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基于PRO/E的活塞机构运动仿真及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机构的运动仿真分析能够有效的解决运动过程中位移、速度、加速度、力的测量,零件间的干涉、作用力、反作用力等问题.以活塞机构的运动仿真为例介绍了Pro/E运动仿真分析的具体步骤,并对活塞机构运动仿真仿获得的数据进行分析,以对其设计的机构做出评价,检验其是否已满足设计要求.仿真结果表明设计与装配符合设计要求,活塞运动正常,没有出现卡死或漏气现象.  相似文献   

本文以挖掘机摇臂机构为例,探讨在Pro/ENGINEER软件环境下,对挖掘机摇臂机构进行虚拟装配、运动仿真及动态分析,为挖掘机概念样机设计、制造方案的设计评估提供有效参考数据,从而提高其设计开发效率。  相似文献   

本文以挖掘机摇臂机构为例,探讨在Pro/ENGINEER软件环境下,对挖掘机摇臂机构进行虚拟装配、运动仿真及动态分析,为挖掘机概念样机设计、制造方案的设计评估提供有效参考数据,从而提高其设计开发效率。  相似文献   

在某航天器装配平台中,需要设计一个翻转机构实现部件与总体结构的对接工作,其中,外舱板翻转机构的驱动系统设计是重要内容之一.从外舱板翻转系统中外舱板翻转机构驱动力的设计出发,通过对特定负载的分析和理论分析,得到驱动力的大小以及驱动系统安装的最优位置.采用Adams的优化分析功能,以驱动系统安装位置为设计变量,以外舱板翻转机构在翻转过程中所需的最大驱动力中的最小值为目标函数,进行驱动系统的最优化仿真分析.应用Adams对优化设计结果进行仿真分析验证,得到最优结果.  相似文献   

文章介绍了在Solid Edge环境下,用Visual Basic作为开发工具,实现平面四杆机构运动分析与仿真软件的原理与方法.用二次开发方法建立了平面四杆机构的三维构件模型与装配模型,在运动分析的基础上,对其位移、速度、加速度以及给定点轨迹进行了研究,并给出了列表和线图形式的结果,利用Solid Edge的装配设计关系,实现了平面四杆机构的运动仿真.  相似文献   

2011年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组"机器人应用技术"比赛项目,涉及焊接装配、传感技术、模拟电路、数字电路、工件存储及投放机构设计、单片机及嵌入式设计等知识和技能。我们在全国71支参赛队中脱颖而出,取得了全国一等奖的好成绩。  相似文献   

介绍了雷达热交换机的机械设计方案,阐述了Solid Edge的功用以及采用Solid Edge设计雷达热交换机机械零部件机构的过程,以及利用装配环境进行零部件装配和二维工程图设计环境进行二维工程图输出的过程。  相似文献   

杜兆才  陈闯  郑璐晗 《测控技术》2022,41(5):126-131
针对直升机升力系统手工装配质量不稳定、效率低等问题,提出基于6-PUS并联机构的数字化装配设备方案,进行机构构型分析、运动学建模与分析、误差映射分析等,设计用于直升机升力系统装配的6-PUS并联机构。面向装配精度需求,研究关键零部件的加工、装配精度设计及分析技术。分析结果表明该机构可用于直升机升力系统的数字化装配,代替人工操作,提高装配质量。  相似文献   

为同步装卸圆周上均布的四颗螺钉,防止螺钉装配力矩过载,特设计了四颗螺钉同步装卸力矩可控式气动扳手转换接头,其主要由传动机构、变径装置和力矩过载装置组成,该接头结构简单、力矩可控、操作方便,可提高装配质量和装配效率,降低劳动强度,具有广阔的应用价值和市场前景。  相似文献   

本文根据逆向设计基本思想,针对YL31型滤棒组合机中的一种凸轮零件,应用Pro/ENGINEER软件的图形曲线特征和关系式工具,准确、快速生成凸轮实体。同时,基于机构分析模块Mechanism,对凸轮机构进行装配分析、速度分析和运动分析等,以此设计和完善构件。  相似文献   

孟秀丽  王瑛 《计算机工程》2011,37(1):241-243
通过研究确定装配顺序的方法,以装配零部件构成和确定的装配顺序为输入,采用装配功能树到装配过程机制树映射的方法实现装配过程设计。在此基础上提出从功能需求、行为模型和过程机制模型3个层次对装配实例进行描述的方法和装配过程实例相似性系数的计算方法。实例运行结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new system framework for collaborative top-down assembly design. Different from current computer-aided design (CAD) systems, the framework allows a group of designers to collaboratively conduct product design in a top-down manner. In our framework, a multi-level and distributed assembly model is adopted to effectively support collaborative top-down assembly design. Meanwhile, fine-granularity collaborative design functionalities are provided. First, the coupled structural parameters involved in the distributed skeleton models of the product can be collaboratively determined by the correlative designers based on fuzzy and utility theory. Second, agent based design variation propagation is achieved to ensure the consistency of the multi-level and distributed assembly model during the whole design process. Third, collaborative design of assembly interfaces between the components assigned to different designers is supported. The prototype implementation shows that our framework works well for supporting practical collaborative top-down assembly design.  相似文献   

为了在现有系统的基础上实现变量化设计,研究了三维特征造型系统中的层次化单元装配模型,在此基础上加入了装配单元对变量化设计的改进,进一步实现了装配设计和零件设计的联动,有效地进行了变量化设计,并且在装配设计模块中给出了具体的应用实例。  相似文献   

张应中  罗晓芳 《计算机工程》2005,31(20):194-196
对产品装配表达要求、产品设计过程要求进行了深入的探讨,基于产品装配对象的分析,提出了一个面向对象的产品装配模型。设计和实现了装配模型类及类层次结构,对该模型在产品信息的表达和管理,面向对象特性,支持Top-Down设计等方面进行了讨论和分析。该装配模型在软件系统设计中得到了很好的应用。  相似文献   

利用用户定义特征实现基于约束设计   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
提出了基于约束的用户定义特征(User Defined Feature,UDF)定义与比实例化的通用机制及基于约束的特征库管理,并应用于国产CAD/CAM软件金银花(Lonicera)系统,以航空发动机转子为例,建立了转子特征库,对系统功能进行了验证。该项工作既为详细设计阶段考虑装约束和制造约束提供了方便,提高了设计效率,也为将用户定义特征与产品功能相联系、以支持计算机辅助概念设计打下了基础。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel investigation of the effectiveness of haptic feedback for designing a class of interconnected multi-body systems such as passive mechanisms. The traditional application of haptic feedback in the design process has been in applications such as parts assembly or mold design. The design of the mechanism discussed in this paper is for applications where the user needs to manipulate the mechanism in order to interact with an environment. The objective of the design is to have the link ratios so that it can allow the user better movement control of the mechanism and thus give a better force amplification when there is a sudden change in the contact reaction force with the application environment. A haptic device is used as a design interface between the designer of such mechanisms and the virtual mechanism model. For this preliminary investigation, we used a four-bar mechanism. In our case study, we choose, as an example, to use the net distance travel of a tool when penetrating inside a model of a deformable surface as the design objective to minimize. The effects on the variation of this distance travelled can then be studied by adjusting some of the key design parameters used in the mechanism. To evaluate our proposed haptic-aided design environment, an informal preliminary user study was conducted, where each subject explored a sampled design space of the mechanism. The results of the user study suggest that the usage of a haptic device in the design of this class of mechanism can expedite the design process.  相似文献   

为提高钻具组合设计过程中的设计知识利用率和设计效率,提出一种基于本体的钻具组合智能设计方法.该方法通过构建井眼参数、地层参数、模型知识以及钻井工程实例的本体模型,实现了对钻具组合设计知识的表示,构建钻具组合设计知识库,建立了本体间的语义映射关系,完成了对钻具组合设计知识的组织、推送和嵌入.最后,结合基于案例的推理方法,实现了对钻具组合的智能设计.  相似文献   

Ball joints used in the steering systems of vehicles are exposed to fluctuating loads, which can cause fatal accidents in case of failure. The design of ball joints is an iterative and time-consuming process. Even though the automotive industry is preparing for the era of autonomous self-steering vehicles, parts such as ball joints were not designed using a fully automated parametric design methodology. Recently, parametric design of automotive ball joints based on variable design methodology using knowledge and feature-based computer-assisted-3D modelling methods was studied. However, these studies do not give details of the interactive sizing process within the part and assembly module to determine the final dimensions for avoidance of fatigue failure.This work provides methods and discusses details of the configurable sizing of a ball joint assembly under the boundaries of the developed “parametric design platform”. The platform closes the software gap for the automated reconfiguration and sizing of the ball joint assembly using a three-dimensional (3D) modelling technique. The platform can parametrically change part, material, feature, geometry, assembly and dimension features in a programmable environment. It can also reconfigure the ball joint assembly model considering various structured data conforming to technical standards and reasoning mechanisms with “engineering and geometrical relations” provided in this work, and data gathering along the life cycle of a product. Parameterised 3D solid models and a knowledge base of ball joints are stored in a database, and then an evaluation process within the platform that is capable of sizing ball joints for infinite fatigue-life has been established to verify sizing. It demonstrates the practicability and validity of the automated sizing of a steering ball joint within a configurable design environment and with minimum human expert knowledge and interaction.  相似文献   

层次化单元装配模型   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
装配设计是产品设计的重要设计阶段,在分析装配设计和层次化单元任务模型的基础上,建立了支持装配设计的面向对象的层次化单元装配模型。装配单元的层次化结构表达了功能结构,通过功能映射可以建立功能到单元的对应关系。研究了基于层次化装配单元模型的装配设计,讨论了支持装配设计的开发的单元库分级管理策略。  相似文献   

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