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论文提出了一种新型宽带圆极化天线,成本低廉,结构简单,性能优异.此天线基板采用普通FR4板材,其辐射体由方形地、钩形分枝及倒L形分枝三部分组成,并由50Ω微带阻抗传输线进行馈电.天线尺寸为55×55mm2,工作在1.75GHz~2.9GHz.频段.天线的10dB回波损耗相对带宽和3dB轴比(AR)相对带宽分别为49%(1.75GHz~2.9GHz)和50%(1.8GHz~3GHz),其良好的圆极化和阻抗性能可以在相关的无线通信系统中得到很好地应用.  相似文献   

给出了一款应用于北斗导航卫星系统(CNSS)B1频段/S频段的双频圆极化缝隙天线的设计方法。该天线采用微带线进行馈电,在地板上开有两个方形螺旋槽,其总槽长度大约均为一个自由空间操作波长。通过调节螺旋槽的终点处的长度即可获得最适宜的轴比,从而实现圆极化。另外,还可以通过调节螺旋槽的宽度来获得较大的轴比带宽。在地板中央切去一个圆环形槽可增大感应电流的路径,从而降低圆极化的中心频率。通过仿真软件HFSS对天线结构参数进行优化设计,并制作实物。其仿真及实测结果表明:回波损耗小于-10 dB的阻抗带宽为38.5%,且在阻抗带宽内天线的相对轴比带宽也达到了大约5%。  相似文献   

文章介绍了一种新型的阶梯螺旋天线,该方案可以通过在有限的柱体表面上绕更多的螺旋线来降低工作频率,从而实现天线的小型化,文中并以1.5g GPS天线为例,给出了传统螺旋天线和阶梯螺旋天线的对比,最终生产的阶梯螺旋天线测试和仿真结果保持一致.  相似文献   

设计了一个小型化全向微带滤波天线。天线由带通滤波器和微带天线组成,二者共用一个地平面以减小尺寸且采用缝隙耦合方式连接,带通滤波器蚀刻在微带贴片天线的馈线位置处,引入选频滤波功能,在输入馈线前端添加一个横向矩形贴片使整个系统达到良好的阻抗匹配。与传统的微带天线相比,所设计的滤波天线在不改变尺寸大小的基础上引入了选频滤波功能,在通带边缘体现出较高的选择性。仿真与测试结果表明,该滤波天线的阻抗带宽为2.31 GHz~2.56 GHz,且通带内增益平缓,平均增益约为2.1 dBi,在工作频段内呈全向辐射特性。  相似文献   

针对现有圆极化天线难以同时满足宽频带和小型化应用需求的问题,面向全球超高频射频识别(RFID)读写应用,采用新型功分移相馈电网络、旋转短路辐射贴片和耦合贴片、馈电探针和短路探针,设计了一种紧凑型宽频带圆极化射频识别天线。测试结果表明,该天线回波损耗大于15dB的相对带宽为59%,轴比小于3dB的相对带宽为34%,在全球超高频RFID频段范围内,天线辐射增益大于2.7dBi,辐射方向十分对称和稳定,其半功率波束宽度大于101°,适用于宽角度范围读写;与现有圆极化天线的性能指标和结构相比,该天线的工作频段不仅能够覆盖全球超高频RFID频段,而且结构紧凑,有利于RFID系统的低成本设计和实施。  相似文献   

设计了一款应用于导航卫星系统的多频段圆极化微带天线。天线采用复合左右手传输线移相器作为馈电网络,展宽阻抗带宽并且实现了良好的右旋圆极化辐射。该天线工作在导航卫星系统GPS、BDS-2和GLONASS工作波段。采用Ansoft HFSS 13.0软件仿真,仿真结果表明该天线能够满足导航卫星信号的要求。该天线具有结构紧凑、频带宽、体积小、易于加工等特点。  相似文献   

针对微带天线阻抗匹配带宽一般较窄的自身缺陷,基于相控阵雷达天线的应用背景,设计了一种工作在X波段的双层圆极化微带天线结构,且优化发现,其各电磁参数良好。为提高其增益,还在此基础上设计并最终制作了双层2×2结构的微带天线阵列,其实测性能与设计值相符,增益达到10.7dB,带宽1.2GHz,相应轴比为4dB,符合圆极化要求。  相似文献   

针对卫星X波段通信系统大范围数据传输的需求,设计具备高增益圆极化可宽角度电扫的星载相控阵天线.此天线阵元采用底馈的馈电方式,利用切角技术实现圆极化,利用开槽技术实现小型化.天线阵列错层排布,使其整体的辐射性能最优化.通过发射组件模块、波束控制模块和电源模块的合理布局和设计优化,使其电扫波束可在离轴角0~60°、方位角0...  相似文献   

提出了一种应用于S波段小型宽带圆极化微带贴片天线阵列。单点背馈式方形贴片印刷于Duroid5880介质板上,在贴片上加载两个相邻矩形缝隙,一方面实现圆极化辐射,另一方面拓展天线单元的阻抗带宽。利用该单元组阵,通过采用连续相位旋转法馈电天线单元拓展天线阵列的轴比带宽,仿真结果表明,线阵和面阵的阻抗和轴比带宽均达到10%以上。  相似文献   

In this article, a tunable wideband omnidirectional circularly polarized (CP) antenna regulated by the gravity field based on the liquid metal Hg is investigated. Under the action of the gravity field, Hg flows in the upper and lower parts by rotating such an antenna, which can constitute dissimilar resonant units to achieve the dynamic regulation of the operating bandwidths. The proposed antenna consists of four tilted glass containers that are filled with Hg in the upper or lower parts, and a feeding structure for power distribution and impedance matching. To verify concept of the design, equivalent prototypes have been fabricated and measured. The measured results are roughly consistent with simulated results within a reasonable error range. The antenna has a 10‐dB impedance bandwidth of 44.3% (2.37‐3.72 GHz), and a 3‐dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidth of 18.9% (2.83‐3.42 GHz) when the proposed antenna is not rotated (state I). When such an antenna is rotated (state II), it has a bandwidth of 40.7% (2.35‐3.55 GHz) with S11 below ?10 dB, and a bandwidth of 22.9% (2.40‐3.02 GHz) with AR below 3 dB. Therefore, the operating band of the antenna can be altered between two wide bands. The proposed antenna has the advantages of tunable bandwidth, novel efficient regulation mechanism, and simple structure.  相似文献   

A dual‐polarization conversion transmitarray is proposed for a circularly polarized (CP) transmitarray antenna. The designed transmitarray realizes the polarization conversion and gain enhancement for the circular polarization incident wave. The transmitarray can transform the left‐hand circularly polarization (LHCP) wave and the right hand circularly polarization (RHCP) wave into RHCP and LHCP waves, respectively. Two CP patch antennas are designed as source antennas to illuminate the transmitarray and form the transmitarray antenna. The experimental and simulation results show that the designed transmitarray realizes the polarization conversation and the gain enhancement for two CP antennas indeed.  相似文献   

In this article, a novel wideband circularly polarized (CP) square-slot antenna with perturbation elements is proposed. The antenna comprises of an inverted L-shaped feeding line, pairs of corner cuts, a rectangular slot, and a semi-elliptical patch. The numerous CP resonant modes were excited simultaneously using these slots and patches as perturbation elements. To verify this concept, an antenna prototype was built and tested. The measured results indicate the ?10-dB impedance bandwidth (IBW) is 69.2% (2.42–4.98, 3.7 GHz) and 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth (ARBW) is 59% (2.58–4.74, 3.66 GHz). Furthermore, the measured peak gain is 4.3 dBi, and the gain variation within the certain bandwidth is less than 1 dB. Therefore, the presented antenna features wide CPBW and stable gain characteristics.  相似文献   

In this article, a new wideband circularly polarized (CP) antenna is presented. The antenna is composed of a circular‐loop feeding structure which provides sequential phase (SP), four primary‐parasitic crown patches and four secondary‐parasitic crown patches. The circular‐loop SP structure is used to feed the two pairs of crown patches by a capacitively coupled way. The presented antenna features a wide 10‐dB impedance bandwidth (IBW) of 23% (6 GHz, 5.31‐6.69 GHz), and a wide 3‐dB axial ratio bandwidth (ARBW) of 11.1% (5.875 GHz, 5.55‐6.2 GHz). The proposed antenna features compact structure and broad 3 dB‐ARBW, which could include the WLAN (5.725‐5.85 GHz), ITS (5.8 GHz), and WIFI (5.85‐5.925 GHz) band.  相似文献   

In this article, a new broadband circularly polarized (CP) microstrip patch antenna (MPA) with a sequential phase (SP) square‐loop feeding structure is proposed. The presented antenna is composed of a square‐loop feeding structure, four L‐shaped parasitic patches with L‐shaped slots, four parasitic square patches, and a corner‐truncated square patch. At first, a SP square‐loop is designed as a feeding structure. Then, four L‐shaped parasitic patches with L‐shaped slots are utilized to generate one CP mode by a capacitive coupled way. At last, four parasitic square patches and a corner‐truncated square patch are together placed above the SP feeding structure to broaden the circularly polarized bandwidth (CPBW). The presented antenna has a wide 3‐dB axial ratio bandwidth (ARBW) of 16.7% (5.4 GHz, 4.95‐5.85 GHz), and a wide 10‐dB return loss bandwidth of 25.5% (5.5 GHz, 4.8‐6.2 GHz). The proposed antenna features compact structure and broad 3‐AR bandwidth which could completely cover the WLAN (5.725‐5.85GHz) band. Therefore, the proposed antenna is suitable for circular polarization applications in C band.  相似文献   

A substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) circularly polarized (CP) antenna with omnidirectional radiation in the azimuthal plane is proposed. The antenna consists of five identical end‐fire CP antenna elements in a pentagonal array configuration, which is loaded on a circular substrate. Each element contains an H‐plane horn antenna in SIW structure and a printed dipole antenna. Five parasitic curve elements are introduced to improve the omnidirectional property of the antenna. Combined with complementary dipoles theory and SIW technology, prototype antenna is designed, fabricated and measured. With a low profile of 0.024λ0, the antenna has a 10‐dB return‐loss impedance bandwidth of 4.08% (2.4~2.5 GHz) and a 3‐dB axial‐ratio (AR) bandwidth of 5.76% (2.36~2.50 GHz). The antenna works well in the 2.45 GHz ISM band, with good cross‐polarization and excellent omnidirectional property.  相似文献   

A novel planar endfire circularly polarized (CP) antenna is presented and explored by using concentric annular sector complementary dipoles. The antenna is composed of a semicircular disk radiator operating at TM11 mode and a concentric annular sector dipole operating at one‐half wavelength mode. A set of closed‐form formulas is derived to reveal the operation principle and employed to determine the geometrical parameters of the proposed CP antenna. The design approach is both numerically and experimentally validated. Good agreement between the theoretical, numerical and experimental results has demonstrated its endfire radiation beam in parallel with its plane. The fractional impedance bandwidth for |S11| < ?10 dB is up to 6.45%, and axial ratio (AR) bandwidth of less than 3 dB is up to 14.43% in fraction, in addition to its simple geometry with only seven design parameters.  相似文献   

In this research, we present a simple single fed small broadband circularly polarized (CP) antenna. The proposed structure has the advantage of simultaneously obtaining broadband ARBW and IMBW in a small size (0.64λ × 0.62λ × 0.01λ), where λ is the free‐space wavelength at the center frequency. The measured S11 BW is 100% (2.15‐6.44 GHz), which is completely overlapped by the measured ARBW of 108.7% (2.09‐7.07 GHz), which are wider than most published papers. The antenna consists of an off‐center microstrip feed line, an inverted rectangular bracket‐shape (IRBS) parasitic strip, and a modified ground plane. The modified ground plane has three linked slots and a protruded L‐shaped stub (LSS). The IRBS parasitic strip and the feed line are on one side of the substrate, whereas the ground plane is on the other side. The IRBS and LSS are overlaid up and down. The novelties of the structure are that the design mechanics is simple and clear as follows: (a) The three linked slots make the ground asymmetrical, and the asymmetrical ground makes the broadband IMBW in a small size preliminarily formed. Though the AR is around 8 dB, the fluctuation of AR inside the operation frequency band is little. (b) The off‐center feeding line, IRBS parasitic strip, and the LSS chain together through capacitance coupling, and the current path is formed, then the AR below 3 dB in the whole frequency band is generated. The peak gain and radiation efficiency are of 5.5 dBi and 95%, respectively. The proposed antenna is a good candidate for the application of various wireless communication systems, such as WLAN, WiMAX, and RFID.  相似文献   

This article presents a broadband circularly polarized two‐arm Archimedean spiral antenna with a novel simple feeding method. Contrary to the conventional spiral antenna excited by a vertically or horizontally balun, the presented design is directly fed by a coxial cable with a planar feeding section optimized to provide a broadband input impedance matching. An antenna prototype has been fabricated and measured to validate the concept. Measured results of reflection coefficient and axial ratio show a good performance over a frequency range from 1.0 to 3.5 GHz, equivalent to ~111.1%. Within this band, the antenna prototype exhibits bidirectional radiation with broadside gain values of better than 3.6 dBic.  相似文献   

This article presents a hexagonal circularly polarized microstrip antenna (HCPMA) array design using paralleled dynamic minimum lower confidence bound. The HCPMA array is fed by a hybrid feeding network composed with “H” type apertures coupling network and 45° slots which are loaded on the hexagonal patch. It is designed to be compatible with ISM band which achieves a 2.56 GHz impedance bandwidth (S11<–10 dB) and a 0.6 GHz Axial ratio (AR) bandwidth (AR < 3 dB). Given the heavy computational burden and limited computation resources of the electromagnetic analysis, the improved algorithm using MLCB in conjunction with paralleled finite element model and Kriging metamodel achieves two times speed enhancement for the antenna optimization than the traditional MLCB optimization. The multi‐objective optimization is introduced to solve the polarization, impedance, and radiation pattern of the HCPMA element and array. The antenna optimization results show that the proposed strategy can not only obtain an optimal solution, but also significantly improve the calculating efficiency.  相似文献   

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