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为了在有色噪声干扰情况下获得无偏估计,基于辅助模型思想和分解技术,提出了一种带协方差重置的两阶段递推贝叶斯辨识算法。该算法首先把待辨识模型分解成两个虚拟子模型,然后分别辨识;同时,把估计到的噪声方差引入算法,并加入了一种新的协方差重置方法。计算量分析表明,与带协方差重置的最小二乘算法相比,所提算法可以减少计算量。仿真结果显示,所提算法的估计误差比传统最小二乘算法要小。实例建模证明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对传统最小二乘算法在辨识过程中没有考虑噪声的协方差和参数的先验概率密度的问题,提出一种递推贝叶斯算法。该算法以最大化参数的后验概率密度函数为准则进行参数估计。实验结果证明所提算法可以获得更高精度的参数估计值。收敛性分析表明,该算法给出的参数估计值收敛于参数真值。该算法综合考虑了噪声方差、数据的先验概率分布和参数的先验概率分布,可以获得比最小二乘法更高的精度的估计值。  相似文献   

丁盛 《计算机应用》2014,34(1):236-238
针对伪线性输出误差回归系统的辨识模型新息信息向量存在不可测变量的问题,首先通过构造一个辅助模型,用辅助模型的输出代替未知中间变量,推导得到的基于辅助模型的递推最小二乘参数估计算法计算量较大,但算法的辨识效果不佳。进一步采用估计的噪声模型对系统观测数据进行滤波,使用滤波后的数据进行参数估计,从而推导提出了基于数据滤波的递推最小二乘参数估计算法。仿真结果表明,所提算法能够有效估计伪线性回归线性输出误差系统的参数。  相似文献   

针对伪线性输出误差回归系统的辨识模型新息信息向量存在不可测变量的问题,首先通过构造一个辅助模型,用辅助模型的输出代替未知中间变量,推导得到的基于辅助模型的递推最小二乘参数估计算法计算量较大,但算法的辨识效果不佳。进一步采用估计的噪声模型对系统观测数据进行滤波,使用滤波后的数据进行参数估计,从而推导提出了基于数据滤波的递推最小二乘参数估计算法。仿真结果表明,所提算法能够有效估计伪线性回归线性输出误差系统的参数。  相似文献   

基于辅助模型的递推增广最小二乘辨识方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对有色噪声干扰的输出误差滑动平均系统, 将辅助模型与递推增广最小二乘算法相结合: 用辅助模型的输出代替辨识模型信息向量中的未知真实输出项, 用估计残差代替信息向量中的不可测噪声项, 从而提出了基于辅助模型的递推增广最小二乘辨识方法. 为了展示所提方法的特点, 文中还给出了经过模型变换的递推增广最小二乘算法. 理论分析和仿真研究表明, 提出的方法原理简单、计算量小, 可以给出高精度参数估计, 且能够用于在线辨识.  相似文献   

具有限定记忆的辅助变量参数辨识法与仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁照权  胡焱东 《系统仿真技术》2009,5(2):105-109,121
最小二乘参数辨识法可用于动态系统、静态系统、线性系统、非线性系统的参数估计。可用于离线估计,也可用于在线估计。最小二乘辨识法简单、实用,其递推算法收敛可靠,并且当模型噪声为白噪声时,可得到无偏、一致和有效的估计,从而得到广泛的应用。但当模型噪声是有色噪声时,最小二乘参数估计不是无偏、一致估计,并且随着数据的增长,最小二乘递推辨识算法将出现数据饱和现象,以致递推算法慢慢失去修正的能力。辅助变量递推算法解决了噪声的模型结构不确定且模型噪声是有色噪声时,最小二乘参数估计的元偏性和一致性问题,但依然存在数据饱和问题。为此在辅助变量递推算法的基础上引入限定记忆方式,获得了具有限定记忆的辅助变量参数估计递推算法,解决了辅助变量递推算法的数据饱和问题。仿真结果表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

由于传统多扩展目标跟踪算法在量测噪声协方差未知情况下跟踪性能急剧下降,本文提出一种基于变分贝叶斯的势均衡多目标多伯努利滤波(VB--CBMe MBer)跟踪算法,并给出了高斯混合实现.该算法在未知量测噪声协方差的情况下,将量测看成随机分布在扩展目标上的量测产生点所产生,利用变分贝叶斯方法近似地求出各量测产生点状态和量测噪声协方差的联合概率密度,并给出其递归形式以估计量测产生点,继而将得到的量测产生点状态进行聚类得到扩展目标的状态.仿真实验表明,所提算法可以自适应地跟踪未知数目、未知量测噪声协方差的多扩展目标.其跟踪精度与传统的CBMe MBer跟踪算法相比,有明显提高.  相似文献   

针对浅海探测中激光回波噪声源多、信噪比低,传统非加权最小二乘支持向量机和加权最小二乘支持向量机对低信噪比信号滤波不足的问题,提出将稳健最小二乘法与加权最小二乘支持向量机相结合的滤波方法(HW-LS-SVM)。首先采用强淘汰权函数计算先验权值、残差和均方误差,然后采用权函数模型计算最小二乘支持向量机的权值,最后通过迭代计算实现回波信号滤波。通过仿真实验结果表明, HW-LS-SVM方法较最小二乘支持向量机、贝叶斯最小二乘支持向量机和传统加权最小二乘支持向量机滤波效果更加稳健,在噪声率为45%的情况下,滤波效果较为理想,水面和水底回波提取正确率为100%;对实测4组深水区和4组浅水区数据滤波后提取的海水深度均与背景资料的深度吻合。由此表明, HW-LS-SVM方法具有更好的抗噪性,更适合于对信噪比低的测深激光信号的滤波处理。  相似文献   

为了辨识一类非线性Hammerstein-Wiener系统,基于递推贝叶斯算法和奇异值分解,提出了一种两阶段在线辨识算法。该算法首先利用递推贝叶斯算法估计乘积项参数,然后利用奇异值分解得到待估计参数。仿真结果表明,所提算法可以以较小的计算量获得精度较高的参数估计值。  相似文献   

针对有理模型提出两类辨识方法.首先提出基于递阶辨识思想的混合辨识方法,将模型分解为分子和分母两个子模型,分别用最小二乘法辨识分子参数,用粒子群算法和智能多步长梯度迭代算法辨识分母参数.由于降低了模型维数,且信息向量与噪声不相关,相对于传统的偏差补偿最小二乘算法,混合迭代法可以提高辨识精度并降低计算量.然后,为消除模型结构已知的假设,且充分利用最新数据更新系统参数,提出柔性递推最小二乘辨识方法,将有理模型转化为时变参数系统,进而辨识出时变系统的参数.仿真例子验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

To identify systems with non-uniformly sampled input data, a recursive Bayesian identification algorithm with covariance resetting is proposed. Using estimated noise transfer function as a dynamic filter, the system with colored noise is transformed into the system with white noise. In order to improve estimates, the estimated noise variance is employed as a weighting factor in the algorithm. Meanwhile, a modified covariance resetting method is also integrated in the proposed algorithm to increase the convergence rate. A numerical example and an industrial example validate the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

For the lifted input–output representation of general dual-rate sampled-data systems, this paper presents a decomposition based recursive least squares (D-LS) identification algorithm using the hierarchical identification principle. Compared with the recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm, the proposed D-LS algorithm does not require computing the covariance matrices with large sizes and matrix inverses in each recursion step, and thus has a higher computational efficiency than the RLS algorithm. The performance analysis of the D-LS algorithm indicates that the parameter estimates can converge to their true values. A simulation example is given to confirm the convergence results.  相似文献   

This paper uses an estimated noise transfer function to filter the input–output data and presents filtering based recursive least squares algorithms (F-RLS) for controlled autoregressive autoregressive moving average (CARARMA) systems. Through the data filtering, we obtain two identification models, one including the parameters of the system model, and the other including the parameters of the noise model. Thus, the recursive least squares method can be used to estimate the parameters of these two identification models, respectively, by replacing the unmeasurable variables in the information vectors with their estimates. The proposed F-RLS algorithm has a high computational efficiency because the dimensions of its covariance matrices become small and can generate more accurate parameter estimation compared with other existing algorithms.  相似文献   

广义系统信息融合稳态与自校正满阶Kalman滤波器   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于线性最小方差标量加权融合算法和射影理论,对带多个传感器和带相关噪声的广义系统,提出了分布式标量加权融合稳态满阶Kalman滤波器.推得了任两个传感器子系统之间的稳态满阶滤波误差互协方差阵,其解可任选初值离线迭代计算.所提出的稳态融合滤波器避免了每时刻计算协方差阵和融合权重,减小了在线计算负担.当系统含有未知模型参数时,基于递推增广最小二乘算法和标量加权融合算法,提出了一种两段融合自校正状态滤波器.其中第1段融合获得未知参数的融合估计;第2段融合获得分布式自校正融合状态滤波器.与局部估计和加权平均融合估计相比,所提出的标量加权融合参数估计和自校正状态估计都具有更高的精度.仿真研究验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

The adaptive Kalman filtering problem with vector measurements is considered. A computational algorithm is derived which gives estimates of the state of a linear dynamic system driven by additive white Gaussian noise with unknown covariance Q and observed by a linear function of the state contaminated by additive white Gaussian noise with unknown covariance R. The computational algorithm is inherently parallel in nature and it is noted that the algorithm should be implemented in a special purpose parallel processing digital computer made up of a number of filters similar to steady state Kalman filters each with a different gain. It is shown that the estimates of the state and the estimates of the unknown covariances Q and R can be made arbitrarily close to the optimal nonlinear Bayesian estimates by an appropriate choice for the number of parallel paths in the computer. When the filtering algorithm is implemented in a parallel processing computer the total processing time for state estimation in the unknown noise environment is only slightly increased over that required for a steady state Kalman filter. A numerical example with a five dimensional state and two dimensional measurement vector is presented.  相似文献   

刘艳君  丁锋 《控制与决策》2016,31(8):1487-1492

针对多变量系统维数大、参数多、一般的辨识算法计算量大的问题, 基于耦合辨识概念, 推导多变量系统的耦合随机梯度算法, 利用鞅收敛定理分析算法的收敛性能. 算法的主要思想是将系统模型分解为多个单输出子系统,在子系统的递推辨识过程中, 将每个子系统的参数估计值耦合起来. 所提出算法与最小二乘算法和耦合最小二乘算法相比, 具有较少的计算量, 收敛速度可以通过引入遗忘因子得到改善. 性能分析表明了所提出算法收敛, 仿真实例验证了算法的有效性.


This paper is concerned with the design of a state filter for a time‐delay state‐space system with unknown parameters from noisy observation information. The key is to investigate new identification algorithms for interactive state and parameter estimation of the considered system. Firstly, an observability canonical state‐space model is derived from the original model by linear transformation for the purpose of simplifying the model structure. Secondly, a direct state filter is formulated by minimizing the state estimation error covariance matrix on the basis of the Kalman filtering principle. Thirdly, once the unknown states are estimated, a state filter–based recursive least squares algorithm is proposed for parameter estimation using the least squares principle. Then, a state filter–based hierarchical least squares algorithm is derived by decomposing the original system into several subsystems for improving the computational efficiency. Finally, the numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

For Hammerstein output-error autoregressive systems, a decomposition based multi-innovation stochastic gradient (D-MISG) identification algorithm and a data filtering based multi-innovation stochastic gradient (F-MISG) identification algorithm are derived by means of the key-term separation principle and the multi-innovation identification theory. The D-MISG algorithm uses the decomposition technique to transform a Hammerstein system into two subsystems and requires less computational cost, and the F-MISG algorithm uses a linear filter to filter the input-output data and has a higher estimation accuracy for larger innovation lengths. The simulation results show that the proposed two algorithm can give satisfactory parameter estimates.  相似文献   

A mixture-of-experts framework for adaptive Kalman filtering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes a modular and flexible approach to adaptive Kalman filtering using the framework of a mixture-of-experts regulated by a gating network. Each expert is a Kalman filter modeled with a different realization of the unknown system parameters such as process and measurement noise. The gating network performs on-line adaptation of the weights given to individual filter estimates based on performance. This scheme compares very favorably with the classical Magill filter bank, which is based on a Bayesian technique, in terms of: estimation accuracy; quicker response to changing environments; and numerical stability and computational demands. The proposed filter bank is further enhanced by periodically using a search algorithm in a feedback loop. Two search algorithms are considered. The first algorithm uses a recursive quadratic programming approach which extremizes a modified maximum likelihood function to update the parameters of the best performing filter in the bank. This particular approach to parameter adaptation allows a real-time implementation. The second algorithm uses a genetic algorithm to search for the parameter vector and is suited for post-processed data type applications. The workings and power of the overall filter bank and the suggested adaptation schemes are illustrated by a number of examples.  相似文献   

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