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由于学生在知识能力、学习态度、学习方式、学习风格等方面总存在着较大的差异,传统的统一教学的方式已经不能满足教学需要。该文依据差异教学思想,从学生群体的各种差异进行分析研究,对计算机基础课程的教学内容方面进行了差异教学设计,以满足学生的学习需求,达到培养学生计算机应用能力、自主学习能力和解决问题能力的教学目标。通过实践和学生反馈来完善和论证差异教学思想的应用。  相似文献   

创设良好的教学情境,能激发学生的学习兴趣,并为学生提供更好的学习环境。该文根据教学经验介绍了创设教学情境的几种方法:即任务驱动情境、故事情境、问题情境、趣味性学习情境。创设有效的情境在教学中起着桥梁作用,使学生将原有的知识和经验整合提升,拓展了学生对知识的理解,促使学生进行有意义的学习。  相似文献   

所谓“案例教学法”,是根据教学目的要求,在教师的引导下,组织学生对教学案例进行思考、分析,促使学生对概念和操作理解的教学方法。运用“案例教学法”可以激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生自主学习的能力,顺利实现教学目标。本文以建构主义学习理论为基础,阐述了“案例教学法”在《大学计算机基础》课教学中提出的背景、概念、教学案例的设计以及教学实施中应注意的问题等。  相似文献   

陈年 《计算机教育》2011,(13):80-83
针对灌输式教学方式制约学生学习主动性发挥的现状,分析习明纳对提高学生学习主动性的针对性特点,从讨论主题的确定、教学组织形式和教学考核方式等方面进行教学设计,在操作系统课程中进行习明纳的教学实践。问卷调查的情况表明,大多数学生认为习明纳对提高学习积极性和学习能力、提升学习效果具有显著的积极作用,可以在教学中实践和推广。最后,本文指出地方高校要推广习明纳,还需要提高认识、合理分配教学学时、完善教学组织和教学资源的配备。  相似文献   

探究式教学强调的是培养学生学会主动学习、学会探究式学习、掌握初步的科学研究方法。单纯靠考试分数无法对学生作出全面科学的评价,还必须从学生学习动机、学习情绪、学习行为、学习能力等方面的学习心理素质进行综合评价,构建初步探究教学的评价体系。  相似文献   

在高校大学计算机基础课程改革中,考虑到学生对不同章节的知识点存在知识基础、学习方法、学习目标等方面的差异,动态地对学生学习特征进行差异测评,根据测评分进行弹性分组教学,利用网络平台进行差异辅导教学,构建全方位多元化差异教学体系。其优势在于教师能因材施教,学生能主动学习,使教与学达到真正地统一,并使学生在全面发展基础上有个性化发展的空间。差异教学体系有利于创新人才的培养。  相似文献   

根据电子信息类本科专业《数字图像处理》课程的特点,在教学中采用专题化教学模式。通过对教学内容、教学方法、实践教学和学习评价等方面做出相应的教学改革,极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,加强学生对理论知识的学习,培养学生的动手能力。  相似文献   

"任务驱动法"教学,可以保护学生的学习积极性,使学生眼、手、脑在教学中得到充分发挥和利用,以促进学生的学习和发展,从而培养起学习兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,学生的素质也得到相应的提高。学生在探寻新知识,层层深入掌握新知识的过程中,不断积累学习成功的体验,这将对培养和开发学生的学习潜能,激发学生的学习积极性和学习热情,都会发挥强有力的促进作用。通过各种形式的引导鼓励,学生更加明确倡导任务型的教学途径。  相似文献   

通过实例项目来指导《网页制作》教学,以实例操作来引导学生学习,以教学项目为课题展开学习。使得学生在每一堂课中都有学习目标、学习任务,提高学生在学习过程当中的创新精神、创新意识。对这种教学方式进行了论述。  相似文献   

教育行为变革牵涉到学生学习、教师教学、教育管理等行为变革。其目的在于提高学生学习效率和学校教学、 管理质量。教学变革与教育管理变革往往基于学生学习行为基础数据。随着信息技术的发展,利用大数据技术对学生学习行 为、教师教学反馈评价、教育管理等领域产生的海量数据进行有效获取、提炼、加工并以有效视图显示给教师及教育教学管理 者,为教育行为变革提供有效数据,从而确保教育教学及管理变革起点正确。  相似文献   

针对专业选修课教学中所面临的课堂到课率低,学生有厌学情绪等问题,本文讨论了基于问题学习这一建构主义教学模式,并以"数据库原理"课程教学为例,应用该方法进行改革尝试,重点介绍了教学实践中如何进行抛锚式和支架式两种教学策略的设计。这种使学生变被动学习为自主学习的教学改革,对培养学生终生学习的能力具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Abstract The paper presents the main design issues of a distance learning course on Business on the Internet. The instructional design is based on a learner-centred instructional strategy which allows learners to construct their own knowledge while solving real business problems and transferring their knowledge to other learners. They learn autonomously taking the responsibility for their learning and following their individual cognitive styles, interests, preferences. The learners have access to the Internet being members of a global, cooperative learning community. The learning community involves students and tutors who collectively take responsibility for the design and evaluation of the course content and the teaching methods to be applied. Both students and tutors inhabit a virtual learning environment that offers different virtual places and services: virtual university, virtual enterprise, auditoriums, workshop rooms, cafes, libraries, etc. where students from different locations can meet, interact, learn and work together, as if they were face-to-face.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel instructional model for e-learning and an evaluation study to determine the effectiveness of this model for teaching Java language programming to information technology specialists working for the Spanish Public Administration. This is a general-purpose model that combines objectivist and constructivist learning theories and is based on the concept of learning objective. The purpose of the evaluation study is to find out whether the results of using this distance learning instructional model to teach this subject are comparable to learning in a traditional face-to-face classroom, with the plus of eliminating travel and maintenance expenses of the public servants attending the course and also saving time. The learners, selected at random to participate in this study, were divided into three groups depending on the type of teaching/learning they received: traditional classroom, distance learning with virtualized course contents and distance learning based on the proposed instructional model. The results indicate that the grades and satisfaction levels were similar for learners taught using the proposed instructional model and learners taught in the traditional classroom. Moreover, they were substantially better than for distance learning with virtualized contents, although the mean course learning time is greater.  相似文献   

This exploratory study tests the assertion that instructional strategies that match field-dependence status of students are most effective. The study conducted with 12 graduate students registered in a graduate level online course. An online version of the Psychological Differentiation Inventory was used to measure the field-dependence status of students. Students’ perceived learning outcomes, their effort and involvement, and level of interaction that they perceived in online course module were measured through an online questionnaire. Results suggested that matches between students’ learning styles and instructional strategies did not affect learner perception of their own learning outcomes, level of effort and involvement, and level of interactions in the course. Data also indicated that no single instructional strategy, among three instructional strategies tested, emerged as superior for high and low field-dependent online students.  相似文献   

乔铮 《微型电脑应用》2020,(1):91-93,97
随着教育领域的改革和深入发展,我国的高等教育正在迈向新的台阶。在高等职业教学体系中,传统的教学模式已经不能适应现在社会的变化,人们逐渐认识到了教学方式和学习活动的重要性和进行改革的必要性。当下,计算机辅助下的语言学习新模式已经在各个学科领域受到关注与实践。计算机辅助下的语言学习不仅强调信息技术的发展,更加要求教学思想和方式的改变以及各类资源和环境的共同构建融合。以高等院校英语教学为例,通过学习最新的教学教育理论,在所在单位设计了英语语言教学对比研究实验,利用不同的教学手段进行教学和综合评价,说明了计算机辅助下语言学习方式更能提高教学质量,取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Teaching presence provides conceptual coherence to construct, operationalise and interpret the regulation of online learning environments. Electronic portfolios contribute to the regulatory process moving from an internalisation to an external regulation. The aim of this research is to analyse the relationship between the techno-pedagogical design of an electronic portfolio (Transfolio), the teaching presence focused on the use of the tool and the student regulation processes. This study analyses the online teaching–learning processes supported by Transfolio of two post-graduate courses by focusing on the techno-pedagogical support and on the regulation process. The nature of our research objectives leads us to use a mixed methodology based on a naturalistic observation, content analysis and comparative statistics. Results show that the teaching–learning process is characterised by the patterns of co-regulation and self-regulation. Also, results show the importance of the techno-pedagogical support provided by the teacher, not only in regard to the nature of this instructional support but also concerning how it is presented to the student and the importance that is attributed to it in the teaching–learning process, that is, what it is that assistance is offered in.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing use of agile methods, teaching SCRUM as an agile project management methodology has become more and more important. In order to teach students to be able to apply SCRUM in concrete situations, often educational (simulation) games are used. However, most of these games have been developed more for professional trainings than taking into consideration typical restrictions of university courses (such as, class duration and low financial resources for instructional materials). Therefore, we present a manual paper and pencil game to reinforce and teach the application of SCRUM in undergraduate computing programmes complementing theoretical lectures. The game has been developed following a systematic instructional design process and based on our teaching experience. It has been applied several times in two undergraduate project management courses. We evaluated motivation, user experience and the game's contribution to learning through case studies on Kirkpatrick's level one based on the perception of the students. First results indicate the potential of the game to contribute to the learning of SCRUM in an engaging way, keeping students immersed in the learning task. In this regard, the game offers a low-budget alternative to complement traditional instructional strategies for teaching SCRUM in the classroom.  相似文献   

目前,开发适用于网络教育的高质量的课程成了网络教育中一个非常重要而迫切的课题,而网络课程的课程设计问题也逐渐成为人们探讨的重点。本文结合我国现行网络课程存在的问题,提出了以基于问题的学习(Prob-lem-based Learning,PBL)为教学理念和教学策略来设计网络课程。在对网络课程、PBL等基本内容概述的基础上,着重论述了网络课程教学目标、教学内容、学习活动与教学评价的设计。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术是一门快速崛起的新型技术,在中学地理课件制作中,运用虚拟现实技术,不但能有效地提高教学效果,激发学生的学习兴趣,而且还能提升教学过程中的信息技术含量.  相似文献   

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