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In this paper we consider the problem of constructing confidence regions for the parameters of nonlinear dynamical systems. The proposed method uses higher order statistics and extends the LSCR (leave-out sign-dominant correlation regions) algorithm for linear systems introduced in Campi and Weyer [2005, Guaranteed non-asymptotic confidence regions in system identification. Automatica 41(10), 1751-1764. Extended version available at 〈http://www.ing.unibs.it/∼campi〉]. The confidence regions contain the true parameter value with a guaranteed probability for any finite number of data points. Moreover, the confidence regions shrink around the true parameter value as the number of data points increases. The usefulness of the proposed approach is illustrated on some simple examples.  相似文献   

In this paper an approach for the identifiability analysis of uncontrolled rational systems is provided. The method is based on the use of a local smooth state space transformation. In particular it is shown that, provided the model satisfies an observability rank condition, the state trajectories of an uncontrolled system corresponding to parameter vectors with outputs that are identical locally in time, are connected via a smooth transformation.  相似文献   

A new conceptual framework employing differential algebra is proposed for solving the long-standing problem of inverting nonlinear input-output differential systems. Simple characterizations of left and right invertibility are given which rest upon an invariant integer which, for constant linear systems, turns out to be the rank of the transfer matrix.  相似文献   

This article studies the problem of minimality and identifiability for switched autoregressive exogenous (SARX) systems. We propose formal definitions of the concepts of identifiability and minimality for SARX models. Based on these formalizations, we derive conditions for minimality and identifiability of SARX systems. In particular, we show that polynomially parameterized SARX systems are generically identifiable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate what constitutes the least amount of a priori information on the nonlinearity so that the linear part is identifiable in the non-Gaussian input case. Under the white noise input, three types of a priori information are considered: quadrant information, point information, and monotonic information. In all three cases, identifiability has been established, and the corresponding nonparametric identification algorithms are developed along with their convergence proofs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate what constitutes the least amount of a priori information on the nonlinearity so that the FIR linear part is identifiable in the non-Gaussian input case. Three types of a priori information are considered including quadrant information, point information and locally monotonous information. In all three cases, identifiability has been established and corresponding identification algorithms are developed with their convergence proofs.  相似文献   

Zeros at infinity for nonlinear systems are defined by using differential algebra. This approach can be viewed as a nonlinear generalization of Silverman's structure algorithm. The connection with the problem of inverting input-output systems is briefly described.  相似文献   

This paper studies the parameter identification problem of nonlinear abstract parabolic distributed parameter systems via variational method [1]. Based on the fundamental optimal control theory and the transposition method studied in [2], the existence of optimal parameter is proved, and the necessary condition for the optimal parameter is established.  相似文献   

The problem of parameter identifiability has been considered from different points of view in the case of nonlinear dynamical systems. For analytic systems the standard approach for uncontrolled systems is the Taylor series approach (Pohjanpalo, Math. Biosciences 41 (1978) 21), or the approaches based on differential algebra for polynomial and rational systems. The similarity transformation approach, based on the local state isomorphism theorem, gives a sufficient and necessary condition for global identifiability of nonlinear controlled systems. But it leads only to a necessary condition for identifiability in the case of some uncontrolled systems. Our contribution consists in using the equivalence of systems, based on the straightening out theorem, to analyse the identifiability of uncontrolled systems. From this theory, we state the necessary or sufficient identifiability conditions, some of them depending on the state variable dimension.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to illustrate the potential interest of the control theory framework for cryptographic applications. It is shown that under the properties of left invertibility and flatness, dynamical systems are structurally equivalent to some specific cryptographic primitives called self-synchronising stream ciphers. After having motivated the interest of considering hybrid systems for such ciphers, the development is particularised for the special class of switched linear systems. We also show that identifiability is a necessary condition for security, and we describe an identification procedure as a possible attack and assess its complexity.  相似文献   

A two-stage algorithm for identification of nonlinear dynamic systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the two-stage stepwise identification for a class of nonlinear dynamic systems that can be described by linear-in-the-parameters models, and the model has to be built from a very large pool of basis functions or model terms. The main objective is to improve the compactness of the model that is obtained by the forward stepwise methods, while retaining the computational efficiency. The proposed algorithm first generates an initial model using a forward stepwise procedure. The significance of each selected term is then reviewed at the second stage and all insignificant ones are replaced, resulting in an optimised compact model with significantly improved performance. The main contribution of this paper is that these two stages are performed within a well-defined regression context, leading to significantly reduced computational complexity. The efficiency of the algorithm is confirmed by the computational complexity analysis, and its effectiveness is demonstrated by the simulation results.  相似文献   

In this paper, an approach for analysing the structural indistinguishability between two uncontrolled (or autonomous) analytic systems is presented. The approach involves constructing, if possible, a smooth mapping between the trajectories of two candidate models. If either of the models satisfies an observability criterion, then such a transformation always exists when the models are indistinguishable from their outputs. The approach is illustrated by examples from epidemiology and chemical reaction kinetics. One important outcome is that the susceptible, infectious, recovered (SIR) and SIR with temporary immunity (SIRS) models are shown to be indistinguishable when a proportion of the number of infectives is measured.  相似文献   

This work discusses the identification of single-block smooth nonlinear discrete-time polynomial models with non-smooth steady-state features. Based on bifurcation theory, conditions are developed and used to determine some general aspects of the model structure and also to determine some constraints on the parameters required to guarantee the aforementioned features. The procedure uses only smooth functions of the regressors, a single possibly smooth input and some prior knowledge about the steady-state behavior. The non-smooth static function is here obtained by interchanging the stability of two sets of equilibria at the break-point, which corresponds to guaranteeing a transcritical bifurcation. This work discusses how to determine the domain over which the results are valid. The procedure is illustrated with simulated and experimental data.  相似文献   

This paper studies the global stabilization problem by an output controller for a family of uncertain nonlinear systems satisfying some relaxed triangular-type conditions and with dynamics which may not be exactly known. Using a feedback domination design method, we explicitly construct a dynamic output compensator which globally stabilizes such an uncertain nonlinear system. The usefulness of our result is illustrated with an example.  相似文献   

This work considers a nonlinear time-varying system described by a state representation, with input u and state x. A given set of functions v, which is not necessarily the original input u of the system, is the (new) input candidate. The main result provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a local classical state space representation with input v. These conditions rely on integrability tests that are based on a derived flag. As a byproduct, one obtains a sufficient condition of differential flatness of nonlinear systems.  相似文献   

Milena  Bernt   《Automatica》2008,44(5):1373-1378
The identifiability of the delay parameter for nonlinear systems with a single constant time delay is analyzed. We show the existence of input–output equations and relate the identifiability of the delay parameter to their form. Explicit criteria based on rank calculations are formulated. The identifiability of the delay parameter is shown not to be directly related to the well-characterized identifiability/observability of the other system parameters/states.  相似文献   

This paper considers scalar-input two-dimensional nonlinear systems for which the linearization, has a simple zero uncontrollable eigenvalue. The existence of linear stabilizing feedback laws is investigated, using center manifold techniques. This work was partially supported by the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, Italia (Progetti di ricerca, di interesse nazionale).  相似文献   

B. David  G. Bastin 《Automatica》2002,38(1):81-90
The Gohberg-Heinig explicit formula for the inversion of a block-Toeplitz matrix is used to build an estimator of the inverse of the covariance matrix of a multivariable autoregressive process. This estimator is then conveniently applied to maximum likelihood parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems with output measurements corrupted by additive auto and crosscorrelated noise. An appealing computational simplification is obtained due to the particular form taken by the Gohberg-Heinig formula. The efficiency of the obtained estimation scheme is illustrated via Monte-Carlo simulations and compared with an alternative that is obtained by extending a classical technique of linear system identification to the framework of this paper. These simulations show that the proposed method improves significantly the statistical properties of the estimator in comparison with classical methods. Finally, the ability of the method to provide, in a straightforward way, an accurate confidence region around the estimated parameters is also illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a guaranteed method for the parameter estimation of nonlinear models in a bounded-error context. This method is based on functions which consists of the difference of two convex functions, called DC functions. The method considers DC representations of the functional form of the dynamic system to obtain an outer bound of the set of parameters that are consistent with the measurements, the system and the considered bounded error. At each iteration, the proposed algorithm solves several convex optimization problems to discard from the initial search region subregions that are proved not consistent. This operation is repeated while the obtained solution is improved. Four examples are provided to clarify the proposed identification algorithm.  相似文献   

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