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Discovering branching and fractional dependencies in databases   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The discovery of dependencies between attributes in databases is an important problem in data mining, and can be applied to facilitate future decision-making. In the present paper some properties of the branching dependencies are examined. We define a minimal branching dependency and we propose an algorithm for finding all minimal branching dependencies between a given set of attributes and a given attribute in a relation of a database. Our examination of the branching dependencies is motivated by their application in a database storing realized sales of products. For example, finding out that arbitrary p products have totally attracted at most q new users can prove to be crucial in supporting the decision making.In addition, we also consider the fractional and the fractional branching dependencies. Some properties of these dependencies are examined. An algorithm for finding all fractional dependencies between a given set of attributes and a given attribute in a database relation is proposed. We examine the general case of an arbitrary relation, as well as a particular case where the problem of discovering the fractional dependencies is considerably simplified.  相似文献   

聚类算法能从空间数据库中直接发现一些有意义的聚类结构而不需要背景知识,是空间数据发掘和知识发现的重要手段。在分析已有聚类算法的基础上,提出了一种基于数学形态学的聚类算法,该算法能够处理任意形状的聚类,采用启发式方法自动确定最优聚类数。同时,该算法也可以在矢量型空间数据库中得到实现。试验表明算法是可行和有效的,且能处理存在噪音的数据。  相似文献   

Graphs are increasingly becoming a vital source of information within which a great deal of semantics is embedded. As the size of available graphs increases, our ability to arrive at the embedded semantics grows into a much more complicated task. One form of important hidden semantics is that which is embedded in the edges of directed graphs. Citation graphs serve as a good example in this context. This paper attempts to understand temporal aspects in publication trends through citation graphs, by identifying patterns in the subject matters of scientific publications using an efficient, vertical association rule mining model. Such patterns can (a) indicate subject-matter evolutionary history, (b) highlight subject-matter future extensions, and (c) give insights on the potential effects of current research on future research. We highlight our major differences with previous work in the areas of graph mining, citation mining, and Web-structure mining, propose an efficient vertical data representation model, introduce a new subjective interestingness measure for evaluating patterns with a special focus on those patterns that signify strong associations between properties of cited papers and citing papers, and present an efficient algorithm for the purpose of discovering rules of interest followed by a detailed experimental analysis. Imad Rahal is a newly appointed assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the College of Saint Benedict ∣ Saint John's University, Collegeville, MN, and a Ph.D. candidate at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. In August 2003, he earned his master's degree in computer science from North Dakota State University. Prior to that, he graduated summa cum laude from the Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon, in February 2001 with a bachelor's degree in computer science. Currently, he is completing the final requirements for his Ph.D. degree in computer science on an NSF ND-EPSCoR doctoral dissertation assistantship with August of 2005 as a projected completion date. He is very active in research, proposal writing, and publications; his research interests are largely in the broad areas of data mining, machine learning, databases, artificial intelligence, and bioinformatics. Dongmei Ren is working for the Database Technology Institute for z/OS, IBM Silicon Valley Lab, San Jose, CA, as a staff software engineer. She holds a Ph.D. degree from North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, and master's and bachelor's degrees from TianJin University, TianJin, China. She has been a software engineer at DaTang Telecommunications, Beijing, China. Her areas of expertise are outlier analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery, database systems, machine learning, intelligent systems, wireless networks and bioinformatics. She has been awarded the Siemens Scholarship research enhancement for excellent performance in study and research. She is a member of ACM, IEEE. Weihua Wu is a network monitoring & managed services analyst at Hewlett-Packard Co. in Canada. He holds a master's degree from North Dakota State University and a bachelor's degree from Nanjing University, both in computer science. His research areas of interest include data mining, knowledge discovery, data warehousing, information technology, network security, and bioinformatics. He has participated in various projects supported by NSF, DARPA, NASA, USDA, and GSA grants. Anne Denton is an assistant professor in computer science at North Dakota State University. Her research interests are in data mining, knowledge discovery in scientific data, and bioinformatics. Specific interests include data mining of diverse data, in which objects are characterized by a variety of properties such as numerical and categorical attributes, graphs, sequences, time-dependent attributes, and others. She received her Ph.D. in physics from the University of Mainz, Germany, and her M.S. in computer science from North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. Christopher Besemann received his M.Sc. in computer science from North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND, 2005. Currently, he works in data mining research topics including association mining and relational data mining with recent work in model integration as a research assistant. He is accepted under a fellowship program for Ph.D. study at North Dakota State University. William Perrizo is a professor of computer science at North Dakota State University. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota, a master's degree from the University of Wisconsin and a bachelor's degree from St. John's University. He has been a research scientist at the IBM Advanced Business Systems Division and the U.S. Air Force Electronic Systems Division. His areas of expertise are data mining, knowledge discovery, database systems, distributed database systems, high speed computer and communications networks, precision agriculture and bioinformatics. He is a member of ISCA, ACM, IEEE, IAAA, and AAAS.  相似文献   

Accurate planning of produced quantities is a challenging task in semiconductor industry where the percentage of good parts (measured by yield) is affected by multiple factors. However, conventional data mining methods that are designed and tuned on “well-behaved” data tend to produce a large number of complex and hardly useful patterns when applied to manufacturing databases. This paper presents a novel, perception-based method, called Automated Perceptions Network (APN), for automated construction of compact and interpretable models from highly noisy data sets. We evaluate the method on yield data of two semiconductor products and describe possible directions for the future use of automated perceptions in data mining and knowledge discovery.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a novel framework, called Monitoring Vehicle Outliers based on a Clustering technique (MVOC), for monitoring vehicle outliers caused by complex vehicle states. The vehicle outlier monitoring is a method to continuously check the current vehicle conditions. Most of previous monitoring methods have conducted simple operations depending on uncomplicated analyses or expected lifetimes in regard to vehicle components. However, many serious vehicle outliers such as turning off during a drive result from the complex vehicle states influenced by correlated components. The proposed method monitors the current vehicle conditions based on not simple components like the previous methods but more complex and various vehicle states using a clustering technique. We perform vehicle data clustering and then analyze the generated clusters with information of vehicle outliers caused by complex correlations of vehicle components. Thus, we can learn vehicle information in more detail. To facilitate MVOC, we also propose related techniques such as sampling cluster data with representative attributes and deciding cluster characteristics on the basis of relations between vehicle data and states. Then, we demonstrate the performance of our approach in terms of monitoring vehicle outliers on the basis of real complex correlations between outliers and vehicle data through various experiments. Experimental results show that the proposed method can not only monitor the complex outliers by predicting their occurrence possibilities in advance but also outperform a standard technique. Moreover, we present statistical significance of the results through significance tests.  相似文献   

基于波动特征的时间序列数据挖掘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对相似度搜索是时间序列数据挖掘的基础,构造鲁棒的动态时间弯曲距离是相似性研究的关键,考虑时间序列特征点的重要意义,引入一种时间序列波动点的抽取方法,采用二叉特征树结构对原序列进行再表达.该方法既提取了序列整体趋势信息,又有效约减了数据维数.对多个数据集的层次聚类实验表明,在保证较高准确率情况下,该方法显著提高了DTW的计算效率.  相似文献   

聚类算法在电信行业交叉销售中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜鑫  李义杰  刘明依 《计算机仿真》2009,26(9):261-263,284
随着电信行业自由化和私有化进程的加快,电信业正逐步从行业垄断转变为行业竞争,面对电信市场的日趋饱和,如何提高企业自身的竞争力,挽留住现有客户、并最大化行业价值成为电信企业急待解决的问题。采用聚类分析算法中的K-means划分方法对现有客户细分分群,结合CRM中的交叉销售营销策略建立了交叉销售模型。模型的建立为电信行业交叉销售的实施提供具有可行性的技术支持,在理论研究和工程实践都具有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article presents a new rule discovery algorithm named PLCG that can find simple, robust partial rule models (sets of classification rules) in complex data where it is difficult or impossible to find models that completely account for all the phenomena of interest. Technically speaking, PLCG is an ensemble learning method that learns multiple models via some standard rule learning algorithm, and then combines these into one final rule set via clustering, generalization, and heuristic rule selection. The algorithm was developed in the context of an interdisciplinary research project that aims at discovering fundamental principles of expressive music performance from large amounts of complex real-world data (specifically, measurements of actual performances by concert pianists). It will be shown that PLCG succeeds in finding some surprisingly simple and robust performance principles, some of which represent truly novel and musically meaningful discoveries. A set of more systematic experiments shows that PLCG usually discovers significantly simpler theories than more direct approaches to rule learning (including the state-of-the-art learning algorithm Ripper), while striking a compromise between coverage and precision. The experiments also show how easy it is to use PLCG as a meta-learning strategy to explore different parts of the space of rule models.  相似文献   

This paper contributes a method for combining sparse parallel graph algorithms with dense parallel linear algebra algorithms in order to understand dynamic graphs including the temporal behavior of vertices. Our method is the first to cluster vertices in a dynamic graph based on arbitrary temporal behaviors. In order to successfully implement this method, we develop a feature based pipeline for dynamic graphs and apply Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) to these features. We demonstrate these steps with a sample of the Twitter mentions graph as well as a CAIDA network traffic graph. We contribute and analyze a parallel NMF algorithm presenting both theoretical and empirical studies of performance. This work can be leveraged by graph/network analysts to understand the temporal behavior cluster structure and segmentation structure of dynamic graphs.  相似文献   

The popularity of many social media sites has prompted both academic and practical research on the possibility of mining social media data for the analysis of public sentiment. Studies have suggested that public emotions shown through Twitter could be well correlated with the Dow Jones Industrial Average. However, it remains unclear how public sentiment, as reflected on social media, can be used to predict stock price movement of a particular publicly-listed company. In this study, we attempt to fill this research void by proposing a technique, called SMeDA-SA, to mine Twitter data for sentiment analysis and then predict the stock movement of specific listed companies. For the purpose of experimentation, we collected 200 million tweets that mentioned one or more of 30 companies that were listed in NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange. SMeDA-SA performs its task by first extracting ambiguous textual messages from these tweets to create a list of words that reflects public sentiment. SMeDA-SA then made use of a data mining algorithm to expand the word list by adding emotional phrases so as to better classify sentiments in the tweets. With SMeDA-SA, we discover that the stock movement of many companies can be predicted rather accurately with an average accuracy over 70%. This paper describes how SMeDA-SA can be used to mine social media date for sentiments. It also presents the key implications of our study.  相似文献   

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