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一种UML序列图到层次状态图合成方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王学龙  陈平 《计算机应用》2004,24(Z1):311-313
UML序列图和状态图从不同侧面简洁、明了地描述了系统的动态行为.层次性状态图有利于提高系统对象的可理解性和可读性.本文提出了一种自动的、递增的多个UML序列图到层次性状态图的合成方法,并集成在Rose工具中.  相似文献   

统一建模语言(UML)中的状态图用于描述类的对象所有可能的状态及事件发生时状态的转移条件,从而进行系统动态分析。针对现有关于UML状态图形式化语义研究中存在的不足,该文提出基于统一程序设计理论的对象精化演算系统,用于描述UML状态图的形式化语义,给出与类图、序列图的一致性检验,为模型驱动开发提供了可行性。  相似文献   

空中客车(Airbus)决定选择PragmaDev公司的工具,用在开发其航空交通控制系统中。PragmaDev工具(Real Time Developer Studio、MSC Tracer)的一个重要特性是能够将遗留的SDL模型和代码转化成MSC(Message Sequence Charc,消息序列图)或UML序列图。面向过程的活动图或“流程图”使用最广,画起来“容易”得多,但面向对象的序列图、状态图更能强迫人的大脑去作深刻的思考。通过逆转代码为序列图,来帮助开发人员理解纷乱复杂的代码,  相似文献   

UML动态子图主要包括序列图和状态图等,它们在描述系统的行为方面应用广泛,但是半形式化的语义使它们不能直接进行形式化验证。Coq是目前主流的交互式定理证明器,用形式化的Coq规范来描述UML动态子图模型,可以在此基础上进行对模型的属性进行验证等工作。基于现有工作,提出将UML动态子图模型转换为Coq形式规范的框架,在元模型层次给出状态图和序列图的转换规则,介绍算法和原型工具实现。这种元模型层次的转换方法,保证了转换前后的语法正确性,为进一步分析验证提供了基础。  相似文献   

为了实现Internet技术与住宅小区物业管理的有机结合,展开多元信息服务与物业管理综合一体高层次的物业服务,以某物业服务有限公司实际手工物业服务管理工作为基础,分析其工作业务.结合UML建模思想,采用Visio2007建模工具,通过用例图、类图、状态图、序列图的绘制,完成物业服务系统中工作人员管理、设备信息管理、租赁...  相似文献   

符合UML2.0标准的序列图在UMLl.x序列图的基础上添加了控制流信息.为此,本文提出一种基于动静态信息相结合的UML2.0序列图逆向生成方法.该方法首先利用目标程序运行时的动态信息产生基本的方法调用序列,然后依据静态的程序依赖图对其进行补充和调整,在其上添加方法间的逻辑关系,使产生的序列图带有控制流信息.这种方法生成的序列图符合UML2.0标准,可以很好地辅助用户理解目标程序.  相似文献   

基于SIP协议的VoIP的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
厉小军 《计算机工程》2007,33(18):112-115
会话初始化协议(SIP)是IETF提出的IP电话呼叫信令协议,是一个基于文本的协议,用来创建、修改和终止多媒体呼叫与会话。该文介绍了SIP协议及其分层实现方法,采用UML的类图、状态图和序列图等设计了SIP消息包的结构和SIP协议的事务层,并用C++加以具体的实现。  相似文献   

以远程环境监测为背景,设计一个基于IEEE1451智能传感器标准的监测系统。基于IEEE1451.4、IEEE1451.5和IEEE1451.1分别设计了变送器接口模块TIM、无线变送器接口模块WTIM和网络适配器NCAP,并给出了系统的硬件设计框图。此外,还设计了适用于环境监测的传感器电子表格(TEDS),并基于RT-Thread操作系统给出了软件系统主要的UML状态图和序列图。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于UML序列图的面向对象类簇级测试的方法.这种方法根据序列图进行分析提取类交互信息和用户的输入数据生成测试用例,并根据序列图对代码进行插桩,构造测试模块;最后测试驱动器执行测试模块得到测试结果. 该方法也支持UML2.0 中为序列图添加的新特征.  相似文献   

UML的形式化及其应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文介绍一个面向度量的UML的代数表达框架。这个框架可以作为设计模型检测的基础,并为设计人员提供一个在软件设计进化过程中检测一些设计错误和提出可能的优化方案的理论基础。本文给出了UML类图、序列图和状态图的代数表达并用例子说明了这个UML的代数表达框架的应用及它是如何检测设计错误和提供可能的优化建议的。  相似文献   

In a UML model, different aspects of a system are covered by different types of diagrams. Nevertheless, it is important to provide means to check the consistency and completeness of the UML model. This problem is addressed in this paper by integrating the information specified in class and statechart diagrams into sequence diagrams. The representation as constraints attached to certain locations of the objects lifelines in the sequence diagram allows the identification of gaps and contradictory specifications. Furthermore, dependencies between the sequence diagrams can be investigated based on the previous analysis.  相似文献   

UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a visual modeling language used for specifying,visualizing,constructing,and documenting the artifacts of software systems by various diagrams.It has been widely accepted as a standard modeling language in both academic and industrial areas.UML sequence diagrams are mostly used in specifying system requirements.By representing interactions,which are arranged in time sequence,between the objects in a system,sequence diagrams can construct scenarios indicating the system‘‘s functions.A UML statechart diagram is a graph shows the sequences of states that an object or an interaction goes through during its life in response to received stimuli,together with its responses and actions.It‘‘s useful in the design stage of system development.This essay discusses the computer-aided transformation from sequence diagrams to statechart diagrams,which can offer strong support for the transfering from requirement analysis to system design in the software development process.With OCL (Object Control Language) semantic constrain,a transform algorithm is provided in the paper.And the differences with the related works are also mentioned.  相似文献   

UML状态图的测试用例自动生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的研究在对UML状态图生成测试用例时,为简化问题而忽略了对伪状态的支持。针对这一问题,首先对UML状态图的伪状态概念进行分析,并讨论了其对相关测试用例生成算法的影响;改进了UMLstatechart语义对伪状态的定义,对伪状态进行适当的转换,同时扩充现有算法对伪状态的支持;提出了一套可以处理伪状态的UML状态图平坦化算法以及相应的测试用例生成方法,并对实际应用效果进行了验证。  相似文献   

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been widely accepted as a standard for modeling software systems from various perspectives. The intuitive notations of UML diagrams greatly improve the communication among developers. However, the lack of a formal semantics makes it difficult to automate analysis and verification. This paper offers a graphical yet formal approach to specifying the behavioral semantics of statechart diagrams using graph transformation techniques. It supports many advanced features of statecharts, such as composite states, firing priority, history, junction, and choice. In our approach, a graph grammar is derived automatically from a state machine to summarize the hierarchy of states. Based on the graph grammar, the execution of a set of non-conflict state transitions is interpreted by a sequence of graph transformations. This facilitates verifying a design model against system requirements. To demonstrate our approach, we present a case study on a toll-gate system.  相似文献   

UML2.0序列图是一种描述对象之间动态协作和事件发展时间关系的视图,但是UML序列图缺乏精确的形式化语义,所以不利于对其所描述的系统进行形式化验证。为此,根据UML2.0语义文档及组合碎片包概念,基于通信序列进程(CSP)给出了UML序列图的基本元素和消息迹的形式化定义及生成规则,实现了UML序列图的形式化,为UML序列图在描述系统准确性和有效性方面提供了形式化的检验方法。最后通过ATM实例说明UML序列图这一过程的正确性。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of current software development strategies, such as Model-Driven Development (MDD), depends largely on the quality of their primary artefacts, i.e. software models. As the standard modelling language for software systems is the Unified Modelling Language (UML), quality assurance of UML models is a major research field in Computer Science. Understandability, i.e. a model’s ability to be easily understood, is one model quality property that is currently heavily under investigation. In particular, researchers are searching for the factors that determine an UML model’s understandability and are looking for ways to manipulate these factors. This paper presents an empirical study investigating the effect that structural complexity has on the understandability of one particular type of UML model, i.e. the statechart diagram. Based on data collected in a family of three experiments, we have identified three dimensions of structural complexity that affect understandability: (i) the size and control flow complexity of the statechart in terms of features such as the number of states, events, guards and state transitions; (ii) the actions that are performed when entering or leaving a state; (iii) the sequence of actions that is performed while staying within a state. Based on these structural complexity dimensions we have built an understandability prediction model using a regression technique that is specifically recommended for data obtained through a repeated measures design. Our test results show that each of the underlying structural complexity dimensions has a significant impact on the understandability of a statechart diagram.  相似文献   

基于UML状态图的模型信息自动提取技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋瑾钰  魏仰苏 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(20):4860-4861,4864
UML是OMG用于软件系统的可视化、详述、构造和文档化的统一建模语言,状态图是UML模型的重要组成部分,用于描述系统的动态行为.在研究Rational Rose及其状态图文档的基础上,提出了通过UML状态图自动提取模型信息的两种方法-基于LALR(1)文法和基于Rose的扩展接口的提取方法,并对两种方法进行了比较分析.自动提取模型信息技术提高了协议测试序列的自动生成效率.  相似文献   

UML顺序图与状态图的一致性检查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈卉  窦万峰 《计算机工程》2008,34(18):62-64
用户可使用UML从不同角度对系统进行建模,但不同视图间存在信息冗余,可能导致视图不一致问题。该文针对具有多种逻辑语义的顺序图提出分析方法,为复杂层次结构的状态图引入有限状态自动机,利用自动机分解算法得到自动机树。制定新的顺序图和状态图一致性检查准则和Promela代码结构,用模型检验工具SPIN进行顺序图及其相关状态图的一致性检验。  相似文献   

The main goal of this work is to present a family of empirical studies that we have carried out to investigate whether the use of composite states may improve the understandability of UML statechart diagrams derived from class diagrams. Our hypotheses derive from conventional wisdom, which says that hierarchical modeling mechanisms are helpful in mastering the complexity of a software system. In our research, we have carried out three empirical studies, consisting of five experiments in total. The studies differed somewhat as regards the size of the UML statechart models, though their size and the complexity of the models were chosen so that they could be analyzed by the subjects within a limited time period. The studies also differed with respect to the type of subjects (students vs. professionals), the familiarity of the subjects with the domains of the diagrams, and other factors. To integrate the results obtained from each of the five experiments, we performed a meta-analysis study which allowed us to take into account the differences between studies and to obtain the overall effect that the use of composite states has on the understandability of UML statechart diagrams throughout all the experiments. The results obtained are not completely conclusive. They cast doubts on the usefulness of composite states for a better understanding and memorizing of UML statechart diagrams. Composite states seem only to be helpful for acquiring knowledge from the diagrams. At any rate, it should be noted that these results are affected by the previous experience of the subjects on modeling, as well as by the size and complexity of the UML statechart diagrams we used, so care should be taken when generalizing our results.  相似文献   

The Unified Modeling Langugage (UML) offers different diagram types to model the behavior of software systems. In some domains like embedded real-time systems or multimedia systems, it is necessary to include specifications of time in behavioral models since the correctness of these applications depends on the fulfillment of temporal requirements in addition to functional requirements. UML thus already incorporates language features to model time and temporal constraints. Such model elements must have an equivalent in the semantic domain.We have proposed Dynamic Meta Modeling (DMM), an approach based on graph transformation, as a means for specifying operational semantics of dynamic UML diagrams. In this article, we extend this approach to also account for time by extending the semantic domain to timed graph transformation. This enables us to define the operational semantics of UML diagrams with time specifications. As an example, we provide semantics for special sequence diagrams from the domain of multimedia application modeling.  相似文献   

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