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软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)是为了高效的软件开发而描述关键过程域的框架。净室是一种以合理的成本开发高质量软件的基于理论、面向工作组的方法。如果将CMM对软件质量的定量管理和净室对成本、风险的控制相结合,无疑会给软件的开发增加巨大的动力。并且,CMM和净室是相辅相成、共同促进的。本文描述了将净室技术和CMM相互应用在服装CAD软件开发中的一些启示。  相似文献   

通过对软件生命周期管理理论和软件质量控制方法研究分析,开发核心缺陷管理与分析系统,指导软件企业或部门建立完善的软件质量保证体系,实现有效的项目管理和过程控制。  相似文献   

董永健 《福建电脑》2013,(10):75-76
软件危机出现几十年,依然未得到根本的解决究其原因是缺乏规范有效的软件质量保障技术和手段.本文旨在针对我国软件产品的现状和存在问题,对软件质量保证与软件质量控制进行初步探讨,其中对软件质量保证的目的,人员的素质要求和组成,工作内容及工作中常见问题与对策作了重点分析,并对软件产品质量控制的方法提出了设想,使在开发软件产品的过程中能够遵循一般规律,有效地保证软件产品的质量.  相似文献   

软件维护性是软件质量的重要属性之一,它在很大程度上决定了软件的后期维护成本。设计赋予软件良好的维护性是软件需求、设计和开发经常忽视的一个问题,也是一个难题。提出了一种基于场景的软件维护性需求分析方法,即通过对软件将来可能发生的维护场景进行分析以获取软件可维护性需求。  相似文献   

如何开发高质量低成本的软件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文从软件工程的角度出发,提出要开发高质量低成本的软件惟有提高软件的可靠性和可维护性,以及相应的技术手段和保障;并提出在软件项目中引入监理,可以降低项目风险,提高软件质量,降低软件开发成本。  相似文献   

介绍了一个软件质量控制平台的设计与实现过程。该平台以CMM,TSP/PSP为核心理论依据,作为一个面向中小型软件企业的软件质量控制平台,它能够有效提高开发效率,帮助企业改进软件过程,并支持企业的软件能力最高达到CMM5级水平。内容包括TSP/PSP相关概念及特点,平台的系统架构、功能描述、实现技术以及项目的创新研究成果。为企业实施软件过程改进、构建基于TSP技术的大型复杂软件质量控制平台提供了很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

随着软件产业的迅速发展,软件系统的规模和复杂性与日俱增.但由于软件开发长期以来都是“重开发,轻测试“的思想,作坊式软件企业和软件开发成本等诸多原因,软件质量难以得到保证,软件测试技术是目前用来保证软件质量、验证软件是否能够完成所期望的功能的惟一有效的方法,软件测试贯穿于软件工程的全过程.因此软件测试技术在软件工程中逐渐发展细化成为一个新的独立的软件专业.对如何设置软件测试专业课程,培养合格的软件测试人才进行了研究.  相似文献   

在软件开发过程中,对所开发的软件进行测试,是保证软件质量必不可少的手段。黑盒测试方法是在无需了解软件内部逻辑结构的情况下,测试软件是否达到了预期要求。软件质量工程师要根据软件发生缺陷的外在现象提出软件问题报告(SPR),供软件开发工程师参考。本文着重讨论了软件黑盒测试中如何在软件开发工程师和软件质量工程师之间实现规范化信息交流的一种方法。  相似文献   

面向对象软件过程的质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把ISO9001:2000过程质量控制和以用户为中心的核心理念贯穿于面向对象软件过程,可以提高软件开发质量、进度和成本的可控制程度,并有效地控制面向对象软件过程的复杂性和难度。过程质量控制能够使面向对象软件过程可持续改善,软件质量也相应地持续提高。  相似文献   

软件构架是软件工程中的重要研究领域,对软件大型复杂系统具有重要意义。采用恰当的构架是项目成功的第1步,所以好的软件构架及其评估是系统开发的关键所在。对软件构架的基本原理和结构进行了探讨,并对评估及评估方法做出了详细评析。在软件开发过程中采用软件构架,会为提高软件质量以及降低软件成本提供有力保障。  相似文献   

软件体系结构层次的适应性度量技术研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高晖  张莉 《计算机科学》2008,35(4):259-264
软件适应特定变化的能力对软件开发和维护都具有重要的影响.软件适应性(Software Flexibility)是反映软件适应变化能力的一项重要质量特征.实践说明软件体系结构设计在很大程度上决定了软件的适应性.在软件体系结构层次上量化地度量软件适应性,有助于设计人员改善和比较软件体系结构的设计方案,并可以辅助设计人员评价软件体系结构的质量.本文首先定义了软件适应性的因素-准则-度量模型(FCM模型);然后在此基础上提出了一种利用变化影响图(CIG)对软件适应性进行度量的方法.  相似文献   

Software is prevalent in embedded products and may be critical for the success of the products, but manufacturers may view software as a necessary evil rather than as a key strategic opportunity and business differentiator. One of the reasons for this can be extensive supplier and subcontractor relationships and the cost, effort or unpredictability of the deliverables from the subcontractors are experienced as a major problem.The paper proposes open software ecosystem as an alternative approach to develop software for embedded systems, and elaborates on the necessary quality attributes of an embedded platform underlying such an ecosystem. The paper then defines a reference architecture consisting of 17 key decisions together with four architectural patterns, and provides the rationale why they are essential for an open software ecosystem platform for embedded systems in general and automotive systems in particular.The reference architecture is validated through a prototypical platform implementation in an industrial setting, providing a deeper understanding of how the architecture could be realised in the automotive domain.Four potential existing platforms, all targeted at the embedded domain (Android, OKL4, AUTOSAR and Robocop), are evaluated against the identified quality attributes to see how they could serve as a basis for an open software ecosystem platform with the conclusion that while none of them is a perfect fit they all have fundamental mechanisms necessary for an open software ecosystem approach.  相似文献   

星载软件是整个卫星系统设计和开发的中心,而体系结构是整个软件开发的蓝图,在软件开发中占有十分重要的位置。为了提高星载软件开发效率,降低研制成本,同时满足实时性、可重构和可维护性要求,从体系结构的前3个视图方面采用基于设计模式的方法提出了一种满足要求的星载软件体系结构。  相似文献   

计算机应用系统的日益复杂和庞大,使得软件体系结构的研究成为当前的研究热点。软件体系结构设计已经成为软件生命周期中的一个重要环节。但是,如果无法对一个软件体系结构进行客观的、可行的定量和定性分析和评价,那么这种软件体系结构是不可靠的。现代软件的需求不断变化、业务规则和新的软件技术变化不停,要求软件体系结构在高层上必须考虑软  相似文献   

Software architecture designers inevitably work with both architecture patterns and tactics. Architecture patterns describe the high-level structure and behavior of software systems as the solution to multiple system requirements, whereas tactics are design decisions that improve individual quality attribute concerns. Tactics that are implemented in existing architectures can have significant impact on the architecture patterns in the system. Similarly, tactics that are selected during initial architecture design significantly impact the architecture of the system to be designed: which patterns to use, and how they must be changed to accommodate the tactics. However, little is understood about how patterns and tactics interact. In this paper, we develop a model for the interaction of patterns and tactics that enables software architects to annotate architecture diagrams with information about the tactics used and their impact on the overall structure. This model is based on our in-depth analysis of the types of interactions involved, and we show several examples of how the model can be used to annotate different kinds of architecture diagrams. We illustrate the model and annotation by showing examples taken from real systems, and describe how the annotation was used in architecture reviews. Tactics and patterns are known architectural concepts; this work provides more specific and in-depth understanding of how they interact. Its other key contribution is that it explores the larger problem of understanding the relation between strategic decisions and how they need to be tailored in light of more tactical decisions.  相似文献   

Software performance is an important non-functional quality attribute and software performance evaluation is an essential activity in the software development process. Especially in embedded real-time systems, software design and evaluation are driven by the needs to optimize the limited resources, to respect time deadlines and, at the same time, to produce the best experience for end-users. Software product family architectures add additional requirements to the evaluation process. In this case, the evaluation includes the analysis of the optimizations and tradeoffs for the whole products in the family. Performance evaluation of software product family architectures requires knowledge and a clear understanding of different domains: software architecture assessments, software performance and software product family architecture. We have used a scenario-driven approach to evaluate performance and dynamic memory management efficiency in one Nokia software product family architecture. In this paper we present two case studies. Furthermore, we discuss the implications and tradeoffs of software performance against evolvability and maintenability in software product family architectures.  相似文献   

Software architecture documentation helps people in understanding the software architecture of a system. In practice, software architectures are often documented after the fact, i.e. they are maintained or created after most of the design decisions have been made and implemented. To keep the architecture documentation up-to-date an architect needs to recover and describe these decisions.This paper presents ADDRA, an approach an architect can use for recovering architectural design decisions after the fact. ADDRA uses architectural deltas to provide the architect with clues about these design decisions. This allows the architect to systematically recover and document relevant architectural design decisions. The recovered architectural design decisions improve the documentation of the architecture, which increases traceability, communication, and general understanding of a system.  相似文献   

面向软件体系结构和Agent联邦的软件系统合成   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提出面向软件体系结构和多Agent联邦技术的大型软件系统设计与合成方法,可以有效地利用多Agent联邦技术为软件体系结构的设计到软件系统的实际开发提供一种从抽象到具体的平滑过渡手段。  相似文献   

软件体系结构评估技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张莉  高晖  王守信 《软件学报》2008,19(6):1328-1339
作为在软件生命周期早期保障软件质量的重要手段之一,软件体系结构评估技术是软件体系结构研究中的一个重要组成部分.将现有的软件体系结构评估方法划分为3类:基于场景的评估方法、基于度量和预测的评估方法以及特定软件体系结构描述语言的评估方法.按照软件体系结构评估技术的评价框架,分别从评估方法的目标、质量属性、关键技术等方面对这3类方法的特点进行介绍和对比.最后分析了现有研究中存在的不足并进一步探讨了软件体系结构评估技术的研究趋势.  相似文献   

Software architecture specifications are used for many different purposes, such as documenting architectural decisions, predicting architectural qualities before the system is implemented, and guiding the design and coding process. In these contexts, assessing the architectural model as early as possible becomes a relevant challenge. Various analysis techniques have been proposed for testing, model checking, and evaluating performance based on architectural models. Among them, model checking is an exhaustive and automatic verification technique, used to verify whether an architectural specification conforms to expected properties. While model checking is being extensively applied to software architectures, little work has been done to comprehensively enumerate and classify these different techniques.The goal of this paper is to investigate the state-of-the-art in model checking software architectures. For this purpose, we first define the main activities in a model checking software architecture process. Then, we define a classification and comparison framework and compare model checking software architecture techniques according to it.  相似文献   

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