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基于小波变换的图像变形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于小波变换的图像变形技术.首先,利用小波变换对源图像和目标图像进行多分辨率分解,得到对应的低频近似信号分量和高频细节信号分量;然后,通过基于时变权函数的多分辨率插值,得到各变形结果图像的小波系数;最后,通过小波重构得到各变形图像.实验结果表明,利用本算法可以方便地实现自然的图像变形.  相似文献   

针对摄像机绕光心旋转的情形,讨论了在这种特殊情形下单应矩阵具有的性质。然后根据这些性质结合三维图像变换技术给出了一种摄像机绕光心旋转时新视图的合成方法。该方法首先利用单应矩阵的性质生成目标图像的一部分,并采用逆向映射的方法以避免产生空洞;接着利用三维图像变换生成目标图像的剩余部分;最后对由三维图像变换生成的部分进行空洞填补。实验结果表明,该方法能够生成质量较好的新视图。  相似文献   

将KL变换与小波变换相结合提出了一种新的纹理合成方法,利用KL变换克服了合成彩色图时存在的颜色失真;对样图进行二维小波分解使得最佳匹配块的搜索仅在原样图的低频部分进行,从而提高了合成速度。在搜索最佳匹配块时,使用多尺度小波变换后的小波系数的差异作为误差度量,并在比较匹配误差时增加高频系数的权重,突出了纹理结构的匹配。实验结果表明,该方法不仅得到了较好的合成质量,而且在很大程度上减少了合成时间。  相似文献   

小波变换与纹理合成相结合的图像修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 为了克服传统的图像修复算法在结构和纹理边界的错误修复,利用小波变换域的系数特征,探讨了一种基于小波变换与纹理合成相结合的修复算法。方法 算法先利用小波变换将待修复图像分解成具有不同分辨率的低频子图和高频子图,然后根据不同子图各自的特征分别进行修复。对代表图像结构信息的低频子图,采用FMM(fast marching method)算法进行修复;对代表图像纹理信息的高频子图,根据各子图中小波系数的特征,利用纹理合成方法进行修复。结果 分层、分类修复方法对边缘破损具有良好的修复效果,其峰值信噪比相比于传统算法提高了1~2 dB。结论 与相关算法相比,本文算法的综合修复能力较好,可以有效修复具有较强边缘和丰富纹理的破损图像,尤其对破损自然图像的修复,修复后图像质量得到较大提升,修复效果更符合人眼视觉效应。  相似文献   

基于小波图像融合的表情细节合成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
表情细节是人脸表情变化时带来的皮肤纹理变化,表情细节合成有助于增强合成表情的真实感.提出了基于小波的图像融合方法,挖掘表情细节的纹理特征本质,并应用到表情细节的合成中,使合成的表情更加真实自然.为了满足表情细节个性化的需求,采用传统的小波变换和双树复小波变换,同时使用不同的融合算子,得到了丰富的表情合成.本方法不仅适用于灰度图像,通过颜色空间的转换还适用于彩色图像.最后还提出了基于聚类和图切割的最优替换区域选取方法,使得合成的表情细节区域与目标图像融为一体.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于小波变换的人脸语音动画合成的平滑方法:将小波变换与数学形态学相结合,从相应音素的图像帧中提取出特征区域的边缘,实现特征点的精确定位。在此基础上进一步对相应区域进行三角剖分,通过前后两帧图像之间的变形产生中间帧,最终合成较为平滑、真实的人脸语音动画效果。  相似文献   

小波域人类视觉感知模型的数字水印算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严继利  肖水清 《现代计算机》2007,10(6):40-42,48
提出基于小波域人类视觉感知模型的有意义二值图像数字水印,利用 Arnold变换置乱和Logistic混沌系统对水印进行加密,增强了水印系统的安全性,充分利用了小波域人类视觉系统,增强了水印系统的鲁棒性与容量.  相似文献   

多视图几何中的基本矩阵估计需要利用准确的对应点,但是图像噪声或光线变化会产生错误匹配,进而严重影响基本矩阵估计的准确度。为提高基本矩阵估计的准确性,文章提出了一种基于对极约束梯度的迭代方法去估计基本矩阵。该方法能在最少的迭代次数下迅速剔除两视图匹配过程中的错误匹配点。然后再加入对应点相关性的约束,可以得到最佳对应点集合用于估计基本矩阵。通过在各类不同场景的图像上实验分析可以发现,该方法相比于其他方法估计基本矩阵误差至少降低20%。  相似文献   

一种非规则形状图象的变形合成技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一种针对非规则形状图象拼接的变形合成技术,即分区分步地运用多项式映射函数对图象进行变形处理,使拼接区域的边缘一致,并利用小波变换对图象进行多分辨分解,采用与频段宽度成正比的加权拼接宽度来消除拼缝的影响,实例表明,拼合图象平滑自然,效果较好。  相似文献   

为了减少所需采集的视频数据量, 基于图像绘制(Image-based rendering, IBR) 的前沿方法将稠密视点信息映射成压缩感知框架中的原始信号, 并将稀疏视点图像作为随机测量值, 但低维测量信号由所有稠密视点信息线性组合而成, 而稀疏视点图像仅仅来源于部分视点信息, 导致稀疏视点采集的图像与低维测量信号不一致. 本文提出利用间隔采样矩阵消除测量信号与稀疏视点图像位置之间的差异, 进而通过约束由测量矩阵和基函数构成的传感矩阵尽量满足有限等距性, 使得能够获得原始信号的唯一精确解. 仿真实验结果表明, 相比于前沿方法, 本文提出的方法对于不同复杂程度的场景重建都提高了主客观质量.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new class of interactive image editing operations designed to maintain consistency between multiple images of a physical 3D scene. The distinguishing feature of these operations is that edits to any one image propagate automatically to all other images as if the (unknown) 3D scene had itself been modified. The modified scene can then be viewed interactively from any other camera viewpoint and under different scene illuminations. The approach is useful first as a power-assist that enables a user to quickly modify many images by editing just a few, and second as a means for constructing and editing image-based scene representations by manipulating a set of photographs. The approach works by extending operations like image painting, scissoring, and morphing so that they alter a scene's plenoptic function in a physically-consistent way, thereby affecting scene appearance from all viewpoints simultaneously. A key element inrealizing these operations is a new volumetric decomposition technique for reconstructing an scene's plenoptic function from an incomplete set of camera viewpoints.  相似文献   

We propose a method for converting a single image of a transparent object into multi-view photo that enables users observing the object from multiple new angles, without inputting any 3D shape. The complex light paths formed by refraction and reflection makes it challenging to compute the lighting effects of transparent objects from a new angle. We construct an encoder–decoder network for normal reconstruction and texture extraction, which enables synthesizing novel views of transparent object from a set of new views and new environment maps using only one RGB image. By simultaneously considering the optical transmission and perspective variation, our network learns the characteristics of optical transmission and the change of perspective as guidance to the conversion from RGB colours to surface normals. A texture extraction subnetwork is proposed to alleviate the contour loss phenomenon during normal map generation. We test our method using 3D objects within and without our training data, including real 3D objects that exists in our lab, and completely new environment maps that we take using our phones. The results show that our method performs better on view synthesis of transparent objects in complex scenes using only a single-view image.  相似文献   

刘学慧  孙汉秋  吴恩华 《软件学报》2000,11(9):1207-1213
由于视点变化中画面可见性的变化以及在当前视点物体表面的扩张,仅由一幅带深度的源参考图像的三维重投影所得到的目标视点画面存在空洞问题.为此,人们采取多源参考图像的合成方法来解决此问题.如何从具有大量冗余信息的多幅源参考图像中快速提取当前目标视点所需信息,成为基于图像的虚拟环境建模和绘制的关键技术.该文给出一种从多幅源参考图像(目前仅两幅)合成当前视点画面的算法.算法结合正向映射及逆向映射技术完成对当前视点画面的合成,并且利用视觉约束-极线约束这一性质从其他源参考图像中寻找填补空洞的像素,从而避免了整幅参考图像的重投影过程及深度比较.同时,算法利用极线对上像素的排序特性和已有目标图像的信息加速填补空洞像素的搜索.算法在不增加原有图像映射算法复杂度的基础上,大大降低了原有多幅图像合成算法的计算量.  相似文献   

Constructing a Multivalued Representation for View Synthesis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A fundamental problem in computer vision and graphics is that of arbitrary view synthesis for static 3-D scenes, whereby a user-specified viewpoint of the given scene may be created directly from a representation. We propose a novel compact representation for this purpose called the multivalued representation (MVR). Starting with an image sequence captured by a moving camera undergoing either unknown planar translation or orbital motion, a MVR is derived for each preselected reference frame, and may then be used to synthesize arbitrary views of the scene. The representation itself is comprised of multiple depth and intensity levels in which the k-th level consists of points occluded by exactly k surfaces. To build a MVR with respect to a particular reference frame, dense depth maps are first computed for all the neighboring frames of the reference frame. The depth maps are then combined together into a single map, where points are organized by occlusions rather than by coherent affine motions. This grouping facilitates an automatic process to determine the number of levels and helps to reduce the artifacts caused by occlusions in the scene. An iterative multiframe algorithm is presented for dense depth estimation that both handles low-contrast regions and produces piecewise smooth depth maps. Reconstructed views as well as arbitrary flyarounds of real scenes are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for making stereoscopic images by variational view synthesis on the multi‐perspective light field. With the intended disparities as constraints, we specialize the generative variational model by incorporating per‐pixel viewpoint assignment to synthesize the stereo pair. Also, we improve the variational solution by use of explicit weighted average on the light field. Our algorithm is able to handle arbitrary disparity remapping, thus enabling more flexible disparity control for the desired stereoscopic effect. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency for making the stereoscopic 3D images based on the light field.  相似文献   

A recent trend in interactive modeling of 3D shapes from a single image is designing minimal interfaces, and accompanying algorithms, for modeling a specific class of objects. Expanding upon the range of shapes that existing minimal interfaces can model, we present an interactive image‐guided tool for modeling shapes made up of extruded parts. An extruded part is represented by extruding a closed planar curve, called base, in the direction orthogonal to the base. To model each extruded part, the user only needs to sketch the projected base shape in the image. The main technical contribution is a novel optimization‐based approach for recovering the 3D normal of the base of an extruded object by exploring both geometric regularity of the sketched curve and image contents. We developed a convenient interface for modeling multi‐part shapes and a method for optimizing the relative placement of the parts. Our tool is validated using synthetic data and tested on real‐world images.  相似文献   

Deriving the visual connectivity across large image collections is a computationally expensive task. Different from current image‐oriented match graph construction methods which build on pairwise image matching, we present a novel and scalable feature‐oriented image matching algorithm for large collections. Our method improves the match graph construction procedure in three ways. First, instead of building trees repeatedly, we put the feature points of the input image collection into a single kd‐tree and select the leaves as our anchor points. Then we construct an anchor graph from which each feature can intelligently find a small portion of related candidates to match. Finally, we design a new form of adjacency matrix for fast feature similarity measuring, and return all the matches in different photos across the whole dataset directly. Experiments show that our feature‐oriented correspondence algorithm can explore visual connectivity between images with significant improvement in speed.  相似文献   

Notebook scribbles, art or technical illustrations—line drawings are a simplistic method to visually communicate information. Automated line drawings often originate from virtual 3D models, but one cannot trivially experience their three‐dimensionality. This paper introduces a novel concept to produce stereo‐consistent line drawings of virtual 3D objects. Some contour lines do not only depend on an objects geometry, but also on the position of the observer. To accomplish consistency between multiple view positions, our approach exploits geometrical characteristics of 3D surfaces in object space. Established techniques for stereo‐consistent line drawings operate on rendered pixel images. In contrast, our pipeline operates in object space using vector geometry, which yields many advantages: The position of the final viewpoint(s) is flexible within a certain window even after the contour generation, e.g. a stereoscopic image pair is only one possible application. Such windows can be concatenated to simulate contours observed from an arbitrary camera path. Various types of popular contour generators can be handled equivalently, occlusions are natively supported and stylization based on geometry characteristics is also easily possible.  相似文献   

A multi-objective controller synthesis problem is considered in which an output is to be regulated approximately by assuring a bound on the steady-state peak amplification in response to an infinite-energy disturbance, while also guaranteeing a desired level of performance measured in terms of the worst-case energy gain from a finite-energy input to a performance output. Relying on a characterization of the controllers with which almost asymptotic regulation is accomplished, the problem of guaranteeing the desired level of performance is reduced to solving a system of linear matrix inequalities subject to a set of linear equality constraints. Based on the solution of this system, a procedure is outlined for the construction of a suitable controller whose order is equal to the order of the plant plus the order of the exogenous system.  相似文献   

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