trajectory plays a pivotal role for network coverage, data collection and data dissemination in wireless sensor networks. Considering this, we propose a novel approach for mobile sink trajectory in wireless sensor networks. Our proposed approach is based on Hilbert Space Filling Curve, however, the proposed approach is different from the previous work in a sense that the curve order changes according to node density. In this paper, we investigate the mobile sink trajectory based on Hilbert Curve Order which depends upon the size of the network. Second, we calculate the Hilbert Curve Order based on node density to re-dimension the mobile sink trajectory. Finally, we perform extensive simulations to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed approach in terms of network coverage and scalability. Simulation results confirm that our proposed approach outperforms with size based Hilbert Curve in terms of network coverage, packet delivery ratio and average energy consumption.  相似文献   

一种移动无线视频传感器节点的覆盖算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现有的无线传感器网络覆盖算法的研究中,缺乏对移动节点路径规划的研究,而针对具有视频传感器节点的网络仍使用普通传感器圆形覆盖区域的测量方法来计算覆盖面积,并不完全符合实际情况.基于这两方面的原因,本文提出了一种适用于无线视频传感器节点的最大覆盖算法,并提出一种对于视频传感器节点覆盖面积的计量方法.该算法能够使节点在保证网络连通性的前提下,达到最大的有效监测范围.此外,本文建立了相应的仿真实验模型,对该算法的有效性和覆盖面积进行了实验与分析.结果表明,本算法的节点监测面积大约为使用随机运动算法的节点监测面积的1.5倍左右,并可以保证网络的连通性.  相似文献   

在汇聚节点移动可预测情况下,提出一种无线传感网分簇算法。该算法将subsink节点引入到HEED分簇算法中,以较快感知移动路径变化,快速形成分簇拓扑;采用sink节点注册机制,实现汇聚节点移动过程中的信息交互。实例分析表明,该算法能快速形成合理网络拓扑,延长无线传感网的生存期。  相似文献   

One important problem which may arise in designing a deployment strategy for a wireless sensor network is how to deploy a specific number of sensor nodes throughout an unknown network area so that the covered section of the area is maximized. In a mobile sensor network, this problem can be addressed by first deploying sensor nodes randomly in some initial positions within the area of the network, and then letting sensor nodes to move around and find their best positions according to the positions of their neighboring nodes. The problem becomes more complicated if sensor nodes have no information about their positions or even their relative distances to each other. In this paper, we propose a cellular learning automata-based deployment strategy which guides the movements of sensor nodes within the area of the network without any sensor to know its position or its relative distance to other sensors. In the proposed algorithm, the learning automaton in each node in cooperation with the learning automata in the neighboring nodes controls the movements of the node in order to attain high coverage. Experimental results have shown that in noise-free environments, the proposed algorithm can compete with the existing algorithms such as PF, DSSA, IDCA, and VEC in terms of network coverage. It has also been shown that in noisy environments, where utilized location estimation techniques such as GPS-based devices and localization algorithms experience inaccuracies in their measurements, or the movements of sensor nodes are not perfect and follow a probabilistic motion model, the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of network coverage.  相似文献   

刘江坡  尚冠宇 《计算机仿真》2020,37(3):284-287,300
针对无线传感网络中节点的覆盖范围较小,删除无用路由所用时间较长,导致网络覆盖率低和路由删除效率低的问题,提出无线传感网络交叉覆盖节点路由删除方法。建立节点覆盖模型,在节点覆盖模型的基础上将无线传感网络的覆盖率和连通性当做综合评价函数,构建无线传感网络交叉覆盖节点优化布局的数学模型,并采用罚函数结合无约束优化模型代替传统约束优化模型。运用自适应遗传算法求解无约束优化模型,实现无线传感网络中交叉覆盖节点的优化布局,进而删除无线传感网络中存在的无用路由。分析实验结果得出,所提方法的网络覆盖率高、路由删除效率高,说明所提方法实际应用性强。  相似文献   

在无线传感器网络中,传感器节点分布通常具有随机性和密集性,如何进行有效覆盖控制和节省能源是研究无线传感器网络的一个重要课题,提出了一种基于二进小波变换的无线传感器网络覆盖算法。将网络覆盖优化问题转化为一个离散信号模型,利用小波模极大值理论求解此信号的极值点位置。通过Matlab实验仿真,并分析了各个参数对实验结果的影响,表明网络在完全覆盖条件下该算法能有效除去冗余节点,求解的最小节点数比文献的算法要节省66%以上,从而降低了无线传感器网络能量和成本,从侧面验证了该算法具有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

对大体积混凝土浇灌过程中的温度和温度应力进行监测与控制,可以有效防止裂缝的产生。在分析了大体积混凝土温度和应力常见监测方法的特点后,提出一种基于无线传感网络和移动agent技术的分布式温度和应力监控系统。系统利用无线传感器节点采集混凝土温度和应力等信号,实现并行的分布式信息采集与处理,安装布置简便;将移动agent应用于无线传感网络以解决异构系统间协作、协调及信息融合,有效降低了冗余数据的传输及节点能耗。详细分析了系统结构组成及设计方法,并利用该系统进行了现场测试,实验结果表明,该系统能够较好实现对混凝土施工过程中的温度、应变情况进行实时在线监测。  相似文献   

在节点随机分布的无线传感器网络目标覆盖中,考虑到单个节点有时难以完成对目标的感知,利用节点的概率感知模型和漏检率的概念,提出了节点协同覆盖的思想,并建立了协同覆盖模型;详细分析并推导了协同覆盖感知概率、节点数目和节点参与协同覆盖的最低感知概率之间的关系;在协同覆盖模型的基础上,考虑节点能量消耗的因素,设计了优化网络使用寿命的协同覆盖算法ECTC;仿真结果表明,该算法在改善网络感知概率的同时,延长了网络的使用寿命。  相似文献   

钱凌  翟玉庆 《计算机科学》2015,42(Z11):213-217
近年来,人们对海洋资源愈加重视,水下无线传感器网络在海洋数据监测、海洋军事、辅助导航等方面的应用引起了广泛关注。一个良好的水下无线传感器网络覆盖控制,首先能够降低覆盖冗余,优化网络空间资源的配置;其次可以减少节点的能耗、降低网络的成本并延长节点的生命周期,使水下无线传感器网络可以更好地完成目标水域环境感知任务。提出了一种基于顺序博弈的水下无线传感器网络覆盖控制方法,用于优化水下无线传感器网络的覆盖控制,期望能够降低节点的能耗,均衡节点之间的能量,最终实现延长网络的生命周期的目标。仿真实验表明,该算法能够提高网络覆盖率和延长网络生命周期。  相似文献   

靳立忠  常桂然  贾杰 《控制与决策》2010,25(12):1857-1860
针对传感器节点的分布优化问题,研究了在保证网络连通性的前提下,极大化移动传感器网络的有效覆盖面积问题,提出了一种基于差分进化算法的移动传感器网络节点分布优化机制.仿真实验结果表明,该算法能以相对较小的代价快速完成移动传感器网络节点的分布优化,提高网络的有效覆盖率,实现移动传感器网络布局的全局优化.  相似文献   

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