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Discovering trend reversals between two data cubes provides users with a novel and interesting knowledge when the real world context fluctuates: What is new? Which trends appear or emerge? Which tendencies are immersing or disappear? With the concept of Emerging Cube, we capture such trend reversals by enforcing an emergence constraint. We resume the classical borders for the Emerging Cube and introduce a new one which optimizes both storage space and computation time, provides a simple characterization of the size of Emerging Cubes, as well as classification and cube navigation tools. We soundly state the connection between the classical and proposed borders by using cube transversals. Knowing the size of Emerging Cubes without computing them is of great interest in particular for adjusting at best the underlying emergence constraint. We address this issue by studying an upper bound and characterizing the exact size of Emerging Cubes. We propose two strategies for quickly estimate their size: one based on analytical estimation, without database access, and one based on probabilistic counting using the proposed borders as the input of the near-optimal algorithm HyperLogLog. Due to the efficiency of the estimation algorithm various iterations can be performed to calibrate at best the emergence constraint. Moreover, we propose reduced and lossless representations of the Emerging Cube by using the concept of cube closure. Finally, we perform experiments for different data distributions in order to measure on one hand the size of the introduced condensed and concise representations and on the other hand the performance (accuracy and computation time) of the proposed estimation method.  相似文献   

High Performance OLAP and Data Mining on Parallel Computers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) techniques are increasingly being used in decision support systems to provide analysis of data. Queries posed on such systems are quite complex and require different views of data. Analytical models need to capture the multidimensionality of the underlying data, a task for which multidimensional databases are well suited. Multidimensional OLAP systems store data in multidimensional arrays on which analytical operations are performed. Knowledge discovery and data mining requires complex operations on the underlying data which can be very expensive in terms of computation time. High performance parallel systems can reduce this analysis time. Precomputed aggregate calculations in a Data Cube can provide efficient query processing for OLAP applications. In this article, we present algorithms for construction of data cubes on distributed-memory parallel computers. Data is loaded from a relational database into a multidimensional array. We present two methods, sort-based and hash-based for loading the base cube and compare their performances. Data cubes are used to perform consolidation queries used in roll-up operations using dimension hierarchies. Finally, we show how data cubes are used for data mining using Attribute Focusing techniques. We present results for these on the IBM-SP2 parallel machine. Results show that our algorithms and techniques for OLAP and data mining on parallel systems are scalable to a large number of processors, providing a high performance platform for such applications.  相似文献   

A Genetic Selection Algorithm for OLAP Data Cubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multidimensional data analysis, as supported by OLAP (online analytical processing) systems, requires the computation of many aggregate functions over a large volume of historically collected data. To decrease the query time and to provide various viewpoints for the analysts, these data are usually organized as a multidimensional data model, called data cubes. Each cell in a data cube corresponds to a unique set of values for the different dimensions and contains the metric of interest. The data cube selection problem is, given the set of user queries and a storage space constraint, to select a set of materialized cubes from the data cubes to minimize the query cost and/or the maintenance cost. This problem is known to be an NP-hard problem. In this study, we examined the application of genetic algorithms to the cube selection problem. We proposed a greedy-repaired genetic algorithm, called the genetic greedy method. According to our experiments, the solution obtained by our genetic greedy method is superior to that found using the traditional greedy method. That is, within the same storage constraint, the solution can greatly reduce the amount of query cost as well as the cube maintenance cost.  相似文献   

数据方体系统设计中的优化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
支持实时查询的联机分析处理系统的设计是当前一个很重要的研究问题。其中常用的方法是使用数据方体来实现。对于出现频率较高的查询,可以给出对应的数据方体集,使得每个查询都可以直接得到回答。但是在设计基于方体的系统时,需要考虑以下两个问题:(1)数据方体的维护成本,(2)回答频繁查询的响应时间。在用户给出了维护成本上限和响应时间上限后,需要对数据方体集进行优化,使得系统能够满足用户的要求,并回答尽可能多的查询。文章给出了数据方体系统设计优化问题的定义,这是一个NP完全问题,并提出了贪心删除和贪心合并的近似算法。实验表明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

封闭数据立方是一种有效的无损压缩技术,它去掉了数据立方中的冗余信息,从而有效降低了数据立方的存储空间、加快了计算速度,而且几乎不影响查询性能.Hadoop的MapReduce并行计算模型为数据立方的计算提供了技术支持,Hadoop的分布式文件系统HDFS为数据立方的存储提供了保障.为了节省存储空间、加快查询速度,在传统数据立方的基础上提出封闭直方图立方,它在封闭数据立方的基础上通过编码技术进一步节省了存储空间,通过建立索引加快了查询速度.Hadoop并行计算平台不论从扩展性还是均衡性都为封闭直方图立方提供了保证.实验证明:封闭直方图立方对数据立方进行了有效压缩,具有较高的查询性能,根据Hadoop的特点通过增加节点个数明显加快了计算速度.  相似文献   

范围查询是数据立方体数据分析的有效工具,预计算技术通过预先计算并存储范围查询的结果,可以实现快速的用户响应。近年来研究人员对基于MOLAP的预计算技术的研究主要以prefix sum及分块技术为基础。本文对预计算技术的分块方法进行研究,分析了现有分块技术的方法和性能,并提出了两种新的分块方法:嵌套分块和基于前缀区域边界的分块。本文对这两种分块的方法和特点做了阐述,研究表明这两种方法为分块技术提出了新的思路,是对现有分块方案的有力补充。  相似文献   

The design of an OLAP system for supporting real-time queries is one of the major research issues. One approach is to use data cubes, which are materialized precomputed multidimensional views of data in a data warehouse. We can derive a set of data cubes to answer each frequently asked query directly. However, there are two practical problems: (1) the maintenance cost of the data cubes, and (2) the query cost to answer those queries. Maintaining a data cube requires disk storage and CPU computation, so the maintenance cost is related to the total size as well as the total number of data cubes materialized. In most cases, materializing all data cubes is impractical. The maintenance cost may be reduced by merging some data cubes. However, the resulting larger data cubes will increase the query cost of answering some queries. If the bounds on the maintenance cost and the query cost are too strict, we help the user decide which queries to be sacrificed and not taken into consideration. We have defined an optimization problem in data cube system design. Given a maintenance-cost bound, a query-cost bound and a set of frequently asked queries, it is necessary to determine a set of data cubes such that the system can answer a largest subset of the queries without violating the two bounds. This is an NP-hard problem. We propose approximate Greedy algorithms GR, 2GM and 2GMM, which are shown to be both effective and efficient by experiments done on a census data set and a forest-cover-type data set.  相似文献   

The data cube operator computes group-bys for all possible combinations of a set of dimension attributes. Since computing a data cube typically incurs a considerable cost, the data cube is often precomputed and stored as materialized views in data warehouses. A materialized data cube needs to be updated when the source relations are changed. The incremental maintenance of a data cube is to compute and propagate only its changes, rather than recompute the entire data cube from scratch. For n dimension attributes, the data cube consists of 2n group-bys, each of which is called a cuboid. To incrementally maintain a data cube with 2n cuboids, the conventional methods compute 2ndelta cuboids, each of which represents the change of a cuboid. In this paper, we propose an efficient incremental maintenance method that can maintain a data cube using only a subset of 2n delta cuboids. We formulate an optimization problem to find the optimal subset of 2n delta cuboids that minimizes the total maintenance cost, and propose a heuristic solution that allows us to maintain a data cube using only delta cuboids. As a result, the cost of maintaining a data cube is substantially reduced. Through various experiments, we show the performance advantages of the proposed method over the conventional methods. We also extend the proposed method to handle partially materialized cubes and dimension hierarchies.  相似文献   

OLAP cubes provide exploratory query capabilities combining joins and aggregations at multiple granularity levels. However, cubes cannot intuitively or directly show the relationship between measures aggregated at different grouping levels. One prominent example is the percentage, which is widely used in most analytical applications. Considering this limitation, we introduce percentage cube as a generalized data cube that takes percentages as its basic measure. More precisely, a percentage cube shows the fractional relationship in every cuboid between each aggregated measure on several dimensions and its rolled-up measure aggregated by fewer dimensions. We propose the syntax and introduce query optimizations to materialize the percentage cube. We justify that percentage cubes are significantly harder to evaluate than standard data cubes because in addition to the exponential number of cuboids, there is an additional exponential number of grouping column pairs (grouping columns at the individual level and the total level) on which percentages are computed. We propose alternative methods to prune the cube to identify interesting percentages including a row count threshold, a percentage threshold, and selecting the top k percentages. We study percentage aggregations within the classification of distributive, algebraic, and holistic functions. Finally, we also consider the problem of incremental computation of percentage cube. Experiments compare our query optimizations with existing SQL functions, evaluate the impact and speed of lattice pruning methods and study the effectiveness of the incremental computation.  相似文献   

We present a new full cube computation technique and a cube storage representation approach, called the multidimensional cyclic graph (MCG) approach. The data cube relational operator has exponential complexity and therefore its materialization involves both a huge amount of memory and a substantial amount of time. Reducing the size of data cubes, without a loss of generality, thus becomes a fundamental problem. Previous approaches, such as Dwarf, Star and MDAG, have substantially reduced the cube size using graph representations. In general, they eliminate prefix redundancy and some suffix redundancy from a data cube. The MCG differs significantly from previous approaches as it completely eliminates prefix and suffix redundancies from a data cube. A data cube can be viewed as a set of sub-graphs. In general, redundant sub-graphs are quite common in a data cube, but eliminating them is a hard problem. Dwarf, Star and MDAG approaches only eliminate some specific common sub-graphs. The MCG approach efficiently eliminates all common sub-graphs from the entire cube, based on an exact sub-graph matching solution. We propose a matching function to guarantee one-to-one mapping between sub-graphs. The function is computed incrementally, in a top-down fashion, and its computation uses a minimal amount of information to generate unique results. In addition, it is computed for any measurement type: distributive, algebraic or holistic. MCG performance analysis demonstrates that MCG is 20-40% faster than Dwarf, Star and MDAG approaches when computing sparse data cubes. Dense data cubes have a small number of aggregations, so there is not enough room for runtime and memory consumption optimization, therefore the MCG approach is not useful in computing such dense cubes. The compact representation of sparse data cubes enables the MCG approach to reduce memory consumption by 70-90% when compared to the original Star approach, proposed in [33]. In the same scenarios, the improved Star approach, proposed in [34], reduces memory consumption by only 10-30%, Dwarf by 30-50% and MDAG by 40-60%, when compared to the original Star approach. The MCG is the first approach that uses an exact sub-graph matching function to reduce cube size, avoiding unnecessary aggregation, i.e. improving cube computation runtime.  相似文献   

On-line analytical processing (OLAP) typically involves complex aggregate queries over large datasets. The data cube has been proposed as a structure that materializes the results of such queries in order to accelerate OLAP. A significant fraction of the related work has been on Relational-OLAP (ROLAP) techniques, which are based on relational technology. Existing ROLAP cubing solutions mainly focus on “flat” datasets, which do not include hierarchies in their dimensions. Nevertheless, as shown in this paper, the nature of hierarchies introduces several complications into the entire lifecycle of a data cube including the operations of construction, storage, indexing, query processing, and incremental maintenance. This fact renders existing techniques essentially inapplicable in a significant number of real-world applications and mandates revisiting the entire cube lifecycle under the new perspective. In order to overcome this problem, the CURE algorithm has been recently proposed as an efficient mechanism to construct complete cubes over large datasets with arbitrary hierarchies and store them in a highly compressed format, compatible with the relational model. In this paper, we study the remaining phases in the cube lifecycle and introduce query-processing and incremental-maintenance algorithms for CURE cubes. These are significantly different from earlier approaches, which have been proposed for flat cubes constructed by other techniques and are inadequate for CURE due to its high compression rate and the presence of hierarchies. Our methods address issues such as cube indexing, query optimization, and lazy update policies. Especially regarding updates, such lazy approaches are applied for the first time on cubes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CURE in all phases of the cube lifecycle through experiments on both real-world and synthetic datasets. Among the experimental results, we distinguish those that have made CURE the first ROLAP technique to complete the construction and usage of the cube of the highest-density dataset in the APB-1 benchmark (12 GB). CURE was in fact quite efficient on this, showing great promise with respect to the potential of the technique overall.  相似文献   

现有数据立方梯度查询语言CubegradeQL主要是针对非实例化数据立方的,实际上,为了提高OLAP查询效率,数据仓库中往往保存了大量实例化的数据立方。本文我们改进了CubegradeQL语言,给出了一个新的查询语言dmGQL,dmGQL能够支持实例化/非实例化数据立方中的梯度查询,最后,我们讨论了dmGQL的查询处理。  相似文献   

一种保持语义的压缩数据立方体结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通常数据立方体体积较大,语义关系复杂,完整的语义立方体很难实现。基于商立方体,该文提出了语义数据立方体结构(SDC),将单元格中的单元以其上界替代,并保存下界,简化了单元格的表示,保持单元格的全部语义,并可以实现单元的上卷和下钻操作。把语义关系应用到数据立方体的查询、增量更新中,使查询响应时间及更新代价大大降低。实验结果表明,SDC是有效的。  相似文献   

In this paper we present the Brown Dwarf, a distributed data analytics system designed to efficiently store, query and update multidimensional data over commodity network nodes, without the use of any proprietary tool. Brown Dwarf distributes a centralized indexing structure among peers on-the-fly, reducing cube creation and querying times by enforcing parallelization. Analytical queries are naturally performed on-line through cooperating nodes that form an unstructured Peer-to-Peer overlay. Updates are also performed on-line, eliminating the usually costly over-night process. Moreover, the system employs an adaptive replication scheme that adjusts to the workload skew as well as the network churn by expanding or shrinking the units of the distributed data structure. Our system has been thoroughly evaluated on an actual testbed: it manages to accelerate cube creation up and querying up to several tens of times compared to the centralized solution by exploiting the capabilities of the available network nodes working in parallel. It also manages to quickly adapt even after sudden bursts in load and remains unaffected with a considerable fraction of frequent node failures. These advantages are even more apparent for dense and skewed data cubes and workloads.  相似文献   

The lifecycle of a data cube involves efficient construction and storage, fast query answering, and incremental updating. Existing ROLAP methods that implement data cubes are weak with respect to one or more of the above, focusing mainly on construction and storage. In this paper, we present a comprehensive ROLAP solution that addresses efficiently all functionality in the lifecycle of a cube and can be implemented easily over existing relational servers. It is a family of algorithms centered around a purely ROLAP construction method that provides fast computation of a fully materialized cube in compressed form, is incrementally updateable, and exhibits quick query response times that can be improved by low-cost indexing and caching. This is demonstrated through comprehensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, whose results have shown great promise for the performance and scalability potential of the proposed techniques, with respect to both the size and dimensionality of the fact table. The project is co-financed within Op. Education by the ESF (European Social Fund) and National Resources.  相似文献   

Surface rendering is an important technique for volume visualization. Any surface rendering algorithm has two phases—surface generation and rendering. We present a new surface rendering algorithm, which focuses on constructing the surface in a manner that speeds up the rendering phase. The motivation behind this is to reduce the response time for surface manipulations such as interactive rotations. We utilize a MC-like (Marching Cubes) approach to calculate the intersection points and their normals for each cube. But we dynamically link the intersection points to form triangles within the cube according to the locations of the last and the next visited neighboring cubes so that a good meshed surface can be generated. The difficulty with such an approach is that thousands of special cases need to be considered. But, we have found that the occurrence of five specific configurations out of the 14 basic MC cube configurations account for over 95% of all the cubes intersected by the iso-surface in most data sets. We process cubes belonging to these five configurations in a mesh mode, and the rest are processed in a non-mesh mode. As a result, the number of special cases are reduced substantially. Then a very careful analysis of the five configurations for mesh processing leads to just 136 cases, which makes the algorithm very simple. Test results show that the rendering time is almost halved compared to the time required for the rendering of a non-meshed surface generated by MC.  相似文献   

Extended Fibonacci Cubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Fibonacci Cube is an interconnection network that possesses many desirable properties that are important in network design and application. The Fibonacci Cube can efficiently emulate many hypercube algorithms and uses fewer links than the comparable hypercube, while its size does not increase as fast as the hypercube. However, most Fibonacci Cubes (more than 2/3 of all) are not Hamiltonian. In this paper, we propose an Extended Fibonacci Cube (EFC1) with an even number of nodes. It is defined based on the same sequence F(i)=F(i-1)+F(i-2) as the regular Fibonacci sequence; however, its initial conditions are different. We show that the Extended Fibonacci Cube includes the Fibonacci Cube as a subgraph and maintains its sparsity property. In addition, it is Hamiltonian and is better in emulating other topologies. Specifically, the Extended Fibonacci Cube can embed binary trees more efficiently than the regular Fibonacci Cube and is almost as efficient as the hypercube, even though the Extended Fibonacci Cube is a much sparser network than the hypercube. We also propose a series of Extended Fibonacci Cubes with even number of nodes. Any Extended Fibonacci Cube (EFCk, with k⩾) in the series contains the node set of any other cube that precedes EFCk in the series. We show that any Extended Fibonacci Cube maintains virtually all the desirable properties of the Fibonacci Cube. The EFCks can be considered as flexible versions of incomplete hypercubes, which eliminates their restriction on the number of nodes, and, thus, makes it possible to construct parallel machines with arbitrary sizes  相似文献   

Data cubes have become important components in most data warehouse systems and decision support systems. In such systems, users usually pose very complex queries to the online analytical processing (OLAP) system, and systems usually have to deal with a huge amount of data because of the large dimensionality of the sets; thus, approximating query processing has emerged as a viable solution. Specifically, the applications of cube streams handle multidimensional data sets in a continuous manner in contrast to the traditional cube approximation. Such an application collects data events for cube streams online, generates snapshots with limited resources, and keeps the approximated information in a synopsis memory for further analysis. Compared to the OLAP applications, applications of cube streams are subject to many more resource constraints on both the processing time and the memory and cannot be dealt with by existing methods due to the limited resources. In this paper, we propose the DAWA algorithm, which is a hybrid algorithm of discrete cosine transform (DCT) for data and the discrete wavelet transform (DWT), to approximate cube streams. Our algorithm combines the advantages of the high compression rate of DWT and the low memory cost of DCT. Consequently, DAWA requires much smaller working buffer and outperforms both DWT-based and DCT-based methods in execution efficiency. Also, it is shown that DAWA provides a good solution for an approximate query processing of cube streams with a small working buffer and a short execution time. The optimality of the DAWA algorithm is theoretically proved and empirically demonstrated by our experiments.  相似文献   

Since the publication of the original Marching Cubes algorithm, numerous variations have been proposed for guaranteeing water-tight constructions of triangulated approximations of isosurfaces. Most approaches divide the 3D space into cubes that each occupy the space between eight neighboring samples of a regular lattice. The portion of the isosurface inside a cube may be computed independently of what happens in the other cubes, provided that the constructions for each pair of neighboring cubes agree along their common face. The portion of the isosurface associated with a cube may consist of one or more connected components, which we call sheets. The topology and combinatorial complexity of the isosurface is influenced by three types of decisions made during its construction: (1) how to connect the four intersection points on each ambiguous face, (2) how to form interpolating sheets for cubes with more than one loop, and (3) how to triangulate each sheet. To determine topological properties, it is only relevant whether the samples are inside or outside the object, and not their precise value, if there is one. Previously reported techniques make these decisions based on local—per cube—criteria, often using precomputed look-up tables or simple construction rules. Instead, we propose global strategies for optimizing several topological and combinatorial measures of the isosurfaces: triangle count, genus, and number of shells. We describe efficient implementations of these optimizations and the auxiliary data structures developed to support them.  相似文献   

《Information Sciences》2007,177(11):2238-2254
Many data warehouse systems have been developed recently, yet data warehouse practice is not sufficiently sophisticated for practical usage. Most data warehouse systems have some limitations in terms of flexibility, efficiency, and scalability. In particular, the sizes of these data warehouses are forever growing and becoming overloaded with data, a scenario that leads to difficulties in data maintenance and data analysis. This research focuses on data-information integration between data cubes. This research might contribute to the resolution of two concerns: the problem of redundancy and the problem of data cubes’ independent information. This work presents a semantic cube model, which extends object-oriented technology to data warehouses and which enables users to design the generalization relationship between different cubes. In this regard, this work’s objectives are to improve the performance of query integrity and to reduce data duplication in data warehouse. To deal with the handling of increasing data volume in data warehouses, we discovered important inter-relationships that hold among data cubes, that facilitate information integration, and that prevent the loss of data semantics.  相似文献   

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