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一种基于混合重取样策略的非均衡数据集分类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非均衡数据是分类中的常见问题,当一类实例远远多于另一类实例,则代表类非均衡,真实世界的分类问题存在很多类别非均衡的情况并得到众多专家学者的重视,非均衡数据的分类问题已成为数据挖掘和模式识别领域中新的研究热点,是对传统分类算法的重大挑战。本文提出了一种新型重取样算法,采用改进的SMOTE算法对少数类数据进行过取样,产生新的少数类样本,使类之间数据量基本均衡,然后再根据SMO算法的特点,提出使用聚类的数据欠取样方法,删除冗余或噪音数据。通过对数据集的过取样和清理之后,一些有用的样本被保留下来,减少了数据集规模,增强支持向量机训练执行的效率。实验结果表明,该方法在保持整体分类性能的情况下可以有效地提高少数类的分类精度。  相似文献   

KBA: kernel boundary alignment considering imbalanced data distribution   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An imbalanced training data set can pose serious problems for many real-world data mining tasks that employ SVMs to conduct supervised learning. In this paper, we propose a kernel-boundary-alignment algorithm, which considers THE training data imbalance as prior information to augment SVMs to improve class-prediction accuracy. Using a simple example, we first show that SVMs can suffer from high incidences of false negatives when the training instances of the target class are heavily outnumbered by the training instances of a nontarget class. The remedy we propose is to adjust the class boundary by modifying the kernel matrix, according to the imbalanced data distribution. Through theoretical analysis backed by empirical study, we show that our kernel-boundary-alignment algorithm works effectively on several data sets.  相似文献   

用于不平衡数据分类的0阶TSK型模糊系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾晓清  蒋亦樟  王士同 《自动化学报》2017,43(10):1773-1788
处理不平衡数据分类时,传统模糊系统对少数类样本识别率较低.针对这一问题,首先,在前件参数学习上,提出了竞争贝叶斯模糊聚类(Bayesian fuzzy clustering based on competitive learning,BFCCL)算法,BFCCL算法考虑不同类别样本聚类中心间的排斥作用,采用交替迭代的执行方式并通过马尔科夫蒙特卡洛方法获得模型参数最优解.其次,在后件参数学习上,基于大间隔的策略并通过参数调节使得少数类到分类面的距离大于多数类到分类面的距离,该方法能有效纠正分类面的偏移.基于上述思想以0阶TSK型模糊系统为具体研究对象构造了适用于不平衡数据分类问题的0阶TSK型模糊系统(0-TSK-IDC).人工和真实医学数据集实验结果表明,0-TSK-IDC在不平衡数据分类问题中对少数类和多数类均具有较高的识别率,且具有良好的鲁棒性和可解释性.  相似文献   

类别混叠度是指不同类别数据之间互相交叠、混合的程度,其量化指标包含基于几何统计的和基于信息论的两类,用于衡量数据分类的难易。实际分类任务中存在大量的非均衡数据,大类与小类样本之间悬殊的数量差别给分类造成了极大的困难。本文采用实验研究的方法,验证类别混叠度量化指标指导非均衡数据分类的有效性,以减少甚至避免盲目试错带来的庞大计算开销。首先,针对两类分类问题,设计验证实验,在不同类数据非均衡率,不同别边界形状、不同特征类型、不同概率分布的非均衡仿真数据上研究类别混叠度的有效性。其次,在实验研究的基础上,分析数据的非均衡性对类别混叠度的影响规律,找出类别混叠度指导非均衡分类的有效方法。最后,在真实的非均衡数据上验证类别混叠度指导非均衡分类的实际效果。实验结果表明,对数据的非均衡率具有较强鲁棒性的类别混叠度量化指标可以有效地指导非均衡数据的分类器选择。  相似文献   

针对少数类样本合成过采样技术(Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique, SMOTE)在合成少数类新样本时会带来噪音问题,提出了一种改进降噪自编码神经网络不平衡数据分类算法(SMOTE-SDAE)。该算法首先通过SMOTE方法合成少数类新样本以均衡原始数据集,考虑到合成样本过程中会产生噪音的影响,利用降噪自编码神经网络算法的逐层无监督降噪学习和有监督微调过程,有效实现对过采样数据集的降噪处理与数据分类。在UCI不平衡数据集上实验结果表明,相比传统SVM算法,该算法显著提高了不平衡数据集中少数类的分类精度。  相似文献   

不平衡数据分类是机器学习研究领域中的一个热点问题。针对传统分类算法处理不平衡数据的少数类识别率过低问题,文章提出了一种基于聚类的改进AdaBoost分类算法。算法首先进行基于聚类的欠采样,在多数类样本上进行K均值聚类,之后提取聚类质心,与少数类样本数目一致的聚类质心和所有少数类样本组成新的平衡训练集。为了避免少数类样本数量过少而使训练集过小导致分类精度下降,采用少数过采样技术过采样结合聚类欠采样。然后,借鉴代价敏感学习思想,对AdaBoost算法的基分类器分类误差函数进行改进,赋予不同类别样本非对称错分损失。实验结果表明,算法使模型训练样本具有较高的代表性,在保证总体分类性能的同时提高了少数类的分类精度。  相似文献   

Classification of data with imbalanced class distribution has posed a significant drawback of the performance attainable by most standard classifier learning algorithms, which assume a relatively balanced class distribution and equal misclassification costs. The significant difficulty and frequent occurrence of the class imbalance problem indicate the need for extra research efforts. The objective of this paper is to investigate meta-techniques applicable to most classifier learning algorithms, with the aim to advance the classification of imbalanced data. The AdaBoost algorithm is reported as a successful meta-technique for improving classification accuracy. The insight gained from a comprehensive analysis of the AdaBoost algorithm in terms of its advantages and shortcomings in tacking the class imbalance problem leads to the exploration of three cost-sensitive boosting algorithms, which are developed by introducing cost items into the learning framework of AdaBoost. Further analysis shows that one of the proposed algorithms tallies with the stagewise additive modelling in statistics to minimize the cost exponential loss. These boosting algorithms are also studied with respect to their weighting strategies towards different types of samples, and their effectiveness in identifying rare cases through experiments on several real world medical data sets, where the class imbalance problem prevails.  相似文献   

用于不均衡数据集的挖掘方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的分类算法大多是基于数据集中各类的样本数是基本均衡的假设的,而实际应用场合中面临的往往是不均衡数据。针对不均衡数据集,利用传统的分类方法往往不能获得良好的性能,因而研究用于处理不均衡数据集的分类方法就显得相当重要,本文对相关的研究做了综述。  相似文献   

大多数非均衡数据集的研究集中于纯重构数据集或者纯代价敏感学习,本文针对数据集类分布非均衡和不相等误分类代价往往同时发生这一事实,提出了一种以最小误分类代价为目标的基于混合重取样的代价敏感学习算法。该算法将两种不同类型解决方案有机地融合在一起,先用样本类空间重构的方法使原始数据集的两类数据达到基本均衡,然后再引入代价敏感学习算法进行分类,能提高少数类分类精度,同时有效降低总的误分类代价。实验结果验证了该算法在处理非均衡类问题时比传统算法要优越。  相似文献   

The present paper investigates the influence of both the imbalance ratio and the classifier on the performance of several resampling strategies to deal with imbalanced data sets. The study focuses on evaluating how learning is affected when different resampling algorithms transform the originally imbalanced data into artificially balanced class distributions. Experiments over 17 real data sets using eight different classifiers, four resampling algorithms and four performance evaluation measures show that over-sampling the minority class consistently outperforms under-sampling the majority class when data sets are strongly imbalanced, whereas there are not significant differences for databases with a low imbalance. Results also indicate that the classifier has a very poor influence on the effectiveness of the resampling strategies.  相似文献   

Class imbalance is among the most persistent complications which may confront the traditional supervised learning task in real-world applications. The problem occurs, in the binary case, when the number of instances in one class significantly outnumbers the number of instances in the other class. This situation is a handicap when trying to identify the minority class, as the learning algorithms are not usually adapted to such characteristics.The approaches to deal with the problem of imbalanced datasets fall into two major categories: data sampling and algorithmic modification. Cost-sensitive learning solutions incorporating both the data and algorithm level approaches assume higher misclassification costs with samples in the minority class and seek to minimize high cost errors. Nevertheless, there is not a full exhaustive comparison between those models which can help us to determine the most appropriate one under different scenarios.The main objective of this work is to analyze the performance of data level proposals against algorithm level proposals focusing in cost-sensitive models and versus a hybrid procedure that combines those two approaches. We will show, by means of a statistical comparative analysis, that we cannot highlight an unique approach among the rest. This will lead to a discussion about the data intrinsic characteristics of the imbalanced classification problem which will help to follow new paths that can lead to the improvement of current models mainly focusing on class overlap and dataset shift in imbalanced classification.  相似文献   

Imbalanced data classification, an important type of classification task, is challenging for standard learning algorithms. There are different strategies to handle the problem, as popular imbalanced learning technologies, data level imbalanced learning methods have elicited ample attention from researchers in recent years. However, most data level approaches linearly generate new instances by using local neighbor information rather than based on overall data distribution. Differing from these algorithms, in this study, we develop a new data level method, namely, generative learning (GL), to deal with imbalanced problems. In GL, we fit the distribution of the original data and generate new data on the basis of the distribution by adopting the Gaussian mixed model. Generated data, including synthetic minority and majority classes, are used to train learning models. The proposed method is validated through experiments performed on real-world data sets. Results show that our approach is competitive and comparable with other methods, such as SMOTE, SMOTE-ENN, SMOTE-TomekLinks, Borderline-SMOTE, and safe-level-SMOTE. Wilcoxon signed rank test is applied, and the testing results show again the significant superiority of our proposal.  相似文献   

In many machine learning settings, labeled examples are difficult to collect while unlabeled data are abundant. Also, for some binary classification problems, positive examples which are elements of the target concept are available. Can these additional data be used to improve accuracy of supervised learning algorithms? We investigate in this paper the design of learning algorithms from positive and unlabeled data only. Many machine learning and data mining algorithms, such as decision tree induction algorithms and naive Bayes algorithms, use examples only to evaluate statistical queries (SQ-like algorithms). Kearns designed the statistical query learning model in order to describe these algorithms. Here, we design an algorithm scheme which transforms any SQ-like algorithm into an algorithm based on positive statistical queries (estimate for probabilities over the set of positive instances) and instance statistical queries (estimate for probabilities over the instance space). We prove that any class learnable in the statistical query learning model is learnable from positive statistical queries and instance statistical queries only if a lower bound on the weight of any target concept f can be estimated in polynomial time. Then, we design a decision tree induction algorithm POSC4.5, based on C4.5, that uses only positive and unlabeled examples and we give experimental results for this algorithm. In the case of imbalanced classes in the sense that one of the two classes (say the positive class) is heavily underrepresented compared to the other class, the learning problem remains open. This problem is challenging because it is encountered in many real-world applications.  相似文献   

不平衡分类问题广泛地应用于现实生活中,针对大多数重采样算法侧重于类间平衡,较少关注类内数据分布不平衡问题,提出一种基于聚类的混合采样算法。首先对原始数据集聚类,然后对每一簇样本计算不平衡比,根据不平衡比的大小对该簇样本做出相应处理,最后将平衡后的数据集放入GBDT分类器进行训练。实验表明该算法与几种传统算法相比F1-value和AUC更高,分类效果更好。  相似文献   

基于聚类融合的不平衡数据分类方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不平衡数据分类问题目前已成为数据挖掘和机器学习的研究热点。文中提出一类基于聚类融合的不平衡数据分类方法,旨在解决传统分类方法对少数类的识别率较低的问题。该方法通过引入“聚类一致性系数”找出处于少数类边界区域和处于多数类中心区域的样本,并分别使用改进的SMOTE过抽样方法和改进的随机欠抽样方法对训练集的少数类和多数类进行不同的处理,以改善不同类数据的平衡度,为分类算法提供更好的训练平台。通过实验对比8种方法在一些公共数据集上的分类性能,结果表明该方法对少数类和多数类均具有较高的识别率。  相似文献   

Recently, the problem of imbalanced data classification has drawn a significant amount of interest from academia, industry and government funding agencies. The fundamental issue with imbalanced data classification is the imbalanced data has posed a significant drawback of the performance of most standard learning algorithms, which assume or expect balanced class distribution or equal misclassification costs. Boosting is a meta-technique that is applicable to most learning algorithms. This paper gives a review of boosting methods for imbalanced data classification, denoted as IDBoosting (Imbalanced-data-boosting), where conventional learning algorithms can be integrated without further modifications. The main focus is on the intrinsic mechanisms without considering implementation detail. Existing methods are catalogued and each class is displayed in detail in terms of design criteria, typical algorithms and performance analysis. The essence of two IDBoosting methods is discovered followed by experimental evidence and useful reference point for future research are also given.  相似文献   

不平衡数据分类方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的快速发展,各领域的数据正以前所未有的速度产生并被广泛收集和存储,如何实现数据的智能化处理从而利用数据中蕴含的有价值信息已成为理论和应用的研究热点.数据分类作为一种基础的数据处理方法,已广泛应用于数据的智能化处理.传统分类方法通常假设数据类别分布均衡且错分代价相等,然而,现实中的数据通常具有不平衡特性,即某一类的样本数量要小于其他类的样本数量,且少数类具有更高错分代价.当利用传统的分类算法处理不平衡数据时,由于多数类和少数类在数量上的倾斜,以总体分类精度最大为目标会使得分类模型偏向于多数类而忽略少数类,造成少数类的分类精度较低.如何针对不平衡数据分类问题设计分类算法,同时保证不平衡数据中多数类与少数类的分类精度,已成为机器学习领域的研究热点,并相继出现了一系列优秀的不平衡数据分类方法.鉴于此,对现有的不平衡数据分类方法给出较为全面的梳理,从数据预处理层面、特征层面和分类算法层面总结和比较现有的不平衡数据分类方法,并结合当下机器学习的研究热点,探讨不平衡数据分类方法存在的挑战.最后展望不平衡数据分类未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

In supervised classification, we often encounter many real world problems in which the data do not have an equitable distribution among the different classes of the problem. In such cases, we are dealing with the so-called imbalanced data sets. One of the most used techniques to deal with this problem consists of preprocessing the data previously to the learning process. This paper proposes a method belonging to the family of the nested generalized exemplar that accomplishes learning by storing objects in Euclidean n-space. Classification of new data is performed by computing their distance to the nearest generalized exemplar. The method is optimized by the selection of the most suitable generalized exemplars based on evolutionary algorithms. An experimental analysis is carried out over a wide range of highly imbalanced data sets and uses the statistical tests suggested in the specialized literature. The results obtained show that our evolutionary proposal outperforms other classic and recent models in accuracy and requires to store a lower number of generalized examples.  相似文献   

现实中许多领域产生的数据通常具有多个类别并且是不平衡的。在多类不平衡分类中,类重叠、噪声和多个少数类等问题降低了分类器的能力,而有效解决多类不平衡问题已经成为机器学习与数据挖掘领域中重要的研究课题。根据近年来的多类不平衡分类方法的文献,从数据预处理和算法级分类方法两方面进行了分析与总结,并从优缺点和数据集等方面对所有算法进行了详细的分析。在数据预处理方法中,介绍了过采样、欠采样、混合采样和特征选择方法,对使用相同数据集算法的性能进行了比较。从基分类器优化、集成学习和多类分解技术三个方面对算法级分类方法展开介绍和分析。最后对多类不平衡数据分类研究领域的未来发展方向进行总结归纳。  相似文献   

现实世界中存在着非平衡数据集,即数据集中的一类样本数量远大于另一类。而少数类样本的识别通常是人们首要关心的,将少数类样本误分为多数类要比将多数类样本误分为少数类付出更高的代价。传统的机器学习算法可能会产生偏向多数类的结果,因而对于少数类而言,预测的效果会很差。在对目前国内外非平衡数据集研究现状深入分析的基础上,针对非平衡数据集数据复杂度研究和失衡解决方法研究两个方向相对孤立及缺乏系统性的缺陷,提出了一种非平衡数据集整体解决框架,以满足日益迫切的应用需求。  相似文献   

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