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石华  唐俊 《数字社区&智能家居》2013,(12):7873-7876,7879
国家出台各项政策扶持国产动画,动画产业发展势头良好。但三维动画制作周期长,消耗经费多(硬件设备购置及损耗、项目内人员工资发放等),严重阻碍了国产动画产业的发展。三维动画流程包含前期设定、模型、配景、UV贴图、动画、特效、材质灯光、分层渲染及后期合成等各环节,其中渲染约占项目总耗时的30%左右,但人员安排却仅占整个项目的1/20左右,因此,节省渲染时间无疑能大大缩短动画项目周期,降低人力物力财力成本。超级计算在动画渲染中的应用研究成功后,能产生巨大的直接及间接效益,并造成深远的社会影响,大大缩短动画制作周期,节约成本,从而拉动国内动画产业的迅速发展。  相似文献   

为了提高复杂背景下彩色数字图像分割的准确率,减少噪声对图像处理的干扰,尽可能的缩短运行时间,需要对复杂背景下彩色数字图像分割算法进行研究。当前图像分割算法在彩色数字图像分割的过程中,仅仅考虑了图像像素的亮度值,没有考虑其空间特征,存在计算的复杂性过大等缺陷,影响彩色数字图像处理效果。为此,提出了一种基于随机权重粒子群的复杂背景下彩色数字图像分割算法。该算法先采用多尺度均匀滤波方法,对复杂背景下彩色数据图像进行划分,其中包含噪声和不含噪声的像素点的亮度值、结构元素以及局部区域内的图像像素加权亮度密度特征。采用多段图分割获取彩色数字图像的优化分割,在平滑项中代入彩色数字图像梯度信息,对彩色数字图像分割结果中的弱边界进行剔除,从而实现准确的彩色数字图像分割。实验仿真证明,所提算法增加了彩色数字图像分割的对比度和信噪比,提高了复杂背景下彩色数字图像分割的准确性。  相似文献   

随着计算机软硬件技术的快速发展,近年来动画技术也得到了迅猛发展。文章在分析了集群节点性能值及负载量的计算方法基础上,通过融合了CPU、内存利用率以及I/O通讯速率等相关参数,提出了基于负载增量动态反馈的动漫渲染机制,系统上线后的运营状况表明,该机制结合集群节点的整体性能实现了面向渲染计算的负载均衡调度,提高了动画制作的效率。  相似文献   

计算机网络的发展使通过网络相连的计算机集合成为一个相互协调的统一整体,并为人类群体成员间的协作配合提供了新的工具。目前计算机网络中有关群组通信的研究十分活跃,是计算机网络研究的关键技术之一。群组通信为分布式文件系统、分布式数据库系统、并行计算、容借系统和计算机协同工作系统等各种分布式应用系统提供所需的通信服务。文中给出了群组通信的体系结构,并对群组通信中的点到多点通信、群同步等问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

Recent advances in sensing and software technologies enable us to obtain large-scale, yet fine 3D mesh models of cultural assets. However, such large models cannot be displayed interactively on consumer computers because of the performance limitation of the hardware. Cloud computing technology is a solution that can process a very large amount of information without adding to each client user’s processing cost. In this paper, we propose an interactive rendering system for large 3D mesh models, stored on a remote environment through a network of relatively small capacity machines, based on the cloud computing concept. Our system uses both model- and image-based rendering methods for efficient load balance between a server and clients. On the server, the 3D models are rendered by the model-based method using a hierarchical data structure with Level of Detail (LOD). On the client, an arbitrary view is constructed by using a novel image-based method, referred to as the Grid-Lumigraph, which blends colors from sampling images received from the server. The resulting rendering system can efficiently render any image in real time. We implemented the system and evaluated the rendering and data transferring performance.  相似文献   

随着云计算应用范围的逐步扩大,动漫制作的渲染支持也成为云计算的服务形式之一。尤其目前高校动漫专业积极推进"产教融合,校企合作",动漫制作任务和教学紧密结合,另外二三维动画的兴起和高清动漫趋热,都对动漫制作的渲染提出了更高的要求。本文提出了两种"云渲染"具体应用方案以解决目前高校动漫专业渲染阶段面临的实际问题。  相似文献   

真实感显示的平面浓淡模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绘制阶段采用平面浓淡模型,生成的三维浓淡图以位图的形式保存在磁盘上,供以后进行播放。用户也可以以动画脚本的形式保存一个动画,动画脚本是保存了3D场景和角色的一系列参数的文本文件,此文件也可用普通的文本编辑器进行编辑与修改。  相似文献   

集群动画渲染系统平台是目前国内文化传播、卡通动画及游戏产业在2D与3D制作与渲染技术的瓶颈,文章提出了基于网格虚拟计算环境的集群动画渲染平台的建设方案,在分析了平台总体技术架构的基础上,分别从有向图建模、业务流程装配和服务注册等三个主要关键技术方面详细给出了系统的实现方式。系统上线后的运营状况表明,该系统能够解决动画渲染技术中的资源高度共享、制作工艺的协同性、渲染过程的自动化和智能化、虚拟自治组织结构扩展的灵活性、以及动画渲染基础设施管理等问题,最大限度发挥关键装备生产率。  相似文献   

This paper presents a hatching algorithm which – while also allows for an implementation in real‐time – is integrated into the production pipeline of computer generated motion picture. Motion picture production pipelines impose special functional and quality requirements. From the functional point of view, the stages of modeling, 3D rendering, and compositing form a pipeline without feed‐back, and frames are rendered independently, possibly on different computers. Thus, no temporal data can be shared between them while flicker free animation needs to be generated. Quality requirements can be grasped as that of dual consistency: the generated hatching must consistently follow object movement and deformation, and, at the same time, it should have a consistent pattern and density in image‐space to provide the hand‐crafted look. In order to meet both requirements, we apply a particle based method and develop an image‐space density control mechanism using rejection sampling and low‐discrepancy sequences. We also discuss the decomposition of rendering tasks according to the main stages of the production pipeline and demonstrate how the artist can define the illustration style in a convenient way.  相似文献   

计算机辅助美术动画的新方法综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着数字媒体处理、非真实感绘制和交互式娱乐等技术的兴起,出现了一些新的计算机辅助美术动画设计和制作方法.从研究方法和技术路线上,可将当前的研究工作总结和归纳为4类:基于视频流的方法、结合二维半/三维几何模型的方法、基于素材重用的方法和借鉴三维动画技术的方法.在此基础上,对各类方法的基本思想和关键技术等进行了分析,并探讨了如何进一步超越二维世界,如结合三维几何、运动的时序变化、情感等来研究计算机辅助美术动画技术的趋势.  相似文献   

分布式并行仿真系统中的数据通信性能研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张会生  李军  刘永文  苏明 《计算机仿真》2005,22(1):126-127,131
该文针对半物理仿真平台中的分布式并行计算机系统,进行了不同计算机之间的数据通讯性能研究。结果表明利用普通的商用计算机,采用提高仿真程序优先级的策略,可以实现仿真程序的实时运算;采用网络交换机可以避免数据通讯中的阻塞和冲突,有效地解决了分布式计算机系统之间的网络通讯,可以实现燃气轮机系统的半物理实时仿真,这将为实时仿真提供通用的仿真平台,从而节约计算资源。  相似文献   

We introduce a novel technique to generate painterly art map (PAM) for 3D non-photorealistic rendering. Our technique can automatically transfer brush stroke textures and color changes to 3D models from samples of a painted image. Therefore, the generation of stylized images/animation in the style of a given artwork can be achieved. This new approach works particularly well for a rich variety of brush strokes ranging from simple 1D and 2D line-art strokes to very complicated ones with significant variations in stroke characteristics. During the rendering/animation process, the coherence of brush stroke textures and color changes over 3D surfaces can be well maintained. With PAM, we can also easily generate the illusion of flow animation over a 3D surface to convey the shape of a model.  相似文献   

影视表演艺术学被广泛应用在电影电视以及舞台戏剧中,动画艺术作为电影艺术的一个分支,表演艺术也随之融入到三维动画创作中。动画表演为动画师创作鲜活的角色提供丰富的创作灵感。由于计算机图形学飞速发展,极大简化了动画艺术的制作流程,在三维动画中应用表演理论及艺术方法会极大完善角色的肢体行为,使动画师深入理解角色动作行为及把握角色性格,表现出鲜活的角色形象。  相似文献   

Several models are developed to map reasonably arbitrary application problems to computing platforms for achieving high performance by minimizing communication and by balancing computation. In our models, we assume that the underlying applications be appropriately decomposed to subtasks with known computational loads and the inter-subtask communicational demands, and assume that the computing system's specifications such as individual processor speed and inter-processor communication cost be given or easily measurable. Therefore, the model abstracting the application as a demand matrix and the computer as a network supply matrix can be designed with the objective function as minimum time to complete the application on the given computer. An application, 2D wave equation, was introduced to test our models on the BG/L supercomputer. The mappings generated by our models, reduced communication by 51% for 3D-mesh and 31% for 3D-torus over the default MPI rank order mapping.  相似文献   

Cluster/distributed computing has become a popular, cost-effective alternative to high-performance parallel computers. Many parallel programming languages and related programming models have become widely accepted on clusters. However, the high communication overhead is a major shortcoming of running parallel applications on cluster/distributed computing environments. To reduce the communication overhead and thus the completion time of a parallel application, this paper introduces and evaluates an efficient Key Message (KM) approach to support parallel computing on cluster computing environments. In this paper, we briefly present the model and algorithm, and then analytical and simulation methods are adopted to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. It demonstrates that when network background load increases or the computation to communication ratio decreases, the analysis results show better improvement on communication of a parallel application over the system which does not use the KM approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new impostor‐based representation for 3D animated characters supporting real‐time rendering of thousands of agents. We maximize rendering performance by using a collection of pre‐computed impostors sampled from a discrete set of view directions. Our approach differs from previous work on view‐dependent impostors in that we use per‐joint rather than per‐character impostors. Our characters are animated by applying the joint rotations directly to the impostors, instead of choosing a single impostor for the whole character from a set of pre‐defined poses. This offers more flexibility in terms of animation clips, as our representation supports any arbitrary pose, and thus, the agent behavior is not constrained to a small collection of pre‐defined clips. Because our impostors are intended to be valid for any pose, a key issue is to define a proper boundary for each impostor to minimize image artifacts while animating the agents. We pose this problem as a variational optimization problem and provide an efficient algorithm for computing a discrete solution as a pre‐process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a crowd rendering algorithm encompassing image‐based performance, small graphics processing unit footprint, and animation independence is proposed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the design and implemetation of BCL-3,a high performance low-level communication software running on a cluster of SMPs(CLUMPS) called DAWNING-3000,BCL-3 provides flexible and sufficient functionality to fulfill the communication requirements of fundamental system software developed for DAWNING-3000 while guaranteeing security,scalability,and reliability,Important features of BCL-3 are presented in the paper,including special support for SMP and heterogeneous network environment,semiuser-level communication,reliable and ordered data transfer and scalable flow control,The performance evaluation of BCL-3 over Myrinet is also given.  相似文献   

游戏引擎技术凭借其一系列功能优势,诸如实时渲染、实时修改等,应用于三维动画制作中,可显著缩减渲染周期,提升制作效率,并促进获得高质量的三维动画作品。本文通过阐述游戏引擎的内涵特征,分析游戏引擎的主要功能,对基于游戏引擎技术的三维动画制作展开探讨,旨在为如何促进三维动画制作顺利进行提供一些思路。  相似文献   

研究了在中密度纤维板(MDF)集散控制系统中上下位机的通信实现问题,并阐述了系统硬件组成和通信原理。根据中密度纤维板(MDF)控制过程的实际特点,基于OPC数据服务器,经由Fins Gate Way、Control Link网卡,实现了上位机的Kingview6.5组态软件与下位机的Omron PLC的数据通信。在实际控制系统的应用中数据传输安全可靠,提高了系统的控制精度,使控制过程更为方便灵活。  相似文献   

Due to the emergence of Grid computing over the Internet, there is presently a need for dynamic load balancing algorithms which take into account the characteristics of Grid computing environments. In this paper, we consider a Grid architecture where computers belong to dispersed administrative domains or groups which are connected with heterogeneous communication bandwidths. We address the problem of determining which group an arriving job should be allocated to and how its load can be distributed among computers in the group to optimize the performance. We propose algorithms which guarantee finding a load distribution over computers in a group that leads to the minimum response time or computational cost. We then study the effect of pricing on load distribution by considering a simple pricing function. We develop three fully distributed algorithms to decide which group the load should be allocated to, taking into account the communication cost among groups. These algorithms use different information exchange methods and a resource estimation technique to improve the accuracy of load balancing. We conducted extensive simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms and strategies.  相似文献   

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