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Hyperspectral images usually consist of hundreds of spectral bands, which can be used to precisely characterize different land cover types. However, the high dimensionality also has some disadvantages, such as the Hughes effect and a high storage demand. Band selection is an effective method to address these issues. However, most band selection algorithms are conducted with the high-dimensional band images, which will bring high computation complexity and may deteriorate the selection performance. In this paper, spatial feature extraction is used to reduce the dimensionality of band images and improve the band selection performance. The experiment results obtained on three real hyperspectral datasets confirmed that the spatial feature extraction-based approach exhibits more robust classification accuracy when compared with other methods. Besides, the proposed method can dramatically reduce the dimensionality of each band image, which makes it possible for band selection to be implemented in real time situations.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - With the advancement in technology, hyperspectral images have potential applications in the field of remote sensing due to their high spectral resolution....  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - With the fast growing technologies in the field of remote sensing, hyperspectral image analysis has made a great breakthrough. It provides accurate and detailed...  相似文献   

Hyperspectral images provide fine details of the scene under analysis in terms of spectral information. This is due to the presence of contiguous bands that make possible to distinguish different objects even when they have similar colour and shape. However, neighbouring bands are highly correlated, and, besides, the high dimensionality of hyperspectral images brings a heavy burden on processing and also may cause the Hughes phenomenon. It is therefore advisable to make a band selection pre-processing prior to the classification task. Thus, this paper proposes a new supervised filter-based approach for band selection based on neural networks. For each class of the data set, a binary single-layer neural network classifier performs a classification between that class and the remainder of the data. After that, the bands related to the biggest and smallest weights are selected, so, the band selection process is class-oriented. This process iterates until the previously defined number of bands is achieved. A comparison with three state-of-the-art band selection approaches shows that the proposed method yields the best results in 43.33% of the cases even with greatly reduced training data size, whereas the competitors have achieved between 13.33% and 23.33% on the Botswana, KSC and Indian Pines datasets.  相似文献   

The analysis of hyperspectral images is usually very heavy from the computational point-of-view, due to their high dimensionality. In order to avoid this problem, band selection (BS) has been widely used to reduce the dimensionality before the analysis. The aim is to extract a subset of the original bands of the hyperspectral image, preserving most of the information contained in the original data. The BS technique can be performed by prioritizing the bands on the basis of a score, assigned by specific criteria; in this case, BS turns out in the so-called band prioritization (BP). This paper focuses on BP algorithms based on the following parameters: signal-to-noise ratio, kurtosis, entropy, information divergence, variance and linearly constrained minimum variance. In particular, an optimized C serial version has been developed for each algorithm from which two parallel versions have been derived using OpenMP and NVIDIA’s compute unified device architecture. The former is designed for a multi-core CPU, while the latter is designed for a many-core graphics processing unit. For each version of these algorithms, several tests have been performed on a large database containing both synthetic and real hyperspectral images. In this way, scientists can integrate the proposed suite of efficient BP algorithms into existing frameworks, choosing the most suitable technique for their specific applications.  相似文献   


Hyperspectral remote sensing plays an important role in a wide variety of fields. However, its specific application for land surface analysis has been constrained due to the different shapes of thick, opaque cloud cover. The reconstruction of missing information obscured by clouds in remote-sensing images is an area of active research. However, most of the available cloud-removal methods are not suitable for hyperspectral images, because they lose the spectral information which is very important for hyperspectral analysis. In this article, we developed a new spectral resolution enhancement method for cloud removal (SREM-CR) from hyperspectral images, with the help of an auxiliary cloud-free multispectral image acquired at different times. In the fixed hyperspectral image, spectra of the cloud cover pixels are reconstructed depending on the relationship between the original hyperspectral and multispectral images. The final resulting image has the same spectral resolution as the original hyperspectral image but without clouds. This approach was tested on two experiments, in which the results were compared by visual interpretation and statistical indices. Our method demonstrated good performance.  相似文献   

针对传统的谱特征选择算法只考虑单特征的重要性,将特征之间的统计相关性引入到传统谱分析中,构造了基于特征相关的谱特征选择模型。首先利用Laplacian Score找出最核心的一个特征作为已选特征,然后设计了新的特征组区分能力目标函数,采用前向贪心搜索策略依次评价候选特征,并选中使目标函数最小的候选特征加入到已选特征。该算法不仅考虑了特征重要性,而且充分考虑了特征之间的关联性,最后在2个不同分类器和8个UCI数据集上的实验结果表明:该算法不仅提高了特征子集的分类性能,而且获得较高的分类精度下所需特征子集的数量较少。  相似文献   

Hyperspectral imagery affords researchers all discriminating details needed for fine delineation of many material classes. This delineation is essential for scientific research ranging from geologic to environmental impact studies. In a data mining scenario, one cannot blindly discard information because it can destroy discovery potential. In a supervised classification scenario, however, the preselection of classes presents one with an opportunity to extract a reduced set of meaningful features without degrading classification performance. Given the complex correlations found in hyperspectral data and the potentially large number of classes, meaningful feature extraction is a difficult task. We turn to the recent neural paradigm of generalized relevance learning vector quantization (GRLVQ) [B. Hammer and T. Villmann, Neural Networks vol. 15, pp. 1059-1068, 2002], which is based on, and substantially extends, learning vector quantization (LVQ) [T. Kohonen, Self-Organizing Maps, Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2001] by learning relevant input dimensions while incorporating classification accuracy in the cost function. By addressing deficiencies in GRLVQ, we produce an improved version, GRLVQI, which is an effective analysis tool for high-dimensional data such as remotely sensed hyperspectral data. With an independent classifier, we show that the spectral features deemed relevant by our improved GRLVQI result in a better classification for a predefined set of surface materials than using all available spectral channels.  相似文献   

特征选择是处理高维数据的一项有效技术。针对传统方法的不足,结合[F-score]与互信息,提出了一种最小冗余最大分离的特征选择评价准则,该准则使所选择的特征具有更好的分类和预测能力;采用二进制布谷鸟搜索算法和二次规划两种搜索策略来搜索最优特征子集,并对两种搜索策略的准确性和计算量进行分析比较;最后,利用UCI数据集进行实验测试,实验结果说明了所提理论的有效性。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, a computer based system has been proposed as a support to gastrointestinal polyp detection. It can detect and classify gastrointestinal polyps...  相似文献   

针对传统的偏最小二乘法只考虑单特征的重要性以及特征之间存在冗余和多重共线性等问题,将特征之间的统计相关性引入到传统的偏最小二乘分析中,构造了一种基于特征相关的偏最小二乘模型。首先利用特征相关度对特征进行评估预选出特征组,然后将其放入偏最小二乘模型中进行训练,评估该特征组是否可取。结合前向贪心搜索策略依次评价候选特征,并选中使目标函数最小的候选特征加入到已选特征。分别采用麻杏石甘汤君药止咳、平喘和UCI数据集进行分析处理,实验结果表明,该特征选择方法能较好寻找较优的特征组。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new optimization-based framework to reduce the dimensionality of hyperspectral images. One of the most problems in hyperspectral image classification is the Hughes phenomenon caused by the irrelevant spectral bands and the high correlation between the adjacent bands. The problematic is how to find the relevant bands to classify the pixels of hyperspectral image without reducing the classification accuracy rate. We propose to reformulate the problem of band selection as a combinatorial problem by modeling an objective function based on class separability measures and the accuracy rate. We use the Gray Wolf Optimizer, which is a new meta-heuristic algorithm more efficient than Practical Swarm Optimization, Gravitational Search Algorithm, Differential Evolution, Evolutionary Programming and Evolution Strategy. The experimentations are performed on three widely used benchmark hyperspectral datasets. Comparisons with the state-of-the-art approaches are also conducted. The analysis of the results proves that the proposed approach can effectively investigate the spectral band selection problem and provides a high classification accuracy rate by using a few samples for training.  相似文献   


In hyperspectral image (HSI) analysis, high-dimensional data may contain noisy, irrelevant and redundant information. To mitigate the negative effect from these information, feature selection is one of the useful solutions. Unsupervised feature selection is a data preprocessing technique for dimensionality reduction, which selects a subset of informative features without using any label information. Different from the linear models, the autoencoder is formulated to nonlinearly select informative features. The adjacency matrix of HSI can be constructed to extract the underlying relationship between each data point, where the latent representation of original data can be obtained via matrix factorization. Besides, a new feature representation can be also learnt from the autoencoder. For a same data matrix, different feature representations should consistently share the potential information. Motivated by these, in this paper, we propose a latent representation learning based autoencoder feature selection (LRLAFS) model, where the latent representation learning is used to steer feature selection for the autoencoder. To solve the proposed model, we advance an alternative optimization algorithm. Experimental results on three HSI datasets confirm the effectiveness of the proposed model.


Hyperspectral images usually have large volumes of data comprising hundreds of spectral bands. Removal of redundant bands can both reduce computational time and improve classification performance. This work proposes and analyses a band-selection method based on the k-means clustering strategy combined with a classification approach using entropy filtering. Experimental results in different terrain images show that our method can significantly reduce the number of bands while maintaining an accurate classification.  相似文献   

摘 要:本文针对两期高分辨率遥感影像提出一种结合邻域相关影像(NCI)和最大相关性最小冗余性特征选择(mRMR)的面向对象变化检测方法。为了验证该方法的有效性,本研究设计了3组对比实验:(1)比较只使用mRMR特征选择与未使用mRMR特征选择的效果;(2)比较使用NCI与mRMR特征选择相结合与只使用NCI的效果;(3)比较使用NCI与mRMR特征选择相结合与只使用mRMR特征选择的效果。实验结果表明,使用NCI与mRMR特征选择相结合的变化检测效果要优于只使用NCI或是只使用mRMR特征选择的效果,更优于两者都不使用的效果。 关键字:遥感影像,高分辨率,面向对象,变化检测,邻域相关影像,特征选择  相似文献   

为减少高光谱遥感图像光谱空间冗余,降低后续处理的计算复杂度,提出一种基于最大最小距离的高光谱图像波段选择算法。首先计算波段标准差,选定标准差最大的波段作为初始中心;然后使用最大最小距离算法得到相对距离较远的聚类中心,对波段进行聚类;最后使用K中心点算法更新聚类中心。实验仿真结果表明:通过基于最大最小距离算法选择的波段,能够选出同时满足信息量大、相关性小的要求的波段子集,并将获得的波段组合用于高光谱图像分类时,可以得到较好的分类精度。  相似文献   

Hyperspectral images are widely used in real applications due to their rich spectral information. However, the large volume brings a lot of inconvenience, such as storage and transmission. Hyperspectral band selection is an important technique to cope with this issue by selecting a few spectral bands to replace the original image. This article proposes a novel band selection algorithm that first estimates the redundancy through analysing relationships among spectral bands. After that, spectral bands are ranked according to their relative importance. Subsequently, in order to remove redundant spectral bands and preserve the original information, a maximal linearly independent subset is constructed as the optimal band combination. Contributions of this article are listed as follows: (1) A new strategy for band selection is proposed to preserve the original information mostly; (2) A non-negative low-rank representation algorithm is developed to discover intrinsic relationships among spectral bands; (3) A smart strategy is put forward to adaptively determine the optimal combination of spectral bands. To verify the effectiveness, experiments have been conducted on both hyperspectral unmixing and classification. For unmixing, the proposed algorithm decreases the average root mean square errors (RMSEs) by 0.05, 0.03, and 0.05 for the Urban, Cuprite, and Indian Pines data sets, respectively. With regard to classification, our algorithm achieves the overall accuracies of 77.07% and 89.19% for the Indian Pines and Pavia University data sets, respectively. These results are close to the performance with original images. Thus, comparative experiments not only illustrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm, but also prove the validity of band selection on hyperspectral image processing.  相似文献   


With hundreds of spectral bands, the rise of the issue of dimensionality in the classification of hyperspectral images is usually inevitable. In this paper, a restrictive polymorphic ant colony algorithm (RPACA) based band selection algorithm (RPACA-BS) was proposed to reduce the dimensionality of hyperspectral images. In the proposed algorithm, both local and global searches were conducted considering band similarity. Moreover, the problem of falling into local optima, due to the selection of similar band subsets although travelling different paths, was solved by varying the pheromone matrix between ants moving in opposite directions. The performance of the proposed RPACA-BS algorithm was evaluated using three public datasets (the Indian Pines, Pavia University and Botswana datasets) based on average overall classification accuracy (OA) and CPU processing time. The experimental results showed that average OA of RPACA-BS was up to 89.80%, 94.96% and 92.17% for the Indian Pines, Pavia University and Botswana dataset, respectively, which was higher than that of the benchmarks, including the ant colony algorithm-based band selection algorithm (ACA-BS), polymorphic ant colony algorithm-based band selection algorithm (PACA-BS) and other band selection methods (e.g. the ant lion optimizer-based band selection algorithm). Meanwhile, the time consumed by RPACA-BS and PACA-BS were slightly lower than that of ACA-BS but obviously lower than that of other benchmarks. The proposed RPACA-BS method is thus able to effectively enhance the search abilities and efficiencies of the ACA-BS and PACA-BS algorithms to handle the complex band selection issue for hyperspectral remotely sensed images.  相似文献   

中文文本中,传统的n-grams特征选择加权算法(如滑动窗口法等)存在两点不足:在将每个词进行组合、生成n-grams特征之前必须对每篇文本调用分词接口。无法删除n-grams中的冗余词,使得冗余的n-grams特征对其他有用的n-grams特征产生干扰,降低分类准确率。为解决以上问题,根据汉语单、双字词识别研究理论,将文本转化为字矩阵。通过对字矩阵中元素进行冗余过滤和交运算得到n-grams特征,避免了n-grams特征中存在冗余词的情况,且不需对文本调用任何分词接口。在搜狗中文新闻语料库和网易文本语料库中的实验结果表明,相比于滑动窗口法和其他n-grams特征选择加权算法,基于字矩阵交运算的n-grams特征选择加权算法得到的n-grams特征耗时更短,在支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)中的分类效果更好。  相似文献   

Many recent image retrieval methods are based on the “bag-of-words” (BoW) model with some additional spatial consistency checking. This paper proposes a more accurate similarity measurement that takes into account spatial layout of visual words in an offline manner. The similarity measurement is embedded in the standard pipeline of the BoW model, and improves two features of the model: i) latent visual words are added to a query based on spatial co-occurrence, to improve query recall; and ii) weights of reliable visual words are increased to improve the precision. The combination of these methods leads to a more accurate measurement of image similarity. This is similar in concept to the combination of query expansion and spatial verification, but does not require query time processing, which is too expensive to apply to full list of ranked results. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on three public datasets.  相似文献   

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