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针对DD(Decision-Directed)先验信噪比估计方法在处理语音时产生延迟以及非因果先验信噪比估计算法不具实时性的缺点,提出一种MMSE(Minimum Mean Square Error)先验信噪比估计方法。它在高斯语音模型假设的基础上,运用最小均方误差准则直接从带噪信号中估计先验信噪比。通过对增强语音信噪比、Itakura-Saito失真测度以及信号时域图和语谱图仿真,结果表明,该算法比DD算法能更好地抑制“音乐噪声”和防止语音畸变,且相对于非因果先验信噪比估计算法具有更强实时性。  相似文献   

基于语音周期性的特点,提出了一种预加重的MMSE语音增强的改进算法.首先,算法在尽量保留语音信息基础上对带噪语音预加重,使信噪比提高.预加重过程将根据带噪语音信号的周期性的强弱对信号动态加权.处理结果再作为MMSE语音增强的输入并将有利于提高最终的去噪效果.  相似文献   

研究表明,增强后的语音与纯净语音相比,会存在两种不同类型的畸变:放大畸变和衰减畸变,而放大畸变对语音可懂度的影响较大。传统的语音增强算法大多不能有效提高语音增强后的可懂度,因为这些算法仅使用最小均方误差的方法来限制这两种畸变,从而抑制噪声,提高语音的质量,但忽略了不同的畸变类型对可懂度的影响不同。提出一种基于子空间的提高可懂度的语音增强算法,使用先验信噪比及增益矩阵来判断语音畸变的类型。同时注意到,在估计先验信噪比时会存在估计误差:高估和低估,而高估会产生放大畸变,对可懂度造成较大的影响。先对高估先验信噪比(小于-10 dB)的增益矩阵进行修正,然后再对幅度谱畸变大于0 dB及6.02 dB的语音进行不同的限制。实验表明,所提出的算法能够有效增强语音的可懂度。  相似文献   

提出了一种具有较高可懂度的基于子空间的语音增强算法.现有的多数语音增强算法无法有效提高增强后语音的可懂度,一个重要原因是这些算法均只使用最小均方误差来限制语音的畸变,却忽视了不同区域语音畸变对可懂度的影响存在较大差异.为了弥补这一缺陷,提出了借助先验信噪比和增益矩阵来判断语音畸变区域,通过改变增益矩阵将对可懂度影响较大的放大倍数大于6.02dB的畸变进行幅度谱限制.客观评价表明,该算法能提高增强后语音可懂度NCM评测值.主观试听结果表明,该算法确实提高了增强后语音的可懂度.  相似文献   

针对固定阈值小波包语音增强算法在去噪时会损失语音信号的问题,文中提出了一种新的自适应阈值小波包语音增强算法。该算法先利用带噪语音的小波包变换系数估计出后验信噪比,再由含有后验信噪比因子的sigmoid函数作为平滑因子对随尺度变化的阈值进行相邻帧的平滑,最后由后验信噪比自适应修正平滑阈值,减少语音失真;仿真实验结果表明,该算法在去噪的同时减少了语音信号的损失,有效地提高了增强语音的信噪比和分段信噪比,较固定阈值小波包语音增强算法具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

基于语音存在概率和听觉掩蔽特性的语音增强算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宫云梅  赵晓群  史仍辉 《计算机应用》2008,28(11):2981-2983
低信噪比下,谱减语音增强法中一直存在的去噪度、残留的音乐噪声和语音畸变度三者间均衡这一关键问题显得尤为突出。为降低噪声对语音通信的干扰,提出了一种适于低信噪比下的语音增强算法。在传统的谱减法基础上,根据噪声的听觉掩蔽阈值自适应调整减参数,利用语音存在概率,对语音、噪声信号估计,避免低信噪比下端点检测(VAD)的不准确,有更强的鲁棒性。对算法进行了客观和主观测试,结果表明:相对于传统的谱减法,在几乎不损伤语音清晰度的前提下该算法能更好地抑制残留噪声和背景噪声,特别是对低信噪比和非平稳噪声干扰的语音信号,效果更加明显。  相似文献   

先验信噪比单通道语音增强算法在信噪比较高时能有效地去除噪声,但在信噪比较低时语音高次谐波失真较为严重。针对此提出了一种基于谐波重构的先验信噪比估计算法,对增强后的信号加权求平方,进行功率谱的二次谱处理,以加强语音信号的周期性;再进行谐波重构,提升谐波分量。实验研究表明,该算法在低信噪比时能够有效地增强语音谐波分量,相对于先验信噪比估计的语音增强算法能够改善语音质量,减少语音失真。  相似文献   

提出一种改进的基于听觉掩蔽的自适应阶MMSE语音增强算法,实验表明这种改进算法比起经典的语音增强算法能更显著地提高算法的客观性能,特别在非平稳噪声和低信噪比的环境中能快速估计出变化的噪声功率谱。  相似文献   

针对频域受限子空间语音增强在构造增强矩阵时,采用固定拉格朗日乘子,使得减小语音畸变和提高语音可懂度的过程中,有音乐噪声残留,提出一种变拉格朗日乘子的算法。利用听觉特性中较强的频率成分对噪声进行掩蔽,通过掩蔽阈值的频率域与子空间特征值之间的变换算法,用变量控制子空间拉格朗日乘子计算增益函数的对角矩阵。对比实验和试听结果表明,提出算法增强的语音信号不仅信噪比有较大提高,语音质量主观感知度也有明显改善。  相似文献   

刘鹏 《计算机系统应用》2018,27(12):187-191
提出了低信噪比下高可懂度的基于分段信噪比相对均方根(RMS)的语音增强子空间算法.现有的多数语音增强算法在低信噪比的恶劣条件下,改善带噪语音质量的同时通常会伴有语音可懂度的降低.一个重要原因是这些算法大都仅基于最小均方误差(MMSE)来抑制语音失真,却忽略了语音增强算法所导致的语音失真对差异类型语音分段的可懂度影响程度不同.为了改进这一缺点,提出了基于短时信噪比RMS对语音分段进行分类,然后调整处于信噪比中均方根语音分段的增益矩阵分量,来减小语音失真对增强语音可懂度的影响.客观评价实验说明,改进算法可以改善增强语音可懂度归一化协方差评价法(NCM)的评测值.主观试听实验说明,改进算法的确提升了增强后语音的可懂度.  相似文献   

Estimating the noise power spectral density (PSD) from the corrupted speech signal is an essential component for speech enhancement algorithms. In this paper, a novel noise PSD estimation algorithm based on minimum mean-square error (MMSE) is proposed. The noise PSD estimate is obtained by recursively smoothing the MMSE estimation of the current noise spectral power. For the noise spectral power estimation, a spectral weighting function is derived, which depends on the a priori signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Since the speech spectral power is highly important for the a priori SNR estimate, this paper proposes an MMSE spectral power estimator incorporating speech presence uncertainty (SPU) for speech spectral power estimate to improve the a priori SNR estimate. Moreover, a bias correction factor is derived for speech spectral power estimation bias. Then, the estimated speech spectral power is used in “decision-directed” (DD) estimator of the a priori SNR to achieve fast noise tracking. Compared to three state-of-the-art approaches, i.e., minimum statistics (MS), MMSE-based approach, and speech presence probability (SPP)-based approach, it is clear from experimental results that the proposed algorithm exhibits more excellent noise tracking capability under various nonstationary noise environments and SNR conditions. When employed in a speech enhancement system, improved speech enhancement performances in terms of segmental SNR improvements (SSNR+) and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) can be observed.  相似文献   

针对基于高斯分布的谱减语音增强算法,增强语音出现噪声残留和语音失真的问题,提出了基于拉普拉斯分布的最小均方误差(MMSE)谱减算法。首先,对原始带噪语音信号进行分帧、加窗处理,并对处理后每帧的信号进行傅里叶变换,得到短时语音的离散傅里叶变换(DFT)系数;然后,通过计算每一帧的对数谱能量及谱平坦度,进行噪声帧检测,更新噪声估计;其次,基于语音DFT系数服从拉普拉斯分布的假设,在最小均方误差准则下,求解最佳谱减系数,使用该系数进行谱减,得到增强信号谱;最后,对增强信号谱进行傅里叶逆变换、组帧,得到增强语音。实验结果表明,使用所提算法增强的语音信噪比(SNR)平均提高了4.3 dB,与过减法相比,有2 dB的提升;在语音质量感知评估(PESQ)得分方面,与过减法相比,所提算法平均得分有10%的提高。该算法有更好的噪声抑制能力和较小的语音失真,在SNR和PESQ评价标准上有较大提升。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a training-based approach to speech enhancement that exploits the spectral statistical characteristics of clean speech and noise in a specific environment. In contrast to many state-of-the-art approaches, we do not model the probability density function (pdf) of the clean speech and the noise spectra. Instead, subband-individual weighting rules for noisy speech spectral amplitudes are separately trained for speech presence and speech absence from noise recordings in the environment of interest. Weighting rules for a variety of cost functions are given; they are parameterized and stored as a table look-up. The speech enhancement system simply works by computing the weighting rules from the table look-up indexed by the a posteriori signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the a priori SNR for each subband computed on a Bark scale. Optimized for an automotive environment, our approach outperforms known-environment-independent-speech enhancement techniques, namely the a priori SNR-driven Wiener filter and the minimum mean square error (MMSE) log-spectral amplitude estimator, both in terms of speech distortion and noise attenuation.  相似文献   

安扣成 《计算机应用》2012,32(Z1):29-31,35
针对语音增强算法残留“音乐噪声”的问题,分析了基于先验信噪比估计的语音增强算法,并在此基础上提出自适应先验信噪比估计与增益平滑相结合的方法.这种方法先对先验信嗓比进行估计,然后对增益函数进行平滑,减小相邻增益函数的随机跳变,弥补了传统先验信噪比估计的不足.最后对含高斯白噪声的语音信号进行处理,仿真结果表明,该算法在抑制“音乐噪声”的效果上得到一定改善,提高了语音增强的性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, the family of conditional minimum mean square error (MMSE) spectral estimators is studied which take on the form$(E(X_p^alpha/vert X_p+D_pvert))^1/alpha$, where$X_p$is the clean speech spectrum, and$D_p$is the noise spectrum, resulting in a Generalized MMSE estimator (GMMSE). The degree of noise suppression versus musical tone artifacts of these estimators is studied. The tradeoffs in selection of$(alpha)$, across noise spectral structure and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) level, are also considered. Members of this family of estimators include the Ephraim–Malah (EM) amplitude estimator and, for high SNRs, the Wiener Filter. It is shown that the colorless residual noise observed in the EM estimator is a characteristic of this general family of estimators. An application of these estimators in an auditory enhancement scheme using the masking threshold of the human auditory system is formulated, resulting in the GMMSE-auditory masking threshold (AMT) enhancement method. Finally, a detailed evaluation of the proposed algorithms is performed over the phonetically balanced TIMIT database and the National Gallery of the Spoken Word (NGSW) audio archive using subjective and objective speech quality measures. Results show that the proposed GMMSE-AMT outperforms MMSE and log-MMSE enhancement methods using a detailed phoneme-based objective quality analysis.  相似文献   

提出一种符合人耳听觉感知的语音增强方法,使电子耳蜗能在噪声环境下获得准确的语音信息。利用Bark子波变换实现电子耳蜗中的语音处理,结合人耳听觉系统特性实现语音增强。使用根据人耳听觉掩蔽效应提出的自适应减参数。实验结果表明该算法在低信噪比情况下,信噪比可提高30 dB左右,更好地抑制了残留噪声和背景噪声,合成的语音具有较好清晰度和可懂度。  相似文献   

联合听觉掩蔽效应的子空间语音增强算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在经典子空间语音增强算法中,因语音特征值估计偏差会造成语音失真和音乐噪声。针对该问题,提出一种联合听觉掩蔽效应的语音增强算法。该算法联合掩蔽阈值自适应调节噪声特征值的抑制系数,并利用维纳滤波对音乐噪声的抑制性,对该特征值并行修正,最终还原出纯净的语音。实验结果证明,该算法在白噪声和有色噪声的背景下,与经典子空间的语音增强算法相比,能提高信噪比,减少语音失真和音乐噪声。  相似文献   

A gain factor adapted by both the intra-frame masking properties of the human auditory system and the inter-frame SNR variation is proposed to enhance a speech signal corrupted by additive noise. In this article we employ an averaging factor, varying with time–frequency, to improve the estimate of the a priori SNR. In turn, this SNR estimate is utilized to adapt a gain factor for speech enhancement. This gain factor reduces the spectral variation over successive frames, so the effect of musical residual noise is mitigated. In addition, the simultaneous masking property of the human ears is also employed to adapt the gain factor. Imperceptive residual noise with energy below the noise masking threshold is retained, resulting in a reduction of speech distortion. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme can efficiently reduce the effect of musical residual noise.  相似文献   

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