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Recently, graph embedding-based methods have drawn increasing attention for dimensionality reduction (DR) of hyperspectral image (HSI) classification. Graph construction is a critical step for those DR methods. Pairwise similarity graph is generally employed to reflect the geometric structure in the original data. However, it ignores the similarity of neighbouring pixels. In order to further improve the classification performance, both spectral and spatial-contextual information should be taken into account in HSI classification. In this paper, a novel spatial-spectral neighbour graph (SSNG) is proposed for DR of HSI classification, which consists of the following four steps. First, a superpixel-based segmentation algorithm is adopted to divide HSI into many superpixels. Second, a novel distance metric is utilized to reflect the similarity of two spectral pixels in each superpixel. In the third step, a spatial-spectral neighbour graph is constructed according to the above distance metric. At last, support vector machine with a composite kernel (SVM-CK) is adopted to classify the dimensionality-reduced HSI. Experimental results on three real hyperspectral datasets demonstrate that our method can achieve higher classification accuracy with relatively less consumed time than other graph embedding-based methods.  相似文献   

行为分类中,现有的特征提取要么方法简单、识别率低,要么特征提取复杂、实时性差。对此,提出一种算法:将步态能量图(GEI)改进,得到增强步态能量图(EGEI);然后将二维保局映射(2DLPP)应用于特征空间降维;最后采用最近邻(NN)法分类。EGEI比GEI更能反映目标特征;2DLPP降维效果好于主成分分析(PCA)及一维保局映射。在Weizmann行为数据库上测试,实验结果表明:该算法简单、准确率高,平均识别率达到了91.22%。  相似文献   

神经元尖峰电位的识别和分类,是神经信息处理中的关键环节之一,而尖峰电位的特征提取是识别和分类的重要基础。针对尖峰电位的特征提取和分类,提出一种基于局部保持投影(LPP)的无监督算法,对近邻参数进行了自动识别和选择,使用基于原型向量的分布离散度标准,尖峰电位的特征得到充分提取和分离。仿真和实际数据实验结果表明:基于局部保持投影的无监督特征提取和分类算法,比传统主成分分析(PCA)方法能更加有效地实现特征提取和分离。  相似文献   

维数灾难是机器学习算法在高维数据上学习经常遇到的难题,基于局部保持的投影方法(Locality Preserving Projection,LPP),可以很好地解决维数灾难难题。然而传统LPP的相似性度量方法对噪音敏感,为此利用鲁棒路径相似的度量方法,提出一种增强的局部保持投影方法。在高维流形数据上的降维实验证实了该方法对噪声和离群点的有效性。  相似文献   

Kernel class-wise locality preserving projection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the recent years, the pattern recognition community paid more attention to a new kind of feature extraction method, the manifold learning methods, which attempt to project the original data into a lower dimensional feature space by preserving the local neighborhood structure. Among them, locality preserving projection (LPP) is one of the most promising feature extraction techniques. However, when LPP is applied to the classification tasks, it shows some limitations, such as the ignorance of the label information. In this paper, we propose a novel local structure based feature extraction method, called class-wise locality preserving projection (CLPP). CLPP utilizes class information to guide the procedure of feature extraction. In CLPP, the local structure of the original data is constructed according to a certain kind of similarity between data points, which takes special consideration of both the local information and the class information. The kernelized (nonlinear) counterpart of this linear feature extractor is also established in the paper. Moreover, a kernel version of CLPP namely Kernel CLPP (KCLPP) is developed through applying the kernel trick to CLPP to increase its performance on nonlinear feature extraction. Experiments on ORL face database and YALE face database are performed to test and evaluate the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In the past few years, the computer vision and pattern recognition community has witnessed a rapid growth of a new kind of feature extraction method, the manifold learning methods, which attempt to project the original data into a lower dimensional feature space by preserving the local neighborhood structure. Among these methods, locality preserving projection (LPP) is one of the most promising feature extraction techniques. Unlike the unsupervised learning scheme of LPP, this paper follows the supervised learning scheme, i.e. it uses both local information and class information to model the similarity of the data. Based on novel similarity, we propose two feature extraction algorithms, supervised optimal locality preserving projection (SOLPP) and normalized Laplacian-based supervised optimal locality preserving projection (NL-SOLPP). Optimal here means that the extracted features via SOLPP (or NL-SOLPP) are statistically uncorrelated and orthogonal. We compare the proposed SOLPP and NL-SOLPP with LPP, orthogonal locality preserving projection (OLPP) and uncorrelated locality preserving projection (ULPP) on publicly available data sets. Experimental results show that the proposed SOLPP and NL-SOLPP achieve much higher recognition accuracy.  相似文献   

In face recognition, when the number of images in the training set is much smaller than the number of pixels in each image, Locality Preserving Projections (LPP) often suffers from the singularity problem. To overcome singularity problem, principal component analysis is applied as a preprocessing step. But this procession may discard some important discriminative information. In this paper, a novel algorithm called Optimal Locality Preserving Projections (O-LPP) is proposed. The algorithm transforms the singular eigensystem computation to eigenvalue decomposition problems without losing any discriminative information, which can reduce the computation complexity. And the theoretical analysis related to the algorithm is also obtained. Extensive experiments on face databases demonstrate the proposed algorithm is superior to the traditional LPP algorithm.  相似文献   

研究表明基于整体思想的人脸识别方法由于忽略图像的局部信息,在识别性能方面不如局部信息特征保持较好的基于子模块思想的识别算法。基于应用流形技术对图像降维后能够较好保持非线性子流形中的局部数据流形结构,提出了一种改进的子模式局部保持映射人脸识别算法。其主要思想是将同类的不同图像一并划分子集,由同位置子图组成子模块,并对子模块运用LPP算法学习其流形结构,与将不同类图像一并划分子集学习流形的方法不同。实验表明,该算法能更好地保持人脸图像的局部流形结构和信息特征,提高了识别率。  相似文献   

针对稀疏保留投影(SPP)算法运行时间较长并且忽略了样本的类间差异信息的问题,在稀疏保留投影算法的基础上,提出了全局加权稀疏局部保留投影(GWSLPP)算法。该算法在保持样本的稀疏重构关系的同时,使样本具有很好的鉴别能力,算法通过对样本进行稀疏重构处理;然后对样本进行投影并且最大化样本的类间散度;最后利用得到的投影将样本分类。该算法分别在FERET人脸库和YALE人脸库上进行实验。实验结果表明,全局加权稀疏保留算法在执行时间和识别率综合性能上,优于局部保留投影(LPP)、SPP和FisherFace算法,执行时间只有25s,识别率能达到95%以上,实验数据验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

为了克服保局投影方法(locality preserving projection,LPP)对噪音敏感,有效性依赖于近邻图构造等缺点,提出一种基于集成图的保局投影方法(graphs ensemble based LPP,GELPP).该方法先根据鲁棒统计原理定义出对噪声鲁棒的样本间相似性度量,再以该度量为基础构造多个近似的最大生成树;然后利用集成学习泛化能力强的优点来组合多个树为一个集成图;最后通过替换LPP的近邻图和相似性度量来进行保局投影.在高维人脸图像上的降维实验结果表明,该方法对噪声鲁棒,以及在集成图上降维的有效性.  相似文献   

针对稀疏保留投影(SPP)算法运行时间较长并且忽略了样本的类间差异信息的问题,在稀疏保留投影算法的基础上,提出了全局加权稀疏局部保留投影(GWSLPP)算法。该算法在保持样本的稀疏重构关系的同时,使样本具有很好的鉴别能力,算法通过对样本进行稀疏重构处理;然后对样本进行投影并且最大化样本的类间散度;最后利用得到的投影将样本分类。该算法分别在FERET人脸库和YALE人脸库上进行实验。实验结果表明,全局加权稀疏保留算法在执行时间和识别率综合性能上,优于局部保留投影(LPP)、SPP和FisherFace算法,执行时间只有25s,识别率能达到95%以上,实验数据验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, aiming at the drawback of the popular dimensionality reduction method Discriminant Sparse Neighborhood Preserving Embedding(DSNPE), i.e. the...  相似文献   

薛寺中  谈锐  陈秀宏 《计算机应用》2012,32(8):2235-2244
为能有效捕捉数据的非线性特征,特提出一种新的非线性数据降维算法——核半监督局部保留投影(KSSLPP)。该方法利用标记样本的标记信息及所有训练样本的结构重新定义了类间相似度和类内相似度,然后将原始数据映射到高维核空间,在核空间中最大化类间分离度,最小化类内分离度。该方法在核空间保持了数据的局部结构和全局结构,以及数据的标签信息。在Olivetti人脸库和UCI数据库中的对比实验验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new algorithm called locality discriminating projection (LDP) for subspace learning, which provides a new scheme for discriminant analysis by considering both the manifold structure and the prior class information. In the LDP algorithm, the overlap among the class-specific manifolds is approximated by an invader graph, and a locality discriminant criterion is proposed to find the projections that best preserve the within-class local structures while decrease the between-class overlap. The feasibility of the LDP algorithm has been successfully tested in text data and visual recognition experiments. Experiment results show it is an effective technique for data modeling and classification comparing to linear discriminant analysis, locality preserving projection, and marginal Fisher analysis.  相似文献   

目的 深度神经网络在高光谱图像分类任务中表现出明显的优越性,但是对抗样本的出现使其鲁棒性受到严重威胁,对抗训练方法为深度神经网络提供了一种有效的保护策略,但是在有限标记样本下提高目标网络的鲁棒性和泛化能力仍然需要进一步研究。为此,本文提出了一种面向高光谱图像分类网络的对比半监督对抗训练方法。方法 首先,根据少量标记样本预训练目标模型,并同时利用少量标记样本和大量无标记样本构建训练样本集合;然后,通过最大化训练样本集合中干净样本和对抗样本在目标模型上的特征差异生成高迁移性对抗样本;最后,为了减少对抗训练过程对样本标签的依赖以及提高目标模型对困难对抗样本的学习和泛化能力,充分利用目标模型和预训练模型的输出层及中间层特征,构建对比对抗损失函数对目标模型进行优化,提高目标模型的对抗鲁棒性。对抗样本生成和目标网络优化过程交替进行,并且不需要样本标签的参与。结果 在 PaviaU 和 Indian Pines 两组高光谱图像数据集上与主流的 5 种对抗训练方法进行了比较,本文方法在防御已知攻击和多种未知攻击上均表现出明显的优越性。面对 6 种未知攻击,相比于监督对抗训练方法 AT(adversarial training)和 TRADES(trade-offbetween robustness and accuracy),本文方法分类精度在两个数据集上平均提高了 13. 3% 和 16%,相比于半监督对抗训练方法 SRT(semi-supervised robust training)、RST(robust self-training)和 MART(misclassification aware adversarialrisk training),本文方法分类精度再两个数据集上平均提高了 5. 6% 和 4. 4%。实验结果表明了提出模型的有效性。结论 本文方法能够在少量标记样本下提高高光谱图像分类网络的防御性能。  相似文献   

龚劬  华桃桃 《计算机应用》2012,32(2):528-534
局部保持投影算法是基于流形的学习方法,在人脸识别过程中容易遇到奇异值问题,为此提出一种利用奇异值分解的方法。在模型中,样本数据被投影到一个非奇异正交矩阵中,解决了奇异值问题;然后再根据局部保持投影算法求出新样本空间的低维投影子空间。将训练样本和测试样本分别投影到低维子空间中,再利用最近邻分类器进行分类识别。在ORL人脸数据库中,采用了一系列的实验来对比该算法与传统局部保持投影算法和主成分分析算法的识别效果。实验结果验证了改进的局部保持投影算法在人脸识别的有效性。  相似文献   

李晓曼  王靖 《计算机应用》2012,32(2):531-534
局部保持投影算法(LPP)是拉普拉斯映射(LE)的线性近似,但LPP作为一种无监督方法,并没有有效利用已有的类别信息提高分类效率。为此提出一种基于类别信息的监督局部保持投影方法(SLPP-LI)。在学习投影矩阵时,SLPP-LI综合利用了流形的几何结构和已有训练点的类别信息,通过调整控制参数的取值,有效地利用已知的低维信息,并且直接求解线性方程获得高维数据的低维模型。通过在多个人脸数据库和手写数字库上的对比实验,表明了SLPP-LI对于高维数据的初始维数以及训练数据的数目并不敏感,〖BP(〗同类问题中与相应的对比算法相比〖BP)〗与主分量分析法(PCA)、LPP、正交LPP(OLPP)、有监督的LPP(SLPP)相比,均具有较高的识别率,充分说明SLPP-LI算法能够有效处理分类问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptively weighted sub-pattern locality preserving projection (Aw-SpLPP) algorithm is proposed for face recognition. Unlike the traditional LPP algorithm which operates directly on the whole face image patterns and obtains a global face features that best detects the essential face manifold structure, the proposed Aw-SpLPP method operates on sub-patterns partitioned from an original whole face image and separately extracts corresponding local sub-features from them. Furthermore, the contribution of each sub-pattern can be adaptively computed by Aw-SpLPP in order to enhance the robustness to facial pose, expression and illumination variations. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by extensive experiments on three standard face databases (Yale, YaleB and PIE). Experimental results show that Aw-SpLPP outperforms other holistic and sub-pattern based methods.  相似文献   

面向酉子空间的二维判别保局投影的人脸识别*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保局投影算法(LPP)在人脸识别中具有较好的识别性能,但它是一种非监督学习,并且在具体实现时需要把图像转换为向量,破坏了图像的像素结构,这显然不利于模式识别。针对这些问题,提出基于酉子空间的二维判别保局算法,不仅在判别保局算法的基础上增加了类别信息,而且直接在灰度矩阵上进行水平和垂直方向上的二维保局投影。该方法构造酉空间上的复向量后再运用线性判别分析提取特征。在ORL、Yale和XJTU人脸库中验证了算法的正确性和有效性,其识别率比传统的2DLDA和2DLPP等方法提高4~5个百分点。  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to improve land-cover classification accuracy from multifrequency full-polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) observations using multiple classifier systems (MCSs) when limited training samples are available. Two types of popular MCSs, tree-based MCSs and neural-based MCSs, were compared with individual decision tree (DT) and neural network methods. Moreover, an objective majority voting (OMV) was proposed and compared with majority voting (MV) and weighted MV (WMV) to fuse the results of the MCSs. Experimental tests were performed on three benchmark PolSAR data sets with different frequencies (X, C, and L) over the San Francisco Bay, CA. The results indicated (1) tree-based MCSs and neural-based MCSs, in general, produced higher overall, producer?s and user?s accuracies than the related individual methods, i.e. DT and NN, with limited training samples; (2) tree-based MCSs were also often more accurate and much faster than neural-based MCSs; (3) regarding robustness, among the MCSs, random forest showed higher stability while bagging showed lower stability in the classification of three PolSAR data sets; (4) the OMV proposed in this article usually outperformed its competitors, i.e. MV and WMV; (5) the results obtained by the methods from the C-band data set were more accurate and more reliable than those obtained from the X- and L-band data sets.  相似文献   

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