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一种用于软件过程建模的适应性Agent 协商   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黎巎  李明树  王青  赵琛  杜栓柱 《软件学报》2009,20(3):557-566
大多软件过程模型是预定义的.在变化的应用环境中,需要由相应人员进行适应性调整.提出一种用于软件过程建模的适应性多边协商模型—— AMNM-PA,其采用Agent 封装软件过程中所涉及的个体,包含组织、团队、个人等,通过Agent 间的协商动态、适应地建立针对给定软件项目的软件过程模型.AMNM-PA 基于非静态有限阶段Markov 决策过程,采用模型无关的Q 学习算法选取协商策略,因此能够支持动态、非预知环境下的适应性协商,从而满足软件过程建模对环境的适应性需求.AMNM-PA 已经实施于软件过程管理系统——SoftPM.  相似文献   

集成工作流与Multi-agents技术的供应链协同管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐琪  Robin Qiu  徐福缘 《计算机工程》2003,29(15):19-21,65
提出了集成工作流与软件Agent技术的供应链协同管理框架及方法,通过工作流管理系统及多Agcnt的设计,应用XML描述的工作流过程规范,由软件Agent实时地执行和重置具体的工作流任务,从而达到供应链协调管理的目的。  相似文献   

一种基于Agent的自适应软件过程模型   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
传统的软件过程模型大多是静态的、机械的、被动的,它们要求软件工程人员在描述软件过程时预期所有可能发生的情况,并且显式地定义这些问题的解决方案.当软件过程所处的环境发生变化时,软件过程无法自适应地对这些变更作出相应的调整.提出了一种基于Agent的自适应软件过程模型.在这种软件过程模型中,软件过程被描述为一组相互独立而对等的实体--软件过程Agent.这些软件过程Agent能够对软件过程环境的变化主动地、自治地作出反应,动态地确定和变更其行为以实现软件开发的目标.  相似文献   

一种劝说式多Agent多议题协商方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
多Agent系统中的协商问题往往由许多议题组成,导致问题空间十分庞大.传统的协商方法通过对问题空间进行穷尽搜索来找到最优解,并不适合多议题协商.而且,传统的方法不考虑协商偏好变化的情况,使得Agent在不完全及不正确环境下找到的最优解并不合理.提出一种劝说式多Agent多议题协商方法.借助信念修正这一有效的推理工具,协商Agent能够在协商过程中接受协商对手的劝说,考虑对手对协商议题的偏好,并根据一种基于辩论的信念修正方法调整自身的偏好.这样就能够使协商Agent对变化的协商环境具备适应性,从而提高协商的效率及正确率,快速准确地达成协议.  相似文献   

一种基于模型融合的CMM实施过程建模方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种基于模型融合的CMM实施过程建模方法.该方法使用软件过程工程元模型SPEM建立CMM过程模型CPM和企业过程模型EPM,通过融合CPM和EPM来获得CMM实施过程模型CIPM.文中利用带标记的有向图描述过程模型。给出了模型融合方法,并进行了一致性证明.最后通过一个过程模型融合原型工具和实例说明了方法的应用情况.  相似文献   

支持外包的软件协同工作模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
软件外包已经成为世界软件业发展的一种趋势,它是以最少的成本和最节约的资源来获得高品质的软件产品,软件外包过程不同于传统的软件过程,它可以被认为是发生在软件发包主和分包方之间的合同过程,包括软件外购过程和软件供应过程,分析了典型的软件外购过程和软件供应过程,对这两个过程之间的协同工作进行了研究,包括协同的必要性和内容以及协同的机制,并提出一个支持外包的软件协同开发过程模型,来辅助软件外包项目的高效实施。  相似文献   

支持Agent社交活动的方法体系SASA5   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高济  袁成祥  王进 《计算机学报》2005,28(5):838-848
传统软件Agent技术在开发基于Web的社交智能中应用潜力严重受阻,原因在于该技术只适用于封闭的小规模系统,难以适应将出现于Web的Agent社会所面临的由大量异质Agents参与的、开放的、动态变化的并充满不确定因素的因特网环境.该文提出支持Agent社交活动的方法体系SASA5,旨在以社区/联邦式的政策导向型社会体制为主线,从5维(信息建模、中介服务、理性协商、法制管理和用户调控)去建设开放式、多方位、系统化、安全的且易于人透明调控的社交活动基础结构,以支持Agent社交智能的有效开发.  相似文献   

陈迎欣  刘群 《计算机科学》2005,32(11):218-222
本文提出了一个具有丰富语义、灵活的、可扩展的、形式化的软件过程建模语言SPML。它提供了两个不同抽象层次的描述语言以满足不同用户的需求。高抽象层次的语言SPML/H能够较全面地描述软件过程,具有良好的易用性;低抽象层次的语言SPML/L可以描述规则等,适合描述软件过程的细节。SPML/H还能够被逐步地变换成SPML/L,保证了软件过程模型可以在一个共同的形式化基础上被分析和运作。最后通过一个实例说明过程建模语言的有效性。  相似文献   

一种基于Agent技术的安全能力自动协商机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李立  邹华  杨放春 《计算机工程》2007,33(10):126-127
适应多安全域环境的安全能力自动协商机制包括了一种基于Agent的安全能力协商模型、适用于该模型的协商Agent和协商流程。该机制中,通过定义安全能力协商描述语言(SanDL)文档,用户可以方便准确地将协商要求和协商策略告知协商Agent,由协商Agent自动完成协商过程。在协商Agent中通过定义通信适配器和一套基本协商原语,使协商Agent的通信接口更加安全、灵活、易于扩展。  相似文献   

软件过程的复杂性和不确定性要求过程实施系统具有一定的灵活性和适应动态变化的能力。基于过程模式建立了软件过程实施系统。过程模式作为过程建模的可重用组件和过程实施的可重用的知识单元.支持过程模型对软件过程动态特性的描述和定义,支持过程实施中对动态变化的处理,基于过程模式的过程实施系统具有较好的柔性。  相似文献   

In e-learning environments that use the collaboration strategy, providing participants with a set of communication services may not be enough to ensure collaborative learning. It is thus necessary to analyse collaboration regularly and frequently. Using machine learning techniques is recommended when analysing environments where there are a large number of participants or where they control the collaboration process. This research studied two approaches that use machine learning techniques to analyse student collaboration in a long-term collaborative learning experience during the academic years 2006–2007, 2007–2008 and 2008–2009. The aims were to analyse collaboration during the collaboration process and that it should be domain independent. Accordingly, the intention was to be able to carry out the analysis regularly and frequently in different collaborative environments. One of the two approaches classifies students according to their collaboration using unsupervised machine learning techniques, clustering, while the other approach constructs metrics that provide information on collaboration using supervised learning techniques, decision trees. The research results suggest that collaboration can be analysed in this way, thus achieving the aims set out with two different machine learning techniques.  相似文献   

面对市场竞争日益剧烈和客户需求多样化的趋势,制造业供应链的制造商和经销商努力实现产销协同计划。然而在产销协同计划中时常出现冲突,及时有效消解冲突,能提高整个供应链的协作效率,改善供应链上企业间的合作关系;反之,会降低供应链的运作效率,削弱供应链的竞争力。针对这类冲突问题,引入让步协商策略,在有限信息共享条件下,建立供应链产销协同计划冲突协商模型;设计具有历史提议回顾特点的协商流程;通过文化基因算法,产生反提议生成策略;通过算例验证文化基因算法及冲突协商模型的有效性。  相似文献   

In this work we analyze the evolving dynamics of different strategies of collaborative networks that emerge from the creation and diffusion of knowledge. An evolutionary economic approach is adopted by introducing decision rules that are applied routinely and an agent-based model is developed. Firms (the agents) can collaborate and create networks for research and development purposes. We have compared three collaboration strategies (A—peer-to-peer complementariness, B—concentration process and C—virtual cooperation networks) that were defined on the basis of literature and on empirical evidence. Strategies are introduced exogenously in the simulation. The aims of this paper are twofold: (i) to analyze the importance of the networking effects; and (ii) to test the differences among collaboration strategies. It was possible to conclude that profit is associated with higher stock of knowledge and with smaller network diameter. In addition, concentration strategies are more profitable and more efficient in transmitting knowledge through the network. These processes reinforce the stock of knowledge and the profit of the firms located in the centers of the networks.  相似文献   

Today's manufacturing enterprises struggle to adopt cost-effective manufacturing systems. Overview of the recent manufacturing enterprises shows that successful global manufacturing enterprises have distributed their manufacturing capabilities over the globe. The successes of global manufacturing enterprises depend upon the entire worldwide integration of their product development processes and manufacturing operations that are distributed over the globe. Distributed manufacturing agents' collaboration and manufacturing data integrity play a major role in global manufacturing enterprises' success. There are number of works, conducted to enable the distributed manufacturing agents to collaborate with each other. To achieve the manufacturing data integrity through manufacturing processes, numbers of solutions have been proposed which one of the successful solutions is to use ISO 10303 (STEP) standard. However, adopting this standard one can recognize antonym effects of integration and collaboration approaches that weaken both integration and collaboration capabilities of manufacturing agents. In our latest work, we had developed an integrated and collaborative manufacturing platform named LAYMOD. Albeit the platform in question was through enough to be applied in various collaborative and integrated CAx systems, its embedded structure hampers its application for collaboration in distributed manufacturing systems. To achieve an integrated and collaborative platform for distributed manufacturing agents, this paper proposes a service-oriented approach. This approach is originated from cloud computing paradigm known as one of the technologies which enables a major transformation in manufacturing industry. Also, to maintain the product data integration based on the STEP standard, a new service-oriented approach is proposed. This approach is in parallel to the new capability of the STEP standard for supporting XML data structures. The result is a new platform named XMLAYMOD. XMLAYMOD is able to support distributed manufacturing collaboration and data integration based on the STEP standard. The different aspects of this platform to fulfill the requirements of distributed collaboration and also to overcome the lacks of the STEP standard are discussed through a brief case study.  相似文献   

Software agents in e-commerce systems are assigned to the participants. Buyer and supplier agents into multi-agent system architecture of the e-commerce system negotiate with others through an automated negotiation mechanism. In this study, an automated negotiation to interact between buyer and supplier and attain agreement for both is presented. A fuzzy inference system was used to automate negotiation process and consider two effective factors in the negotiation process: requirements and preferences. Requirements are qualitative or quantitative values which the participants assign to the issues of negotiation. Preferences of the participants are priorities assigned by them to issues. These values express an importance measure of issues from a participant perspective. Proposed model applies different fuzzy inference system (FIS) schemes for qualitative and quantitative negotiation issues to enhance the satisfaction level of the buyer and supplier. The FISs infer based on the preferences and requirements of both parties. Additionally, analytic hierarchy process was used to get preferences of the issues. In this proposal, mediator uses issue trade-offs strategy in which multiple issues are traded-offs against one another. The model applies a fuzzy system approach to make trade-offs.  相似文献   

Developing groupware for requirements negotiation: lessons learned   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Defining requirements is a complex and difficult process, and defects in the process often lead to costly project failures. There is no complete and well-defined set of requirements waiting to be discovered in system development. Different stakeholders: users, customers, managers, domain experts, and developers, come to the project with diverse expectations and interests. Requirements emerge in a highly collaborative, interactive, and interdisciplinary negotiation process that involves heterogeneous stakeholders. At the University of Southern California's Center for Software Engineering, we have developed a series of groupware implementations for the WinWin requirements negotiation approach. The WinWin approach involves having a system's success-critical stakeholders participate in a negotiation process so they can converge on a mutually satisfactory or win-win set of requirements. The WinWin groupware system, which has evolved over four generations, enables and facilitates heterogeneous stakeholder participation and collaboration. Each generation reflects an increase in our understanding of what is needed for successful WinWin groupware operations and technology support. The authors present the major lessons they learned during WinWin's development  相似文献   

A framework for collaborative facility engineering is presented. The framework is based on a distributed problem-solving approach to collaborative facility engineering and employs an integration approach called Agent-Based Software Engineering as an implementation vehicle of this approach. The focal entity of this framework is a Multiagent Design Team (MDT) that comprises a collection of software agents (e.g. design software applications with a certain standard communication interface) and a design specialist, which together perform specific design tasks. Multiagent design teams are autonomous and form an organizational structure based on a federation architecture. Every multiagent design team surrenders its autonomy to a system program called facilitator, which coordinates the interaction among software agents in the federation architecture. Facilitators can be viewed as representatives of one or more teams that facilitate the exchange of design information and knowledge in support of the design tasks they perform. In the federation architecture, design specialists collaborate by exchanging design information with others via their software agents, and by identifying and resolving design conflicts by negotiation. In addition to a discussion of the framework's primary components, its realization in an integrated distributed environment for collaborative building engineering is described.  相似文献   

New developments to computer-aided design (CAD) software transform a once solitary modelling task into a collaborative one. The emerging multi-user CAD (MUCAD) systems allow virtual, real-time collaboration, with the potential to expand the learning outcomes and teaching methods of CAD. This paper proposes a MUCAD collaborative learning framework (MUCAD-CLF) to interpret backend analytic data from commercially available MUCAD software. The framework builds on several existing metrics from the literature and introduces newly developed methods to classify CAD actions collected from users’ analytic data. The framework contains two different classification approaches of user actions, categorizing actions by action type (e.g., creating, revising, viewing) and by design space (e.g., constructive, organizing), for comparative analysis. Next, the analytical framework is applied via a collaborative design challenge, corresponding to over 20,000 actions collected from 31 participants. Illustrative analyses utilizing the MUCAD-CLF are presented to demonstrate the resulting insight. Differences in CAD behaviour, indicating differences in learning, are observed between teams made up entirely of novices, entirely of experienced users, or a mix. In pairs of experts and novices, we see both a perceived high-satisfaction apprenticeship experience for the novices and preliminary evidence of an increase in expert design behaviours for the novices. The proposed framework is critical for MUCAD systems to make the most of the educational possibility of combining technical skill-building with team collaboration. Preliminary evidence collected in a fully-virtual design learning activity, and analyzed using the proposed MUCAD-CLF, shows that novice students gain advanced CAD design knowledge when collaborating with experienced teammates. With the user data captured by modern MUCAD software and the MUCAD-CLF presented herein, instructors and researchers can more efficiently assess and visualize students’ performance over the design learning process.  相似文献   

New specific collaboration models for distributive systems are needed for enabling effective collaboration processes between users of these dynamic environments. However, collaboration in distributive systems depends on several elements such as a negotiation mechanism, a load-balancing strategy, a mutual exclusion mechanism, and a learning strategy. Each of these elements should be analyzed separately in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in order to improve these two features in the global collaborative system. This paper presents a multi-agent based simulation tool and a simulation methodology used to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of a collaborative system by analyzing both the global system of each of the strategies or mechanisms involved in the system. Intelligent agents used in the simulation make use of the concept of awareness of interaction for quantifying the degree, nature and quality of the interaction between the agents.  相似文献   

为提高云服务协作过程服务失效的替换成功率,提出一种云平台下协作态势驱动的自适应候选者协商维持模型,利用贝叶斯学习预测协商数据保留值,自适应提交协商议题,以维持与候选者的协商;通过对服务协作过程动态监测,动态优化服务候选集。实验结果表明,服务协商维持模型能适应协作过程变化,使服务协作具有良好的自适应性和健壮性。  相似文献   

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