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针对化工过程中分子量分布的跟踪控制问题, 提出了一种简单的广义状态反馈控制方法, 实现给定分子量分布的跟踪. 该方法充分利用复合动态支持向量机模型, 实现分子量分布函数在时间域和空间域上的分离, 从而将分布函数的跟踪问题转化为动态权值向量的时间域跟踪问题, 并设计了状态反馈与积分器相结合的控制结构, 采用线性矩阵不等式技术对闭环系统稳定性和跟踪性能进行分析. 仿真结果表明该方法的可行性.  相似文献   

针对一类含有限能量未知扰动的随机动态系统,研究基于随机分布函数的有限时间控制问题.通过B样条逼近建立了输出概率密度函数(PDF)与权值之间的对应关系,利用线性矩阵不等式,给出了基于观测器的PDF有限时间控制器的参数化设计方法.采用该方法设计的控制器,可使系统对所有满足条件的未知扰动是随机有限时间有界和随机有限时间镇定的.仿真实例验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

一种输出预报式PI方法及其在精密控温中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
输出预报式PI控制是一种适用于工业过程的新型控制方法.介绍了预报式PI控制及 输出预报式PI控制的原理.提出了一种基于输出信号B样条分析的新型输出预报式PI方法, 该方法应用三次B样条函数分析离散形式的曲线,并进行被控过程的输出预报,以预报值作 为PI控制的依据.给出了以管式炉和恒温槽为控制对象的仿真计算及实际应用结果.方法简 单可靠,易于工程应用,适用于以温控为代表的缓变控制对象.  相似文献   

输出概率密度函数鲁棒弹性最优跟踪控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了一类随机动态系统的鲁棒弹性最优跟踪控制问题。在采用B样条神经网络模型逼近随机动态系统的输出概率密度函数(PDF)的基础上,同时考虑系统模型和控制器增益不确定性,结合Lyapunov稳定性理论和线性矩阵不等式(LMI)技术,引入增广控制作用,设计基于广义状态反馈的鲁棒弹性最优跟踪控制器,目的是使系统的输出PDF跟踪给定PDF。通过求解LMI,所得控制器不仅能实现跟踪目的,而且能确保该随机动态系统全局稳定并满足一定的线性二次型性能指标上界。仿真结果表明该方法简单易行,且无需任何设计参数调整。  相似文献   

基于LMI的参数随机变化系统的概率密度函数控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈海永  王宏 《自动化学报》2007,33(11):1216-1220
针对模型参数在有界区域内随机变化的系统, 基于平方根 B 样条模型, 提出了输出概率密度函数 (Probability density function, PDF) 跟踪控制策略. 目标是控制系统输出的概率密度函数跟踪给定的概率密度函数. 通过 B 样条逼近建立了输出 PDF 和权值之间的对应关系, 把 PDF 的跟踪转化为权值的跟踪, 同时系统转化为 MIMO 系统,从而权值向量的跟踪就转化为 MIMO 系统的跟踪问题, 接着给出了系统输出概率密度函数跟踪给定概率密度函数的控制器存在的充分条件, 通过求解线性矩阵不等式完成状态反馈和输出反馈跟踪控制器的设计, 得到了系统具有 Hinfinity 范数界 Gamma 鲁棒镇定的结果. 仿真结果表明本文提出的控制算法是有效的.  相似文献   

针对广义预测控制(GPC)算法需要在线递推求解Diophantine方程及矩阵求逆等计算量大的缺陷,本文对参数未知非线性系统提出一种RBF网络的直接广义预测控制方法。该方法首先将非线性系统转化为时变线性系统,然后用三次样条基函数逼近系统广义误差中的时变系数,并基于广义误差估计值对控制器参数即网络权值和广义误差估计值中的未知向量进行自适应调整,然后利用RBF网络来逼近控制增量表达式。  相似文献   

针对视觉跟踪中粒子滤波算法的建议性分布函数选择问题,提出一种目标轮廓跟踪的高斯厄米特粒子滤波算法(GHPF).该算法采用B样条曲线描述目标轮廓,建立目标运动模型.利用高斯厄米特滤波器产生建议性分布函数,通过实时融入最新的观测数据来逼近系统状态的后验概率,提高了滤波估计的精度.实验仿真结果验证了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于泡沫尺寸随机分布的铜粗选药剂量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了稳定铜粗选选矿指标,提高矿产资源的利用水平, 根据铜粗选过程中泡沫尺寸分布随药剂量改变而动态变化的特点, 提出一种基于泡沫尺寸随机分布的铜粗选过程药剂量控制方法.首先, 针对泡沫尺寸分布具有非高斯统计特性, 基于方差和均值的统计参量难以表征该分布形态变化的问题, 提出了B样条估计方法以描述泡沫尺寸的概率密度函数(Probability density function, PDF); 然后, 针对B 样条权值相互关联的特点, 建立多输出最小二乘支持向量机模型(Multi-output least square support vector machine, MLS-SVM)以表征权值和药剂量的动态关系; 最后, 为减少系统的随机性, 采用基于熵的优化算法以确定药剂量, 实现对给定泡沫尺寸分布的跟踪控制.工业数据仿真验证了所提方法的有效性, 能有效稳定铜粗浮选的生产指标.  相似文献   

针对欠驱动船舶在稳定航速条件下轨迹跟踪问题,提出了一种基于自适应神经网络与反步法相结合的控制算法.该算法将实际的欠驱动船舶视为模型完全未知的非线性系统,利用神经网络的函数逼近特性实现控制器中非线性部分的在线估计,采用同时调整输入层-隐层、隐层-输出层间的权值阵的方法进行神经网络权值调整.通过选取积分型Lyapunov函数证明了闭环系统的稳定性.仿真实验表明该控制策略具有良好的跟踪特性,可以实现对期望航迹的精确跟踪.  相似文献   

在对感应电机效率优化问题进行研究的基础上,考虑到传统方法在电机动态时无法同时兼顾响应性能和效率优化的缺陷,设计了一种新型分数阶PI(FOPI)预测函数控制策略.该控制策略将预测函数控制和分数阶PI两种算法相结合,构建具有分数阶比例、积分性质的多变量预测函数控制器,兼顾了感应电机动态效率与转速响应速度的优点.应用于电动机效率优化的最大转矩电流比控制方面,采用前馈补偿解耦设计的思路,将系统分解成两个具有可测扰动的子系统.仿真实验表明新型控制策略具有在线识别模型识别模型参数,跟踪效果好,抗干扰能力强,无超调,稳态误差小,取得了良好的控制效果.  相似文献   

Layered neural networks are used in a nonlinear self-tuning adaptive control problem. The plant is an unknown feedback-linearizable discrete-time system, represented by an input-output model. To derive the linearizing-stabilizing feedback control, a (possibly nonminimal) state-space model of the plant is obtained. This model is used to define the zero dynamics, which are assumed to be stable, i.e., the system is assumed to be minimum phase. A linearizing feedback control is derived in terms of some unknown nonlinear functions. A layered neural network is used to model the unknown system and generate the feedback control. Based on the error between the plant output and the model output, the weights of the neural network are updated. A local convergence result is given. The result says that, for any bounded initial conditions of the plant, if the neural network model contains enough number of nonlinear hidden neurons and if the initial guess of the network weights is sufficiently close to the correct weights, then the tracking error between the plant output and the reference command will converge to a bounded ball, whose size is determined by a dead-zone nonlinearity. Computer simulations verify the theoretical result  相似文献   

The paper studies the design and analysis of a neural adaptive control strategy for a class of square nonlinear bioprocesses with incompletely known and time-varying dynamics. In fact, an adaptive controller based on a dynamical neural network used as a model of the unknown plant is developed. The neural controller design is achieved by using an input–output feedback linearization technique. The adaptation laws of neural network weights are derived from a Lyapunov stability property of the closed-loop system. The convergence of the system tracking error to zero is guaranteed without the need of network weights convergence. The resulted control method is applied in a depollution control problem in the case of a wastewater treatment bioprocess, belonging to the square nonlinear class, for which kinetic dynamics are strongly nonlinear, time varying and not exactly known.  相似文献   

对于网络控制系统中一般的动态输出反馈控制问题,应用延迟量子化和增广对象向量方法建立离散时间Markov跳变系统模型,并给出稳定化控制器的设计算法和倒立摆上的仿真计算.由于应用延迟量子化方法,所建立的模型和给出的设计方法也能用于求解具有常分布律的随机延迟的动态输出反馈控制问题.  相似文献   

基于进化策略的动态递归神经网络建模与辨识   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
提出一种采用进化策略实现动态递归神经网络结构、权重和自反馈增益同时进化的学习算法,以及自适应进化机制,与改进BP6算法相结合,各取所长,形成集成化动态递归神经网络建模辨识算法,实际应用结果表明,所提出算法不仅明显提高了动态递是 网络模型辨识自救的收敛速度格精度,而且实现了动态递归网络的全自动优化设计。  相似文献   

Based on human psychological cognitive behavior, a Comprehensive and Adaptive Trust (CAT) model for large-scale P2P networks is proposed. Firstly, an adaptive trusted decision-making method based on HEW (Historical Evidences Window) is proposed, which can not only reduce the risk and improve system efficiency, but also solve the trust forecasting problem when the direct evidences are insufficient. Then, direct trust computing method based on IOWA (Induced Ordered Weighted Averaging) operator and feedback trust converging mechanism based on DTT (Direct Trust Tree) are set up, which makes the model have a better scalability than previous studies. At the same time, two new parameters, confidence factor and feedback factor, are introduced to assign the weights to direct trust and feedback trust adaptively, which overcomes the shortage of traditional method, in which the weights are assigned by subjective ways. Simulation results show that, compared to the existing approaches, the proposed model has remarkable enhancements in the accuracy of trust decision-making and has a better dynamic adaptation capability in handling various dynamic behaviors of peers.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Optimization problems arise in a broad variety of scientific and engineering applica- tions. For many practice engineering applications problems, the real-time solutions of optimization problems are mostly required. One possible and very pr…  相似文献   

Although optimal regulation problem has been well studied, resolving optimal tracking control via adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) has not been completely resolved, particularly for nonlinear uncertain systems. In this paper, an online adaptive learning method is developed to realize the optimal tracking control design for nonlinear motor driven systems (NMDSs), which adopts the concept of ADP, unknown system dynamic estimator (USDE), and prescribed performance function (PPF). To this end, the USDE in a simple form is first proposed to address the NMDSs with bounded disturbances. Then, based on the estimated unknown dynamics, we define an optimal cost function and derive the optimal tracking control. The derived optimal tracking control is divided into two parts, that is, steady-state control and optimal feedback control. The steady-state control can be obtained with the tracking commands directly. The optimal feedback control can be obtained via the concept of ADP based on the PPF; this contributes to improving the convergence of critic neural network (CNN) weights and tracking accuracy of NMDSs. Simulations are provided to display the feasibility of the designed control method.  相似文献   

本文研究了深空环境下三星库仑编队构型重构控制问题.首先考虑外界环境干扰作用(主要以太阳光压为主)和德拜效应影响,推导出精确的三星库仑编队动力学方程.针对库仑编队动力学特性和太阳光压对于编队任务控制精度的影响,设计基于BP神经网络的PID控制方法.PID控制结构简单,稳定性好,BP神经网络具有超强的自主学习和非线性逼近干扰能力,二者有机结合,通过BP神经网络输出最优的PID控制参数组合,改变卫星所带电荷从而改变卫星之间库仑力大小,使编队渐近稳定并按期望距离和构型飞行.仿真结果表明基于BP神经网络PID控制性能明显优于传统PID控制,大大提高了编队控制精度和系统对于外界干扰的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

The problem of the system robustness subject to physical constraints and mismatched fault reconstruction is discussed in this paper. In order to facilitate the design, a four-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system model was selected for research. First, the control allocation model of the nonlinear UAV system with disturbances is shown in the paper. Secondly, a weighted pseudo-inverse method based on adaptive weights is proposed, which reduces the impact of physical constraints on the system. After that, a dynamic weight control allocation method based on the fault efficiency matrix is designed. The weight matrix can dynamically adjust the control distribution law according to the fault estimation value provided by the observer. Then, a dynamic adaptive control allocation method for faults and physical constraints is carried out by combining adaptive weights and dynamic weights. Finally, a simulation example is presented to further illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithm proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

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