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赵言 《互联网周刊》2001,(38):10-10
其实不止邮政,在民航、在金融、在石油,在社会的几乎每一个领域,信息技术都在改造传统业务的同时,又在创造着新的业务类型  相似文献   

在推进信息技术教育、引领教育信息化发展的进程中,总有一些人在前面领跑.官方的教育决策者在领跑,学术界的信息技术教育专家在领跑,电教馆长在领跑,信息技术教研员在领跑,校长在领跑,信息技术教育媒体也在领跑……这些不同层面、不同岗位上的'领跑人",都在以不同的方式引领着广大师生奔跑,面向世界,面向未来,面向现代化.  相似文献   

在推进信息技术教育、引领教育信息化发展的进程中,总有一些人在前面领跑。官方的教育决策者在领跑,学术界的信息技术教育专家在领跑,电教馆长在领跑,信息技术教研员在领跑。校长在领跑,信息技术教育媒体也在领跑……这些不同层面、不同岗位上的“领跑人”,都在以不同的方式引领着广大师生奔跑,面向世界,面向未来,面向现代化。  相似文献   

在科学技术的不断推动下,云计算技术在多个行业得到了广泛应用,医院面临计划改革,在信息化建设中对云计算的依赖程度较高。在医院的信息化建设中,云计算的应用在提升信息传输速度的同时也能提高医院的工作效率。基于此,笔者阐述了云计算在医院信息化建设中的作用,针对存在的问题提出了云计算在医院信息化中的应用策略。  相似文献   

大多数在华外企只设立一个总裁的职位。而索尼中国有限公司却有一个董事长和一个总裁。总裁在上海负责在华投资工厂的生产以及市场营销,而董事长在北京办公,负责在华的政府事务和在华投资决策。  相似文献   

杨沛文 《A&S》2004,(65):62-64,66
在中国市场逐渐在全球瞩目的同时,有越来越多的欧美安防品牌出现在市场上,而许多原本就已经进入中国的欧美厂商也开始在近一、二年纷纷加大投资力度,准备在这一块倍速成长的市场中分得一杯羹。不过,这些欧美品牌的优势在那里?他们面临到什么样的困难?那一些厂商才能在激烈的市场竞争下胜出?  相似文献   

窗体的标题一般显示在标题栏的左端。本文介绍标题显示在标题栏右端的设计方法,并在Win98和Win2K两个操作系统实现,而且在字体发生变化时,能保持显示在标题栏的右端。  相似文献   

现阶段,信息化在医院中的应用依然停留在业务、管理的工具层面,主要在流程优化等方面发挥作用。而这种对于业务和管理的辅助作用,说明信息化应用还停留在工具层面。在医院领域信息化扮演的角色还需要转变,未来要产生影响业务的效果。在医院里,CIO应该有三种身份。首先他应该是能够站在决策层面的角色。CIO必须了解医院发展的方向,在这个发展进  相似文献   

在许多国家的军队中都广泛地采用电子计算机。例如,在美国军队中,电子计算机不仅用来控制火力和战斗技术,而且还用在自动控制陆、空、海三军的自动控制系统中。 电子计算机在它的存贮器中能够保存大量的各样的数据,以高速处理数据,并以便于利用的形式将它们输出。认为,在现代化战斗的条件下,在制定最合理的决策以及在军队的材料技术保证等方面,电子计算机给予指挥员及其司令部以很大的帮助。在战斗区域内,借助  相似文献   

Cisco今年在中国业务会增长70%以上,这是1月20日Cisco中国总裁杜家滨在回答记者提问时保证的。 Cisco是世界最大的网络公司,在分析在中国今年业务量增长的原因时,杜家滨说,在Cisco在中国业务分为大  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to propose a model to integrate educational mastery principles that emphasize cooperative and learner-centered instruction in higher education with the new advances of instructional technology, and to present a pilot case study to exemplify the model. It is clear that in spite of tremendous efforts by colleges and universities to introduce instructional technology in the classroom, many faculty remain skeptical of the new technologies. It is suggested that in order for instructional technology to be widely accepted and used by faculty, the value of this technology to improve classroom instruction has to be proven. It is proposed that this can be achieved by applying learner-centered principles, in which the instructional objectives of the class are directly linked both to the needs of the student and the role of the instructor in the classroom, which in turn determine the appropriate type and use of instructional technology. It presents a pilot case study in which a technology was used to teach a basic psychology concept.  相似文献   

Judgmental forecasting gives light to the use of computers in human decision making. This paper reviews studies in judgmental forecasting focusing on what has been learned from human judgment and human–computer interaction. Available information was analyzed in the framework of three dimensions: reliance and trust on computer suggestions and heuristics employed by forecasters to produce forecasts. Results show that computer’s advice disuse is pervasive in forecasting; and the disuse increases with higher task complexity and lower perceived system performance. Explanations and past performance are good candidates to increase trust in computer’s advice, but the appropriate format to deliver this information is still controversial. Forecasters usually overforecast but report to prefer underforecast, which can lead to a cognitive dissonance and in turn to conflicting goals in the task. Heuristics research in time series forecasting indicates that forecasters heavily assess their own judgment, which in turn tend to be grounded in last outcomes and an overall evaluation of features like mean, trend and autocorrelation. It appears that heuristics not always lead to harmful biases for the forecast.  相似文献   

Manufacturing processes are commonly affected by the low stiffness of the components limiting the quality and precision of the final product. Precision is one of the most important issues in the machining process, and the main cause for rejection is the part static deformation and the dynamic vibrations. The static deformation is mainly affected by two factors: deformation due to clamping and process forces, and geometrical distortions due to material removal and residual stress relieving during processing.The deformations caused by the clamping in the fixture are normally associated to existing distortion in the raw workpiece due to previous manufacturing processes and to the clamping forces. These problems lead to uncertainties in the set-up process, hindering the fixture functions, the achievement of a right positioning of the workpiece and the avoidance of deformations due to clamping forces.This paper presents an analysis to identify the causes of the static deformations during clamping and a method to correct the geometrical distortion and deformation of a clamped workpiece by the evaluation of the reaction forces in the selected relevant clamping points. It covers the design and validation of an active clamping unit to minimize the deformation produced by the fixture that could affect the machining process. The developed clamping unit presents an alternative to combine the locator and the clamper in a single component that controls the reaction force and the deformation of the workpiece in the clamping point, and it performs the positioning of that point to minimize the distortion of the workpiece. The clamping unit was verified in laboratory conditions and then tested in an industrial application, evaluating the capabilities related to positioning and reaction force control.  相似文献   

Writing power into online discussion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article considers the way in which control of interaction emerges as a function of personal agency and external factors in a group of students engaged in online asynchronous text-based communication in a distance education program. It is structured around the argument that control is partly related to the power that individuals have to give effect to their wishes, but also acknowledges that this sense of agency is always in relation to the powers of others and more structural constraints. A picture emerges of the choices students make in deciding when to initiate discussion and respond to others, and about decisions concerning whose messages they would read and when. The impact of other students, of online groups, and instructors seems to play an important role in determining how participants participate in online interaction. Consideration of broader issues shows how the context in which students engage in interaction impacts the nature and extent of that interaction. The article concludes that being aware, and taking advantage of the socially grounded nature of online interaction provides the basis from which educators can act to ensure that interaction in online learning communities is enabling for the learning of all students.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper outlines the consensual approach to the formulation of curriculum policy in general, and in relation to information technology (IT) in particular, in Scotland. It outlines the approaches to IT that have emerged as a result. These are founded on the premises that all children should develop knowledge and understanding about IT and skills in using IT; that IT should influence both content and delivery of the curriculum; and that IT (computing studies in Scotland) should be an elective for secondary school pupils. Against this background, the paper describes the evolution of policy and practice relating to IT in teacher education. It appraises the strategies which institutes are using for developing the professional skills necessary to deliver IT in the Scottish curriculum. It notes significant progress but highlights the need to develop strategies which integrate IT more deeply with other professional studies so that student teachers develop deeper, more reflective approaches to IT.  相似文献   

The causes and effects of machine breakdowns have frequently been investigated in the past. One popular stream of research studies technical errors in production and analyzes their impact on the inventory policy of the company. In this paper, we show that random shifts in the production rate of a machine, which may occur, for example, due to technical defects, may lead to a reduction in total cost and therewith to an increase in profit. This obvious paradox may lead to situations where it is economically rational for the company to sustain a technically inefficient situation, or even to take measures to intentionally induce a shift in the production rate, for example by damaging the machine on purpose. In this paper, we illustrate this paradox by referring to an existing inventory model, and trace it back to common assumptions made in the literature.  相似文献   

One of the main consequences of the extended enterprise is the emergence of new forms of relationships between the customer and the supplier in order to ensure the quality of service of the object throughout the life cycle. Innovative communication and co-operation methods are needed to support these new relationships. The combination of modern information processing and communication tools, commonly referred to as tele-service, offers the technical support required to access remote information. Indeed, it is easier to transfer information and knowledge to different actors than to move an actor to the site. However, even if this technical support is necessary for information communication, it is insufficient to develop a co-operation-based working situation that involves many self-motivated customers and suppliers sharing a common goal. This synergy is an emergent property of the system as a whole, and it is not expected to be obtained as a simple sum of its components. For example, a challenging problem in the field of product manufacturing is to assist the operator in its decision-making, when the system functioning is degraded, to preserve the system under service at maximum (anticipation of the failure) while remaining it in a space of allowed operation (to avoid consequences of an error in judgement). That means an evolution from tele-service to e-work and e-maintenance in particular where the assistance to operator results from collaboration of maintenance processes and experts. Consequently, this paper examines some issues and challenges involved in the evolution from the tele-maintenance of an industrial platform to the e-maintenance, and then proposes a multi-agent system-based collaboration as a solution to implement the e-maintenance experiments.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the pendulum-like change in the way people read and use text, which was triggered by the introduction of new reading and writing technologies in human history. The paper argues that textual features, which characterized the ancient pre-print writing culture, disappeared with the establishment of the modern-day print culture and has been “revived” in the digital post-modern era. This claim is based on the analysis of four cases which demonstrate this textual-pendulum swing: (1) The swing from concrete iconic-graphic representation of letters and words in the ancient alphabet to abstract phonetic representation of text in modern eras, and from written abstract computer commands “back” to the concrete iconic representation in graphic user interfaces of the digital era; (2) The swing from scroll reading in the pre-print era to page or book reading in the print era and “back” to scroll reading in the digital era; (3) The swing from a low level of authorship in the pre-print era to a strong authorship perception in the print era, and “back” to a low degree of authorship in the digital era; (4) The swing from synchronic representation of text in both visual and audio formats during the pre-print era to a visual representation only in print, and “back” to a synchronic representation in many environments of the digital era. We suggest that the print culture, which is usually considered the natural and preferred textual environment, should be regarded as the exception.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to identify the benefits of ergonomic improvements in workstations and in planned parts supply in an automotive assembly line. Another aim is to verify to what extent it is possible to create competitive advantages in the manufacturing area with reduction in vehicle assembly time by using technological investments in ergonomics with benefits to the worker and to the company. The Methods Time Measurement (MTM) methodology is chosen to measure the process time differences. To ensure a reliable comparison, a company in Brazil that has two different types of assembly line installations in the same plant was observed, and both assembly lines were under the same influences in terms of human resources, wages, food, and educational level of the staff. In this article, the first assembly line is called “new” and was built 6 years ago, with high investments in ergonomic solutions, in the supply system, and in the process. The other is called “traditional” and was built 23 years ago with few investments in the area. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a call within composition to include sound, among other modes, such as word and image in writing. Some of this call relies on a movement to multimodal composition in order to capture both the richness of rhetorical possibility and the reality of communities of practice, and some is in response to a perceived shift in writing due to digital media tools and environments. Regardless of the impetus for including the auditory realm in the composition classroom, it is important for the field of composition and rhetoric to develop further pedagogies of sound so that students are not simply offered the opportunity to produce diverse texts, but instead, are invited to enter “the playing field.” In order to do this I first explore an approach to teaching auditory rhetoric based on ways of knowing sound from an acoustics and musicology perspective, then I consider a phenomenological approach based on listening, and finally I construct a model of “tuning the sonic playing field” that draws on the literal, material practice of tuning as a metaphor for how sound may be taught in composition. The “tuning” approach to teaching sound draws on attention, embodiment, listening, and negotiation. Rather than simply offering students opportunities to use sound in rhetorically sensitive ways, this final approach asks instructors to become “attuned” to how different auditory epistemologies influence students’ ability to design and compose in sound.  相似文献   

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