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口令认证作为一种简单易用的认证方式,被广泛应用于各种认证场合。最近几年,很多口令认证协议被提出来。2004年Kim和Choi提出一种经典的PAP口令认证协议,这种协议被引入802.11标准之中。随后这种协议被证明不能够抵抗离线字典攻击和重放攻击。2006年Ma等人提出这种协议的改进,随后Yoon等人证明Ma等人提出的协议仍然不能够抵抗离线字典攻击,并提出了改进。对Yoon等人提出的协议进行了分析,指出Yoon等人提出的协议仍然不能够抵抗离线字典攻击,提出了攻击模式。并对Yoon等人提出的协议进行了改进,提出一种T-PAP协议,能够抵抗离线字典和重放攻击。  相似文献   

这篇论文提出了有关在时域内线性调节器的强壮性的见解。首先,提出了在时域内(用特征值表示)稳定强壮性条件。论文指出,提出的强壮性条件与对应的频率域条件以及新近提出的另一个时域条件(用奇异值表示)相比保守性较少。而后,提出的方法理一步减少了提出的这个条件的保守性。最后,提出了把稳定强状性和性能强壮性同时编入程序的一个设计计算方法。为了说明提出的概念,举了一个简单的例子。  相似文献   

为了克服基于身份密码体制的密钥托管问题和基于无证书密码体制的公钥替换问题, 研究者提出了基于证书密码体制的概念。针对李志敏等人提出的基于证书的签名方案提出分析, 证明其不满足不可伪造性; 针对黄茹芬等人提出的基于证书盲签名方案提出分析, 结果表明它不能抵抗公钥替换攻击; 对何俊杰提出的基于身份的部分盲签名方案提出分析, 指出它不能抵抗窜改协商公共信息攻击。  相似文献   

根据实践经验,就一次广播风暴提出一系列的提出解决办法,同时提出了相关的避免方法,提高实验室的安全性。  相似文献   

本文提出并证明了一个定理,指出单步离散化数字仿真方法只能达到二阶精度。考虑到数字仿真离散化方法中现有方法是二阶的情况,提出了一类两步四阶精度的方法。在时域内对提出的方法的稳定性提出了分析,提出了稳定性的约束条件,给出了绝对稳定区间。最后给出了计算实例结果。  相似文献   

文章提出一种基于Internet的Web服务器与数据库的动态连接技术,根据图论知识,提出可视化Web设计技术,提出了Intranet中CGI的设计技术  相似文献   

嵌入式Linux操作系统的实时性能研究与改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从三方面提出改善Linux实时性能的措施:为提高嵌入式应用响应时间精度,提出两种细化Linux时钟粒度方法;为增强系统内核对实时任务的响应能力,增强Linux内核的可抢占性,提出插入抢占方法;为扩展系统适用范围,提出可支持多实时调度策略的调度方案。  相似文献   

本文分析了目前计算机多媒体教学的现状,提出新的改进方法,并提出采用课件设计的方法和思路。同时就网络资源的教学建设提出了实践性分析意见,进一步提高教学质量。  相似文献   

针对二阶离散式模糊追踪系统,提出用于构造一种最优模糊追踪器的设计方式, 并用于追踪一类时变目标或任意模型目标.为了能让所提出的设计方法完整并达到总体最小 化,提出了一种近似线性化的离散模糊动态系统的表示法.另外,为了简化计算量,一个多 层分解方式被用于本文所提出的最优设计程序中,模拟结果显示,本文提出的最优模糊追踪 设计方式确能达到预期效果.  相似文献   

本文讨论微程序控制器结构的分类问题,并提出适合于实现模块化微程序设计的结构的设想。首先,提出关于微程序控制器的定义,并根据关于控制存贮器寻址机构的见解,提出关于这些控制器结构的分类。然后,提出所设想的控制存贮器地址产生器的结构,这种结构使得在微程序设计中易于完全实现模块化。  相似文献   

中华民族文化资源丰富、种类繁多且艺术形式多样,源于民族,植根民间,承载着历史记忆,延续着文化血脉,是中华民族的根与魂。文化遗产分布广、流传年代长,具有多样性、独特性和不可再生性等特点,是研究古代人类文明发展的珍贵资料。目前随着信息技术的迅猛发展以及全球化的冲击,其传承形式发生了根本性变化,特别是非物质文化遗产的人际传承方式,因此亟待在资源与媒介、内容与技术之间搭建技术的桥梁,支撑中华文化遗产的数字化传承。本文基于先进的智能计算、数字媒体和虚拟现实/增强现实技术,结合文化遗产的传播过程和艺术特点,对文化遗产收集理解、虚实结合智能展示交互和智慧化平台建设等活化关键技术的发展现状、前沿动态、热点问题和发展趋势进行分析和综述。在文化遗产收集理解方面,针对复杂文物数字化所存在的瓶颈问题,介绍数字化采集与重建关键技术;介绍文化遗产元素、主题和风格等特征提取算法,分析文化遗产的构图特征、分布特征、色彩特征和造型特征等数字化模拟过程中的关键技术,介绍基于语义特征分析、理解和识别的文化遗产理解及建设关键技术。对比和分析传统图形图像处理和深度学习方法在民族文化数字化仿真过程的优缺点,比较算法特点和算法效率,阐述存在的问题和难点,并对民族文化数字化仿真进行展望。在虚实结合智能展示交互方面,针对文化遗产的实体化展示和虚拟化展示特点,结合前沿信息技术,以多模态图像处理、小样本学习以及风格化图像生成方法为技术手段,基于多源异构大数据分析、知识图谱及深度学习等研究,综述文化遗产数字化修复的关键技术。面向文化遗产3D交互展示的需求,结合文本、音频、视频、语义和故事检索,介绍基于内容的自然人机交互技术;通过实时逼真、虚实融合渲染以及基于增强现实技术介绍相应的数字展品虚拟交互展示新技术。在智慧化平台建设方面,针对目前文化遗产智慧化平台系统管理分散导致业务协同不畅、数据缺乏统一规范导致数据难以共享,系统维护难度大、管理成本高以及用户使用不便等诸多问题,介绍文化遗产大数据模型与私有云架构关键技术研究以及相关的智慧平台建设项目。通过以上文化遗产活化的关键技术主动融入国家发展重大战略,有利于挖掘和提升民族文化遗产保护传承技术,促进文化遗产活化技术的合理利用,扩大传播影响,对弘扬中华文明、促进文化繁荣、建设少数民族示范区以及构筑文化自信具有重要意义。  相似文献   

长江大保护是一个复杂的系统工程,针对长江大保护工作城市水系统复杂多样、参与方众多、工程建设难度大、运维周期长等特点,在分析国内外智慧水务行业现状的基础上,梳理总结智慧水务特征,并从战略、业务、管控3个层面分析长江大保护实施过程中的智慧水务需求,明确智慧水务建设目标,深入剖析长江大保护智慧水务工作中面临的顶层规划缺失、各...  相似文献   

Previous and current research on ant colonies have focused on the emergence of complex and sophisticated group-behaviors that are characteristic of the whole colony, starting from simple rules characterizing each individual ant. Examples of emergent behaviors include foraging and nest building. While social scientists, biologists, and physicists have focused on observing and analyzing the behavior of actual ants, researchers in computer science have investigated through modeling and simulation of synthetic ants on the computer, the emergent behavior in a collection of simple robots, simulated evolution of computer programs, and the formation of pheromone patterns during foraging under unlimited food supply. This paper has two objectives. First, it presents a systematic study, through behavior modeling and simulation, of the influence of the presence or absence of pheromone, the duration interval of pheromone, the extent of the food supply at the food sources, the size of the colony, and the search strategy employed during foraging, for a given geometry and a finite number of food sources, on the performance of the ant colony. The second and most important objective of this paper is to scientifically study the nature of creativity by modeling synthetic creativity in an ant colony, simulating it on a computer system, and measuring its impact on performance through innovative metric design. The study is motivated by leading thinkers, throughout time, who have strongly emphasized the importance of creativity over intelligence. While an exact and universal definition of creativity is elusive, the important characteristics include originality, intuition, and imagination. Creativity is best understood through its manifestations as novel and radically different ideas that transcend current knowledge and reasoning. In this study, two synthetic creativity traits are introduced into select individual ants of a colony by imparting to them a foraging behavior that is radically different from the normal behavior. Under the first trait, the creative ants choose to ignore the existing pheromone trails and search for food sources. Under the second trait, a creative ant shares its knowledge of food source location, after discovery, with all other creative ants, so that together they can focus solely on discovering new food sources. Analysis of the simulation results reveal that a creative trait coupled with the underlying parameters of the ant colony may cause the foraging completion time metric, i.e. the time to collect food from all sources, to be marginally better or weaker than the normal colony. Contrary to intuition, the completion time metric worsens when, in a fixed sized colony, the number of creative ants, relative to normal ants, becomes excessive. Furthermore, for a given finite geometry, finite food supply, and a fixed ratio of the number of creative to normal ants, the impact of creativity on the foraging performance is dependent on the underlying parameters, and may either continue to improve, remain unchanged, or decrease, as the size of the colony increases. Finally, while the creative ants expend, on an average, two to three times more energy than the normal ants, the ant colony with the creative ants discovers more food sources, in less time and, under certain circumstances, a creative colony discovers all food sources which a normal colony can never achieve.  相似文献   

随着移、云、大、物、智等新兴科技的发展应用,根据智慧山东建设的总体部署,针对水利行业信息化建设特点,分别从智慧化发展理念的认识、水利行业智慧化现状、智慧水利的体系构想、智慧水利推进建设等4个方面,提出开展智慧水利建设的总体框架和创新应用的方法,探索研究智慧水利建设的战略步骤和实现途径。  相似文献   

This paper studies the model of the digital preservation of paper-cut after analyzing the state-of-the-art of the preservation of intangible cultural heritage at home and abroad, focusing on paper-cutting in Hebei, China in a comprehensive approach of sociology, anthropology, folk art, folklore, communication, computer, and information science. Models, methods, and solutions for the preservation and retention of national and folk cultural heritage are proposed. A virtual multimedia interactive system framework of the digital preservation of national and folk cultural heritage is constructed. The standards of paper-cut digitization are studied. The main content of the paper involves: regulated data collection and recording of the scattered Chinese folk paper-cut works in Hebei; digitization, optimization, compression, classification, icon and pattern extraction, vectorization, and work analysis of the first-hand material. This paper also investigates the demonstration, dissemination, database construction, and retrieval of the classified material, icons, and patterns; the demonstration of the reconstruction and application of icon and pattern database; the design and development of an immersive virtual gaming platform of the multi-media scenes and production process of folk paper-cut.  相似文献   

The list of "concepts that psychology really can't do without" includes such notions as neuronal connectionism, degrees of consciousness, mental representation of information, and dissociation. Of the pantheon of contributors to the history of psychology, Aristotle outranks all others in terms of the number of critical concepts he introduced, including the notion of the association of ideas, the law of frequency and the affiliated concept of memory strength, the notion of stage theories of development, the idea of distinguishing types of mental processes or faculties, the idea of scales of nature and comparisons between humans and animals, and last but not least, the pleasure principle. Unfortunately, computers don't always provide an unmixed increase in pleasure. Recent evidence suggests, contrary to what we might hope or suppose, that the computerization of the modern workplace has actually led to productivity declines. The negative impacts are likely due, at least in part, to the user unfriendliness of computers.  相似文献   

数字孪生流域与数字孪生水网、数字孪生水利工程互联互通、信息共享、各有侧重,共同构成数字孪生水利系统核心,是推动新时代水利高质量发展的重要实施路径之一[1]。水利部于2022年2月启动了数字孪生流域建设先行先试工作,为切实其提高潭江流域水利工程防洪调度能力,江门市水利局按照水利部及广东省数字孪生流域试点建设工作要求[2],开展数字孪生潭江流域建设。数字孪生潭江面向流域防洪调度需求,以精细化调度22宗大中型水库、7宗梯级闸陂为目标,围绕四预核心功能,建设数据底板、模型平台、业务应用等内容,构建了流域LI级数据底板,流域重点区域及重点工程L2级数据底板,开发了五大类水利专业模型,初步构建了流域联合调度平台,并在2022年“龙舟水”、西北江洪水、台风暴雨防御期间投入实战,助力潭江流域水库水闸的群联合调度,取得防洪不受淹水资源不浪费的最佳效益。  相似文献   

文章针对进程管理的安全性问题,分析了目前进程的类型和特点,并对几种常见恶意进程进行介绍。结合主动查找和监控的思想,提出了一种基于HOOK技术的进程管理安全分析策略。该策略借助Windows消息处理机制、API函数调用技术、数据库技术以及黑白名单规则等,将进程采集、进程分析、响应、黑白名单规则以及数据库添加等功能模块化,从安全性、低耗能、自我保护等方面对计算机系统进程进行监控和管理。系统能够分析出可疑、非法、高内存消耗的恶意进程,实现进程管理的安全运行。文章方案在VC语言平台下,针对局域网环境,分别对上述功能模块进行代码实现,最后从功能性测试(常用进程、进程采集、进程分析等),运行效率测试(系统自身的内存占用、CPU占用等)两个方面进行实验。实验结果表明,该方案可以安全、快速、准确地实现对系统进程的安全管理、对恶意进程的监控和强制关闭、对系统进程的自我保护功能,减轻安全管理人员监控的负担,从而提高其在网络安全工作中的效率。  相似文献   

Excellent online courses break through the limitation of teaching time and space, stimulate learners' self-study autonomy and enthusiasm, promote the sharing of high-quality teaching resources, and bring opportunities for the development of higher educa- tion. Taking the excellent online course C Language Program Design recognized by Hunan Province in 2019 as an example, this pa- per discusses on the orientation of learning objectives, the establishment of course teams, the innovation of teaching content, the inte- gration of ideological and political education, the development of curriculum resources, the implementation of online teaching, scien- tific evaluation of scores, promotion of curriculum application, etc, in order to promote the construction of excellent online courses, improve the teaching effect and improve the quality of personnel training.  相似文献   

牛的背线在新疆褐牛体型鉴定及分级中是重要的指标之一,背线的水平程度反应了牛的生长状况,是选优育种的重要指标. 本文依据新疆褐牛体型线性鉴定标准,以牛侧面图像(主要是从胸后到十字步的图像)为研究对象,采用数字图像处理的方法,先对图像进行二值化处理,再对二值化图像进行边缘检测,实现对牛背线边缘点的自动提取. 最后通过分析背线边缘点数据,得到牛背线情况的自动分级,具体将背线分为45,35,25,15,5五个等级,得分越高,牛的生长情况越好. 实验表明该算法有效可行,能准确快速的得到新疆褐牛背线自动分级结果.  相似文献   

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