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In this paper, a novel Fuzzy Fractional Order Proportional Integral Derivative (FFOPID) controller is proposed to control the liquid level of Two Tank Spherical Interacting System (TTSIS). Spherical tanks are widely used in process industries due to its high storage capacity. These are non-linear due to its varying surface area with respect to its height and hence the level control of a spherical tank system is a challenging task. Fractional Order Proportional Integral Derivative (FOPID) controller is designed for a liquid level control of a spherical tank which is modelled as a fractional Order System. The performance indices such as rise time, settling time, peak time and peak overshoot are analysed for the proposed control scheme and compared to conventional controllers such as PI, PID, PID-SMC, FOPID. Moreover the time integral performance measures such as ITAE, IAE and ISE are analysed. Experimental results are shown to validate the obtained results with those of simulations. It has been proven that FFOPID outperforms all other existing techniques in terms of various time domain specifications and time integral performance measures.  相似文献   

针对非自衡化工过程难以控制及所得控制器参数调节无规律可循的问题,为提高过程控制品质,通过设计跟踪给定值控制回路和抑制干扰控制回路来实现非自衡化工过程的控制;利用最优控制理论、Taylor近似,设计得到的跟踪给定值控制器和抑制干扰控制器其PID参数可解析给出,每个控制器只有唯一的调节参数且两个回路的参数调节相互独立,最后定性分析了闭环控制系统的稳定性,仿真结果表明基于该控制系统可有效实现非自衡化工过程的控制。  相似文献   

自适应PID控制器实现熟料料层自动控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对传统PID控制器在冷却机应用中存在的问题,提出了一种自适应PID控制器实现冷却机熟料料层的自动控制。在给出冷却机高温熟料料层厚度的测量方法之后,提出了模糊控制策略和PID控制器参数整定表。  相似文献   

Standard genetic algorithms (SGAs) are investigated to optimise discrete-time proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller parameters, by three tuning approaches, for a multivariable glass furnace process with loop interaction. Initially, standard genetic algorithms (SGAs) are used to identify control oriented models of the plant which are subsequently used for controller optimisation. An individual tuning approach without loop interaction is considered first to categorise the genetic operators, cost functions and improve searching boundaries to attain the desired performance criteria. The second tuning approach considers controller parameters optimisation with loop interaction and individual cost functions. While, the third tuning approach utilises a modified cost function which includes the total effect of both controlled variables, glass temperature and excess oxygen. This modified cost function is shown to exhibit improved control robustness and disturbance rejection under loop interaction.  相似文献   

针对连续搅拌反应釜(CSTR)系统控制问题,设计了一种基于闭环增益成形算法的PID控制器,以提高PID控制器设计的简洁性和鲁棒性。首先假设期望闭环回路传递函数有一阶形式,同时将受控对象的一阶传递函数和PID控制器构成实际闭环回路传递函数。然后,比较期望闭环回路传递函数和实际闭环回路传递函数,即可确定PID参数。最后,以某CSTR系统为例,利用该方法设计了PID控制器,并通过仿真结果比较,检验了该方法所得PID控制器的良好鲁棒稳定性和动态品质。  相似文献   

针对工业生产中常用的反应釜,提出利用模糊自整定PID控制器实现聚合反应温度控制的方法,实现PID控制器参数在线自调整,提高PID控制器的性能和系统的精度.仿真结果表明,该模糊自整定PID对被控系统的适应性强、鲁棒性好、超调小、反应时间快,能很好地适应现实生产过程中的控制要求.  相似文献   

With the aim to improve the steel rolling process performance, this research presents a novel hybrid system for selecting the best parameters for tuning in open loop a PID controller. The novel hybrid system combines rule based system and Artificial Neural Networks. With the rule based system, it is modeled the existing knowledge of the PID controller tuning in open loop and, with Artificial Neural Network, it is completed the rule based model that allow to choose the optimal parameters for the controller. This hybrid model is tested with a long dataset to obtain the best fitness. Finally, the novel research is validated on a real steeling roll process applying the hybrid model to tune a PID controller which set the input speed in each of the gearboxes of the process.  相似文献   

This note is devoted to the problem of synthesizing proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers for robust performance for a given single-input-single-output plant in the presence of uncertainty. First, the problem of robust performance design is converted into simultaneous stabilization of a complex polynomial family. An extension of the results on PID stabilization is then used to devise a linear programming design procedure for determining all admissible PID gain settings. The most important feature of the proposed approach is that it computationally characterizes the entire set of the admissible PID gain values for an arbitrary plant.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an algorithm to determine the entire set of stabilising PID parameters for the integrator plus dead-time process. Our method is a combination of the traditional D-partition technique and graphical technique. We first apply the D-partition technique to address the stability regions in the plane of proportional and integral gains, which depend on the steady-state gain and the time delay. Next for fixed proportional gain, again using the D-partition technique we obtain a series of critical straight lines in the plane of integral and derivative gains and then choosing the derivative gain as a parameter, we investigate how the derivative gain affects the distribution of the roots of the corresponding characteristic equation of the closed-loop control system, which provide the stability regions in the plane of integral and derivative gains. On the base of the results obtained in the previous two steps, an efficient algorithm for determining the entire set of stabilising PID parameters is also proposed. Finally, numerical simulations are given to support our theoretical results.  相似文献   

Gain scheduling (GS) is one of the most popular approaches to nonlinear control design and it is known that GS controllers have a better performance than robust ones. Following the terminology of control engineering, linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems are time-varying plants whose state space matrices are fixed functions of some vector of varying parameters. Our approach is based on considering that the LPV system, scheduling parameters and their derivatives with respect to time lie in a priori given hyper rectangles. To guarantee the performance we use the notion of guaranteed costs. The class of control structure includes centralized, decentralized fixed order output feedbacks like PID controller. Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

为了解决目前工业系统中普遍使用的PID控制器由于工况变化等原因引起的系统发生时变而导致所在回路PID控制器性能可能下降的问题,本文提出了一种专门针对PID控制器进行性能评估、优化及监控的方法,即:PID循环评估优化算法。该算法利用系统闭环输入输出数据,使用基于MVC(minimum variance control)的PID最小方差准则,来对PID控制器的性能进行评估,并且计算出在最小方差意义下最优PID控制器参数;评估过程结果与现实系统输出方差进行比较,做为PID参数在线优化的判断依据,当现实系统性能低于某一标准的时候对控制器进行优化处理。在整个算法中,通过输入输出数据的处理与判断,利用评估优化后的PID参数对系统进行控制,并再次回到最初的输入输出数据的处理和判断过程,实现在控制过程中的系统性能监控。本文的计算机仿真试验验证了该方法的有效性,由图可看出,系统发生渐变和突变后,当输出方差超过了程序限定的标准时,在1 300秒内系统能自动评估并施行优化而达到稳定。该循环评估优化算法现实了在对系统进行性能评估监控的同时,能按照一定条件作为标准对系统的PID参数进行优化,最终使得系统具有自我监控评估和自我优化的能力...  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a robust self-tuning PID controller suitable for nonlinear systems. The control system employs a preload relay (P_Relay) in series with a PID controller. The P_Relay ensures a high gain to yield a robust performance. However, it also incurs a chattering phenomenon. In this paper, instead of viewing the chattering as an undesirable yet inevitable feature, we use it as a naturally occurring signal for tuning and re-tuning the PID controller as the operating regime digresses. No other explicit input signal is required. Once the PID controller is tuned for a particular operating point, the relay may be disabled and chattering ceases correspondingly. However, it is invoked when there is a change in setpoint to another operating regime. In this way, the approach is also applicable to time-varying systems as the PID tuning can be continuous, based on the latest set of chattering characteristics. Analysis is provided on the stability properties of the control scheme. Simulation results for the level control of fluid in a spherical tank using the scheme are also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, problem of stability analysis of the control loops consisting of first-order plus dead time (FOPDT) processes and proportional-integrative-derivative (PID) controllers is studied, where the controller coefficients are functions of one or more independent parameters. An effective procedure is presented to determine a stability region in the independent parameters space. This method does not require complex numerical calculations such as solving nonlinear equations. It is based on usage of a two-valued indicator function and by using that, a stability region is easily determined. In order to clarify that, why the stability region needs to be specified in the “independent parameters space” an optimal method is given to design the PID controller for the FOPDT processes, as an instance. In this optimal method the controller coefficients are obtained as the functions of a free parameter, where this parameter needs to be chosen by the designer such that it should be near to the maximum operating frequency of the system, besides on the other hand the closed-loop system to be stable. In the end, two illustrative examples are given in order to show the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed method, and to compare the obtained stability regions with the whole stability regions.  相似文献   

针对矿井通风机倒机过程中存在的执行器饱和问题,将变结构PID抗饱和控制与非线性自适应控制相结合,设计了自适应PID抗饱和控制器。基于带死区的投影算法建立矿井通风机倒机过程线性和非线性模型;针对这2个模型,分别设计一个变结构PID抗饱和控制器;计算线性和非线性自适应PID抗饱和控制器在不同状态下的运行评价指标,选择评价指标值较小的控制器用于该状态下的矿井通风机倒机过程控制。仿真结果表明,自适应PID抗饱和控制器能够保证井下传输风量的平稳,很好地解决了执行器饱和问题。  相似文献   

介绍了数控机床位置伺服系统新型变结构控制器的设计。仿真结果表明,该变结构控制器能在不影响系统性能的情况下有效地消除抖动现象。  相似文献   

A self-tuning controller based on the method of frequency identification and intended for controlling plants with time-varying parameters under arbitrary bounded exogenous disturbances was proposed. The impact of the harmonic frequencies of the test signal on the results of identification over a prescribed time was studied. Methods to choose frequencies and an algorithm to adjust the amplitudes of the harmonics of the test signal were proposed. The duration of the identification parameters of the plant model is determined automatically depending on the intensity of the exogenous disturbance and the desired relative accuracy of identification. The results of experimental studies of the proposed controller demonstrating its efficiency were presented.  相似文献   

针对一类非自衡过程,为了提高系统的整体性能,提出了预测PID控制器的设计方法;利用Kharitonov 定理和边缘理论分析此系统在参数不确定情况下输入、输出的鲁棒稳定性,并给出了系统保持稳定的最大过程参数区间。仿真结果表明,当过程参数偏离标称值时,此预测PID控制器的设计方法能够使系统保持很好的鲁棒稳定性,是一种值得在实际工程中推广应用的新型控制器。  相似文献   

针对输电线除冰机器人的关节运动,提出一种改进的无刷直流电机控制策略,利用粒子群算法优化不完全微分控制算法来代替传统的PID控制,对KpTiTd进行全局优化。实验结果表明,该方法明显提高了控制性能,具有很强的鲁棒性,能够满足除冰机器人对控制系统高精度、实时性的要求。  相似文献   

分析了非线性PID控制器各部分参数对于误差的理想变化过程,构造出一种非线性PID控制器;整定参数较多时,传统的参数优化方法容易产生振荡和较大的超调量,在分析量子粒子群算法(QPSO)的基础上,引入了随机选择最优个体的思想,提出使用改进的量子粒子群算法(GQPSO)优化非线性PID控制器参数。将改进量子粒子群算法与量子粒子群算法、粒子群算法通过benchmark测试函数进行了比较。最后,通过典型传递函数实例,分别使用Z-N、PSO、QPSO方法和改进的量子粒子群算法进行了PID控制器参数优化设计,并对结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach for designing simple nonlinear robust controllers for underwater vehicles. The paper presents several in-water experiments performed on the VORTEX vehicle developed by IFREMER. We first introduce some general modeling considerations of underwater vehicles, then we present the VORTEX dynamic model and some of the special features of the VORTEX vehicle that are important for control. Among these, low sampling rates for sensor and actuator nonlinearities are considered. The main aim of this paper is to experimentally investigate the benefits of adding an easy-to-tune nonlinear control loop to the actual linear compensator in order to improve the stability and the disturbance rejection properties of the closed-loop system. The advantage of this method is two-fold. First the additional nonlinear loop does not modify the original linear (PID) regulator. Second the design of this additional loop does not rely on the system model and is simple to tune. The results presented in this paper were obtained using the VORTEX vehicle both in simulation and during real experiments; they demonstrate the advantages of using a PID with this nonlinear loop over a simple PID control.  相似文献   

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