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为了更好地利用普适计算环境中的计算资源、减少人为干预、提高工作效率,提出了应用的follow-me迁移需求,即计算可以随着用户的移动在异构设备和计算环境中移动,让移动中的用户能够体验到不间断的计算。提出了基于移动代理的普适计算中间件FollowMeAgent。结合情境感知技术,利用软件代理所具备的移动性实现应用的自主迁移,并根据应用特点对迁移策略进行了细分。在此平台上开发了若干应用,通过性能测试证明其可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

普适环境下基于软件代理虚拟化的应用迁移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周宇  马晓星  曹建农  余萍  吕建 《软件学报》2007,18(8):2038-2048
虚拟计算环境中的用户在物理空间的移动要求其相关应用能够在网络空间进行相应的移动.为支持应用的迁移,利用软件代理技术来实现计算网络空间以及其中资源的虚拟化.具体而言,就是结合情境感知技术,利用软件代理本身所具有的自治性和移动性实现应用组件的动态绑定和迁移,进而提出一种基于代理的支持应用迁移的结构模型MDAgent,并实现了相应的原型系统,可为应用的迁移提供移动管理、情境感知、资源匹配和推理机制等多方面的支持.在此基础上开发出若干应用并给出相关性能分析.  相似文献   

针对普适环境下移动IP协议的局限性,将集智能性、移动性,安全性等诸多特性于一身的移动代理引入普适计算,详细地阐述了实现过程并进行性能分析与仿真实验.结果表明,普适移动设备在引入移动代理后,能够快速平滑地实现切换,从而大大减少了切换延迟和传输过程中的状态信息量,降低了移动设备在切换期间的丢包率,有效地改善了网络的性能.  相似文献   

普适计算中的无缝迁移策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对分布式计算环境已有的一些迁移机制,都无法满足普适计算模式下任务迁移时对无缝性的要求,研究了任务的形式化描述,Agent的分类以及任务的迁移粒度问题.基于MobileAgent的任务无缝迁移策略,解决了迁移过程中的迁移算法、迁移时延、迁移失效等问题.其特点在于基于合理的迁移粒度和更小的迁移时延,通过MobileAgent的移动保证迁移的无缝性.多个应用场景中的测试实践表明了该策略的有效性.  相似文献   

基于移动计算的移动代理平台的实际应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
移动计算被认为是对未来最有影响的四大技术方向之一。它的作用在于将有用、准确、及时的信息与中央信息系统相互作用,分担中央信息系统的计算压力,使这些信息能提供给在任何时间、任何地点需要它的任何用户。为了更好的支持便携式设备上Microsoft的WinCE平台的移动计算,本文通过对基于Java的移动代理系统Aglet的比较,介绍了基于Windows平台的移动代理系统——WinMAS的优越性,同时详细地给出了相关的应用示例。  相似文献   

陈志  王汝传 《计算机应用》2009,29(7):1855-1857
为提高普适计算环境下人机交互的透明性和持久性,提出一种基于移动Agent的分布式交互方法,用户通过由移动Agent实现的交互Agent在网络中进行交流。交互Agent代表用户作为交互的对等实体,根据需要在网络中迁移并保持交互状态,通过可定制的各种行为和协同运作方式实现不同的交互应用。该方法能够实现交互实体之间透明的、智能的、可移动的交互过程,提供及时的交互服务和灵活的信息共享方式。  相似文献   

一种基于JPDA实现移动代理强迁移的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了移动代理的状态和迁移原理,对强迁移和弱迁移进行了分析对比,详细讨论了代理运行状态的迁移,介绍了JPDA工具包,设计并实现了一种基于JPDA实现移动代理强迁移的方法,给出了实现流程.  相似文献   

移动IPv6--普适计算的无缝安全策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对未来普适计算的互连和动态特点,结合下一代互联网通信协议IPv6的移动性、融合性、安全性特征,讨论了移动IPv6在普适计算网络中的应用前景。  相似文献   

普适计算技术研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简单介绍了计算模式发展历史,讨论了普适计算的概念、特征,分析了普适计算面临的挑战和关键技术.最后,对普适计算的研究现状作了简单介绍,并展望了普适计算的未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

陈佳  吴跃 《计算机科学》2005,32(7):59-60
网格计算环境具有异构性、分布性、动态性、局域自治性等特点,针对以上特性,利用移动代理技术的网格计算方法,可以提供高效统一的应用接口,实现多编程环境下的协同应用求解,从而有效屏蔽其异构和分布等特性,动态适应其资源的变化。详细说明了基于移动代理的网格计算的体系结构和主要模块的功能,并阐述了移动代理的实现过程。  相似文献   

为了更好地保证普适计算环境中计算资源的安全性,减少人为的非正常破坏,提出了普适环境下应用的身份验证需求,即验证不仅要随时随地,而且可以随着用户的移动在异构设备和计算环境中移动,让移动中的用户能够体验到不间断的计算。提出了基于移动代理的普适计算中间件ValidateAgent,并结合情境感知技术, 给出了验证模型、算法及原理。此研究对于普适计算在协同设计领域中的应用有重要意义。  相似文献   

Pervasive computing applications often need to maintain uninterrupted computing experiences when users move across devices. This advanced feature, recognized as application mobility, brings many challenges to the pervasive computing community. For a better understanding of the challenges and existing approaches to application mobility, this paper surveys related work with a classification and comparison framework established along four dimensions of design concerns in application migration: temporal, spatial, entity and other concerns. Through this survey this paper attempts to provide a systematic reference for developers to leverage off among different migration strategies for seamless application mobility. Moreover, it sheds some light on future work directions.  相似文献   

高大利  孙凌  辛艳 《计算机应用》2011,31(5):1298-1301
针对普适计算跨区域访问控制中的委托授权限制问题,在角色-权限分配中根据权限的重要程度关联信任阈值和访问时间限制,设计了一种基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)模型的以角色-权限为委托单位的受限委托方法。通过证明执行模型与委托条件的一致性,表明该方法能够满足普适计算权限委托限制的要求,可以灵活地支持基于角色-权限的临时性和可执行角色集的依赖性。  相似文献   

The increasing use of wireless Internet and smartphone has accelerated the need for pervasive and ubiquitous computing (PUC). Smartphones stimulate growth of location-based service and mobile cloud computing. However, smartphone mobile computing poses challenges because of the limited battery capacity, constraints of wireless networks and the limitations of device. A fundamental challenge arises as a result of power-inefficiency of location awareness. The location awareness is one of smartphone’s killer applications; it runs steadily and consumes a large amount of power. Another fundamental challenge stems from the fact that smartphone mobile devices are generally less powerful than other devices. Therefore, it is necessary to offload the computation-intensive part by careful partitioning of application functions across a cloud. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient location-based service (LBS) and mobile cloud convergence. This framework reduces the power dissipation of LBSs by substituting power-intensive sensors with the use of less-power-intensive sensors, when the smartphone is in a static state, for example, when lying idle on a table in an office. The substitution is controlled by a finite state machine with a user-movement detection strategy. We also propose a seamless connection handover mechanism between different access networks. For convenient on-site establishment, our approach is based on the end-to-end architecture between server and a smartphone that is independent of the internal architecture of current 3G cellular networks.  相似文献   

Mobile computing requires an advanced infrastructure that integrates suitable support protocols, mechanisms, and tools. This mobility middleware should dynamically reallocate and trace mobile users and terminals and permit communication and coordination of mobile entities. In addition, open and untrusted environments must overcome system heterogeneity and grant the appropriate security level. Solutions to these issues require compliance with standards to interoperate with different systems and legacy components and a reliable security infrastructure based on standard cryptographic mechanisms and tools. Many proposals suggest using mobile agent technology middleware to address these issues. A mobile agent moves entities in execution together with code and achieved state, making it possible to upgrade distributed computing environments without suspending service. We propose three mobile computing services: user virtual environment (UVE), mobile virtual terminal (MVT), and virtual resource management (VRM). UVE provides users with a uniform view of their working environments independent of current locations and specific terminals. MVT extends traditional terminal mobility by preserving the terminal execution state for restoration at new locations, including active processes and subscribed services. VRM permits mobile users and terminals to maintain access to resources and services by automatically requalifying the bindings and moving specific resources or services to permit load balancing and replication  相似文献   

In product design, prototypes - approximations of a product along some dimensions - are the essential medium for information, interaction, integration, and collaboration. Information appliances such as mobile phones, digital cameras, and music players are a growing area of ubiquitous computing. Designers currently create two separate sets of prototypes: "looks-like" prototypes that show only the device's form (the atoms) and "works-like" prototypes that use a computer display to demonstrate the interaction (the bits). Because of the required skill and time investment, designers don't build comprehensive prototypes that join form and function until late in development.  相似文献   

普适计算的可信研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着应用规模的不断扩展以及具有无处不在性和便捷性的普适计算模式的特点,对普适计算环境下的可信保障提出了更高的要求。普适计算的可信保证是无时无处不在而又不可见的计算方式得以实施的重要保障,是普适计算领域的研究热点。从访问控制、隐私保护和容错三个方面阐述了普适计算的可信技术,并指出了该领域的未来研究发展趋势。  相似文献   

Toward pervasive computing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary form only given. The fundamental principles that guide pervasive computing environment design evolved with distributed systems: local area networks, middleware, wide-area networks, the WWW. Over the years, ever smaller, portable computers came on the market and wireless networking technology evolved, leading to the emergence of mobile and wireless computing. Embedded computing gave us small devices, sensors and actuators, increasingly with communications capability. There are now substantial projects that demonstrate that sensor-rich environments, such as active buildings and cities, are feasible and will be deployed widely in the real world in the near future. This issue of Pervasive Computing describes several such projects.  相似文献   

Location privacy in pervasive computing   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
As location-aware applications begin to track our movements in the name of convenience, how can we protect our privacy? This article introduces the mix zone-a new construction inspired by anonymous communication techniques-together with metrics for assessing user anonymity. It is based on frequently changing pseudonyms.  相似文献   

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