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在所提出的程序设计方法中,赋值是物理对象上的操作,而程序则是这种操作的表达式。给出了此类表达式(O-表达式)的安全性和进展性性质的形式化定义,用实例说明了基于这些性质的形式化程序规范的模式。具有明确运行目标的O-表达式称为独立O-表达式(stand-alone O-expression,saloe)。一个完整的程序可能由若干个saloe组成。给出了一个定理,指出如何从这些saloe的性质导出完整性程序的性质。用大量实例阐明了程序性质的形式定义。  相似文献   

程序以操作表达式的形式呈现,而其语义则以公理的形式给出。为帮助理解这些公理并作为实现操作表达式的基础,给出了操作表达式的Petri网表示。传统Petri网的库所(place)概念与程序中变量概念有本质的不同,增加了变量概念的Petri网称为C_net。从回顾C_net的基本定义入手,研究操作表达式的网表示。  相似文献   

数学表达式、栈的操作、二又树的遍历,这几个概念在数据结构的教材中是不可缺少的。数学表达式求值是程序设计语言编译中的一个最基本问题,也是栈应用的一个典型例子,用它来研制出各种类型的电子计算器(前缀计算器、中缀计算器(常见的计算器)、后缀计算器)。在数据结构中没有解决表达式与二又树之间的相互转换关系,也就是说不能由一种表达式迅速地得到另外的两种表达式,也就难于解决其他两种计算器的研制过程。本文旨在研究表达式与二叉树间的相互转换关系,便于由一种表达式(或表达式树)迅速求出其他的表达式,再通过栈的应用(操作)研制出三种不同的计算器(栈的应用在数据结构的教材中都有,在此文中不予介绍)。  相似文献   

程序:物理对象上的操作表达式(英文)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
把赋值语句看作物理对象上的操作时,程序就呈现为物理对象上的操作构成的表达式(简称O表达式)。给出了定义O表达式语法的BNF公式,并用公理规定O表达式的语义。主动式的O表达式以计算最终结果为目的,因而相关公理给出的是施行表达式中操作以后的变量与施行之前变量之间的准确依赖关系。反应式O表达式要对外来需求作反应。描述反应的公理规定如何反应。有关通讯的公理要求正确的信息被正确的接受者收到。共享变量公理则给出有关共享变量的性质判断。例子用于说明异步顺序O表达式的性质是如何分析的。  相似文献   

已知一个语言的表达式,直接构造产生该语言的Petri网模型是Petri网语言理论中一个重要问题.本文分析、研究同步交错正规表达式中各种运算与Petri网模型的对应转换关系,分别给出正规表达式、α闭包表达式到Petri网模型的转换方法;定义了Petri网的有界覆盖合成运算,研究有界覆盖合成网的语言性质,给出将同步交错正规表达式转换为Petri网模型的算法,从而实现了语言表达式到Petri网模型的等价转化.  相似文献   

对于语言表达式的组成成分及它们间的关系的刻画,目前大多数语法研究都着重在句法层面,而本文的范畴表达式演算理论则着重在语义层面。我们首先考察了完全表达式与不完全表达式、句法类型与语义类型、继承、顺序、提取、并列等若干重要的语言现象以及各种语法理论对这些现象的解释,然后提出范畴表达式的形式化定义,分析了句法层面的形式约束对语义层面的内容组织的制导作用,并且用典型的语言例子直观的说明了如何利用短语结构制导,进行范畴表达式的演算。这种机制可形式化、可验证,能很好的捕捉语言的组成成分及它们间的相互关系,揭示一个句子所说的内容。  相似文献   

Petri网语言表达式及其求解算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张继军  范昊  耿霞 《计算机科学》2009,36(11):136-139
Petri网语言是描述网系统动作序列的集合.为了给出一个网系统语言的形式描述,基于Petri网的状态转换图,分析了Petri网的行为特征,定义了α闭包表达式和Petri网语言表达式,给出了求解Petri网语言表达式的算法,为Petri网语言的形式化描述和分析提供了一种新方法.  相似文献   

张鹏  刘磊  刘华虓  金英 《软件学报》2014,25(6):1212-1224
Tabular 表达式是一种采用表格化结构组织函数或关系的形式化描述工具,在需求工程领域中具有广泛的应用,为Tabular 表达式建立形式的语义模型是非常必要的.针对Tabular 表达式通用模型,给出了Tabular 表达式的形式文法及指称语义.通过定义形式文法中各语法单元的语义指派方程,描述了Tabular 表达式的指称语义,分别对传统类型Tabular 表达式和新类型Tabular 表达式中一些典型表类型的指称语义进行了描述,并与其他几种Tabular 表达式的语义描述方法进行了比较.分析结果表明:该语义描述方法不仅准确描述了Tabular 表达式的语义,而且不再受Tabular 表达式模型和Tabular 表达式类型的限制,打破了现有方法的局限性,是一种非常有效的方法.  相似文献   

XQuery中表达式的研究及实例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了XQuery查询处理过程,分类总结了XQuery中全部的表达式,给出实例予以分析,说明通过这种定义,给数据库的开发工作带来了极大的便利。  相似文献   

基于设计演算的形式化用例分析建模框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈鑫  李宣东 《软件学报》2008,19(10):2539-2549
提出一种形式化用例分析建模框架,引入类图、用例顺序图、用例状态图、功能规约函数和系统不变式从多个角度为需求建模.通过定义这些视图的形式化语义,为需求的各个方面定义了准确的形式化描述.利用该框架,可以从方法的交互行为规约和功能规约合成描述方法全部行为的全规约;也可以定义用例模型的性质,并通过设计演算中的证明来分析验证这些性质.作为应用,研究了检查用例模型一致性的规则.给出一个实例说明建模框架的可行性.  相似文献   

赋值:物理对象上的操作(英文)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
研究了命令式程序的形式语义。赋值被看成当作物理对象的变量上的操作。变量x一方面是个可以容纳数据值的物理对象,另一方面当它出现在数学表达式中时又代表它所容纳的值。作为物理对象,变量x允许它的值用读/写操作来观察或改变,读操作则是写操作的逆操作。事实上赋值就是对物理对象施加写操作。提出了与单变量赋值、多重赋值、顺序赋值及条件赋值等相对应的操作,提出了这些操作应服从的公理,并给出了用这些公理证明程序性质的实例。  相似文献   

Today, the Internet of Things (IOT) generally refers to a network with intelligent everyday objects ubiquitous. Things will be connected not only by humans but also by all items embedded systems highly distributed network of other devices. The integration of interactive communication devices has increased the popularity of the Internet. In recent years, the development and application of things have been a complicated task that requires extensive expertise. This is an essential issue for developers' experience, in particular, non-programmable skills, build rapid prototypes of things. To solve this problem, improved virtualization methods for IoT objects have been proposed. The proposed method uses the concept of virtual object existence, which allows end-users to create virtual items on top of them with simple operations such as dragging, then drop and click. Use various sensors and actuators and Intel Edison boards to implement virtual prototypes of IoT objects based on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) CoAP protocol. Proposed items by connecting and visualizing components that support IoT virtualization methods and virtual objects of physical IoT devices. Therefore, virtual objects to access physical IoT devices.  相似文献   

人工智能发展至今正逐渐进入认知时代,计算机对真实物理世界的认知与推理能力亟待提高。有关物体物理属性与运动预测的现有工作多局限于简单的物体和场景,因此尝试拓展常识推理至仿真场景下物体场景流的预测。首先,为了弥补相关领域数据集的短缺,提出了一个基于仿真场景的数据集 ModernCity,从常识推理的角度出发还原了现代都市的街边景象,并提供了包括 RGB 图像、深度图、场景流数据和语义分割图在内的多种标签;此外,设计了一个物体描述子解码模型(ODD),通过物体属性辅助预测场景流。通过消融实验证明,该模型可以在仿真的场景下通过物体的属性准确地预测物体未来的运动趋势,通过与其他 SOTA 模型的对比实验验证了该模型的性能及 ModernCity 数据集的可靠性。  相似文献   

An approach is presented to the tripartite problem of modeling physical solids mathematically, representing the models in a computer, and using representations in geometric algorithms. Examples are primarily from the domain of manufacturing and design of discrete goods, but the results reported here have wider significance. Mathematical definitions can formalize many of our intuitions about three-dimensional (3-D) objects and operations on them. Representation-free (mathematical) models and functions allow formal properties to be defined for characterizing geometric representations. Three common representation schemes for 3-D objects are described briefly, along with some of their formal and informal properties. A rigorous, as opposed to ad hoc, approach to modeling has several advantages. Broadly, the conceptual complications and ambiguities which are endemic to ad hoc problem statements and solutions may be avoided by appealing to a precise mathematical semantics. Mathematical rigor is mandatory in applications such as automatic manufacturing in which correctness must be guaranteed and consistency and validity maintained.  相似文献   

In this paper, an extendable volumetric representation based on run-lengths called spatial run-length encoding (S-RLE) is presented. The S-RLE representation is developed for a haptic shape modeling system that is based on simulated machining processes. In the system, shape modeling is simulated as virtual material removal processes similar to machining processes with volume-based haptic rendering. The object and the tools are represented by S-RLE. The data structure of S-RLE consists of two cross-referenced databases: one is a stack of lists in geometrical domain, recording the runs describing the space occupation of the object; the other is a table in physical domain, describing the physical properties of each element. The latter is extendable to include more diverse physical properties such as parts composed of heterogeneous materials. Algorithms for geometric operations and haptic rendering based on S-RLE are developed. The proposed S-RLE data structure has the features of efficient memory usage, quick collision detection, inherent representation for heterogeneous objects, and fast visual rendering.  相似文献   

针对传统CAD不能提供材料等非几何信息,且无法实现异种材料物体间的布尔运算,提出了一种可应用于构造异种材料物体的特征布尔运算,包含了由材料决定的布尔差和交运算及新的布尔复形并运算,由特征合并和特征抽取两步完成;并给出了该运算的几何实现、实现算法及实例.  相似文献   

Simulating deformable objects based on physical laws has become the most popular technique for modeling textiles, skin, or volumetric soft objects like human tissue. The physical model leads to an ordinary differential equation. Recently, several approaches to fast algorithms have been proposed.In this work, more profound numerical background about numerical stiffness is provided. Stiff equations impose stability restrictions on a numerical integrator. Some one-step and multistep methods with adequate stability properties are presented. For an efficient implementation, the inexact Newton method is discussed. Applications to 2D and 3D elasticity problems show that the discussed methods are faster and give higher-quality solutions than the commonly used linearized Euler method.  相似文献   

A model of a complex object is presented and a set of meaningful operations, both basic and advanced, on a single complex object and on a configuration of complex objects is defined. A set of requirements is presented for storage subsystems that support complex objects. Implementation of complex objects and operations on a single complex object are described, and a detailed performance analysis is provided which establishes the merit of complex objects. Finally, storage techniques are proposed for supporting advanced operations on a configuration of complex objects  相似文献   

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