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传统的聚类算法在以下两种情况下存在直接失效的风险:一是数据稀少或存在大量干扰数据;二是为了调控数据间的差异性,对数据集进行缩放。为了同时解决上述两个问题,提出了历史知识迁移准则与中心间距极大化准则,并将其运用到极大熵聚类算法中,称之为具备历史迁移能力的中心极大化聚类算法。算法有三大突出的优点:在当前数据稀少或存在污染时,算法有效利用了历史知识进行迁移学习,从而证明了较好的聚类有效性;在数据缩放到一定倍数时,传统聚类算法取得的类中心趋于一致,而算法利用类中心间距极大化准则,有效避免了类中心一致的问题;算法所利用的历史知识均不暴露历史源数据,因此算法具有良好的历史数据隐私保护效果。通过模拟数据集和真实数据集的实验,验证了算法的上述优点。  相似文献   

传统谱聚类对初值选取十分敏感,严重影响了聚类效果。为了解决初值敏感问题,提出了基于CMT-FCM(借鉴历史知识的类中心距离极大化聚类算法)的自适应谱聚类算法。该算法以样本空间的标准差作为尺度参数,实现了尺度参数的自适应选取,提高了算法效率;而通过借鉴历史知识,引入类中心距离极大化项,避免了干扰点对类中心的干扰,提高了算法鲁棒性。通过在模拟数据集以及真实数据集上测验,取得了比传统谱聚类更稳定的聚类效果,验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

为解决数据不足或失真等环境下传统聚类技术效果不佳的问题,基于历史类中心和历史隶属度提出两种知识迁移机制,并与极大熵聚类方法融合提出知识迁移极大熵聚类算法KT-MEC. KT-MEC的优点是:利用历史知识, KT-MEC聚类有效性和实用性明显增强;内嵌迁移机制均不暴露源域数据,从而拥有源域隐私保护能力;KT-MEC基于的“参数寻优+聚类有效性度量”机制理论上保证其性能不差于经典极大熵算法,避免了负迁移问题.  相似文献   

陈爱国    王士同 《智能系统学报》2017,12(1):95-103
针对传统的聚类算法在样本数据量不足或样本受到污染情况下的聚类性能下降问题,在经典的极大熵聚类算法(MEKTFCA)的基础上,提出了一种新的融合历史聚类中心点和历史隶属度这两种知识的基于极大熵的知识迁移模糊聚类算法。该算法通过学习由源域总结出来的有益历史聚类中心和历史隶属度知识来指导数据量不足或受污染的目标域数据的聚类任务,从而提高了聚类性能。通过一组模拟数据集和两组真实数据集构造的迁移场景上的实验,证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对聚类算法中特征数据对聚类中心贡献的差异性及算法对初始聚类中心的敏感性等问题,提出一种基于知识量加权的直觉模糊均值聚类方法。首先将原始数据集直觉模糊化并改进最新的直觉模糊知识测度计算知识量,据此实现数据集特征加权,再利用核空间密度与核距离初始化聚类中心,以提高高维特征数据集的计算精度与聚类效率,最后基于类间样本距离与最小知识量原理建立聚类优化模型,得到最优迭代算法。基于UCI人工数据集的实验结果表明,所提方法较大程度地提高了聚类的准确性与迭代效率,分类正确率及执行效率分别平均提高了10.63%和31.75%,且具有良好的普适性和稳定性。该方法首次将知识测度新理论引入模糊聚类并取得优良效果,为该理论在其他相关领域的潜在应用开创了新例。  相似文献   

针对非充分数据集及噪声对聚类分析的干扰,基于模糊C均值(FCM)框架下的聚类技术,即一般化的增强模糊划分聚类算法(GIFP-FCM),探讨具有迁移学习能力的聚类方法--融入迁移学习机制的GIFP-FCM算法(T-GIFP-FCM)。该算法通过有效利用历史相关场景(域)总结得到的知识来指导当前场景(域)中信息不足时的聚类任务,从而提高聚类效果。通过在模拟数据集及真实数据集上的仿真实验,结果显示文中算法较之传统算法在处理信息不足任务时具有更佳的性能。  相似文献   

针对密度峰值聚类(CFSFDP)算法处理多密度峰值数据集时,人工选择聚类中心易造成簇的误划分问题,提出一种结合遗传k均值改进的密度峰值聚类算法。在CFSFDP求得的可能簇中心中,利用基于可变染色体长度编码的遗传k均值的全局搜索能力自动搜索出最优聚类中心,同时自适应确定遗传k均值的交叉概率,避免早熟问题的出现。在UCI数据集上的实验结果表明,改进算法具有较好的聚类质量和较少的迭代次数,验证了所提算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对传统的模糊核聚类算法(FKCM)需给出聚类个数,且对初始值敏感、易陷入局部最优的缺点,本文提出了一种基于高斯核化有效性指标的自适应优选聚类数的模糊核聚类算法(GKVI-AOCN-FKCM)。利用基于密度和距离的方法选取初始聚类中心,克服了对初始值的敏感,提高了聚类效率。然后用高斯核函数核化后的有效性指标评价聚类效果并自动确定最佳分类数,从而无监督地实现对数据集的模糊划分。对Iris数据集的仿真实验及石脑油属性数据分类的应用验证了算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

模糊C-均值(FCM)聚类算法是目前最流行的数据集模糊划分方法之一.但是,有关聚类类别数的合理选择和确定,即聚类有效性分析,对FCM算法而言仍是一个开放性问题.为此,本文结合数据集的几何结构信息和FCM算法的模糊划分信息,重新定义了划分矩阵,进而利用划分模糊度提出了一种新的模糊聚类有效性函数.实验结果表明该方法是有效的且具有良好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

基于最大最小距离和动态隧道的聚类算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对K-means聚类算法对初值敏感和易陷入局部最小值的缺陷,提出了一种基于最大最小距离和动态隧道的聚类算法.该算法首先利用最大最小距离法来优选初始聚类中心以避免由于聚类中心过于随机而导致其分布较为集中的情形,以提高划分初始数据集的效率.动态隧道法具有全局寻优能力,利用钻隧过程可跳出局部极小点得到更小值点,再由K-means聚类算法对其迭代优化,如此反复直至得到全局极值.实验结果表明了该算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

针对影响k-means聚类效果的聚类数目和初始中心点两大因素,提出了基于双重遗传的kmeans算法。它用外层遗传算法控制聚类数目,用内层遗传算法控制聚类的初始中心点,并采用类间距离和类内距离以及二者之间的比值来评价聚类结果的好坏,在算法终止后,可同时求得较优的聚类数目和某聚类数目下的较优初始中心点。此外,根据内外层遗传算法的特殊性,采用不同的编码策略适应算法需求,为保留优质个体,采用精英个体保留策略。通过UCI数据集测试实例证明此算法有很好的实用性,对数据挖掘技术有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

半监督的自动聚类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘章明 《计算机应用》2010,30(10):2614-2617
基于进化算法的自动聚类方法在处理聚类结构比较松散的数据集时,存在聚类准确性不高、收敛速度慢的缺陷,为此提出一种半监督的自动聚类算法。该算法从调整染色体的解码过程入手,首先从染色体中分离出聚类数和所有的质心,然后使用最近邻规则滤去部分偏离数据集分布区域的无效质心,最后嵌入先验信息辅助K-均值方法对剩余的质心聚类,进一步优化染色体的解码结果。实验结果表明,该算法对聚类结构紧密或松散的数据集均可给出较精确的聚类结果。  相似文献   

针对传统谱聚类在构建关系矩阵时只考虑样本的全局特征而忽略样本的局部特征、在聚类划分时通常需要指定聚类个数、无法对交叉点进行正确划分等问题,提出了一种改进的基于局部主成分分析和连通图分解的谱聚类算法。首先自动学习挑选数据集的中心点,然后使用局部主成分分析得到数据集的关系矩阵,最后用连通图分解算法完成对关系矩阵的划分。实验结果表明提出的改进算法性能优于现有经典算法。  相似文献   

基于QPSO的数据聚类*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在KMeans聚类、PSO聚类、KMeans和PSO混合聚类(KPSO)的基础上,研究了基于量子行为的微粒群优化算法(QPSO)的数据聚类方法,并提出利用KMeans聚类的结果重新初始化粒子群,结合QPSO的聚类算法,即KQPSO。介绍了如何利用上述算法找到用户指定的聚类个数的聚类中心。聚类过程都是根据数据之间的Euclidean(欧几里得)距离。KMeans算法、PSO算法和QPSO算法的不同在于聚类中心向量的“进化”上。最后使用三个数据集比较了上面提到的五种聚类方法的性能,结果显示基于QPSO  相似文献   

Cluster validity indices are used to validate results of clustering and to find a set of clusters that best fits natural partitions for given data set. Most of the previous validity indices have been considerably dependent on the number of data objects in clusters, on cluster centroids and on average values. They have a tendency to ignore small clusters and clusters with low density. Two cluster validity indices are proposed for efficient validation of partitions containing clusters that widely differ in sizes and densities. The first proposed index exploits a compactness measure and a separation measure, and the second index is based an overlap measure and a separation measure. The compactness and the overlap measures are calculated from few data objects of a cluster while the separation measure uses all data objects. The compactness measure is calculated only from data objects of a cluster that are far enough away from the cluster centroids, while the overlap measure is calculated from data objects that are enough near to one or more other clusters. A good partition is expected to have low degree of overlap and a larger separation distance and compactness. The maximum value of the ratio of compactness to separation and the minimum value of the ratio of overlap to separation indicate the optimal partition. Testing of both proposed indices on some artificial and three well-known real data sets showed the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed indices.  相似文献   

When clustering algorithms are applied to image segmentation, the goal is to solve a classification problem. However, these algorithms do not directly optimize classification duality. As a result, they are susceptible to two problems: 1) the criterion they optimize may not be a good estimator of “true” classification quality, and 2) they often admit many (suboptimal) solutions. This paper introduces an algorithm that uses cluster validity to mitigate problems 1 and 2. The validity-guided (re)clustering (VGC) algorithm uses cluster-validity information to guide a fuzzy (re)clustering process toward better solutions. It starts with a partition generated by a soft or fuzzy clustering algorithm. Then it iteratively alters the partition by applying (novel) split-and-merge operations to the clusters. Partition modifications that result in improved partition validity are retained. VGC is tested on both synthetic and real-world data. For magnetic resonance image (MRI) segmentation, evaluations by radiologists show that VGC outperforms the (unsupervised) fuzzy c-means algorithm, and VGC's performance approaches that of the (supervised) k-nearest-neighbors algorithm  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a particle swarm optimizer (PSO) to solve the variable weighting problem in projected clustering of high-dimensional data. Many subspace clustering algorithms fail to yield good cluster quality because they do not employ an efficient search strategy. In this paper, we are interested in soft projected clustering. We design a suitable k-means objective weighting function, in which a change of variable weights is exponentially reflected. We also transform the original constrained variable weighting problem into a problem with bound constraints, using a normalized representation of variable weights, and we utilize a particle swarm optimizer to minimize the objective function in order to search for global optima to the variable weighting problem in clustering. Our experimental results on both synthetic and real data show that the proposed algorithm greatly improves cluster quality. In addition, the results of the new algorithm are much less dependent on the initial cluster centroids. In an application to text clustering, we show that the algorithm can be easily adapted to other similarity measures, such as the extended Jaccard coefficient for text data, and can be very effective.  相似文献   

Recently, kernel-based clustering in feature space has shown to perform better than conventional clustering methods in unsupervised classification. In this paper, a partitioning clustering method in kernel-induce feature space for symbolic interval-valued data is introduced. The distance between an item and its prototype in feature space is expanded using a two-component mixture kernel to handle intervals. Moreover, tools for the partition and cluster interpretation of interval-valued data in feature space are also presented. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, experiments with real and synthetic interval data sets were performed and a study comparing the proposed method with different clustering algorithms of the literature is also presented. The clustering quality furnished by the methods is measured by an external cluster validity index (corrected Rand index). These experiments showed the usefulness of the kernel K-means method for interval-valued data and the merit of the partition and cluster interpretation tools.  相似文献   

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