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简要综述并行计算的思想,并对分布式内存结构和共享式内存结构两种结构的特点进行比较。叙述如何应用OpenMP和MPI进行混合编程,以及相应的混合编程模型。通过一个实例,针对多核CPU组成的SMP构架的集群,实现OpenMP和MPI混合编程的性能对比和结论分析。  相似文献   

基于SMP集群的MPI+OpenMP混合编程模型研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
讨论了MPI+OpenMP混合编程模型的特点及其实现方法。建立了对拉普拉斯偏微分方程求解的混合并行算法,并在HL-2A高性能计算系统上同纯MPI算法作了性能方面的比较。结果表明,该混合并行算法具有更好的扩展性和加速比。  相似文献   

针对对称逐步超松驰预处理共轭梯度(Symmetric Successive Over Relaxation Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient,SSOR-PCG)法并行化时每步迭代都要并行求解2个三角方程组的困难,采用多色排序技术提高并行度,基于MPI+OpenMP混合编程模型开发适合于分布共享内存计算机的并行程序,通过测试选择有效的MPI通信函数,并给出3种避免共享数据竞争的措施,供不同规模问题和不同内存容量计算机情况选用.  相似文献   

网格生成是计算流体力学中非常重要的一环,大规模数值模拟过程中对网格精度要求的提高会导致网格生成所耗的时间增加。文中基于OpenFoam开源软件中的网格生成算法,主要研究多面体网格的并行生成,并提出OpenMP和MPI混合并行的多面体网格生成方法。通过理论分析得到,使用混合并行方法生成相同质量的网格时,混合并行方法生成网格的时间消耗随着线程数量和网格单元数量的增加而减少。3组使用不同求解器的数值模拟实验结果表明,该混合并行方法不但可以保证生成网格的质量——可以正常进行数值计算模拟且模拟结果与原方法相比几乎没有差别,而且生成同样质量与数量网格的耗时最多可以缩短至未使用OpenMP并行方法之耗时的1/4以内。  相似文献   

本文阐述了MPI和OpenMP的编程模式,并在此基础上利用MPI和OpenMP混合并行的方式,即:在节点内应用OpenMP共享存储、在节点间应用MPI进行消息传递的模式,对我国自行研发的数值天气预报系统GRAPES(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction Syste)进行测试,。结果表明,混合并行算法比原来的单纯的MPI模式有更加理想的并行效率和加速比。  相似文献   

针对当前搭建集群并行系统复杂且耗时等问题,提出基于Docker搭建并行系统。介绍轻量级虚拟化技术Docker的核心概念和基本架构,并基于Docker技术在Linux平台上搭建集群并行开发环境。简要阐述并行计算的思想,叙述MPI和OpenMP并行计算的基本概念和特点,针对矩阵并行乘法的算法建立MPI和OpenMP的混合编程模型,并给出混合编程模型与MPI并行编程模型以及OpenMP并行编程模型的性能对比,分析出现差异的原因。基于该混合编程模型比较Docker与传统物理机两者搭建的并行系统的并行效率。  相似文献   

差分方法是求解偏微分方程的最主要工具之一,并行求解差分方程可以快速解决工程问题。研究了基于MPI与OpenMP混合的并行计算方法 ,基于该方法测试了稳态传热问题的计算,结果表明,混合并行模式对于提高计算速度有加大的帮助。  相似文献   

针对多核机群系统的硬件体系结构特点,提出了节点间MPI消息传递、节点内部OpenMP共享存储的混合并行编程技术。该编程模型结合了两者的优点,更为有效地利用了多核机群的硬件资源。建立了单层混合并行的Jacobi求对称矩阵特征值算法。实验结果表明,与纯MPI算法相比,混合并行算法能够取得更好的加速比。  相似文献   

为了提高分子动力学模拟在对称多处理(SMP)集群上的计算速度,在分子动力学并行方法中引入MPI+TBB的混合并行编程模型。基于该模型,在分子动力学软件LAMMPS中设计并实现混合并行算法,在节点间采用MPI及空间分解技术实施进程级并行,节点内采用TBB及临界区技术实施线程级并行。在SMP集群中的测试表明,该方法在体系较大以及节点数较多时可以明显减少通信时间,使加速比在纯MPI模型上提高45%。结果表明,MPI+TBB混合并行编程模型可促进分子动力学并行模拟且效率明显提升。  相似文献   

The MPI interface is the de-facto standard for message passing applications, but it is also complex and defines several usage patterns as erroneous. A current trend is the investigation of hybrid programming techniques that use MPI processes and multiple threads per process. As a result, more and more MPI implementations support multi-threading, which are restricted by several rules of the MPI standard. In order to support developers of hybrid MPI applications, we present extensions to the MPI correctness checking tool Marmot. Basic extensions make it aware of OpenMP multi-threading, while further ones add new correctness checks. As a result, it is possible to detect errors that actually occur in a run with Marmot. However, some errors only occur for certain execution orders, thus, we present a novel approach using artificial data races, which allows us to employ thread checking tools, e.g., Intel Thread Checker, to detect MPI usage errors.  相似文献   

计算机集群技术已经引起了石油地球物理界的广泛关注,如何将现有地震数据处理模块快速、高效地移植到集群上已成为地震数据处理需要解决的重大课题。本文将现有的基于消息传递(MPI)的并行地震处理模型与共享存储(OpenMP)模型相结合,实现了一个适合于SMP集群的并行地震数据支撑库,将涉及到消息传递的并行地震数据操作以直观的API的形式提供给开发人员。本文利用支撑库提供的API开发了一些测试模块。实验证明,支撑库可支持现有地震数据处理和显示模块的多种并行计算模型,并且能够获得较高的并行加速比和计算效率。  相似文献   

普通Kriging方法是进行空间降水插值的一种有效方法。然而一方面由于海量数据插值计算量大,另一方面该算法的时间复杂度大,为减少空间降水插值的计算时间,采用OpenMP和MPI混合并行技术,实现Kriging并行算法。在Windows操作系统上搭建并行计算环境,实验数据表明,该并行算法能有效地节省计算时间。  相似文献   

When using a shared memory multiprocessor, the programmer faces the issue of selecting the portable programming model which will provide the best performance. Even if they restricts their choice to the standard programming environments (MPI and OpenMP), they have to select a programming approach among MPI and the variety of OpenMP programming styles. To help the programmer in their decision, we compare MPI with three OpenMP programming styles (loop level, loop level with large parallel sections, SPMD) using a subset of the NAS benchmark (CG, MG, FT, LU), two dataset sizes (A and B), and two shared memory multiprocessors (IBM SP3 NightHawk II, SGI Origin 3800). We have developed the first SPMD OpenMP version of the NAS benchmark and gathered other OpenMP versions from independent sources (PBN, SDSC and RWCP). Experimental results demonstrate that OpenMP provides competitive performance compared with MPI for a large set of experimental conditions. Not surprisingly, the two best OpenMP versions are those requiring the strongest programming effort. MPI still provides the best performance under some conditions. We present breakdowns of the execution times and measurements of hardware performance counters to explain the performance differences. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the scalability and performance of seven, simple OpenMP test programs and to compare their performance with equivalent MPI programs on an SGI Origin 2000. Data distribution directives were used to make sure that the OpenMP implementation had the same data distribution as the MPI implementation. For the matrix‐times‐vector (test 5) and the matrix‐times‐matrix (test 7) tests, the syntax allowed in OpenMP 1.1 does not allow OpenMP compilers to be able to generate efficient code since the reduction clause is not currently allowed for arrays. (This problem is corrected in OpenMP 2.0.) For the remaining five tests, the OpenMP version performed and scaled significantly better than the corresponding MPI implementation, except for the right shift test (test 2) for a small message. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为有效监控红外弱小目标运动的全过程,必须采用多个波段同时探测,但是多波段探测必然带来计算时间的大幅增长,无法满足实际应用中对目标检测实时性的要求。针对这一问题,本文提出一种基于MPI+OpenMP的层次化并行方法,充分利用消息传递模型和共享存储模型的优势,并基于多处理器节点集群进行测试。实验结果表明,该并行程序在保证相同的检测概率的情况下加速比达到8.61,极大地提高了目标检测的效率。  相似文献   

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