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近年来,出具证明编译器作为构建高可信软件的重要途径,逐渐成为编译器理论和形式化验证的研究热点.在其理论框架中,编译器需要借助自动定理证明技术,自动地证明验证条件并生成机器可检查的证明项,因此好的自动定理证明器对出具证明编译器至关重要.本文基于Simplex算法在出具证明编译器的框架内设计并实现了一个支持线性整数命题求解的自动定理证明器,并且提出一套证明项构造方法,将其应用于自动定理证明器中可生成Coq可检查的证明.  相似文献   

基于组件属性的远程证明   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
秦宇  冯登国 《软件学报》2009,20(6):1625-1641
提出了一个组件级的细粒度属性证明方案,用于向远程依赖方证明用户平台满足某种安全属性.与现有的远程证明方案相比,组件属性远程证明具有一定的语义和属性表述性等优势.该方案不但证明粒度细和扩展性强,而且属性证书的颁发、验证和撤销实现简单;本方案以组件承诺的方法保证属性证明的真实性,采用零知识证明实现平台组件的隐私性.基于强RSA假设,在Random Oracle模型下可被证明是安全的.实现的原型系统实验结果表明,组件属性证明是一种灵活、实用、高效的证明,对系统性能没有影响.  相似文献   

汇编代码验证中的形式规范自动生成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与传统的高级语言程序验证相比,汇编代码验证中所需要的形式规范往往比较复杂,通常的做法是要求程序员手写形式规范,或是牺牲形式规范的表达能力以期能够自动生成规范.本文提出一种能够自动生成形式规范的方法,该方法依托一个出具证明的编译器自动生成汇编级形式规范,从而减轻程序员的负担.使用该方法生成的规范比现有的其他方法自动生成的规范具有更强的表达能力.文章主要描述该方法在出具证明编译器中的实现.  相似文献   

出具证明编译器在软件安全研究得到越来越多的关注,是程序验证研究的一个重要方向.但目前关于出具证明编译器的研究主要是在程序逻辑设计和定理自动化证明方面,很少关注编译优化对规范的影响.而编译优化是决定出具证明编译器是否能走向应用的关键因素之一.通过研究数据流优化的基本行为,提出利用数据流分析结果来变换规范的方法,以使原规范的约束准确而充分地施加于优化后的代码,并实现了一个包含多种优化和相应规范转换的编译器原型系统,展示了方法的可行性.  相似文献   

设计并实现一个类C语言PointerC的出具证明编译器后端。该后端采用最强后条件演算同步处理整型断言和指针断言实现整型验证条件和指针验证条件的证明,能够完全自动地产生目标级程序的指针安全性证明,处理常见递归数据结构中的非一致性别名问题。后端包括独立的定理检查器,能够检验携证明代码的完整性。  相似文献   

编程语言类型系统的类型安全性可以保证程序运行时满足基本安全属性,包括控制流安全, 内存安全等.类型化编程语言都需要一个类型检查器来检查程序的良类型性,因此编程语言的具体实现是否能保证类型安全性,还依赖类型检查器的可靠性.本文给出一种类型化汇编语言,然后给出相应的类型检查器,并证明了此类型检查器的可靠性,从而保证经过类型检查的汇编程序的安全性.文本的所有工作,包括类型化汇编语言、类型检查器以及相关定理证明,均已在证明辅助工具Coq中实现.本文方法也可用于证明类型化高级语言的类型检查器的可靠性.  相似文献   

一种可信终端运行环境远程证明方案   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
谭良  陈菊 《软件学报》2014,25(6):1273-1290
可信终端的远程证明无论是基于二进制的证明方案还是基于属性的证明方案,针对的均是终端的静态环境,反映的是终端的软件配置结构,并不能证明终端运行环境的真正可信.针对这一问题,提出了一种终端可信环境远程证明方案.针对静态环境,该方案考虑了满足可信平台规范的信任链以及相关软件配置的可信属性证明;针对动态环境,该方案考虑了终端行为的可信属性证明.并分别给出了信任链、平台软件配置和终端行为等属性证明的可信性判定策略和算法,以及终端运行环境远程证明的综合性判定策略和算法.另外,在Windows 平台上,设计和实现了该方案中的两个核心实体:证明代理和验证代理,并设计了证明代理和验证代理之间的通信协议.最后,介绍了该方案在Windows 平台上的一个典型应用案例以及证明代理在该应用实例中的性能开销.应用实例验证了该方案的可行性.  相似文献   

在高可信软件的各种性质中,安全性是关注的重点.软件满足安全策略的证明方法是安全性研究的热点之一.根据前期提出的安全程序设计与证明的框架以及指针逻辑推理系统,介绍在所实现的出具证明编译器(certifying compiler)原型系统中有关目标机器的形式定义、汇编程序的形式验证框架以及汇编程序指针程序性质证明等方面的研究.它们的主要特点是汇编验证框架是基于Hoare风格的程序验证方式;与指针有关的性质使用和源语言一级类似的指针逻辑推理系统进行证明;使用一个简单的类型系统完成有关指针的类型检查.  相似文献   

验证方主导的远程证明方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可信计算组织(TCG)提出了以可信平台模块(TPM)为核心的可信计算安全体系框架.远程证明是可信计算领域重要的研究问题之一.现有的远程证明方案都是由证明方发起,度量和证明缺乏一致性和可扩展性,不能保证平台的隐私性.针对这些缺陷,引入颁发度量和证明属性证书的权威机构,提出了一种由验证方根据安全需求发起证明的远程证明方案.而证明方则按照度量属性证书和证明属性证书进行平台的度量,TPM保证平台的度量真实可信.同时对平台配置进行了抽象,对度量过程进行了形式化分析和性能测试;而且采用签名和加密实现远程证明的真实性和平台的隐私性.该远程证明方案不仅能够用于向远程方证明平台运行环境是可信的,而且还用于平台运行环境的自身检测.  相似文献   

软件的安全性日益重要,软件满足安全策略的证明方法成为一个研究热点.而指针程序的安全性质证明是难点之一.根据已经提出的安全程序设计与证明的框架以及PointerC指针逻辑,提出一种汇编语言指针逻辑.该逻辑解决了Hoare逻辑处理别名问题面临的困难,保证通过验证的汇编指针程序不存在空指针引用和内存泄露等安全问题.此逻辑的可靠性证明已在证明辅助工具Coq中完成.此外,本文还实现一个原型系统,并使用该系统对链表、二叉树等非平凡的指针程序的进行了自动的安全验证.  相似文献   

Building certified libraries for PCC: dynamic storage allocation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Proof-carrying code (PCC) allows a code producer to provide to a host a program along with its formal safety proof. The proof attests to a certain safety policy enforced by the code, and can be mechanically checked by the host. While this language-based approach to code certification is very general in principle, existing PCC systems have only focused on programs whose safety proofs can be automatically generated. As a result, many low-level system libraries (e.g., memory management) have not yet been handled. In this paper, we explore a complementary approach in which general properties and program correctness are semi-automatically certified. In particular, we introduce a low-level language, CAP, for building certified programs and present a certified library for dynamic storage allocation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new proof-based approach to safe evolution of distributed software systems. Specifically, it extends the simple certification mechanism of proof-carrying code (PCC) to make it interactive and probabilistic, thereby devising interactive proof-carrying code (iPCC). With iPCC, a code consumer is convinced, with overwhelming probability, of the existence and validity of a safety proof of a transmitted code through interaction with a code producer. The iPCC mechanism theoretically solves the problem of proof explosion with PCC and can be used to efficiently prove a greater variety of safety properties that may require longer proofs. Technically, the class (PSPACE) of safety properties that are efficiently provable by iPCC is larger than the class (NP) efficiently provable by PCC. To illustrate the power of iPCC, this paper demonstrates that the verification of certain basic safety properties of typical machine instruction codes needs co-NP-complete computation, and shows how these safety properties can be efficiently verified by the iPCC mechanism.This is an extended and revised version of Tsukada (2001a), which appeared in the Proceedings of the 2000 International Symposium on Principles of Software Evolution. A preliminary version was also presented at the International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet (Tsukada, 2001b).  相似文献   

Proof-carrying code (PCC) is a technique for downloading mobile code on a host machine while ensuring that the code adheres to the host's safety policy. We show how certified abstract interpretation can be used to build a PCC architecture where the code producer can produce program certificates automatically. Code consumers use proof checkers derived from certified analysers to check certificates. Proof checkers carry their own correctness proofs and accepting a new proof checker amounts to type checking the checker in Coq. Certificates take the form of strategies for reconstructing a fixpoint and are kept small due to a technique for fixpoint compression. The PCC architecture has been implemented and evaluated experimentally on a byte code language for which we have designed an interval analysis that allows to generate certificates ascertaining that no array-out-of-bounds accesses will occur.  相似文献   

We describe the specification, implementation and proof of correctness of a code generator for a subset of Gypsy 2.05. The code generator is specified in the Boyer-Moore logic; its proof is fully machine-checked using the Kaufmann-enhanced Boyer-Moore theorem prover. Our code generator sits atop a stack of verified system components providing a prototype development environment for constructing highly reliable application Programs.  相似文献   

PCC的数组边界检查存在着由于无法确定数组下标表达式符号值的范围,而造成拒绝执行一些安全的移动代码等问题。本文给出的一种数组边界检查的优化及生成算法,不仅能够比较好地解决了这一问题,同时还生成了循环不变式注解中的条件谓词。我们设计的编译器——认证编译器——已经实现了这些算法,并完成了从用C编程语言的类型安全子集编写的源程序到携带注解的Intelx86/linux汇编语言程序的编译过程。由于基于语言安全策略系统的证明是建立在携带注解的代码基础之上的,因此该认证编译器中实现的算法在移动代码安全检查中非常有用。  相似文献   

Proof-carrying code (PCC) and other applications in computer security require machine-checkable proofs of properties of machine-language programs. The main advantage of the PCC approach is that the amount of code that must be explicitly trusted is very small: it consists of the logic in which predicates and proofs are expressed, the safety predicate, and the proof checker. We have built a minimal proof checker, and we explain its design principles and the representation issues of the logic, safety predicate, and safety proofs. We show that the trusted computing base (TCB) in such a system can indeed be very small. In our current system the TCB is less than 2,700 lines of code (an order of magnitude smaller even than other PCC systems), which adds to our confidence of its correctness.  相似文献   

Proof-carrying code (PCC) is a general framework for verifying the safety properties of machine-language programs. PCC proofs are usually written in a logic extended with language-specific typing rules; they certify safety but only if there is no bug in the typing rules. In foundational proof-carrying code (FPCC), on the other hand, proofs are constructed and verified by using strictly the foundations of mathematical logic, with no type-specific axioms. FPCC is more flexible and secure because it is not tied to any particular type system and it has a smaller trusted base. Foundational proofs, however, are much harder to construct. Previous efforts on FPCC all required building sophisticated semantic models for types. Furthermore, none of them can be easily extended to support mutable fields and recursive types. In this article, we present a syntactic approach to FPCC that avoids all of these difficulties. Under our new scheme, the foundational proof for a typed machine program simply consists of the typing derivation plus the formalized syntactic soundness proof for the underlying type system. The former can be readily obtained from a type-checker, while the latter is known to be much easier to construct than the semantic soundness proofs. We give a translation from a typed assembly language into FPCC and demonstrate the advantages of our new system through an implementation in the Coq proof assistant.  相似文献   

During an attempt to prove that the Java-to-JVM compiler generates code that is accepted by the bytecode verifier, we found examples of legal Java programs that are rejected by the verifier. We propose therefore to restrict the rules of definite assignment for the try-finally statement as well as for the labeled statement so that the example programs are no longer allowed. Then we can prove, using the framework of Abstract State Machines, that each program from the slightly restricted Java language is accepted by the Bytecode Verifier. In the proof we use a new notion of bytecode type assignment without subroutine call stacks. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Type systems and program logics are often thought to be at opposing ends of the spectrum of formal software analyses. In this paper we show that a flow-sensitive type system ensuring non-interference in a simple while-language can be expressed through specialised rules of a program logic. In our framework, the structure of non-interference proofs resembles the corresponding derivations in a state-of-the-art security type system, meaning that the algorithmic version of the type system can be used as a proof procedure for the logic. We argue that this is important for obtaining uniform proof certificates in a proof-carrying code framework. We discuss in which cases the interleaving of approximative and precise reasoning allows us to deal with delimited information release. Finally, we present ideas on how our results can be extended to encompass features of realistic programming languages such as Java.  相似文献   

Certifying Concurrent Programs Using Transactional Memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Transactional memory (TM) is a new promising concurrency-control mechanism that can avoid many of the pitfalls of the traditional lock-based techniques. TM systems handle data races between threads automatically so that programmers do not have to reason about the interaction of threads manually. TM provides a programming model that may make the development of multi-threaded programs easier. Much work has been done to explore the various implementation strategies of TM systems and to achieve better perfor...  相似文献   

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