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A famous lower bound for the bilinear complexity of the multiplication in associative algebras is the Alder–Strassen bound. Algebras for which this bound is tight are called algebras of minimal rank. After 25 years of research, these algebras are now well understood. Here we start the investigation of the algebras for which the Alder–Strassen bound is off by one. As a first result, we completely characterize the semisimple algebras over RR whose bilinear complexity is by one larger than the Alder–Strassen bound. Furthermore, we characterize all algebras AA (with radical) of minimal rank plus one over RR for which A/radAA/radA has minimal rank plus one. The other possibility is that A/radAA/radA has minimal rank. For this case, we only present a partial result.  相似文献   

Since all the algebras connected to logic have, more or less explicitly, an associated order relation, it follows, by duality principle, that they have two presentations, dual to each other. We classify these dual presentations in “left” and “right” ones and we consider that, when dealing with several algebras in the same research, it is useful to present them unitarily, either as “left” algebras or as “right” algebras. In some circumstances, this choice is essential, for instance if we want to build the ordinal sum (product) between a BL algebra and an MV algebra. We have chosen the “left” presentation and several algebras of logic have been redefined as particular cases of BCK algebras. We introduce several new properties of algebras of logic, besides those usually existing in the literature, which generate a more refined classification, depending on the properties satisfied. In this work (Parts I–V) we make an exhaustive study of these algebras—with two bounds and with one bound—and we present classes of finite examples, in bounded case. In Part II, we continue to present new properties, and consequently new algebras; among them, bounded α γ algebra is a common generalization of MTL algebra and divisible bounded residuated lattice (bounded commutative Rl-monoid). We introduce and study the ordinal sum (product) of two bounded BCK algebras. Dedicated to Grigore C. Moisil (1906–1973).  相似文献   

We present a new probabilistic algorithm to compute the Smith normal form of a sparse integer matrix . The algorithm treats A as a “black box”—A is only used to compute matrix-vector products and we do not access individual entries in A directly. The algorithm requires about black box evaluations for word-sized primes p and , plus additional bit operations. For sparse matrices this represents a substantial improvement over previously known algorithms. The new algorithm suffers from no “fill-in” or intermediate value explosion, and uses very little additional space. We also present an asymptotically fast algorithm for dense matrices which requires about bit operations, where O(MM(m)) operations are sufficient to multiply two matrices over a field. Both algorithms are probabilistic of the Monte Carlo type — on any input they return the correct answer with a controllable, exponentially small probability of error. Received: March 9, 2000.  相似文献   

We present new, efficient algorithms for computations on separable matrix algebras over infinite fields. We provide a probabilistic method of the Monte Carlo type to find a generator for the center of a given algebra AFm×m over an infinite field F. The number of operations used is within a logarithmic factor of the cost of solving m×m systems of linear equations. A Las Vegas algorithm is also provided under the assumption that a basis and set of generators for the given algebra are available. These new techniques yield a partial factorization of the minimal polynomial of the generator that is computed, which may reduce the cost of computing simple components of the algebra in some cases.  相似文献   

This paper addresses an algorithmic problem related to associative algebras. We show that the problem of deciding if the index of a given central simple algebra over an algebraic number field isd, whered is a given natural number, belongs to the complexity classN P co N P. As consequences, we obtain that the problem of deciding if is isomorphic to a full matrix algebra over the ground field and the problem of deciding if is a skewfield both belong toN P co N P. These results answer two questions raised in [25]. The algorithms and proofs rely mostly on the theory of maximal orders over number fields, a noncommutative generalization of algebraic number theory. Our results include an extension to the noncommutative case of an algorithm given by Huang for computing the factorization of rational primes in number fields and of a method of Zassenhaus for testing local maximality of orders in number fields.  相似文献   

We present two versions of the Loomis–Sikorski Theorem, one for monotone σ-complete generalized pseudo effect algebras with strong unit satisfying a kind of the Riesz decomposition property. The second one is for Dedekind σ-complete positive pseudo Vitali spaces with strong unit. For any case we can find an appropriate system of nonnegative bounded functions forming an algebra of the given type with the operations defined by points that maps epimorphically onto the algebra. The paper has been supported by the Center of Excellence SAS—Physics of Information—I/2/2005, the grant VEGA No. 2/6088/26 SAV, the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV-0071-06, Slovak-Italian Project No. 15:“Algebraic and logical systems of soft computing”, and MURST, project “Analisi Reale”.  相似文献   

We present new, efficient algorithms for some fundamental computations with finite-dimensional (but not necessarily commutative) associative algebras over finite fields. For a semisimple algebra A we show how to compute a complete Wedderburn decomposition of A as a direct sum of simple algebras, an isomorphism between each simple component and a full matrix algebra, and a basis for the centre of A. If A is given by a generating set of matrices inFm × m, then our algorithm requires aboutO (m3) operations inF, in addition to the cost of factoring a polynomial inF[ x ] of degree O(m), and the cost of generating a small number of random elements from A. We also show how to compute a complete set of orthogonal primitive idempotents in any associative algebra over a finite field in this same time.  相似文献   

Ever since the concept of estimation algebra was first introduced by Brockett and Mitter independently, it has been playing a crucial role in the investigation of finite-dimensional nonlinear filters. Researchers have classified all finite-dimensional estimation algebras of maximal rank with state space less than or equal to three. In this paper we study the structure of quadratic forms in a finite-dimensional estimation algebra. In particular, we prove that if the estimation algebra is finite dimensional and of maximal rank, then the Ω=(∂f j /∂x i −∂f i /∂x j )matrix, wheref denotes the drift term, is a linear matrix in the sense that all the entries in Ω are degree one polynomials. This theorem plays a fundamental role in the classification of finite-dimensional estimation algebra of maximal rank. This research was supported by Army Research Office Grants DAAH 04-93-0006 and DAAH 04-1-0530.  相似文献   

Generalized effect algebras as posets are unbounded versions of effect algebras having bounded effect-algebraic extensions. We show that when the MacNeille completion MC(P) of a generalized effect algebra P cannot be organized into a complete effect algebra by extending the operation ⊕ onto MC(P) then still P may be densely embedded into a complete effect algebra. Namely, we show these facts for Archimedean GMV-effect algebras and block-finite prelattice generalized effect algebras. Moreover, we show that extendable commutative BCK-algebras directed upwards are equivalent to generalized MV-effect algebras.  相似文献   

Given an arbitrary set A, one obtains the full Kleene algebra of binary relations over A by considering the operations of union, composition, reflexive-transitive closure, conversion, and the empty set and the identity relation as constants. Such algebras generate the variety of Kleene algebras (with conversion). As a result of a general analysis of identities satisfied by varieties having an involution operation, we prove that the variety of Kleene algebras with conversion has no finite equational axiomatization. In our argument we make use of the fact that the variety of Kleene algebras without conversion is not finitely based and that, relatively to this variety, the variety of Kleene algebras with conversion is finitely axiomatized.  相似文献   

Real algebraic expressions are expressions whose leaves are integers and whose internal nodes are additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, k-th root operations for integral k, and taking roots of polynomials whose coefficients are given by the values of subexpressions. We consider the sign computation of real algebraic expressions, a task vital for the implementation of geometric algorithms. We prove a new separation bound for real algebraic expressions and compare it analytically and experimentally with previous bounds. The bound is used in the sign test of the number type leda::real. Partially supported by the IST Programme of the EU as a Shared-cost RTD (FET Open) Project under Contract No IST-2000-26473 (ECG—Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces).  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to congruences and ideals in pseudoeffect algebras. Let I be a normal ideal in a pseudoeffect algebra E. We show that: (1) the relation ~ I induced by I is a congruence if and only if for every aE, I∩ [0,a] is upper directed; (2) the relation ~ I induced by I is a strong congruence if and only if I is a normal weak Riesz ideal in a pseudoeffect algebra E. Moreover, we introduce a stronger concept of congruence—namely Riesz strong congruence—and we prove that, if I is a normal weak Riesz ideal in a pseudoeffect algebra E, then ~ I is a Riesz strong congruence and, conversely, if ~ is a Riesz strong congruence, then I = [0]~ is a normal weak Riesz ideal, and ~ I = ~. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10271069).  相似文献   

Sun 《Algorithmica》2008,36(1):89-111
Abstract. We show that the SUM-INDEX function can be computed by a 3-party simultaneous protocol in which one player sends only O(n ɛ ) bits and the other sends O(n 1-C(ɛ) ) bits (0<C(ɛ)<1 ). This implies that, in the Valiant—Nisan—Wigderson approach for proving circuit lower bounds, the SUM-INDEX function is not suitable as a target function.  相似文献   

A Kleene algebra (K, +, ·, *, 0, 1) is an idempotent semiring with an iteration * as axiomatised by Kozen. We consider left semiring modules (A, +, 0, :) over Kleene algebras. We call such a left semiring module a Kleene module if each linear equation x = a + r : x has a least solution, where : is the product from K × A to A. The linear context-free languages can be viewed as a Kleene module A over a Kleene algebra R of binary regular word relations. Thus, the simultaneous linear fixed-point operator μ on languages can be reduced to iteration * on R and the scalar product :.  相似文献   

In the late seventies, the concept of the estimation algebra of a filtering system was introduced. It was proven to be an invaluable tool in the study of non-linear filtering problems. In the early eighties, Brockett proposed to classify finite dimensional estimation algebras and Mitter conjectured that all functions in finite dimensional estimation algebras are necessarily polynomials of total degree at most one. Despite the massive effort in understanding the finite dimensional estimation algebras, the 20 year old problem of Brockett and Mitter conjecture remains open. In this paper, we give a classification of finite dimensional estimation algebras of maximal rank and solve the Mitter conjecture affirmatively for finite dimensional estimation algebras of maximal rank. In particular, for an estimation algebra E of maximal rank, we give a necessary and sufficient conditions for E to be finite dimensional in terms of the drift fi (x) and observation hj (x). As an important corollary, we show that the number of statistics needed to compute the conditional density of the state given the observation {y(s):0?≤?s?≤?t} by the algebraic method is n where n is the dimension of the state.  相似文献   

Recently there has been a great deal of interest in higher-order syntax which seeks to extend standard initial algebra semantics to cover languages with variable binding. The canonical example studied in the literature is that of the untyped λ-calculus which is handled as an instance of the general theory of binding algebras, cf. Fiore et al. [13]. Another important syntactic construction is that of explicit substitutions which are used to model local definitions and to implement reduction in the λ-calculus. The syntax of a language with explicit substitutions does not form a binding algebra as an explicit substitution may bind an arbitrary number of variables. Thus explicit substitutions are a natural test case for the further development of the theory and applications of syntax with variable binding. This paper shows that a language containing explicit substitutions and a first-order signature Σ is naturally modelled as the initial algebra of the Id + F Σ∘_ +_ ∘ _ endofunctor. We derive a similar formula for adding explicit substitutions to the untyped λ-calculus and then show these initial algebras provide useful datatypes for manipulating abstract syntax by implementing two reduction machines. We also comment on the apparent lack of modularity in syntax with variable binding as compared to first-order languages.  相似文献   

We prove an exponential lower bound on the size of any fixed degree algebraic decision tree for solving MAX, the problem of finding the maximum of n real numbers. This complements the n— 1 lower bound of [Rabin (1972)] on the depth of algebraic decision trees for this problem. The proof in fact gives an exponential lower bound on the size of the polyhedral decision problem MAX= for testing whether the j-th number is the maximum among a list of n real numbers. Previously, except for linear decision trees, no nontrivial lower bounds on the size of algebraic decision trees for any familiar problems are known. We also establish an interesting connection between our lower bound and the maximum number of minimal cutsets for any rank-d hypergraph on n vertices. Received: 15 April 1996  相似文献   

We give a characterization of span program size by a combinatorial-algebraic measure. The measure we consider is a generalization of a measure on covers which has been used to prove lower bounds on formula size and has also been studied with respect to communication complexity.?In the monotone case our new methods yield lower bounds for the monotone span program complexity of explicit Boolean functions in n variables over arbitrary fields, improving the previous lower bounds on monotone span program size. Our characterization of span program size implies that any matrix with superpolynomial separation between its rank and cover number can be used to obtain superpolynomial lower bounds on monotone span program size. We also identify a property of bipartite graphs that is suficient for constructing Boolean functions with large monotone span program complexity. Received: September 30, 2000.  相似文献   

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